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Phoenix Journal #7 "The Rainbow Masters" - Chapter 22

Lady Nada

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nd squirm. When thee “know thyself” it takes a while to come into balance, so let it be at rest for a time of digestion.

I AM Lady Nada of the Sixth Ray; the Cohan if you will, the bringer of truth of communications on soul levels and nurturing; ministering and service. I come most closely wrapped in the robes of violet and gold from my close association with Germain and Master Esu Jesus. You of the flock will need of my experience and lessons whether ye be masculine or feminine.

I too, had to learn the Path of Love with the Great Ascended Masters. I also learned that everyone who goes forth to serve has moments of self-doubt or thinks that after all of their efforts, their works are not too good, or that no one will want them, or believe them, or that no one will appreciate of their talent. There is a moment of total self-blindness when an individual may actually make a choice NOT to go forward with their accepted work. This is a very difficult impact on those ones who have depended upon that one to fulfill his or her, task. The days grow short upon thy place as ye know it; ye are in the days of decisions and action. These are days when ye must stand strong lest ye be pulled down.

Ye ones have just been severed from any income resource. The sustaining funds have ceased. What will ye do? Oh, I see and I thank you brethren—ye will just go on and ye will trust of us to show thee the way. So be it for as ye release it unto us, it is done. Do not despair for the plan is yet in unfoldment.

It serves ye ones well to remember thy talent in the serving as the “Mother”; the nurturing nature of Mother Creation which abides within all beings, male or female, for there is no difference in the realms of Higher Understanding. No difference. For on the magnificent levels, there is total balance; total harmony of flow and integration. Only our thrust is in difference that all facets of experience can be best utilized.

It is the wondrous flaming heart of the Mother embodied in the friend, the loved one, the ministering one that provides that help when the individual himself must give all strength and energy, all of his drive to the making of the mark at that precise moment. Therefore, even the Christ on the representative fourteen “stations” of the cross still had the balance of this mother, holding the flame of watchfulness, of encouragement, of beauty, and of the divine memory of the end that is known from the beginning.


Please understand that even the rotations of the planets, the movements of the stars in their courses are perpetual example, reinforced subconsciously, that all of life is in the ritual of ministration and that the need for daily service to be repeated without fail each and every day (as with your receiving, Dharma, and the sharing) in any and all of your occupations, you move from the mastery of individual Christhood on the Sixth Ray into and on to the full mastery of the Seventh Ray.

You will find thyself in repetition upon repetition. You will find yourself saying, “I have told this person over and over, not once but many times over, and still they move against the principle of this law”. Well, this allows thee to see, beloved ones, that is the obvious need for continued ministration. It is like the watering of the flowers; the garden. The rains come and they come again into growth, and the elementals do not complain that they had given water “only yesterday”. We who come as the teachers often forget there are things we all need on a daily basis. And yet when it comes to the teaching of the sacred precepts of the Law, we think somehow, either in ignorance or in pride, that if we have given our teaching, our word ought to be enacted. Further, if it is not enacted, well, it is too bad for that individual—they had their chance.

If the angels took this attitude, I dare say that none of you would have a ministering angel today. For you have been ministered unto for tens of thousands of years. So you see, when it is oneself, it is easy to understand that one may need comfort and need it again and again. In the giving to other, however, you think, “Why is this person always, always needing comfort when God is obviously so always present?”

Well, “that” God needs to be obviously present in YOU! In turn it is obvious, or should be to you, that the individual cannot see God or understand His comfort unless you bring it personally. Therefore, in your perception of others’ needs, you must put on your Godhood, instead of your perception of your own needs and become the balance which keeps on keeping on.

We the Cohans, therefore observe. We allow souls of Light to pursue the Path in this way for many years, for we know the end must soon come. When they have finally magnetized everything they could think of under the sun and realize that their souls are still empty and there is still that longing for the lost chord, they may come to the realization that it is not the use of the Path for the getting unto oneself, but the use of the Path in order to supply the needs of others that is its highest application.


You have truly arrived when you have no needs or wants, and you think to yourself, “How rich I am in the wisdom of God, His glory, and His Love”. Further, when someone might ask what ye would need or prefer as a gift, et cetera, ye can think of nothing with which to respond—you have all thee needs for perfection within.

For many along the Path, they consider the mark of attainment to be the fullness of health, wealth, and happiness; for them these are their standards of spirituality. Well, dear ones, some of the most spiritual people in the world are so bearing the burdens of life that they may be in abject poverty, they may have nothing. They may be burdened with incurable disease, they may be bowed down with all sorts of problems. And those who point the finger and condemn or judge are the very ones who “need” attainment on the Sixth Ray of Ministration and Service.

If they would run to the aid of that one, they would discover in themselves the lack of the one great gift that individual possesses: Love. Love that replaces “fear”. Love within the heart that is content to bear the burden of others. Love within the heart that trusts God in the hour of adversity. Love that does not complain simply because all things are not in the fullness of the richness of Western civilization, as the dreams of this West are created out of the images of opulence, luxuriousness, unending food, et cetera. Do not misunderstand and assume that if these things are present it is less than wondrous. It is inner satisfaction and balance of which I speak, not “things”.

“Things” are nice to have if thee can maintain balance in the necessary ability to release without care or pain, the things of matter and comfort. If you can let them go; ye have “made it”. If you can let them go if necessary, you will have gained grand entry into the Kingdom. It is thy willingness within which is the key to the door of greatness.

I am come in the flow and the rhythm of God’s Love that moves across eternity in undulations of sound, calling the souls of all evolutions in the stellar worlds home to the heart of God.

The great summoning of Life is for souls who have evolved in the outer realms of time and space to return to a center of Being that is Awareness, that is Truth, that is Life. Man must go within, for the souls of mankind are tired of evolution in darkness and chaos.

Souls have not built the great amphitheater of life where the great drama can be outplayed in nobility after the image and likeness of the Christed ones. Therefore, the weariness of the soul is not in outer manifestation, but the weariness of the soul is in the outer manifestation that is not Whole, that is not complete because of wrong sowing and of wrong “knowing”.

Mankind have not known the Truth that should make them free, but they have known the Lie and been condemned by that Lie. Thus, the weariness of the ways of the flesh, the experimentation with the uses of the Sacred Fires that is inordinate in the sight of God. I come as a Cosmic Mother and as a member of the Higher Realms to draw the tired, the poor, the weary, those who have been burdened by the world and have not remembered the words of the Prince of Peace, “My burden is Light”. For every burden you carry, precious ones, can be changed in the twinkling of an eye into Light and Light’s manifestation, Light’s toleration of itself.

Light is infinite, and thus the starry light that portends an infinite Cosmos waiting to be received, waiting to be filled with the fruits of the harvest of souls can be seen, can be known, can be experienced by souls who will come within into the inner Being, into the chamber of the heart place.

When you come into that stillness and you begin to meditate upon God (become one with thy Godness), you will first be moved and stirred by the regular beat of God’s heart. In that beat is the pattern of the release of energy for a Cosmos, a rose, a seed, a soul. It is the regular advancing rhythm of energy spiraling from a fiery core to the circumference of its inherent design.

When you come into the center of the heart and meditate upon these concepts, you will at first wonder at the grandness of God’s being-ness. By and by as you think upon these things and that Being, you will come to realize that you are thinking upon your very own being, your very own life, for God is Life. In fact, chelas, God and Life are synonymous.


The sounding of the great tone which marks the birth of the soul is a mystical awareness of identity as the I AM THAT I AM. Further, that which “I AM” is God, and that which “I AM” is the soul when you say I AM THAT I AM.

When God then speaks, He is saying, “I AM that soul, I AM that awareness of self, I AM that I am”. When the soul speaks in the first person echoing the words of the Creator, the soul declares, “I AM”. Then, as the energies flow from the Spirit to the soul, from the soul to the Spirit, from God to man, from man to God, who can say at what point God is becoming man, man is becoming God? Who can say at what point there is the vortex of the interchange where God is man and man IS God? Therefore, I AM THAT I AM. For in the Law of the One the Alpha is become the Omega, the beginning and the ending, and the Omega is become the Alpha, the end has become the start. The cycle infinite! This is the Sacred Circle closed within the “Christness” of self and oneness with all.

Being is one, Life is one. But there is a divinity of polarity which manifests in order that God might have subjective awareness of Self, and that man might have an objective awareness of self—that God might have an objective awareness of Self, that man might have a subjective awareness of Self. Thus, in the flow of Life transcending Life, ALL BEING IS INDEED “ONE”.

As you contemplate this great mystery in the center of God’s (Self’s) heart gathering more of the flame of Spirit into the soul, you reach a point in meditation, in oneness, where you might say your soul could burst with the fervor of the Divine Light. Then comes that great and wondrous desire to burst forth as a bud would in the springtime, as a blossom on a plant, as a leaf on a tree and as a wondrous bird flying from the nest—a fledgling ready to experience Life.

At some point you must release those energies that have been winding tighter and tighter within. The “spring” must at some point be released, the energy must be allowed expansion and the spirals must go forth. The cycles must be released for cycles increase the identity of God. Man’s awareness spins from the center to the periphery of God’s Cosmic Consciousness.

Man’s whereabouts in time and space are limited only by his use or misuse of energy. Using energy wisely and well, man transcends finite spheres and blends his consciousness into oneness; allness—I AM “HE”, I AM “THOU”, I AM “THEY”—I AM “ME”. I AM BROTHERHOOD.


Brotherhood is the union of souls who have gone forth from the center of Be-ness. All beings who have identified with God throughout the ages are connected. It is through this brotherhood that we shall accomplish this wondrous transition which is coming. There is much speculation upon these matters; the prophecies have been made from the beginning of life upon thy place—the cycles explored and predicted. So be it, chelas, for it is coming to be in thy present “time”. We are connected directly to your energy flow, at this sequence point, I in the Pleiades, you upon the planet of dense compression. You know within, however, that the brotherhood stretches as our “oneness” spans time and space.

Let us remain ever within the violet flame which holds us bound as one in service, that the transmutation which some will call the Rapture or the Translation might pass smoothly and the Tribulation be surmounted by the ones of the Master’s fold. Aton will give thee what ye need to understand and know of all of these things. Thy time is at hand; allow it to be a wondrous adventure, beloved ones.

Ye shall be meeting us most quickly within the unlimits of the Cosmos for we shall come from the clouds to enfold thee.

In infinite Love and Service,