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Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton

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WED., JUNE 10, 1992 7:21 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 299



As we move on to write of ”messengers”, let it be remembered that always there have been the messengers sent. As far back in your books of instructions, even unto Isaiah (who was a messenger) there have been signs of that which would come and messengers to tell truth that man might know that which to seek for protection and journey into the “unknown”.

Always too, the instructions have been to turn from your errors so that you would be worthy of acceptance into the places of the ones come to bring you into safety. See Matthew 3 and Isaiah 42:19. How can you recognize the messengers and signs, yea, even miracles, if you know not for what to look?

Most of all you must respect life—all life—for you were sent as stewards and you have forgotten.

One of the most important of Creation’s Natural laws is that all life is equal. That’s a fact which must be acknowledged before man can expect to find balance and growth in any enlightened community. You have to respect life—all life, not just your own. The key word is “respect”. Unless you respect the earth, you destroy it. Unless you respect all life as much as your own life, you become a destroyer, a murderer. Know too, that there is great difference in “respect” and “worship”. Respect gives retention of control and power unto the giver—worship gives all control and power unto the worshipped. Responsibility is the “key”—all must respect ALL if “self” is to flourish in wisdom among the higher brotherhood of human.

* * *


Ah, you expected me to speak of “people” who were sent as messengers? People are most unstable and forgetful, chelas—God nor Creation would entrust the signs and messages of unchangeable magnitude into the hands of humans. In higher wisdom HE will always send messengers which cannot be cajoled, bribed or tampered with.


Of what am I speaking? Example: In 1986 Mankind was given (evolved in proper sequence) a once-in-a-lifetime event: the appearance of a messenger from the past, a Messenger of Genesis. It was a comet which had been spoken of since Genesis. However, in your latter accounting you decided to label it Halley’s Comet. But I remind you—a rose by any other name is but a rose!

Halley’s Comet is unique in many ways as it differs from the many comets and other small objects that roam the heavens. Among the differences is the fact that its recorded appearances have been traced to millennia past, as well as the fact that modern science was able, in 1986, to conduct for the first time a comprehensive, close-up examination of a comet and its core—or so it was claimed. The first fact underscores the excellence of ancient astronomy; because of the second, data was obtained that once again corroborated ancient knowledge and the tales of Genesis.

In 1720 Edmund Halley became British Astronomer Royal. He had postulated that the comet he observed in 1682 (and which came to bear his name) was a periodic one, the same that had been observed in 1531 and 1607. There was a chain of scientific developments which led to this—during the years 1695-1705. This involved the promulgation of the laws of gravitation and celestial motion by Sir Isaac Newton and Newton’s consulting with Halley about his findings. By the way, it would seem worthy to again remind you that Esu (Jesus) Emmanuel was NOT born on December 25 but Isaac Newton WAS. Perhaps that would be a most worthy celebration and stop quarrels over Jesus and stars of David and candlesticks.

Until this time in point the theory regarding comets was that they crossed the heavens in straight lines, appearing at one end of the skies and disappearing in the other direction, never to be seen again. BUT, based on Newtonian laws, Halley concluded that the curve expressed by comets is elliptical, eventually bringing these celestial bodies back to where they had been observed before. The “three” comets of 1531, 1607, and 1682 were unusual in that they were all orbiting in the “wrong” direction—clockwise rather than counterclockwise; had similar deviations from the general orbital plane of the planets around the Sun—being inclined about 17-18 degrees—and were similar in appearance. Concluding they were one and the same comet, he plotted its course and calculated its period (the length of time between its appearances) to be about seventy-six years. He then predicted that it would reappear in 1758. He did not live long enough to see his prediction come true, but he was honored by having the comet named after him.


Like that of all celestial bodies, and especially because of a comet’s small size, its orbit is easily perturbed by gravitational pull of the planets it passes. This is especially true of Jupiter’s effect. Each time a comet nears the Sun, its frozen material comes to life; the comet develops a head and a very long tail and begins to lose some of its material as it turns to gas and vapor. This is an assumption based upon the best information which can be gleaned on your place. It is close enough to serve the purposes herein. All these phenomena affect the comet’s orbit; therefore, although more precise measurements have somewhat narrowed the orbital range of Halley’s comet from the seventy-four to seventy-nine years that he had calculated, the period of seventy-six years is only a practical average; the actual orbit and its period must be recalculated each time the comet makes an appearance.

With the aid of equipment now available to you, an average of six or so comets are reported each year; of them, one or two are comets on return trips, while others are newly discovered. This does NOT mean they are not on return trips—only that they had not been discovered. Most of the recognized “returning” comets are short-period ones, the shortest known being that of Encke’s comet, which nears the Sun and then returns to a region slightly beyond the asteroid belt (I will momentarily speak about that asteroid belt in relationship to what is coming down TODAY on your planet) in a period of a little more than three years. Most short-period comets average an orbital period of about seven years, which carries them to the environs of Jupiter. Typical of them is comet Giacobini-Zinner (named, like other comets, after its discoverers), which has a period of 6-1/2 years; its latest passage within Earth’s view was in 1985. On the other hand there are very-long-period comets like comet Kohoutek, which was discovered in March 1973, was fully visible in December 1973 and January 1974, and then disappeared from view, perhaps to return in 75,000 years. By comparison, the cycle of 76 years for Halley’s Comet is short enough to remain in living memories, yet long enough to retain its magic as a once-in-a-lifetime celestial event.

When Halley’s comet appeared on its next-to-last passage around the Sun, in 1910, its course and aspects had been well mapped out in advance. Still, the Great Comet of 1910, as it was called, was awaited with great apprehension. There was fear that Earth or life on it would not survive the anticipated passage because Earth would be enveloped in the comet’s tail of poisonous gases. There was also alarm at the prospect that, as was believed in earlier times, the appearance of the comet would be an ill omen of pestilence, wars, and death of kings. As the comet reached its greatest magnitude and brilliance in May of 1910, its tail stretching over more than half the vault of heaven, King Edward VII of Great Britain died. On the European continent, a series of political upheavals culminated in the outbreak of World War I in 1914. You see, the politicians already knew how to utilize your “mystical aspects” to their own cause.

The belief, or superstition, associating Halley’s Comet with wars and upheavals was fed by much that was coming to light about events that coincided with its previous appearances. The Seminole Indians’ revolt against the white settlers of Florida in 1835, the Great Lisbon Earthquake of 1755, the outbreak of the Thirty Years’ War in 1618, the Turkish siege of Belgrade in 1456, the outbreak of the Black Death (bubonic plague) in 1347—all were accompanied or preceded by the appearance of a great comet, which was finally recognized as Halley’s Comet, thus establishing its role as the messenger of God’s wrath.


How interesting to note that still it is efforted to attach Nostradamus’ projections onto Halley’s Comet—when it is totally obvious that it cannot be Halley’s Comet of which he spoke. If I were you I would look a bit further to that “BIG” one and begin to pay more attention to “September” rather than May and back it off about 9 years.


I wish to herein refer to the asteroid belt as already expected to affect Earth and has the politicians running nuts in total fright. THEY KNOW YOU ARE APT TO BE HIT, AND POSSIBLY DESTROYED, by things from the “asteroid belt”. This is what SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) is about, chelas.

Your President Reagan gave it away in a massive slip of the lip. He suggested that you had better team up with all your enemies AGAINST INVASION FROM SPACE. The massive amounts of money spent was for a comprehensive satellite system to hook up the globe to computer monitoring systems to nail every man, woman and child into the system—FOR THE BANKERS’ ELITE.

The ”STAR WARS” portion was to set up a defense system, not against Soviet missiles, but to hopefully be able to blast oncoming asteroids before they could reach Earth.


So what else is new? You can’t seem to believe most things I tell you until you get confirmation from some author or “inside reporter” on your terra-firma. So be it—you WILL get it, I promise you that much. Why don’t you read the paper and watch the news? Even though you don’t get any truth, the lies are sprinkled with truth if you know that for which to watch.

NASA continues to announce in the major news media and in scientific journals (which I doubt you-the-people access) that there is a probability of large meteors or asteroids striking the Earth with calamitous results. They have even suggested some possible dates of impact.

NASA has, further, stated that “It was a good thing that Ronald Reagan had the perception and foresight to build up the Strategic Defense Initiative—”Star Wars”—because now SDI can be used to destroy these asteroids before they strike the Earth.” This is partially incorrect for SDI was NEVER intended to be an anti-missile defense system. If anything, it was intended to be an “asteroid defense system”. (This according to your own “scientists”!) The telescopes that “were not launched” but retained in White Sands, are now launched and working just fine—they are covering possible asteroid invasion. This is just another ploy to NOT tell you what the governments are doing—all of them in conjunction via their Elite coalitions and Security Councils in secret meetings with secret agendas hidden under things such as “National Security” and “Executive Privilege”.

The “Communist Threat” and the “Soviet Nuclear Attack” as have been presented for your consumption, was a pretty sick joke on the people of the world. These were fabricated to keep you working hard and paying taxes to finance the ”New World Order”. The Soviet “War Machine” has been financed and subsidized by the American taxpayer since 1917 through such organizations as ”The American International Corporation” on whose board of directors sat George Herbert Walker, the grandfather of George Herbert Walker Bush. This has been known for YEARS, chelas—ask Eustace Mullins—he wrote all about it in his book THE AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION.

I think you must become aware that, in addition to the major underground facilities in the United States which I presented to you, there are at least 50 new ones which I am reminded to mention to you.

One of the major ones I saved to speak about at a later date (and will still reserve for a bit longer) is one well known in San Luis Obispo County, California. It is the AT&T Pacific Long Lines Facility off a road recognized as Los Osos Valley Road. I only give this as identification for ones who would recognize the location. The we-the-people would NEVER be allowed entry for this one is a major ”Elite” refuge and belongs to one of the most massive factions in your Global conspiracy. Since the touting is all toward “peace” and no more threat from the Soviets—it means that there is full expectation of massive asteroid blasts. This means that there must be heavy construction at depths deeper even than for atomic bomb protection.

Stop it Dharma, I do not tell you this to ruffle your feathers, chelas—I CAN EASILY DIVERT ANYTHING FROM YOUR LOCATION SO STOP THE “FRIGHT-NIGHT” RESPONSE.

By the way, this specific installation belongs to ”The Gehlen Organization” and is called ”Eagles Nest”. This information is right out of California Specialized Training Institute files. By the way, call a law firm by the label of Sinsheimer, Schiebelhut, and Bagett in San Luis Obispo and maybe you can make your reservation—if you live in the area—for everyone should be prepared! Oh, by the way No. 2: Judge William P. Clark and Mrs. Clark (Von Braun), are major VIP’s in charge—you know, THE Clark that was behind the bombing fiasco oflight KAL 007! Chelas, you simply MUST get with this program!


Well, it doesn’t matter, the coincidence of the comet’s appearance in conjunction with major historic events seems to grow the more you go back in time. One of the most celebrated appearances of a comet, definitely Halley’s, is that of 1066, during the Battle of Hastings in which the Saxons, under King Harold, were defeated by William the Conqueror. The comet was depicted on the famous Bayeux tapestry, which is thought to have been commissioned by Queen Matilda, wife of William the Conqueror, to illustrate his victory. The inscription next to the comet’s tail, Isti mirant stella, means, “They are in awe of the star,” and refers to the depiction of King Harold tottering on his throne.

The year 66 A.D. is considered by astronomers to be one in which Halley’s Comet made an appearance; they base conclusions on at least two Chinese observations. That was the year in which the Jews of Judea launched their Great Revolt against Rome. The Jewish historian Josephus (Wars of the Jews, Book VI) blamed the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of its holy Temple on the misinterpretation by the Jews of the heavenly signs and preceded the revolt: “a star resembling a sword which stood over the city, a comet that continued a whole year”.

Until recently the earliest certain record of the observation of a comet was found in the Chinese Chronological Tables of Shih-chi for the year 467 B.C., in which the pertinent entry reads, “During the tenth year of Ch’in Li-kung a broom-star was seen.” Some believe a Greek inscription refers to the same comet in that year. Modern astronomers are not sure that the 467 B.C. Shih-chi entry refers to Halley’s Comet; they are more confident regarding a Shih-chi entry for the year 240 B.C.

In April 1985, F.R. Stephenson, K.K.C. Yau, and H. Hunger reported that a reexamination of Babylonian astronomical tablets that had been lying in the basement of the British Museum since their discovery in Mesopotamia more than a century ago, shows that the tablets recorded the appearance of extraordinary celestial bodies—probably comets, they said—in the years 164 B.C. and 87 B.C. The periodicity of seventy-seven years suggested to these scholars that the unusual celestial bodies were Halley’s Comet.

Surely back in the year 164 B.C. and 87 B.C. these scholars who have been preoccupied with Halley’s Comet could not have realized the significance in Jewish and Near Eastern history, of such events. It was the very year in which the Jews of Judea, under the leadership of the Maccabees, revolted against Greek-Syrian domination, recaptured Jerusalem, and purified the defiled Temple according to their traditions. The Temple rededication ceremony is celebrated to this day by Jews as the festival of Hanukkah (“Rededication”).

The 164 B.C. tablet number WA-41462 in the British Museum is clearly dated to the relevant year in the reign of the Seleucid (Greek-Syrian) king Antiochus Epiphanes, the very evil King Antiochus of the books of Maccabees. The unusual celestial object, which the three scholars believe was Halley’s Comet, is reported to have been seen in the Babylonian month of Kislimu, which is the Jewish month Kislev and, indeed, the one in which Hanukkah is celebrated. Now, can’t history be fun? Truth is so much more fun and interesting than silly mythology and fairy-tales.


This is the description often attached to Halley’s Comet. In another instance, the comparison by Josephus of the Comet to a celestial sword, as it is also depicted in the Bayeux tapestry, has led some scholars to suggest that the Angel of the Lord that King David saw “standing between the earth and heaven, having a sword in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem” (I Chronicles 21:16—for you inquiring minds) might have been in reality Halley’s Comet, sent by the Lord to punish the king for having conducted a prohibited census. The time of this incident, circa 1000 B.C., certainly coincides with one of the years in which Halley’s Comet should have appeared.

In an article published in your year 1986 by Zecharia Sitchin, he pointed out that the Hebrew name for “comet” is Kokhave shavit a “Scepter star”. This has a direct bearing on the biblical tale of the seer Bilam. When the Israelites ended their wanderings in the desert after the Exodus and began the conquest of Canaan, the Moabite king summoned Bilam to curse the Israelites. But Bilam, realizing that the Israelite advance was divinely ordained, blessed them instead. He did so, he explained (Numbers 24:17), because he was shown a celestial vision:

I see it, though not now;

I behold, though it is not near:

A star of Jacob did course,

A scepter of Israel did arise.

Mr. Sitchin has provided you with a chronology that fixed the date of the “Exodus” at 1433 B.C.; the Israelite entry into Canaan began forty years later, in 1393 B.C. Halley’s Comet, at an interval of 76 or 77 years, would have appeared circa 1390 B.C. Did Bilam consider that event as a divine signal that the Israelite (as they are NOW called) advance could not and should not be stopped? If, in biblical times, the comet called Halley’s was considered the Scepter Star of “Israel” (israel—God’s chosen), it could explain why the Jewish revolts of 164 B.C. and A.D. 66 were timed to coincide with the comet’s appearances. [Or, could it have been OTHER more important coincidences? and not, after all, the “Sword Comet”!]


You will be wise in the remembering as we unfold this that THIS Nibiru passage between Jupiter and Mars once every 3,600 years causes great disruptions. When this “planet of God” begins to move close to Earth, the Nephilim begin to make the journey to your planet in increasing numbers. Thus you will find craft abounding, visitors abounding and guidance as well as practical assistance to God’s chosen (i)sraelites abounding.

It is significant that in spite of the crushing defeat of the Judean revolt by the Romans in A.D. 66, the Jews took up arms again some seventy years later in a heroic effort to free Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple. The leader of that revolt, Shimeon Bar Kosiha, was renamed by the religious leaders Bar Kokhba, “Son of the Star”, specifically because of the above-quoted verses in Numbers 24.

I want you to use your heads now and don’t go bonkers with your calendars and calculators. There are OTHER cycling planets and orbiting heavenly bodies besides Nibiru which massively impact your globe. Also, as in the case of planets outgrown their ability to wisely cope with technology—time-tables are altered according to need of attention to a species upon such planets. Also, ones from the last encounter with Nibiru/Marduk left many Nephilim ON YOUR PLACE to prepare and provide for this very day of cycle changes which would be devastating. I suggest you not go back to sleep if your addition doesn’t quite add up. You do not have good records on your place and other things from Cosmic aspect can be changed in the blink of an eye.

It is obvious that the revolt the Romans put down after some three years, in A.D. 135, was also intended as was the Maccabean one, to achieve the rededication of the Temple by the time of the return of Halley’s Comet, in A.D. 142. The realization that you, in 1986, have seen and experienced the return of a majestic celestial body that had great historic impact in the past, should send a shudder down some spines.

However, the 1986 Halley’s Comet visit didn’t see a rebuilt Jerusalem—IN JERUSALEM, did it? What could that mean? It can mean several things—one, that the temple in point would be in the “New Jerusalem” which is in the Philippines—not yet risen into view. Further, that Halley’s is NOT the comet in question. This can be plainly seen in the absence of the all-out “in-spite-of” thrust at rebuilding the so-called Jewish Temple in Jerusalem prior to that time. There is a whole heck of a lot of information KEPT FROM YOU-THE-PEOPLE!

How far back does this messenger called Halley’s go? According to the Sumerian creation epics, it goes all the way back to the time of the Celestial Battle. Halley’s Comet and its like are truly the Messengers of Genesis and were known as such.


The Solar System, astronomers and physicists believe, was formed out of a primordial cloud of gaseous matter; like everything else in the universe, it was in constant motion—circling about its galaxy (the Milky Way) and rotating around its own center of gravity. Slowly the cloud spread as it cooled; slowly the center became a star (our Sun) and the planets coalesced out of the rotating disc of gaseous matter. Thenceforth, the motion of all parts of the Solar System retained the original direction of the primordial cloud, anticlockwise. The planets orbit the sun in the same direction as did the original nebula; so do their satellites, or moons; so should also the debris that either did not coalesce or that resulted from the disintegration of bodies such as comets and asteroids. Everything must keep going anticlockwise. Everything must also remain within the plane of the original disk, which is called the Ecliptic.

Nibiru/Marduk did not conform to all that. Its orbit, as previously reviewed, was retrograde—in the opposite direction, clockwise. Its effect on Pluto—which according to the Sumerian texts was GA.GA and was shifted by Nibiru to its present orbit, which is not within the ecliptic but inclined 17 degrees to it—suggests that Nibiru itself followed an inclined path. Relative to the ecliptic it arrived from the southeast, from under the ecliptic; formed an arc above the ecliptic, then plunged back below the ecliptic in its journey back to where it had come from.

Halley’s Comet shows the same characteristics, students, and except for the fact that its orbit is so much smaller than that of Nibiru (currently about 76 years compared with Nibiru’s 3,600 Earth-years), an illustration of Halley’s orbit could give you a good idea of Nibiru’s inclined and retrograde path. In fact, Halley’s Comet could be accepted as a sort of miniature Nibiru. This orbital similarity is but one of the aspects that make this Comet, and others too, messengers from the past—not only the historic past, but all the way back to the beginning (Genesis).

Hatonn to stand by.