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Rumsfeld Denied Sex Slavery

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From: Rod Remelin
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 2:02 PM
Subject: Rumsfeld ruined sex slavery

Rumsfeld Denied Sex Slavery



Old movie but still the same issue persist.
Here is congress woman Cynthia McKenny grilling the DoD about sex slavery and contracts. This is the same woman who was arrested in Israel for bringing crayons to Palestine.
Israel is second only to Saudi Arabia (another US ally) in the number of sex slaves. And these two countries have more US support than anyone else in the Middle East. Israel gets 1/3 of all US aid in the world and more than 7 times as much as the entire continent of Africa. But see it's not really "aid" in other countries its a LOAN meaning it has to be paid back with interest. But with Israel it's a gift. The US just gives them money.
Now we have reports of Blackwater pimping out young Iraqi girls for blow jobs of its men, and Haliburton employees gang raping both Iraqis and their own female employees who they drugged. Dyncor is just one of many involved in human trafficking and organized gang rape.
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