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I Put My Money on GM and Detroit They Know How to Play the Game

Mike Biras

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The nation's Capitol newspapers carry interesting stories that are sometimes unexpectedly linked to other news reports.  A Washington Times article, "Detroit rolls out red carpet for new era of autos." is about the Detroit Auto show. This piece described how 6,000 journalists and at least 55 company exhibitors from around the world "are returning to Motor City with tepid optimism."  The article refers to America's Big Three auto makers, Ford Motor Co, General Motors and Chrysler LLC.

My reaction to this in combination with the report from the news broadcaster which is mentioned further down in the story is "enough is enough".  It is time to give credit to the Big Three and our auto industry and that we identify who is putting out the negative stories, the Japanese so they can boost their own companies, particularly Nissan and Toyota. 

While they point out that GM and Chrysler went through bankruptcy and the American public is ticked off at them for doing that, the reporters are forgetting to tell you what the Japanese companies have done in addition to subsidizing them with our American taxpayers money against our American companies.   One company, Nissan, perpetrated multiple frauds against the U.S. laws and their attorney claimed on company letterhead "it is standard procedure".  The other company, Toyota is suffering from rollovers in their cars and a recall of 4 million cars because the gas gets stuck and people have died as a result of it.

The innuendo and negative comments about the American auto makers must stop.  This is America's show in Detroit, and the foreign companies must be well mannered to participate instead of casting remarks which are not true about American auto products and our executives.

The nightly news in Washington featured the sales for Americans cars and the Japanese companies who were supposedly outshining the American car manufacturers.  The network broadcaster (who shall remain nameless because he should be ashamed of himself) reported that sales of Fords were up and both GM and Chryslers were down because they took government money instead of going bankrupt without help.

What is wrong with that report?  First, GM was the largest car manufacturer in the world and if we took it totally out of business at one time the anger toward the U.S. from countries with GM dealerships and plants would have been tremendous.  GM meant jobs to these people so some "simpleton" saying they should just have gone bankrupt did not understand what they were talking about nor the scope of the problem. 

Secondly, the U.S. would instantly have been without a car company to take over our National Security issues.  With Ford standing alone then the foreign car makers would have been targeting Ford Motor Company to either run it out of business or compromise it's independence.  Either way it would not have been a good situation. 

Three, Chrysler was not healthy but the people who owned it were working with the Japanese.  Remember Aozoro Bank had a large investment in Chrysler and members of the Chrysler Board also sat on the Board of the Japanese bank.  Either way we were handing over our National Security issues that the automobile manufacturers play for the U.S. to the Japanese because they already had a "foot-in-the-door" with Chrysler.

The thing to remember is the American auto industry has "always delivered" for the U.S.  They were our salvation in WWII coming through for the military, our government and the American people doing a magnificent job manufacturing ships, planes, tanks, guns, bullets and vehicles.  For those who were short sighted saying "let the car companies go bankrupt, don't help them" they are and were self-centered not showing their appreciation to the people, the industry and the "City of Detroit" who came through in the darkest hours of war" for this country.

In addition, they are exhibiting no understanding currently about the contribution of the auto industry to the creation of our economy and the contribution it makes to helping create the engineers and scientists needed for the economy and for that matter, the road system we have.

What the critics are also lacking is the understanding about the Japanese car companies and how they and their government are ripping off America and undermining the jobs and economy of the U.S. with their weakened yen payments to the Japanese companies.

What is positive in all this is "the changing of the guard" with the announcement that Senator Dodd's political life is over and he will not run again.  When he was presented years ago with how Nissan broke the laws with their frauds he did nothing.  Now the Attorney General of Ct., Blumenthal will run for the senator’s seat and he too, had the investigation on Nissan and the Rico case and file number and buried it and has always covered it up.  This is a perfect time for all this evidence to come out in a hearing and help the American automobile industry to expose how the Japanese are ripping off the U.S. with the espionage it is conducting.

My money is on GM and America, where is yours?

Mike Biras