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AIG: I despise corporate executives more than Osama bin Laden

Mary MacElveen

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As Americans woke today to the news where the federal government will be giving insurance giant AIG $30 billion dollars more, the only saying that comes to mind is “Tis a mad, mad world we are living in!” Yet, more billions towards reckless behavior.  I guess that is our new way forward.  Reward the reckless behavior of those at the top and for the little-guy like you and me, nada!


Last week, President Obama in his speech before congress directed a message to all high school students they had a responsibility not only to themselves, but country to stay in school.  Okay, I buy that, but what of corporate responsibility? There is surely a disconnect there.  Isn’t their corporate greed an affront to our country?  Aren’t their selfish and reckless actions our new national security threat?  Then again, they do not care as long as they get the dough.


When I hear news like this, the first thought that comes to mind is that I want to kick someone and kick them hard: The next thought is, I just do not have the energy since they will not care what you and I think.  You know, the powers that be?  I always thought that saying, the powers that be were a little ‘X-File-ish’, but how true it is.


These corporate executives are more than likely looking down from their high perches on Wall Street just laughing at those milling about who do not have a buck-fifty in their pockets.  The huddled masses are truly huddling together in increasing poverty.


In thinking of these corporate executives and how I feel towards them, I dislike them more than Al Qaeda.  Their reckless decisions are affecting millions and if not billions of people world-wide as the global markets sink further into the red. I just wish we had a Homeland Security Department to raise our alert status to red in confronting their sanctioned terrorism. I am now seeing corporate executives as being far more dangerous to us all than Osama bin Laden. I even despise them more.


I just fired off an email to a journalist at ABC news who I have corresponded with for some time now and here is what I wrote in part, “I was thinking yesterday that this year I will be 51 and I am headed into my twilight years where reality says, I do not have that many more years on this planet and with the way things are going, I do not want to be one of those who live into their late nineties or God forbid 100. So I will not be around to pay back these huge debts, but my children will as well as theirs.  I get angry because they will bear this huge responsibility as my ashes are scattered to the wind.”


Think about it, we are supposed to leave our children better than we had it as well as a sound legacy.  Our new reality is that we are leaving them with a debt that is staggering where one cannot wrap their brains around the sum of it all.  This is where I truly feel like kicking every single reckless corporate executive.


As I think of the youth of today, they are truly the ones who need to get pissed off about this, because most likely you and I who are boomers will be choosing between taking our medications (if we can afford them) or eating cat food.  Even the price of cat food is going up these days.


The next time you hear of gluttonous practices coming from these Wall Street executives who lavish themselves with trips and food, think of a senior citizen actually choosing between medications and cat food to eat.  I say, give the seniors of this country $30 billion dollars and not AIG.


Aw, hell, the powers that be will not listen to someone at the bottom, only those who stand ready to shovel our tax money into their coffers.  Then again, they are more than likely laughing at our various politicos behind their big-wooden corporate doors thinking of new ways to squander their ill-gotten goods.


Go for it, AIG and should you choke on this large infusion of cash; please sign a DNR (do not resuscitate) order.  We the people are tired of keeping you alive.


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Author's Bio: I am a writer who currently writes pieces for my own blog I have been published by,, and I was a guest on the Jay Diamond Radio Show on WRKO in Boston and have appeared on CNN.  I have done numerous web broadcasts for sites such as, and