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Phoenix Journal #7 "The Rainbow Masters" Chapter 18


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ceived as positive or negative, ye are always in the midst of “circumstance”.


I say to you loudly and strongly: “RULE THY CIRCUMSTANCE AND BE NOT RULED BY THAT CIRCUMSTANCE!” Ah so, many who would appear very virtuous would not be altogether virtuous when placed in other circumstances. This is why, of course, the edict went forth, “Judge not lest ye be judged”.

Do not overlook that some of you find yourselves this day in certain circumstances solely because of another life in which you have either criticized, acted or defaulted in the experience in similar circumstance or with impact from or toward one in similar circumstance and ye have not yet cast off thy perceived “karma”. The Great Law, in its infinite mercy and kindness, has given to you the opportunity to walk in the moccasins, as thy red brother teaches, of the one upon whom ye placed thy judgment. This is even though it was of thyself.

Now let us consider the present situation. If you are not satisfied with your circumstance or your dealing with those circumstances of life, remember that you have recourse. The recourse is to your own Great God Flame and Christ Self who responds instantly to thy call—you, however, must be still and listen for the response for it can come in many ways and will not usually appear as magic. It may also require “time” to bear fruit ripe enough to partake. If ye have requested “in divine order”, it may even appear of a totally negative nature requiring the game to be set properly for the results of which you petition. In thy conscious “asking” it is rarely voiced what thee really wants or truly desires. Thy heart knows and thy subconscious knows what is truly being requested—release unto that source and await thy answers and manifestations.

Know, dear ones, that the instantaneous response of Almighty God is not always the immediate change of circumstance. It is rather a release of light, a coil of infinite energy that begins to cycle from the plane of the I AM Presence to your own Christ Self through the lines of your etheric, mental, emotional, and physical bodies. Therefore, the answer to thy call may seem quite a long time in manifestation to those souls who look only to the physical to know God’s will or of the Higher life.

We are not so much concerned with the physical, for it is most fickle, as we are with the revolution of consciousness beginning at the very core of being—the inner blueprint. Thy path must always balance with thy inner path of intent. Many things will impact upon the consciousness of the physical that have no actual place in the plan of purpose as laid down by the soul.


Let us take, for instance, a petition for healing. When you request healing, God always releases a sacred fire sphere of healing light. It is deposited deep within your subconscious. As this light begins to flow and cycle through the planes of being, it pushes out to the surface unwanted conditions. It is an electrode that is a focus of God’s wholeness. Therefore, all unlike itself must be uprooted, must be exposed.

Therefore, many times when you come into contact with the Great White Brotherhood and begin with the experiment as the alchemist of the sacred fire, you find for a season more problems than you had prior to beginning. Then you wonder why you are on this path in the first place?

Beloved ones—and here I may seem harsh—if ye only want outer wholeness, then go to other sources. There are faith healers, psychic healers, medicine men, witch doctors, voodoo specialists and medical scientists. In every society they hold the position of prominence. It is not our intent to in any way disparage souls of Light who pursue to the best of their ability the healing of the bodies of mankind. In fact, we have inspired upon many the very healing arts which are practiced.

However, I must tell you, it is often better to suffer pain than to take the aspirin or the painkillers that give you the false sense of security that all is well. Pain is a signal like the red light on the dashboard of life that warns you that you are not whole and that you had better learn the alchemy of wholeness. Suffering in itself is neither good nor evil, but it is the use that is made of suffering to bring the soul nearer to that which God is telling thee. Also, know that in the searching all ways, all places and finding no real solutions, indicates a lack of wholeness within thy inner self. When fear of healing is removed the body and inner self will be in the total healing. Until that time, beloved ones, the healing will not be healing, but bandaid therapy for a physical ailment. Many tools may assist in “cure” but the word “cure” means total healing; thee does not need cure and cure again—to “cure” means exactly what it says—”wellness in wholeness”.

Ye must understand, then, the answer to the call. Understand the depositing of light within you. It is God’s intent, as God lives and as I am his servant, to bring you into the reunion with the One. And therefore, when you are on the path of initiation, do not be so concerned as to your success or failure as a metaphysician measured by the index of the outer sign.


The Lord Christos said that a wicked and an adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, but there shall be no sign given, save the sign of the coming of the prophet. Then will ye look into thy own soul, the subconscious of thy being, working out the formula of that being not only in the level of the mental plane by a scientific alchemy and the affirmation and denial of prayer and fasting, but also in the working out of the problem of energy, energy forcefields, the law of cause and effect, and ultimately, the responsibility for life. No magic nor seeming miracles showered down from the sky.

There is so much more than a miracle here and there, along the Path. We could bring forth the miracles. We could bring forth the multitudes who always run after the miracles. But we are here that you might be made real by reunion with God. As for us, we prefer a road that is a bit rough, a bit steep, a bit lonely for ourselves and for our chelas than the easy way that gives of false security.

There are many who have mastery of this plane. They use hypnosis, autohypnosis, all forms of mental science and psychic probing for that is where the solutions abide—within that elusive subconscious totality of data storage. The energy released within this particular octave will, in a few short segments of time, be the program on the path of life. There is nothing more simple in practice or concept.

There are many ones who are caught up for years and years thinking they have certain attainment because, by some spiritual or other process of mental cogitation or meditation, they are able to bring about change. This is not, however, the alchemy of the Holy Spirit re-forming the mind, the soul, and the being, that is not the alchemy whereby the soul experiences the rebirth, but a change that is the rearrangement of dust, the rearrangement of matter molecules.

What is sickness? What is health? What is poverty? What is riches? Simply the relative condition that is yet illusion, except the individual so manifesting may see beyond that manifestation to the reality of that which is newness yet to come.

I come, then, from the Octave of the Ascended Masters, to speak with thee.

Whether the condition of life be happiness, whether the condition be suffering, I say, seek the goodness of God. Godness! Seek the happiness of the ONE God. If thy only happiness can be found in suffering then seek of the suffering for ’tis thy preferenced journey. Do not judge of good or evil in this circumstance by the state of thy comfortableness, but discern by thy state of oneness with God—a oneness that is not a verbalization, a oneness that is a Be-ness! What ye verbalize is most often an untruth.


Be-ness, stripped of all else—this is the path to reunion. Be-ness. I AM. Not to know about it, think about it, feel about it, but simply TO BE IT. In the being, be the perpetual action of Life becoming Life. Be the sword of Kali. Be the scepter of Christ authority. Let that Holy Spirit live within.

Let us speak of “LOVE”. What is “love”? Love is whatever brings you to the feet of God, be it cataclysm, be it the perfume of a rose, be it the raindrop upon your nose. Whatever will shake you to the remembrance of me, saith the Lord that is love.

Thy thrust, then, is not to be the interpreters of the Word. BE THE WORD. Let the interpretation be the “judgment” of the actions (judge actions, not persons for their actions) that proceed. By their fruits ye shall know them. Be the Tree of Life. Let the earth evolutions come and pluck the fruit of your tree, eat of it and enter samadhi.

Let me now, however, give unto thee a shortcut to immortality. It is surrender. It is the death of the ego. There is a way to purity. It is bathing in the Holy Light. Let the flow of Mother/Father now be unto you purification for a purpose. If purification had not the purpose of the salvation of the soul, then what need of purification?

Beloved ones, I speak to you of an altered state of awareness whereby you enter into a flow where there is no longer resistance to the God I know. For the God I know is the God that I AM, and that God in you is ready to absorb, to assimilate, and to become yourself.


This is why it is so very vital that ye ones listen, while using the meditation, quieting tape given unto thee by Master Hatonn for it calls within all the rays, the silence of receiving and the ability to participate on a level of subconscious awareness—not just a hearing (sort of) of another lecture. That is why ye ones should bring of thy questions, written, that ye might present them without altering thy state of consciousness—then receive unto yourself the response where it can be of great value. It ALL TAKES PLACE WITHIN THAT LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS BENEATH THAT WHICH YE PERCEIVE. ALWAYS—ALWAYS!.

Dharma does not wish to take of thy time to experience the tape; that is error, for ye cut the value of the session to almost “O” by the failure to have all participants at a level of receiving in the proper placement.

Through these ways ye can have the goal achievement which you so dearly seek. There need be no struggle to becoming that Self of goal, but only the stepping out of the uniform of humanism, the stepping out of the masquerade of the carnal mind. All that is not yourself cannot bind you unless you give it the power to bind of you.

Walk away from the old habits—no, RUN LIKE MAD, away from the old habits, the old patterns, the “old” man, the old associations, and stand in the core of thy new Being. Command by the authority of The Almighty Totality, Father/Mother God and be free.

Do not submit to Darkness, but submit rather to humility in Light that allows protection to thyself. Be the obedient servant of the Law, but not of the demons who would mock your humility and call you servile in that fear which is only the fear of the demons because they have not the truth of God.

Ye must take the step of going forth unto thy God and requesting of the balance, the harmony and the Way to alignment—the instructions of the inheritance of eternal Life. In the good old-fashioned evangelism—make thy peace with thy God—prepare to meet thy God. So be it and Amen.

Earth is a schoolroom. You must not pass from this life in that vulnerable state whereby you become caught in the astral plane, defending yourself against the vultures, the fallen ones who would eat your very flesh and blood because you have not the cylinder of light around you to carry you to immortal heights.


Secure, then, your soul’s opportunity to live in eternity in the moment. Secure it, beloved ones. For I tell you, many are the sudden transitions, and they come in every walk of life among all types of persons. And once the transition is made, the soul then must reap the consequences of this life on earth. Many spend hundreds of years in the astral plane because they fail to take the opportunity on earth to secure that identity in God.

Let the little mechanisms of the subconscious mind that have been instituted to protect a weak conscious ness from Reality now be set aside in part. I call it forth that you might now see the debt to Life you owe, that you might command Life and be free, that you might invoke the sacred fire and know that day by day you are transmuting the causes and cores of those conditions which heretofore you have denied. You are ready for the transmutation that you do not turn your back but face with calm certitude of inner knowing all that has been less than Christ perfection. You must face these denials for the reality they bring and then ye can be in the transmuting.

Energy IS GOD. Every erg of energy that has passed through the nexus of your consciousness through thousands upon thousands of years of experience must now be passed through the flame of the God Source, be stripped of the outer coating of human consciousness, and sent back into your causal body of Life. This is the real challenge of life on earth—not creature comforts, not the attributing of success to those who have become adept at the manipulations of matter.

I have one great, great longing, dear ones, to see you free in the real sense of the term. I am, therefore, come to extend illumination whereby the soul may see Light, may see Darkness, may understand the equation, may know that in the ultimate sense all wrong is unreal.

But in order to be unreal, to be rendered unreal, in the physical octave where illusions have the appearance and concreteness of a quasi reality, it must pass through the flame of transmutation. Therefore, affirm the unreality of sin, disease, and death even while you invoke the violet flame to transmute the effect of a condition of consciousness whereby in former times and spaces you accepted and qualified the “reality” of that sin, disease, and death.

The molecules of light are stripped of false belief and systems of error by this transmutation “ritual”. The ritual having nothing to do with the process, save a focusing of soul intent through the “ritual” act itself.

Through this transmutation the inner man is made whole. That in that action you are invoking the Sacred Spirit and the cause, effect, record, and memory of illusion must submit.

Ye must always hold the goal as there is purpose in all types of petition; meditation, decreeing, visualization, etcetera. When you have found the thread of contact—which connects each one of the levels of mastery, you will enter into the great synthesis of the Mother flame. This great synthesis is the white Light of Totality and from this Light is born Truth, undefiled.


We do not come forth to condemn of any faith. We only come to bring light, illumination, and understanding of every faith. May those who are divided in the separate churches see that each way is a key; and the understanding of the blending of the keys of life will enable all humanity to contact the very core of that total Light. Let the understanding always be “I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE!”

I am Lanto. I seal you now in the truth of understanding and wisdom. Let us ever use of this wisdom and understanding to move forward at this great and critical time upon this beloved garden which has been given unto thee. I give strength unto you caretakers whose load is heavy and the way strewn with obstacles. Hold unto us that we may see you safely through thy passage.

Peace be unto thee as I stand by awaiting thy petition and invitation into thy circle of participation. So be it and selah. I AM that I AM.