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WHO Swine Flu Conspiracy Buys 'Expert' Scientists


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WHO Swine Flu Conspiracy Buys 'Expert' Scientists

Albert Osterhaus, a professor for virology at Erasmus University in The Netherlands, and a key advisor of WHO and EU, is under investigation for having concealed slush funds from pharmaceutical companies, according to Polskaweb.

Polskaweb reports a Dutch parliamentary committee of inquiry has been launched into the connection between the large sums of money paid by big pharma into Osterhaus' private bank accounts and his role in ratcheting up the swine flu scare to allow a pandemic level 6 declaration – something which, in turn, has allowed big pharma to reap huge profits through the sale of toxic pandemic vaccines.

Osterhaus also played a leading role in creating the bird flu scare by maintaining that he had proved that the bird flu virus could be transmitted to humans.

The bird flu alarmism resulted in health minister pushing through pandemic plans that strip people of their constitutional rights and also to profits of 100 million euros for Roche.

But Osterhaus appears to have financial links not just to Roche but also to GSK, Aventis and Baxter.

The Dutch investigation is being extended to health officials, politicans, doctors and journalists.

According to Polskaweb, big pharma has earned 40 billion dollars already from the swine flu scam.

By putting mercury and squalene into the swine flu jab, WHO and big pharma have shown, however, that their intention was to do more than just earn huge amounts of money by staging a fake pandemic using massaged data and skewed scientific evidence.

The dangerous ingredients in the jab prove that their intention was to cause damage and death.

Danish journalists have also looked at the role of Dr. Frederick Hayden, an advisor of WHO and in charge of the special strategic group (LEGEND) which in July floated the plan of giving every person in the world two doses of the swine flu jab.

Hayden is allegedly on the payroll of Roche, RW Johnson, SmithKline Beecham and Glaxo Wellcome.

Other "experts" who appear to be pushing junk science or even actively looking for virulent genes in the Swine Flu Gate, are John Oxford and Bruno Lina.

Both of these play leading roles in WHO and the EU.

As Climate Gate and now Swine Flu Gate show, the UN, WHO and EU are operating as criminal enterprises and they need to be called to account.