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Trouble Concentrates In Threes -- Geithner, Dodd & Blumenthal

Mike Biras

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Reuters Press reported January 8th that "two prominent U.S. lawmakers on Friday called for U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to testify to help determine if the New York Federal Reserve Bank improperly influenced insurer AIG to withhold  information on its payments to banks after a government bailout.


Yahoo Finance reported that "A growing chorus of lawmakers says Geithner must explain his involvement in deals that diverted billions from AIG's bailout to Goldman Sachs and other big banks.  The "New York Democrat and committee Chairman Edolphus Towns says the hearing will examine the rise and fall of AIG and its business partners.

What makes this so interesting is the involvement of Senator Dodd who protected the bonuses for AIG employees, Attorney General Blumenthal who issued subpoenas for the employees and Secretary Geithner who was, according to some accounts, advising AIG not to reveal their records.

What also makes it interesting is the involvement that all three, Senator Dodd, Secretary Geithner and Attorney General Blumenthal have an involvement with Nissan though Nissan broke U.S. laws and all three ignored it.

They did the following:  Secretary Geithner as President of the New York Federal Reserve did not turn Nissan down when it was the first company in line for $1.5 billion of TALF funds though Nissan had broken many federal laws when over 50 cars were retitled and their odometers were rolled back and put into commerce in sixteen states.  Remember, these TALF funds come from the U.S. and our taxpayers to help a foreign car company compete against our American auto industry.

When a company accepts federal, state, county or city funds they sign an agreement that they will comply with all their laws and regulations.  Deliberately breaking the titling laws which is a securities violation is a threat to one of potentially largest industries in the U.S., the auto industry, with one quarter billion registered vehicles and autos today according to the Detroit News.

Bloomberg Press reported that the Fed's TALF lending program starts with Nissan Debt.  It also reported that "Tokyo-based Nissan sold more than $3 billion of debt backed by auto loans last year". 

Senator Dodd originally when receiving information about Nissan breaking the title and odometer laws and the full extent of their frauds did nothing to make sure our laws were observed.  In addition, Attorney General Blumenthal with investigators turning in the information on a crime which also included a RICO case with the number did nothing.

This case must be heard before Congress because it is tied up with Nissan receiving federal and state funds though they broke many Federal laws with impunity.  Their attorney, on company letterhead, said "this is standard procedure" when he referred to retitling the cars and rolling back the odometers.  Other law enforcement officials are horrified to have this ignored as were American auto executives.

Auto sales in America have been hard hit and yet our Federal government is helping finance foreign automakers ignoring our National Defense Industry, the American auto industry.  Reuters Press March 18, 2009 stated "The pressure on automakers has increased in recent months with the tightening in the credit markets and the deepening of the recession.  Auto sales are running at the lowest monthly rates in 27 years with few signs of a recovery.

Mr. Geithner's ignoring of Nissan breaking the law and receiving so much money in taxpayers’ funds through abatements for their plants should have been examined.  Nissan also went to the U.S. Department of Energy and picked up another $1.5 billion for a clean fuel car. 

We should fully examine how much federal money is going out to finance foreign automakers.  The American people should be supportive of the U.S. industry instead of a broadcaster stating the American people were angry that the American companies accepted federal funds.

I ask you, to reconsider who takes federal funds for their automobiles?  Nissan, a foreign company, has their hand out constantly for American taxpayers money for TALF, Energy Department's Clean Fuel Funds, HUD money (75% of Mississippi's HUD funds for two years), withholding money from the school children of Mississippi by now paying their fair share of funds (only 30% of what they owe in ad valorem taxes), this also includes their suppliers who have the same deal.

The American people need to thoroughly look at the "free ride" that Nissan and other Japanese car companies are getting at the expense of the American people.

This hearing on Geithner is the opening round of setting the record straight and should also include the Attorney General of CT for what he is doing with AIG and what he has not done with Nissan.

It is time to open up the record and investigate what has happened to disenfranchise the American people on this issue. Nissan took land from blacks who owned their property for 160 years, renamed the roads, moved the cemetery and took the steeple off a church for business purposes with the intention of bulldozing it later.  All of these actions are offensive and harmful to a community, particularly when the company receives the land free. 

All of the abatements are given to Nissan in Mississippi with the intention of the avoidance of paying the state taxes (and it is so stated in the contract with the state.)

Just as other voters I know believe, I want to know who is influencing the government and ignoring American laws.  Who is taking lands and homes away from Americans.  Our American jobs and the future of young Americans depend on protecting the future by following the laws.

Mike Biras