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AIG British-Based Ponzi Scheme Exposed

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by Thomas Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

Monday  March 2, 2009

AIG building in London

United States of America  -  It can now be reported that Department of Justice officials received a criminal referral today from U.S. Treasury investigators allegedly that American International Group's (AIG) London-based office engaged in criminal securities and insurance fraud for over ten (10) years.

Alan Greenspan, BushFRAUD, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair

The London-based office ran parallel to the illegal TREASONOUS Bush-Clinton-Tony Blair-Alan Greenspan London-based trading platform that has now been directly linked, along with the TREASONOUS Federal Reserve, to the theft of U.S. Treasury funds.

We can now divulge that the London-based AIG office did not buy any securities or issue any insurance policies but engaged in a Ponzi Scheme in direct conspiracy with noted Israeli Mossad Ponzi Scheme master thief Bernard Madoff.

Current British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, (a former British MI-5 and MI-6 agent), was fully aware of this Ponzi Scheme activity and did nothing.

Brown will arrive tomorrow in the United States looking for a "bail out" from U.S. Taxpayers money in reference to the AIG London-based Ponzi Scheme that is now on the verge of bankrupting both Lloyds of London and the Bank of England itself.

Message to British Prime Minister Brown:

Hit the road!  We are not "bailing out" the Bank of England, and we surely are not going to pay for the ILLEGAL loan that the Queen made to BushFRAUD, that BushFRAUD refuses to repay to the Queen.

It has been recently reported by major media outlets that BushFRAUD and his wife, Laura, can not even afford to buy a dinner table to entertain their guests at their new Dallas, Texas home.

And, of course, it gets worse!

We can also report that NBC General Electric faces bankruptcy given the fact that its major holding company is sitting on over $15 TRILLION of counter party derivatives tied to the AIG London-based Ponzi Scheme.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Larry A. Mizel

We can also reveal tonight that the Attorney General of Israel is about to indict soon-to-be former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and American Jewish businessman Larry A. Mizel, CEO of MDC Holdings and Asset Investors Corporation in Denver, Colorado, for bribery and bank fraud.

KHAZARIAN Jew Mizel allegedly gave cash bribes to Olmert in exchange for privatizing the national Bank of Israel.

Note: KHAZARIAN Jew Mizel is also being investigated by the SEC for illegal short selling of his own stock, MDC Holdings and Richmond American Homes.

Mizel has also been linked to illegal short selling of Bank of America stock.

If that is not enough, folks, the national Bank of Israel is now tied, directly, to the AIG London-based Ponzi Scheme, which has looted over $350 BILLION from the U.S. Treasury.

How dare you, you conspiratorial tyrants and
kings and notable queens! At this hour, we can also divulge that former AIG CEO Hank Greenberg is suing his own company as to end run or block the Department of Justice investigation that was triggered today by the U.S. Treasury.

Note: Current U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is missing at this hour, he may be, once again, meeting with DOJ investigators. Now remember, folks, current New York Attorney General Anthony Cuomo is actually blocking a New York state investigation of Greenberg, including holding back a "sealed" indictment of Greenberg aka illegal short selling of insurance and airline stocks PRE 9/11.

Direct message to KHAZARIAN Jew and scumbag Joe Klein of TIME magazine:

Wouldn't it be fun if President Obama appointed Caroline Kennedy as the New York U.S. Attorney

to replace Morgenthau.

I would personally deliver Caroline's first subpoena right to your desk, Klein.

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, who
maintainsweekly contact with Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate partner George Herbert Walker Bush

P.S. We are receiving other reports from U.S. Justice Department sources that a Special Master may soon be appointed to investigate U.S. Attorney to the Northern District of Illinois, Patrick Fitzgerald, for prosecutional misconduct and obstruction of justice.

Fitzgerald is holding back two (2) sealed indictments issued by Grand Juries using "national security" aka the NSA Act of 1947 as rationale behind keeping the indictments sealed.

One of the indictments, which has been issued against former Vice President Richard Cheney, deals with the Valerie Plame leak case and Cheney's role with former Bush Administration Under Secretary of State, Richard Armitage, along with the Israeli Mossad and the noted American-Turkish Council, in attempting to plant weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq before the Iraq War.

HIGH TREASON TRAITORSFormer VP Richard Cheney and his aide,

Israeli Mossad agent Scooter Libby, convicted felon

Note: Also indicted with Cheney is his former aide, Israeli Mossad agent Scooter Libby, who also participated in the plot with Cheney and Armitage.


Richard Armitage

former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State

Item: Armitage has received immunity from Fitzgerald and Libby's indictment remains sealed with Cheney's indictment.

Scooter Libby was previously indicted and convicted for perjury.  His sentence was illegally commuted by Bushfraud [a President can not commute or pardon his own criminal conspirators].

Reference: We can now reveal why Cheney was upset with former White House occupant BushFRAUD in regards to BushFRAUD not pardoning Libby before they left office.

The other indictment Patrick Fitzgerald is keeping "sealed" deals with a Grand Jury indictment against current U.S. Secretary of State, loser and lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton.


Loser Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton

U.S. Secretary of State

Hillary was indicted for withdrawing a large sum of U.S. Treasury funds from the Crozier Bank in Grenada in 2003.

Hillary's defense, then a U.S. Senator, is that she was given special CIA instructions and documentation to make the withdrawal.

George Tenet
BushFRAUD awards Tenet the Presidential Medal of Freedomfor protecting, covering and enabling theBush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate's HIGH Treason

We can now divulge that the individuals that gave Hillary the instructions to make the withdrawal are none other than former CIA Director George Tenet, along with noted East German Stasi DVD-CIA agent and Israeli Mossad asset Colonel Dana Wilcox.

Also linked to this U.S. Treasury THEFT by Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton from the Crozier Bank in Grenada, includes East German DVD agent and former First Lady Hillary Clinton's White House confidant, 7/7 Londing bombings terrorist suspect, fugitive Eva Teleki.

Teleki was in direct communication with both Wilcox, CIA Director George Tenet, Scooter Libby, Vice President Cheney and a noted British Intelligence asset working at the Iowa Nurses Association, code name "Purple".

The stolen U.S. Treasury funds from the Crozier Bank in Grenada was a blackmail payment to Hillary by the BushFRAUD Administration in regards to Hillary's silence concerning her knowledge of Libby, Cheney and Armitage's role in an attempt to plant WMDs in Iraq before the Iraq War started.

Hillary later used some of the funds in her 2006 New York senatorial re-election campaign and her failed year 2008 presidential run.

Fitzgerald probe: Sen. Clinton withdrew stolen funds from Grenada bank

by Tom Flocco

Final note: Story developing on back taxes owed by Obama's White House legal counsel "Skull and Bones" Greg Craig's wife;

plus, the $7.5 BILLION "bail out" that the Sultan of Dubai received today from U.S. TAXPAYERS aka AIG, Citibank and convertible bonds; and

more on the death threats that were made against Caroline Kennedy tied to actual members of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.












Following the money backwards leads to President Reagan, Russian rubles and Ambassador Leo Wanta

by Don Nicoloff

The story of how Ambassador Leo Wanta was commissioned by President Reagan to make $trillions for the American people in shrewd (but legal) currency trading that concentrated on buying Russian rubles at a discount to destabilize the Soviet economy surfaced in 1992.

Read the full story

TOM HENEGHAN'S EXPLOSIVE INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGSInternational Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL-- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.

