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From: F
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 12:55 PM
Subject: This email alert MUST be read. Please - it may save your life.
Banking and securities, Big Pharma, the federal government and even the AMA, the mafia owns it all.  Please read below.  It could save your health and even your life.


Subject: Allan, Vaccine-Induced Disease. Marketers Answer Call To Eliminate HFCS. How Did We Get Into The Current Healthcare Mess?

Health Freedom Alliance Alert: August 26, 2009
Keep the Health Freedom Alliance Healthy!
August 26, 2009

Vaccine-Induced Disease - 'They' Have Done It before, Are They Doing It again?

Girl trying to escape vaccination
What does the American Medical Association do when profits are down due to a happy and healthy population? They create a disease to cripple the American people and skyrocket their profits. This is exactly what happened during the onset of the Roaring Twenties.
The Advertiser's Protective Bureau, a citizen's watchdog group in Kansas City, Missouri, had successfully filed and prosecuted criminal charges against the Missouri chapter of the AMA, the Jackson Medical Society. These charges prove that this particular chapter conspired to create an epidemic as a means to boost profits in their area. The events that followed were horrifying.
An epidemic of smallpox was declared within the city (although evidence proves absolutely NO sign of an epidemic in the entire region, let alone Kansas City). A vaccination campaign was soon implemented, and, along with it, wide publicity. The Jackson Medical Society had manufactured posters, flyers, newspaper stories and ads the depicted graphic images of diseased children covered in smallpox. It was a blatant scare tactic with the message, "Vaccinate everyone." The propaganda proved successful, and all public school children in the area were vaccinated at school. As a result, hospitals were soon overflowing with smallpox cases. It caused the deaths of hundreds, the sickness of tens of thousands, and the permanent crippling of many. The Jackson Medical Society had done what they set out to do. They single handedly generated a vaccine induced disease, and raked in astronomical profits. While the innocent, and otherwise healthy, citizens were left crippled and dying by the wayside.
It has been proven since then that a vaccine induced disease (VID) is an extremely effective socio-economic tool. Billions of dollars in windfall profits can be made, while the entire social structure of a people can be changed, all in one fell swoop. Many other cases have been documented that follow the same course as the little-known smallpox atrocity of Kansas City. All of the key factors seem to be in place here to generate an epidemic through propagated fear and deadly vaccinations. The sudden arrival of the novel "swine flu" pandemic seems to be just in time for a new socio-economic restructuring.
Click here for more information >>>

If you are like most just looking for a better way to protect yourself and of course your kids, then you owe it to yourself to learn more about how you can use MMS with complete confidence. Providing you and your family with that extra measure of having the very best protection available and do it for pennies which is a fraction of the cost of Tamiflu and considerably less risky than experimental vaccines that will most likely not provide protections against an onslaught of generational mutations it may undergo by the time it emerges as a full-blown pandemic strain.
Regardless whether the storm comes or goes, this is a MUST to learn about and to have on hand in our uncertain age of contamination and pandemics.

MMS - Miracle Mineral Supplement

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MMS De-Mystified

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Easily Detox in a Few Days With MMS

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Protective effect of low-concentration chlorine dioxide (also known as MMS) gas against influenza A virus infection

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We've asked for a special discount on MMS for HFA members and now have a special coupon code (hfa) for members (Only available through this subscriber email link)! An additional 10% off their their already discounted pricing! Go here to stock up while you can at this price

Marketers Answer Call to Eliminate High-Fructose Corn Syrup

Say No To High Fructose Corn Syrup
Kraft Foods has recently removed high-fructose corn syrup from many of its most popular products. Kraft spokesman Basil Maglaris had said the company noticed that some consumers were interested in products without HFCS. He also said that the company is not out to get rid of HFCS altogether. Their Oreos line of food will still contain HFCS.
In addition to Kraft Foods, PepsiCo has launched their "throwback" lines of Pepsi and Mountain Dew. They are the traditional Pepsi and Mountain Dew, only without the use of HFCS, and placed in retro cans. They will be bringing them back on the market on Dec. 28th, due to the success of its initial introduction. Snapple has even gone so far as to reformulate its entire line of juices and teas to not contain HFCS.
These changes are not being done without opposition however. The Corn Refiners Association is fighting back with advertising campaigns and television commercials. They deliver messages such as "It has the same amount of calories as sugar, and it's fine in moderation." They are undoubtedly suffering from the recent gradual transition away from HFCS, having spent some $12 million in measured media in the first half of 2009 to attempt to remedy the public opinion of it.
Your efforts are paying off. There may eventually be a time where one will not have to look on the back of the box to see if their food contains harmful substances. And for those who aren't contacting their favorite brands, you now know how possible it is to incite a change in their ingredient choices. Everyone you know will benefit from your efforts.
Click here for more information >>>

How Did We Actually Get Into the Current Healthcare Mess?

Stethoscope Under Pile Of Money
It is plain to see that our healthcare system in America is in quite a mess. However, many don't know exactly how we got here, or when it even started. A recent article explains just that.
The reason behind this mess: government laws, rules, and regulations, from price control on wages, to tax rules, have all played a part. During World War II, the government had frozen wages below the market rates. As a result, there were no incentives for which employers could compete. Then employer-paid health insurance enters the scene. This was still around the time where not too many people cared to have, or even had, health insurance. They would pay for medical services as they needed them. It remained this way until about 1954, when Congress passed the law making employer-paid health plans tax-deductable for the employer and non-taxable to the employees. This law eventually made employer-funded health insurance the most affordable option for just about any type of healthcare. It was not long before the employer-funded healthcare plan pushed out alternative methods of paying for healthcare.
The poorly devised tax benefit, passed 55 years ago, has had a catastrophic effect on American's healthcare industry. Since there is no tax on the medical benefits that employees receive, the employee now wants every little what-if bit of coverage offered, all paid for by the employer. Now, because of this, every minor thing, such as a routine doctor's visit, is covered under today's healthcare; this would not be the case if there were no tax incentives involved.
This model of asinine incentives has been the blueprint for the Medicare and Medicaid options created by Congress in 1965. By the next year, nearly 12% of the population was enrolled in the comprehensive insurance of Medicare or Medicaid. It is no wonder that soon after this the inflation of healthcare expenses started. Now it has led to such a high cost that even routine care can be too expensive without a comprehensive insurance plan. The irony is the fact that the use of such overly comprehensive insurance is one of the main causes of the outrageously high price of healthcare itself. It has evolved into one giant snake eating its own tail.
In regard to President Obama's solution to this problem: it does not look much better. The plan consists of more government rules, regulations, and legislation. Which is essentially using what got us into this mess, as a means to try to get us out.
Click here for more information >>>

Expanding on the film's themes, the book Food, Inc. will answer those questions through a series of challenging essays by leading experts and thinkers. This book will encourage those inspired by the film to learn more about the issues, and act to change the world.
Featuring interviews with such experts as Eric Schlosser (Fast Food Nation), Michael Pollan (The Omnivore's Dilemma) along with forward thinking social entrepreneurs like Stonyfield Farms' Gary Hirschberg and Polyface Farms' Joe Salatin, Food, Inc. reveals surprising - and often shocking truths - about what we eat, how it's produced, who we have become as a nation and where we are going from here.
*The DVD will be shipped upon DVD release

Food Inc.: A Participant Guide & Food Inc. DVD

With this combination pack, you can read into the specifics of what the movie didn't include and also have the movie along side of it. This way you can enjoy the movie without thinking that there was something left out.

*The DVD will be shipped to you upon release

We feature a report exposing the failed link between vaccines and the reduction of childhood diseases (or flu). Indeed, the true credit for the reduction in childhood disease is shown to be more a function of improvements in sanitation and living with clean potable water than anything which could be attributed to vaccines. In this report, Dr. James Shannon who served as director of NIH is quoted as saying "the only safe vaccine is one that is never used." It goes on to expose the dirty little secrets about vaccines. More >>>
For a small donation get "Vaccine Nation" produced by our good friend Gary Null, Ph.D. This documentary film clearly illustrates the health damage suffered by our innocent children, due to unnecessary vaccinations and gives you the information you need to speak intelligently and forcefully on the subject of childhood vaccinations. We only have a limited supply of these DVD's so they are only available while supplies last.
For for a limited time receive a 2 Disk DVD set "The Future of Food" with your donation. Shot on location in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, THE FUTURE OF FOOD examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as huge multinational corporations seek to control the world's food system. The film also explores alternatives to large-scale industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as real solutions to the farm crisis today.
Also for a limited time receive "Understanding MMS" with your donation. More than 200,000 Americans are using The Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS). Thousands of lives have been saved (Over 75,000 from Malaria in Africa alone). Reports of overcoming 'incurable' diseases are happening every day! With ever looming threat of bio-warfare and Bird flu (and now Swine Flu), MMS should be in every home. To read about Mirace Mineral Supplement follow the link below. We've asked for a special discount on MMS for HFA members and now have a special order page for members! Up to 15% savings on MMS! Go here to stock up while you can at this price
Your donations make all of these timely advances possible! Your continued support is the fuel that drives Health Freedom Alliance. Thank you for forwarding emails to your friends and family! Keep up the good work!
We are all invested in this fight. Each of us will be affected by its outcome. Each of us can make a difference!
Thank you Freedom Fighters!
Thomas Cowles II
Thomas Cowles II

Media Director

Health Freedom Alliance

Health & Wellness Foundation

CHAD Foundation