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Iraq For Sale (Video)

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king a killing in Iraq (Blackwater, Halliburton/KBR, CACI and Titan) and the decision makers who allow them to do so.

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Facts & Research

This is general facts & research. Go over here for the specific corporations, and the experts in the film.


Contract Sport (2/16/2004, Jane Mayer, New Yorker)

Outsourcing War (3/1/2005, P. W. Singer, Foreign Affairs)

The Other U.S. Military (5/31/2004, BusinessWeek)

The private contractor-GOP gravy train (5/11/2004, Robert Schlesinger,

Outsourcing Blame (5/21/2004, William D. Hartung,

Alternet's war profiteering archive resources on human trafficking


War Profiteers: Profits Over Patriotism in Iraq (9/2006, Campaign for America's Future)

How the U.S. Senate voted on war profiteering

How the U.S. House of Representatives voted on war profiteering

Windfalls of War: U.S. Contractors in Afghanistan & Iraq (Center for Public Integrity)

All Iraq/Afghanistan contractors

Outsourcing the Pentagon: Who's winning the big contracts

Executive Excess 2006 (8/2006, Institute for Policy Studies and United for a Fair Economy)

A Fistful of Contractors: The Case for a Pragmatic Assessment of Private Military Companies in Iraq (9/2004, David Isenberg, BASIC)

Outsourcing is Facilitating Human Rights Violations (2006 Annual Report, Amnesty International USA)


Accountability for Contracting Abuses in Iraq (9/18/2006, Senate Democratic Policy Committee)

Whether Halliburton Has Failed to Provide Clean Water to United States Troops in Iraq: 4/7/2006 and 1/23/2006, Senate


Waste, Fraud and Abuse in U.S. Government Contracting in Iraq: 6/27/2005 and 2/14/2005, Senate DPC

Iraq Contracting Practices (2/13/2004, Senate DPC)

Contracting Abuses in Iraq (11/3/2003, Senate DPC)


Iraq, Inc: A Profitable Occupation (11/2004, Pratap Chatterjee)

Corporate Warriors: The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry (4/2004, P.W. Singer, Brookings Institution)

The Market for Force: The Consequences of Privatizing Security (7/2005, Deborah A. Avant, Author Q&A)

Blood Money: Wasted Billions, Lost Lives, and Corporate Greed in Iraq (8/2006, T. Christian Miller)

Licensed to Kill: Hired Guns in the War on Terror (8/2006, Robert Young Pelton)

A Bloody Business: America's War Zone Contractors and the Occupation of Iraq (5/2006, Gerry Schumacher)

Contract Warriors (4/2005, Fred Rosen)

The Best War Ever, Damned Lies, and the Mess in Iraq (9/2006, Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber)