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Nissan To Be Held Accountable For Committing Securities Fraud

Mike Biras

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Nissan To Be Held Accountable For Committing Securities Fraud

What If?  The Issue of Securities Fraud,

Retitling Cars, and Rico Charges Were

Exposed upon Commission of the Crime?

The question asked in the title of the paper can be answered very simply.  Thank God this was not fully exposed at the time.

At the time of the commission of retitling the cars and committing the other infractions of American law, the automaker in question was riding relatively high with good car sales and a system of importing easily into the country. 

It was not too long after the Governor of Tennessee had hosted the Jetro and other Japanese associates of the car industry at a reception at the Governor's mansion.  They were busy establishing a business plan and a model political plan to move across the U.S. supposedly to help Japanese business become involved in politics.  Even the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was involved in developing this plan.

Though there was an air of exposing Japanese business for being aggressive with American business the U.S. government, including the White House was throwing out the welcome mat to them.  This was the time of Carla Hills as Trade Representative and both she and her husband spent time in Japan and were close friends of people high in the Japanese government.  In fact Ms. Hill's husband was the lawyer who took the case on dumping of televisions through Sears to the Supreme Court and won, thus breaking the U.S. television industry.

Though these events occurred before the company retitled the cars, the events contributed to making it easier for the company to mentally "thumb their nose" at the U.S. law.  The government had a commission paid for by U.S. taxpayer dollars where we sent a prominent American as a speaker on occasions to tell Americans that the Japanese were our friends.

When this issue occurred the "investor" regardless of how knowledgeable and forward thinking he was had a difficult time overcoming the feeling of good will toward the Japanese.  Regardless of what was said in trade agreements, the American government was working on behalf of the Japanese in every issue.

Today, the story is different.  The timing is much better because of the economic climate that exists in the United States.  In addition, the Japanese have personally scammed so many American businessmen and taken so much industry out of the country that there exists a knowledge of the duplicitous way the Japanese companies do business. 

Right now, the large Japanese car companies have been campaigning that they are indigenous to the U.S. and they have been here so long they are American.  None of which is true.

What will happen when this issue is exposed of deliberately breaking American laws, and continuing to take as much as they can from the American taxpayers?  Basically, the Japanese car industry has pointed fingers at the American auto industry that U.S. cars are no good.  They must improve the quality of the cars.  Remember when Cargos Ghosn was attempting t take over General Motors, bragging they would be asking him to run the company.  At that time, Nissan had 4 car models at the top of the Worst Car list in the United States.

While Americans were looking to where Ghosn was pointing there was no way to discover the truth about the Japanese industry.

What we do know now is the American people are very upset with losing important American companies.  General Motors, whether you drove a GM car or not, has been important to Americans.  Most citizens had at least a faint memory of how important the American auto industry was to our success in

World War II. Today is different.  People are questioning many issues including illegal immigrants, industries shipped out of the country and people having difficulty keeping a job.  The economy is accelerating everyone's anxiety.  Being an American who stands for the country is suddenly becoming more important. 

Today, the Nissan story of illegality on titling the cars, cheating an American in a business deal and using the American taxpayers’ money to make cars while receiving kick backs from the state of 4 percent of the taxes paid by Nissan employees will not set well with the public. 

Nor will paying only 1/3rd the ad valorem taxes due the school children--nor will being held harmless from all Environmental and hazardous materials.  The duplicitous and unlawful nature of the Japanese company will suddenly make them a pariah to society.  Had this issue been brought to fruition earlier it would have been in a friendlier climate for the Japanese.  Today, the Japanese will lose support which will take them years to rebuild.

The issue will help Americans to focus on what is good for the country and to "stand tall" for America demanding justice for being cheated.  This is the time to act!!!!