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Sananda: "New Age" Nonsense, Part 1 -- Phoenix Journal #47

Esu Immanuel Sananda

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“New Age” Nonsense for the simple reason that most of you ones who now read THE PHOENIX JOURNALS have experienced some or much in teachings or doctrines which fall under the genré or category lumped together calling itself “New Age Movement” and/or “Metaphysics”.

Firstly, let me correct the term since many of the professed doctrines by so-called great and inspired “New Age” teachers, both seen and unseen, have or will prove in time to be a mixture of inspired truth and the deadly lies.

Do you know that many ones who run to and fro searching out this teacher or that doctrine which “sounds” good and “feels” good actually become quite apathetic? I will explain. For my first example of discussion let me rename “New Age Movement” to “New Age Inertia”.

Why inertia? Although all ones do not fall into non-action inertia, many have spent so much time “trying” to BE, that they have forgotten how to move, unless it is to seek drugs to get high, or a partner to express sexually with, or myriads of other “physical” ways to please the senses and not add to their Cosmic knowledge.

Did you know, precious ones, that Satanic worship, witchcraft and Freemasonry also fall under the genré “New Age”? Just go to any so-called “New Age” Bookstore or even many of the general book stores who have a “New Age” section and see for yourselves. How do you nice “New Agers” feel about that? I will now expose some of the false doctrines which have confounded, confused and misled most of you.


Yes, everything is perfection WHEN you exist in the UNDIVIDED mind of God of Light. Until that time, precious ones, you will be made often painfully aware, through the divided, male-female conditioned, sexed paired experiences of your soul-fragment journey, of your imperfection in relationship to God. And to the last moment of your soul journey, you will be in the constant seeking of the knowledge which will bring you home to HIS undivided ONENESS. The physical planes offer the most numerous opportunities to experience in imperfection and ignorance of divinity. By design it is so. And as your soul learns the difference between God balance within His laws and the adversary’s unbalanced defiance of God’s laws, you move from ignorance into KNOWING. From KNOWING you become gradually free from the limitation of material desire because of your desire and achievement of KNOWING God and His ways WITHIN you.


This sort of statement is one of the most misleading because the most common interpretation is EVERYTHING, every behavior, action, and activity is okay. And at the same time these ones will tell you, “You must not JUDGE another.” Well, true. Remember the laws of God we wrote about in PHOENIX OPERATOR-OWNER MANUAL? We bring balance to the statement “You must not judge another,” by adding, “You MUST judge behavior and actions which do defy God’s laws.”

What’s the difference? You are never obligated to CONDONE behavior and actions against God’s laws of balance. For example, can you stop someone from having an abortion? Not forcefully. You can, however, explain to them why it is wrong to murder, knowing full well THEY will make and live with their own choice and you cannot choose or act for them.

Know that there are NO women, who contain God conscience, who do not know the sin against God and life they have committed after they have chosen abortion. Do they all change their behavior? No. But the remorse and the often accompanying self-punishment remains with them until they are able to see the error in personal responsibility and thus change the attitude and behavior which would compel them to murder an unborn babe.


These terms have been mostly popularized by one known as Ruth Montgomery, self-proclaimed “channel”, within her books, STRANGERS AMONG US and THRESHOLD TO TOMORROW. This term she uses to describe experiences of tremendous personality change, often through “near-death” experience. I will compare her use of the term with the term “born again” as used by some calling themselves Christians, although these so-called Christians simply refer to the experience of being “born again” as a miraculous, nearly instant change of life characterized by recognition of Christ as their Savior and return to “Christian” values, doctrines and beliefs contained in various versions of the Bible.

She describes, according to her “spirit guides”, in her book THRESHOLD TO TOMORROW, the experiences of over a dozen “New Age” teachers, healers, and workers of various sorts.

Please be aware that it is Montgomery (supposedly by direction of her “spirit guides”) who interprets the experiences of ones such as Jason (Ray) Winters, who heals himself of terminal cancer by developing an herbal tea concoction, as being a “walk-in” experience. She describes this occurrence called “walk-in” as the original “soul” energy desiring to leave the body and allowing another energy from the “spirit” plane to “take over” the life. What is truly interesting is that, according to Montgomery, the one “taking over” is always come to be in service to humanity, although not a perfected being, either.

Now I ask you ones who have read THE PHOENIX JOURNALS, especially about “robotoids” and “duplicates”, do you truly think God needs remove the original soul to bring about constructive change, enlightenment, healing and other positive changes in attitude in His children? Why would GOD deny the one help when, especially in the case of Winters, HE asked God to help him? Would God need to discard the original soul and replace it with another? Why would GOD let a spirit bypass the normal process of life, birth, childhood growing and simply TAKE an “abandoned” adult body?

The answer, precious ones, is GOD does not work in this manner. He needs no walk-ins to do or accomplish His work. He grants no special favors to spirit energies of light who come into physical manifestation TO LEARN and SERVE for instant avoidance of responsibility (walk-out) and avoidance of the process of life from BIRTH (walk-in). I’m sorry to burst your bubble, you ones who “believe” this nonsense.

Either GOD assists you by your desire and your contract to achieve awakening of purpose and service to Him, even when you drastically change your perceptions and attitude, and you remain humble in service, OR one has allowed possession of a dark or several dark energies to confuse and mislead many of God’s children.

EVIL cannot create a soul and only lower astral and other dark energies would want possession of another’s body, if invited or allowed. That is simply the way it is. Evil can and does “duplicate” physical human (and non-human) appearing bodies, robots without soul-energy, designed to do as Evil demands and programs, just as a computer is programmed.

For much more information on “robotoids, synthetics and duplicates”, I will strongly suggest you ones who find this sort of technology “science fiction” and outrageous to go and read THE PHOENIX JOURNALS which contain released TRUTH about this process, designed and controlled by the evil adversary. Commander Hatonn has outlaid in SEVERAL of the JOURNALS information about the who, how, when, where and why of development of robotoids, synthetics and duplicates. I suggest it is well worth your time to investigate with your God-given reason this truth for your world is run by evil through these projections and it behooves you to know how it has come to be and who your enemies are! So be it.

Let us close this document please. Thank you, Druthea, for your service, precious. Let God’s hand guide you to that which you seek within. For it is more wondrous than you are able to perceive at this time. Be at peace, precious one. You are far too hard on self at this time. I love you and treasure this time we’ve had to share.

I AM Sananda, One with God, in His service of Light, Knowledge and Love. Thank you for your attention, my precious brethren. Walk gently with one another and the way will be made clear. Salu.