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KBR (formerly part of Halliburton) is at it Again--Gets $35 Million Contract from the Pentagon

Tim Fleming

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The news is as stunning as it is disturbing. KBR (Kellogg, Brown & Root...until recently a part of Halliburton) was awarded a $35 million contract for major electrical work in Iraq, according to the Associated Press, "...even as it is under criminal investigation in the electrocution deaths of at least two U.S. soldiers in Iraq."

How can this be? Where is Senate oversight of defense contracts? Why doesn't President Obama step in? KBR is robbing and murdering our citizens. While doing shoddy work that has killed our soldiers, KBR has already made $615 million on similar contracts. Why haven't these greedy, inept war profiteers been banned from receiving more of our money? According to federal law, the US government can ban companies in cases of fraud, antitrust violations (i.e., no-bid contracts which Cheney procured for Halliburton/KBR), bribery, tax evasion, or for actions that reflect a lack of business integrity or honesty. KBR qualifies to be banned on all these grounds.

And if you think this all started in Iraq, you're wrong. Halliburton/KBR's war profiteering goes back to WWII and Vietnam. I wrote of this in my book, Murder Of An American Nazi: "Halliburton began as Howco, an oil well cementing company in the early 20th century. When the Texas oil boom took off and demand for oil grew, Howco got rich. By the time the founder, Erle Halliburton, died in 1957, the company was worth hundreds of millions. They bought out the Brown brothers and Root in the 1960s. Brown and Root were LBJ's biggest financial backers. When LBJ became president he made sure Brown and Root and Halliburton got the contracts for building bases, airstrips, ports, bridges, piers, helicopter landing pads...hospitals and all sorts of other crap in Vietnam. They made hundreds of millions through cost overruns, waste and price fixing."

After Halliburton acquired Dresser Industries in 1998, Dresser's engineering subsidiary, Kellogg Company, was merged with Halliburton's construction subsidiary, Brown & Root (the "BR" of KBR). George and Herman Brown were close friends with LBJ, and KBR has kept close ties with other Texas politicians including Bush I and Bush II.

Halliburton/KBR also made a fortune doing business with terrorist states like Iran and Libya. From page 127 of my book: "In the mid-70s they got more than $800 million to build naval bases in Iran... [and] Halliburton got a $25 billion contract from Qaddafi to build an underground pipeline in Libya. Halliburton even did business with Iraq in the late '90s. The oil-for-food program enriched Saddam Hussein by billions of dollars...[Halliburton's] subsidiaries signed a $100 million contract with Saddam to provide oil production equipment and services for Iraq...[back to Vietnam] Brown & Root/Halliburton's profits were over $300 million from '65 to '72 in Vietnam...None dared call it war profiteering for fear of being unpatriotic."

You can read more about this in Murder Of An American Nazi,,, or

You won't believe who was killed and what atrocities were perpetrated to make these profitable wars and corrupt contracts possible.

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Author's Bio: I am a writer living in suburban St. Louis. My novel, Murder Of An American Nazi, was recently published. It is a work of historical fiction. One reviewer described it as "...a conspiracy thriller where someone finally turns the tables on the CIA." The "Nazi" of the title is one Walter Dornberger, a German rocket scientist who worked on Hitler's V-1 and V-2 programs at Peenemunde during World War II. Dornberger was responsible for thousands of slave labor deaths at Peenemunde, and he should have been tried and hanged at Nuremberg for his war crimes. Instead, the CIA (Allen Dulles) evacuated him to the US where he worked on flight technology at Bell Helicopter in Dallas/Fort Worth. His boss was one Michael Paine, husband of Ruth Paine, in whose home the Lee Harvey Oswald family stayed during their time in Dallas. Well, you can proably see where the rest of the narrative is headed. A synopsis is at The can be purchased at or Enough of the shameless plugging. Anyway, I have retired from teaching English at a local community college, and I am now hard at work on my next novel. I live with my wife who is a music professor. We have three kids, all grown, out of the house, and doing well. I have a wide array of interests, and I like to blog on these topics at