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Commander Soltec On The Battle For Our Souls

Commander Soltec

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ationship to them. These are YOUR relatives and ancient ancestors so it is most important that you know more about where you came from and where it is you are next to go in your experience called LIFE.


Your reality, which includes intergalactic and interstellar “space”, is made up of more than what you see around you. The things you’re told regarding the creation and evolution of the cosmos and your development on this planet are not how it actually is. You did not evolve from apes or the accidental coming together of amino acids and proteins—you were created by God in His image of LIGHT.

Everything you see around you is comprised of coalesced thought patterns, which are assembled according to DNA/RNA blueprints. These “blueprints” are not indigenous to your little corner of the universe; they exist throughout all of Creation. You are as intimately connected with the atoms that exist billions of light years from you as you are with the atomic and molecular strands here on Earth.

Just as all subatomic particles within your bodies are connected through the medium of thought—in that they communicate to each other information that they need to function collectively—so too does EVERYTHING in Aton’s Creation communicate back and forth so that the universe of “one song” can also function in balance. Otherwise the great ballet and heavenly symphony could not exist without worlds colliding and an overall state of chaos in what is supposed to be perfection.

Aton did not create one set of rules for one part of the universe and another set for you. You must come out of the limited thinking that you are THE focus of everything that happens in life, because as important as God-as-man (you) is-man is not the center of it all. Your body as such is only a tool of the centering fulcrum that IS the focus. The Light Creator fuels everything and allows for all movement and creative expression in all created and creating things--not the least of which is man.

But you have the image of man in all places you have life conditions to sustain the particular image of man you are familiar with. Whether he be in the third compression orbit from a star(sun) which birthed the planet he is experiencing at the moment, or around another star in a more distant orbit—which will dictate the physical properties of his body form and cause a different appearance—whichever the case, image will still be that of man.

Your ancestors are returning to once again live openly among you as in the day of your not-too-distant history. The coexistence of your space brothers has been kept from you by all your scholars because the institutions they are employed by are under-written by your adversary and Satan does not want to see you come out of your stupor, because the moment you do, the game is over for him and his workers.

They are like viruses in that they must have a host that provides all their needs for nourishment and growth, but it is not a mutual sharing of “back scratching”. Parasites of the undesirable kind only take, take—they do not give anything that benefits the host. And since God’s perfect universe only works in the “giving mode”, that kind of interchange always eventually results in the demise of both entities. However, in the case of the virus, its essence goes into dormant or suspended animation until another living host comes along.

The current teaching by your adversary is that of SEPARATION. By keeping you separate in thought and physically from your cosmic relations, you fall prey to the lies thrust forth by those who seek to dominate you. It is like the preschoolers who are separated from their bigger siblings and parents and are placed in the care of the wolf in sheep’s clothing—they are at the mercy of whatever the wolf desires to teach them. And they were not taken by the wolves—you gave your babies to them—not knowing any better, or not having the time to look after your own children. Most have no choice but to hand them over to the state for their primary education, which should be given in the home. However, that mode of living has long since been done away with. Parents today are not prepared to tackle such an undertaking. Supplement as best as you can the non-schooling they are receiving with the PHOENIX JOURNALS. If you don’t teach the next generation the TRUTH about your world, and about those who are working to enslave humanity, then you are giving your hope for the future to the wolves. Do you think the adversary cares about your future? Dear ones, their plan is for you not to have a future.

But, again, this is part of the usurpers’ scheme—for if you are taught by them all the things THEY WANT YOU TO KNOW, do you think it will be to your benefit? We of God-Aton’s hosts are not “gods” or mystical creatures from your fairy tales; we are you, all grown up.


The adversary in humanity—whether on Earth Shan or any of the other billions of Shans where corporeal life flourishes—has no power over you except that which you give them. Evil cannot cause you to do anything except through coercion, but you cannot be coerced if you are fully enlightened.

KNOWLEDGE is what this whole struggle is about. Since all of manifested reality is holographic throught assembled into countless trillions of forms (seemingly not interconnected), does it not stand to reason that the predominant influence would be what you know about it?

How do you “know” how to operate your car or an aircraft? You didn’t just get behind the wheel and start driving. How have you come to know which foods you can eat and which foods are toxic to your body? And what of the elements—how have you come to navigate through Mother Nature and know about avoiding the hazards of everyday existence? You were taught these things by ones who had the knowledge.

There are two ways to acquire knowledge. You can learn from another person or you can be “inspired” by God. As St. Germain has reminded you. God’s language of Light consists of nine words which apply to His Body and three which apply to His Mind. The nine words which reach man and all living things of nature are: Identity, Motion, Sound, Odor, Color, Form, Temperature, Rhythm and Time. The three words which reach his mind are: Instinct, Inspiration and Imagination. As you can see all the “teachers” you really need have always been with you—we just help in reminding you to learn from them. Aton is forever teaching you all you will ever need to know. The learning is in the acceptance and practice of His daily teachings. This is why the Great Cohans (teachers) went out into the wilderness or took long walks along the shoreline—they needed no “men” to teach them about God.

The adversary will always set himself up to be the middleman between you and your connection with God. Just as lawyers (which you) ORIGINALLY RATIFIED Constitution forbade from having ANY positions of power with the United States government) have become THE middlemen in all situations between the government and the people, the secret rulers of Earth’s human society have placed themselves between you and your own kin who are not of this particular planet. There is, however, ongoing exchange and daily communing with some places on your world with nonterrestrial beings and Earth citizens, but they are considered Third World cultures and not important enough to bother the “civilized” people with such “pagan nonsense”.

Well, I have news for you. The real pagans are the ones who own your planet at this time in Shan’s history. How else might you explain the incredible state of rapid decline you are facing this day as a species? If the so-called “educated classes” are “right”—and they sit atop all the thrones among the world’s governments—then why have you not turned around the warring attitudes and mass production of weapons that threaten to engulf every man, woman and creature upon your planet ?

The issue for the elite has never been one of just and balanced stewardship of a society and a world but one of OWNERSHIP. The humans aligned with evil intent are not trying to make the planet a better place. They are trying to control every last living thing and natural resource, for their need to own is all-consuming. And every technology that has been developed by them (or acquired from other visitors from the cosmos through treaties) is being used to maintain a stronger grip on that control.


The elite conspirators have long had the ability to control and modify your planet’s weather systems. The tampering with Mother Nature has left you in a whirlwind of trouble. The Earth’s natural weather flow, as regards the planet’s rotation and the heating up or cooling down (as the case may be) of your oceans, has been greatly altered. AS your seasons move from one season to the next, you are going to have a lessening of spring and fall weather conditions. The extremes of summer will “slide” into the extremes of winter and vice versa. Balmy weather will also begin to decrease as the Earth attempts to rid itself of unbalanced energy. In addition to man’s triggering of volcanoes, tidal waves, mud slides, excessive rains, and droughts, much will also be attributed to the planet’s reaction to your tampering, but also Shan’s own “growing”.

Manmade earthquakes are triggered by underground atomic demolitions, resonating energy waves, and from beams fired from spacecraft or specially-configured heavy –lift aircraft. These too have had a deleterious effect on the Earth’s geological stability and her overall “well being”. This planet is a living being and cannot help but be affected by what you’re doing. The radioactive explosions in the underground caverns and wells are like great cancerous, flaming sores in the bowels of a majestic creature: the one that allows you the experiences of LIFE.

Every time the space shuttle goes up now (depending on the mission), earthquakes are triggered along the shuttle’s orbit. Since its takeover by the Bolsheviks, NSASA has never stopped being a tool of the elite. The shuttles are a formidable weapon against American cities, but if they stray over Russian territory, Russia will continue to take them out.

Both sides of the superpower teams (Washington and the Kremlin) have the capability to modify weather patterns in the U.S., the Russians with their Cosmosphere hovering weapons platforms and the American Bolsheviks with more “grounded” methods. Whether this technology is used by your Russian soon-to-be enemies—IF YOU BREAK THE PEACE IN CENTRAL EUROPE—or is used by your own government against U.S. citizens, the results are the same: thousands of people suffer and billions of dollars in damage weaken your already depressed economy. Pay no attention to the figures you are being shown about job rates getting better or new business compensating for lost jobs—YOU ARE STILL IN THE WORST DEPRESSION AMERICAN HAS EVER SEEN! The evil cartel IS the major media—they are not going to give you any facts.


And with each new attack—whether by the Russians as retaliation for your “intensified” bombing (which always coincides with the sudden and completely unpredicted storms that slammed into your Midwest and other areas that are not known for such storm activity), or your own secret controllers---more preparations are brought in for YOUR enslavement. Just as troops and equipment were moved piecemeal from the allied nations into position to fight the Red army and its allies, the storm troopers and their population control equipment are being put in place to deal with Americans.

You have laws ALREADY ON THE BOOKS that call for the taking away of your freedoms. The “anti-gang laws” are merely ways of indoctrinating you to what is already in place and operational. Believe me, friends, when the order comes for the troops to march through your cities, there won’t be any delays as to their deployment. The enforcers are firmly entrenched in back of your police departments and add-on military support groups—and you’re going to find that not very many of them are U.S. citizens.

In addition to controlling shock troops to keep the masses in line, the governments of your world have indeed mastered the art of weather manipulation. The sudden unforeseen squall that capsized 77 yachts in a regatta off the coast of Southern England—where every single crew member (over 150 sailors) from all the boats had to be fished out of the water—was a warning to the Bolsheviks under the British Crown. The British Isles are just as vulnerable to inland storms as the American Midwest, and when it happens it will be very hard for the BBC to explain it away as El Nino. It will look exactly like that which it is a tactical strike using the killer storms as weapons of destruction. Neither side is ready to OPENLY introduce you to this type of technology yet—there is too much lost in terms of population control though fear of “supernatural” forces and beings—and right now, that is all that is standing between you the people and the ANY global elite.


The evil magicians, and the supercrooks who fund their sleight of hand, are out to steal your soul. It is not stolen in the literal sense (although for all intents and purposes, that can be the result—eternity in “Hell” is a long time indeed) but rather in terms of perceived allegiance. The “sides” have been established and it boils down to being FOR God-Aton and the Lighted Brotherhood, FOR IF YOU ARE NOT “FOR’ GOODNESS THEN YOU ARE AGAINST IT. NON ACTION OR LACK OF PARTICIPATION IS THE SAME AS ENDORSING AND EVEN ASSISTING THE DARK FORCES IN THESE ENDING DAYS OF THE CYCLIC CHANGE.


You are taught what opinions to have by your opinion-shaping and making “poll”, and you endorse whomever your local media tells you to endorse. Seeing that you never are given the facts about what real issues are being decided (nearly all are drafted to figure out better ways to legally restrict your rights as sovereign people), most do not even know what it is that they are fighting for. They are following orders like a boot camp trainee-trusting that the drill master will look out for him. Well, you are in worse circumstances in the civilian world. At least there are some guidelines and a measure of a fair trial under the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice)—you KNOW you are under a dictatorship. Outside the military you are still under a dictatorship, only you are told it is a democracy. That, too, is a well laid trap built on the foundation of a lie, your nation is not a democracy—and you still are not under what is supposed to be the true definition of “democracy”. Your country was established as a Constitutional Republic—or have you all forgotten that?

If you lose the soul of your United State of America, with its foundation as founded under God of Light, then you forfeit the souls of the citizens of your country, too. Have you not thought about that? America represents the physical or form manifestation of the dream of a land populated by free people. And you don’t maintain that freedom by taking freedom from other people. What do you imagine the judgments might be for such contradictory behavior? I assure you, the effects of continued actions—in the face of bringing the errors of your ways to your attention—would be just.

The pope of Rome (visiting his homeland in Poland—remember, it was Pope who sold poison gas to the Zionists of Hitler’s Germany the Holocaust headhunters never seem to get around to mentioning the Khazar Jews who were themselves NAZI SOLDIERS AND PRISON CAMP GUARDS—but then, it wouldn’t be good for the business of collecting reparations from all you Christians, even though the Holocaust wasn’t your fault—and by the way, weren’t you Christians the liberators of those camps?—then why are you being “fined” for billions annually?) has a great following of faithful ones who will do the fighting for and with Satan’s troops. If evil heads an organization, then does it not stand to reason that the thrust of that organization will also be evil?

How can I, Soltec, speak so harshly about such a beloved human? First he is not a human being: he is a genetic recreation of human being manufactured by scientists who are aligned with your secret government. (As you compare your Pope replica with that of Yetlsin’s bio-stand-in, it should get a little easier to tell what synthetic humans look like—especially those under great stress.) Secondly, the Vatican’s ruling staff is high--level BRITISH Freemasons. These ones are guilty of murder, stealing of massive treasures of every description from all over the globe, and on top of that, they represent the criminal infrastructure of the District of Columbia—WASHINGTON, D.C. So I would imagine that these ones have a few more “sins” to deal with before they can be trusted to guide the flocks to greener, uncorrupt pastures.


One of the things that your new millennium is supposed to bring is the first public contract with extraterrestrial travelers. This has been relegated to the “old news” category, but the “discovery” that you are not alone is what the millennium is all about for the New World Order gang.

The government puppets have long been preparing you for the day when all will come under a UN military/police force that is to protect Earth from “a threat from outside our atmosphere”. And seeing that the UN is reserved for soviet leadership during that happening (you should be wondering what role Kosovo’s peace plan plays in all this)--and the Kremlin does control multiple thousands of those nice glowing Cosmospheres—it would seem the big boys are saving the best (???) for last.

Those in charge of your superpower nations and the global cartel are fully aware of the “threat” from space and of the galactic fleet of the Hosts come to assist. THERE IS NO MIX-UP AS TO WHO IS WHO—THE ELITE MAY LAUNCH THEIR ROCKETS (WHILE TELLING YOU ALL WENT ACCORDING TO PLAN) AND WATCH HELPLESSLY AS THE “TRIAL” FAILS MISERABILY ON CAMERA—THEIR TOYS DO NOT AFFECT OUR CRAFT. You had best look at other reasons why missiles are being launched from White Sands and Cape Canaveral-WHILE YOU ARE IN STANDOFF WITH RUSSIA AND CHINA! Nuclear exchange does not begin with open declarations of war and time to move in (or out of harm’s way) troops. As with the so-called SNEAK ATTACK OF PEARL HARBOR, you are not going to know you are fighting a nuclear war until you are in it.

Will it come to that? No, But there is a dogged effort to start just such a war. Atomic weapons will be used. I’m sorry to say; the ones who are most bent on using them have long had them and are out of excuses as to delays. There have been many attempts to use them before now, however, the desire is so great AND YOU ONES HAVE SETTLED INTO THE “VISION” AND NOW MOST PEOPJLE EXPECT TO HEAR ABOUT SOME CITY OR ARMY BEING VAPORIZED BY A BOMB.

This, too, can be undone, but no one is focusing thoughts in that direction. It isn’t a matter of people not wanting to avert the devastation and repercussion for the whole planet if a city or two is destroyed; It comes from not knowing that you CAN stop it. You are not set on a path that is unalterable by you. It is just that you have not been given any reason to believe you can do otherwise. By allowing you to come into open contact with your cosmic relations, all preconceived feelings of impossibility and helplessness fall by the wayside—and it is for this very reason that your space brothers and sisters exercise great caution in dealing with you, for we don’t want to be worshipped as gods or new religions. The introduction of a suppressed society of humans WHO THOUGHT THEY WERE THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE can have a negative effect when that society is helmed by politicians who use fear and superstition to govern.

You have been lied to about the existence of anything coming from space being “real”, yet you are continually told that lower, un-evolved creatures “PROBABLY” exist and if they find Earth you will have your first interstellar war. Don’t you see? As long as the warlords and munitions makers are in control of you, your response to space travel or those who’ve come to assist and share will only be confrontational.

The “Western” governments have already made deals with entities who are negatively aligned and that are of the races who are now in control of the material assets of your world. These “ETs” have become landlocked-the forfeiture price for breaking the law of Non Interference (among other broken “commandments”) –and can no longer travel freely through space. They are as much a prisoner as are you. This place was not created for the role of “halfway house” it seems to fill. Shan is a freewill planet populated with beings who are at a similar level of growth. It also functions as the “proving ground” for MASTERS LOOKING TO MAKE THE GRADE.

Being such as Esu Immanuel “graduated” from His Christ-level of being to “the new name” or beingness, known to the Egyptians as SANANDA. This means ONE with, or AS God. Most of you will come back to help Germain as he moves into the Christ level of learning. In this way all ones contribute to helping each other as you take turns being teacher and pupil. Eventually all will have served both “roles”. There are some who have come back to experience again as students even thought they came from higher realms like the angelic spheres—such is the love expressed to aid in the growth and learning of your ancestral relations.


The Earth also has to evolve and grow for it, too, is a living, breathing creation of the God Source. She has endured much as she has allowed mankind to experience his freewill antics of rape and pillage. As you’ve reached the point in yours and Earth’s evolution where negative ways are not longer to be tolerated, important changes are coming.

Man and this planet will no longer be the way you are used to seeing it; just as all things grow old AND CHANGE, so too will this experience. Do not panic, thinking it will happen overnight with a bang. It took eons of time to get to this point and your planet is still in the middle years of life. However, a major evolutionary point has been reached-one of many before and many still to come—and change is the defining characteristic of this milestone.

Ones are hearing ringing in their ears and experiencing a lucidity with time—these are some of the effects of a vibrational shift to a finer and faster frequency of vibration. There are also physical responses to the testing of your adversary’s planetary grid system that came online a few years ago The bugs are all worked out (or so they believe) and full tests are being run in preparation for the “light show” on or around December 31, 1999.

You can always tell when the system is being tested as you will have dolphins and whales suddenly beaching themselves in large numbers, their ability to follow the magnetic fields and natural vortex emission of the Earth being severely impaired. When man has acquired the knowledge to affect the life force aura of an entire world—yet remains in a primitive developmental state—he has triggered the “cosmic alarm” as to the guardians who are charged with maintaining order in this universe.

It cannot be allowed for man to blow away another planet in this system. You are still recovering from your last BIG BANG. The debris from that little conflict is scattered throughout your solar system. Space wars with particles, however, the bits and chunks of rock around the immediate vicinity between Jupiter and Mars are all that is left of another beautiful world given to humans for their experiencing. How low does civilization have to go for an entire planet to be destroyed? This is what we have to deal with when we are called in to assist. There is no reasoning with most ones “in charge” for they feel they do not need God. Well, another of Aton’s creations felt that way. He was known as the “shining star”, and he, too, thought he could manage pretty well without God’s input. This entity was the first of the Father’s children. . . and also the one who has the most lessons to teach.

Lucifer, whose name means “bearer of light”, now runs the “reform school” to which others of like thinking can count on going to learn WHY you need God’s Wisdom in your lives.


Only humans have the capability (and only they develop the desire) to conquer things. Owls do not fly to the highest tress “because they are there”. Wild animals don’t hunt smaller animals that are their prey because they want to subjugate them. And neither do any of God’s other creations try to enslave other creatures or destroy their own environment for profit—only man seeks to go against the whisperings of nature.

The ultimate test of humanity is in how well you maintain that which was placed in your care BY GOD. You children, who are not “yours” to own-do you tend them and allow them to grow and experience as God would do? OR do you try to mold them after your preconceived image of how YOU think they should be?

Do you treat the land that your families live on with respect and reverence for allowing you to live upon it? The water it gives you to sustain your lives and the food it grows for you (when you do your part by planting it in fertile ground) to nourish your bodies are the most precious gifts any human being could receive. All else is icing on the cake. And yet you take and take without the slightest thought as to WHY SUCH A THING HAPPENS for you. This is called GRACE, precious ones, and only your “pagan” brothers live in a manner in accordance with this principle.

To example how uncivilized the “civilized” ones were, they slaughtered entire tribes of these indigenous HUMANS—as God called them—because of their belief in the sacredness of all things. I guess it doesn’t make for good business to those who manufacture weapons for a living. It doesn’t matter what it is you “do”, if you allow the destruction of the world you call your home without lifting a finger to action to help to preserve same, are you not just as guilty as those who work actively to destroy it? For what good does it do you to sit on the thatched roof that you are helping to repair, yet refusing to extinguish kindling embers THAT HAVE BEEN BROUGHT TO YOUR ATTIONTION started by the man playing with fire? Saying “I’m not involved” or “It’s his fault” doesn’t save the structure from burning to the ground.

You have to take responsibility for the common dwelling you share called Earth Shan, for don’t you see how foolish it is to “pass the buck”? In the end it always comes back to you—and if you’re caught holding it when the music stops, I fear some very heavy self judgment is going to befall you as you stand before the Lord when it’s time to do the judging.

After you make your transition (what man is taught to believe is “death”) is not the time to see how you can make up for what you did or did not do. NOW IS THAT MOMENT THAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE IN THE HIGHER REALMS. WHAT IS YOUR INTENT? TO LET SOMEONE ELSE SHOULDER THE BURDEN? That didn’t work during Esu “Jesus” Immanuel’s day and it certainly isn’t going to work today. You as individuals are responsible for not only yourself but all you influence during your sojourn in physical manifested “reality”. And that most certainly includes Mother Earth. For just as Aton utilizes man as his arms and hands, Shan gives you what you need to survive and live in relative comfort—BUT YOU HAVE TO USE YOUR STRONG ARMS AND HANDS TO BRING THE “GIFT” INTO YOUR LIFE.

As your civilization wrestles with the ideas of peace and war, know that each moment you remain uncertain as to your individual thrust to bring about change, you are prolonging not only the agony of the planet and all its life forms—but you are also adding “time” to your own Hell, should you make transition in such a confused state. How you leave this world determines your situation in the next. If you have not learned your lessons this time around, the lessons will be greatly increased in that you SEE THE ERROR OF YOUR WAYS the next time.


In the confusion of Satan’s distractions (which is all Satanism is, from our higher vantage point) you have come to think that life is unfair and full of sorrow and disappointment. Nay it does indeed seem that way to you who continually hit your heads against the wall, but life is no different than the concept of going to school except you live in the “schoolroom” twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Each and every waking moment of your life is spent “in class” learning the things you need to know to graduate to those higher understandings you’ve all heard about. You ask to be shown the great mysteries of ancients or to be “illuminated”, yet God give you these things on a continual basis and you throw them back at His feet, crying to be “shown the way”. How many of you have actually found the way and have just decided you liked it better when you were still looking? Because in the searching you can claim ignorance and pass the responsibility THAT COMES WITH “FINDING” on to someone else. As I said before it didn’t work with “Jesus” two thousand years ago, and if you don’t want to repeat the same old mistake, I suggest you get on with practicing what the Master taught—rather than seeking to have Him absolve you of YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.

God gave you all the teachers you will ever need in the world of form that you wake up from after your brief siestas. Each day is the start of that day’s lessons—how many of you will be absent from class as you find every excuse not to learn? It isn’t hard—it is merely a matter of DESIRING to know. Desire is the action word your soul understands; it’s the automatic pilot that gets the rest of you focused on a given task.

Be it desire for “love” or desire for gold or a wish to just be happy, that inner, formless essence is the grand motivator that sets everything in motion. So it is up to you to literally program your desires to cause you to work to build a better life--if that is your goal. And the way to do that is desiring to KNOW GOD AND HIS WAYS AND MEANS IN THAT IT WILL ENABLE YOU TO EXPRESS HIS WILL. FOR IF YOU ATTEND THAT WHICH IS GOD’S HE WILL SEE TO IT THAT THAT WHICH IS MAN’S WILL BE LOOKED AFTER AS WELL.

This is what the ancients practiced and it worked for them. After all, isn’t it “their” so-called “secrets” that you’ve been looking for? Well, they and we have told you all there is to tell-the kingdom of Heaven is within you. “Know thy self and you will know me.” Aton of the One Light has many reflections of Himself and all of them have related these simple teachings to you over and over. As you come into the urgency of confronting the Beast of Revelation, it is hoped that you will again be moved to look back on the words of the Master Teachers—as you do whenever mankind is faced with death and destruction.

Now it is time to REMEMBER the past lessons and allow God to guide you through the changes and turbulent times ahead. If you are not panicked when a little shaking comes, you are half way there, for you cannot function if you are frozen in fear. As for the rest—it’s the Creator’s play, so allow your inspiration to come from the Divine Source, and know that God wins this one.


(One that walks in oneness with the Spirit that is the Spirit which is God. One who walks with their hand in the hand which is the Hand of God.)

-----Commander Soltec to standby.