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Pleiades Connection "Return of the Phoenix" - Vol 1, Chapter 19

Creator God Aton/Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn

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her is always present and holds us close that we not fall by the way or succumb to the hardness of the journey. Go forth and do of the small things so that your hearts can remember the joy—go forth and feed of the tiny creatures who plead for seeds and crusts upon thine branches for your return shall be great within your breast. As we grow so pressed for time, allow us to remember the little ones, such as Rodney Nelson and pray that he finds better sight for his soul is so pure as the lamb’s. Let us ever live in gratitude unto Creator for these ones who give that we might learn truth of life for too often we perceive not that which IS the lesson to be learned. So be it. Thy Creator knows of the fall of each of his creatures unto the smallest sparrow of the fields and has counted their feathers that the patterns of their tribes be perfect—would he do lesser for ye of his greatest Creation? Let us return into his Lighted passages of truth that we might walk again with the Great Spirit of our passage! Salu.

As we look about this day, so much is hidden—but so much is evident. I cannot be in the pointing out of each fragment of change. You must be in the alertness as to that which is coming down—i.e. the change of IBM’s massive information center to Europe is a good one to note—this removes a major central employer unto other nations whilst your unemployment in America has climbed to levels unheard of. You do not know the half of your unemployment problems. You do not see nor understand that you are a nation feeding and surviving off welfare aid—what happens with the depletion of the welfare funds and unemployment funds?

President Bush, in his frenetic quest of the “New World Order” placed another nail solidly in the coffin of America’s sovereignty by his advancement of the free trade pact with Mexico in his past week’s journey into Mexico and sortie south to South America. Oh yes, for a while, even the business enterprises in which our own ones will participate will benefit from better work and smaller prices for goods, etc. Precious ones, it is geared to LOOK GOOD but it is built upon the foundation of sand and cannot stand the pressure of a world in bankruptcy.

Shamir of Israel moves about your country and gains that which you have no notion nor idea. The smiles are great as over and over again Bush assures him that Israel will be protected at all costs. There will be no UN councils on the Middle East and/or regarding Palestine so the bloodshed can continue without notation of the world.

How many of you are aware that Bush has secretly given Israel service to the long-standing demand for a sophisticated Cray supercomputer? We have written on this months past but it now hits some isolated news resources. The sole purpose of Israel having the Cray is to perfect and test the hydrogen bomb! The Jason Committee has pulled it off and the remainder of the Cray equipment not already in place will be immediately transferred to the Weizmann Institute—one of Israel’s leading centers of nuclear weapons research. The Jason Committee is the secret White House panel of leading scientists who brief the President on high-tech defense issues. Israel already has a huge stockpile of nuclear weapons—what might this mean to your world? Israel already goes without discipline from any source on your Earth, for that which they do against those nations surrounding them. They even stated openly and blatantly that had the Six-day War continued even one more day they would use nuclear bombs. Do you not hear or see?

While all this goes on, I would suggest that you take opportunity to watch the backdrop of pictures in Israel/Palestine—Mr. Sharon is openly building huge apartment/condominium complexes on the West Bank for new Israeli arrivals.

You should further note, dear Americans, that thousands more of your reserves and active military personnel are on their way away from America—this very day! You now are totally defenseless on your own home ground—your nation is stripped of any defense what-so-ever in the form of manpower. This is also true of NATO bases in Europe—naked and open for invasion. Do you rest well at night in your sleepy-time dreams?

Do you not hear that which is projected unto you? Ones come forth and say Saddam cannot stand against the armada of tanks and men in Saudi Arabia. Oh yes he can—he has it well planned and we have laid the plans out in detail for you. When Iraqi leaders state that they will reduce the Middle East to ashes—that is exactly what they mean! All the while that you watch not—Israel continues to build and build and build death weapons at tremendous rates. Do you actually believe that at some point here you won’t have eruption of tempers? Do you think the Bear to the North is in mesmerization of goodness? Are you perhaps “fiddling” while your nations burn, so to speak? All you actually did was invade Saudi Arabia and now you have her under complete control—Iraq has little to do with the military assault upon the Middle East, dear sleepy-heads. So be it.

Let us return to your connections with Pleiades for it is equally important that you come into truth about your relationship with those particular cosmic brothers—for they hold your ticket off your planet. HOWEVER, only those who act in truth and within the Cosmic Laws shall be welcomed aboard for placement in the balanced places of their kingdoms. You ones of Earth had best be understanding the truth of this changing time, and your alternatives.


We are continually questioned regarding the physical aspects of craft. Frankly, we plan to outlay all of that information—for your comfort—in the upcoming picture presentation, SIPAPU ODYSSEY. It is reaching the time where you ones are given visual understanding of that which has been prepared for you as was promised. There is such distance between your cosmic brother’s progress and that of yours in even small detail—even unto the matter of the “glass” installed for viewing and light within our craft. The glass itself is made of metal—impervious and unbreakable.

Further, the screens are coated with material which gives instant identification to outside atmospheric components and makeup of the atmosphere itself. For instance, the outer side is coated, and colors itself according to the atmosphere outside the craft by color spectrum changes. The outside of the “window” will appear to be one color, for instance—orange—and inside they are a yellow-green.

Within an atmosphere suited for us, and you, the material is the color orange and casts the yellow-green light inside the craft and registers instantly on instrumentation to infinite spectrum deviations.

When the outside color becomes for example, green, blue, red or yellow, then the light inside changes instantly as well. Without further analysis, the crew is informed whether or not there is need for protective dress and other special needs for travel or visitation outside the craft. This is what we refer to as a “fail-safe” measuring instrumentation and in this manner of determining the atmosphere it is impossible to err in judging needs for the life-forms involved.

Everything regarding contact with the outside atmosphere is controlled through automatic indicators. For instance, the automatics give complete outlay of necessary caution and dress, then, and only then, after completion of necessary sequence—again determined by scanners (i.e. unless a crew-member is properly dressed in protective gear—the automatic exit and intake systems will remain locked). Assuming that the scanners approve then the conduit systems open and only then, after the locking of the conduit doors, do the outside hatches open or unlock. The costume itself has sensors woven within the fabric of the gear in order to disallow error.

If ones wish to disembark in unsuitable atmosphere, then this is only possible with the use of the protective dress suitable for the atmosphere in point along with breathing apparatus, heat-shielding, cold-shielding, etc.

As the craft reaches the stratosphere of a given “world”, where the atmosphere vanishes, then the outside of the onboard screens, “windows”, becomes totally transparent and differs visually hardly from your own clear glass windows.

The screens also automatically shield out all radiations resulting in no danger from this source of hazard unto the crew.

For purposes of observations, we have our control mechanisms, which allow us much better observation than looking out through the onboard windows, because the pictures will likely be unclear, especially during the time the screens may be colored by atmospheric conditions. We have very sophisticated dimensional view scanners constantly projecting on surround-screens—any portion of which can be broken down into microscopic visibility.


We are continually amused by the pictures projected by your so-called space vehicles with your crews all floating around like bobbing corks. Much of that show, you must understand, is for your visual benefit to mislead you and those particular pictures are taken, usually, within the vacuum training systems. Our craft are pressurized, etc., to allow for same stability anywhere we are, just as would be present in our home environment. I fear many, many tricks are played on your senses to delude you to truth of even that which is available on your placement.

For our beloved Wally Gentleman, who will produce, etc., our motion picture, we have given great detail regarding the outlay of a typical Mother Ship which houses people for long periods of time as in a city. We have well-prepared fully self-contained living facilities which have gardens, fields, parks, living quarters, food preparation centers, etc. All needs are provided for from survival needs to schools and thus and so. Perhaps I can herein request that if that document written by pen for Wally can be located in copy, we can interject it within these pages for interest of the readers.


The contacts are meticulously trained and groomed and the information monitored constantly and accurately. We respond to personal queries and exchange much personal conversation but we are most careful to not allow misperceptions to go forth in documented format for our thrust is for accuracy and truth—while maintaining security, privacy and respect.

This requires special training and a long working relationship with a receiver so that our intent can be relayed as nearly in meaning as your language translation allows.

All personal and other matters of inquiry, if utilized, are so stated for much knowledge is learned through the questions of your brothers and insight into the training sessions. As the receivers grow in knowledge it is often that their own questions become a better gauge of the level of input of information for which the masses are ready to receive. For instance, Dharma holds all this knowledge, for anything passing through her data system is contained. However, she is not allowed access to that information except as you are basically receiving it. If she is better informed, it is because she has been exposed to thousands of hours of audio and written input—in other words, even if she chooses to not read the documents after the writing; she still has the data stored. We do not allow her access to any information which would represent “fortune-telling” information dangerous to her security and/or anything prior to occurrence in physical projection as regards governmental or military substance—this, obviously, is for security. She bears no information and, therefore, there is no point in trying to get it from her—this is well understood by technicians in your government and military placements. She is simply a scribe of that which we give.

This does not mean that she does not have the overall picture nor fails to see that which will be. Some of you call it prophecy—it is simply “knowledge”. Once you understand the mechanism of your passage and experience you all will come to understand that which is projected herein regarding “prophesy”. She can in no way be considered either a prophet or a psychic. She receives directly and, therefore, you MAY consider the author of the speeches, i.e. me, a prophet if you choose.

There are safety measures built into our system of communications whereby, should she be utilized as hostage or blackmail against me or our brotherhood—our scanners would automatically be shut down in that I could not give forth security information at any rate. This becomes an obvious necessity. Now, there is other that you all should now be made aware. In these latter days of the cycle of transition, God WILL bring forth truth upon your place—period! It is known by all energies involved in the confrontation and therefore, there are ones, places and things which are a no-no with which to tamper and offenders are not handled with great generosity nor gentleness. It has been a while in reaching such “understanding” but we draw ever closer to perfection in the shielding.

Ours is a Creator-sourced mission and it shall be completed in that total Light. Therefore, we are allowed to protect our counterparts upon your orb and we do not allow ones who work with us in full intent of personal gain, greed or falseness to continue interchange with us. We are extremely disciplined and require total discipline from our ground troops—if personal matters cannot be put aside during our work, then they are relieved of duty until such time as the space is again clear and separate. Our efforts are to never offend if possible but the ego is the first item in forfeit if one chooses to work with us.

If we err in presentation, we shall be first to state such for we function in near human format and we are, of necessity, working with human apparatus and translators—and you, dear ones, have no language of perfect understanding.

We expect recognition of any mistakes which might be projected in error from a scribe or speaker and the errors removed from documentation. It is not a pleasant task for us to constantly trouble ourselves in this respect but truth is our purpose and little errors grow into mountains of confusion.

To our scribes, once we give an “order” or an explanation, then that should be quite sufficient. We are patient during the learning but if individual ego continues to enter into the writings and/or opinions are interjected—the individual is given other tasks or they make their own decision to remove self to other locations and actions outside our teams. As I say, we are most patient—for appropriate time for change and balance; then we are abrupt and decisive for there is not yet time, in perception, for us to continue endlessly with individuals who do not have control of self. There is only one purpose acceptable—God truth. We allow no false and foolish piety to dupe us so the lying lips do not work—we work only from intent of soul-level understanding—not human input. In this group, for instance, we have now reached a point whereby things will not be discussed and rediscussed—facts will be laid forth and homework will be performed and the writings studied diligently by our own groups or they shall simply be finding themselves set to the side. It is a time of pulling off the Earth foolishness of self-orientation.

This repetition and nurse-maiding is extremely time-consuming, illogical and superfluous. We write for 6 1/2 billion separate entities—you readers must glean your portion and stop dawdling about awaiting your private nurse-maid to show up with your digested food. God-truth unto a troubled planet is our purpose—not chewing your food. Social groupings is not in our intent and all children should outgrow the need for emotional crutches for you are in a most critical time of serious change and your social calendar is of not of importance what-so-ever. Will you weep at that which you did not get done for your fellow-man while you socialized at the holiday party? Balance is important—but you might well consider a bit of unbalance in favor of your committed task lest we not get our task finished. What can you do when you have time left from that which you perceive is your active task? Read and study so that you are a professor at the information. Be the source for truth when a brother inquires—and you, dear hearts, in my own ground troops have not even 10% of the information available to your knowledge. How can you expect the world to resolve these heinous problems if you ones do not even attain the information given unto you—how can you expect more from the masses?

By no means do we effort to exercise dictatorial measures or to force our will or our knowledge onto Earth beings. We force no one to do anything. If you do not care for Hatonn—then you are most welcome to go elsewhere. I thrust nothing on anyone—I do require discipline and attention if your commitment is to work with me and I am a hard task-master—would you desire less?

We are here and have undertaken the mission of awakening human unto his plight and give information unto him to allow “remembering” his truth and stature. We come to transmit lessons of truth and give as much service in other ways as will be accepted. Those who wish to accept and acknowledge, utilize and glean worthy and positive opportunity from our farther sight are indeed welcome—humbly welcome. This is done, however, by your own decision and he who refuses our input is most welcome to refuse. We are in service only unto God and Creation—human makes his own choices, be they negative or positive. God promised to send unto the world the WORD of TRUTH and so it shall be given—before the final transition—here it is, coming forth as quickly as we can put it to print. We care not if you deny of it—it is your journey and none of our business save that we are your brothers and ignorance is indeed costly to physical beings—THE SOUL WILL CONTINUE AT ANY RATE—IF YOU DO NOT PRECIPITATE HEINOUS DEATH OF THE PHYSICAL WHICH ALSO IRREVERSIBLY DAMAGES THE VERY SOUL ESSENCE STRUCTURE.


Acknowledging ones must be aware that quite definite principles are necessary to preserve order, thus special objectives and orders must be observed, as well as not omitting certain assistance expected of them.

Man takes it upon himself to edit our material in order to cause less negative responses from, let us say, secular doctrines of churches, etc. We have nothing but God-truth to offer unto your consideration. Earth churches have altered truth and in these closing times God brings and sends again—THE TRUTH—unto you. This is why we accept no alteration or editing of this material.

You ones wish to delete our observations regarding your religions, governments and military intents and controls placed upon you as a species. TRUTH WILL GET YOU GRADUATED INTO HIGHER DIMENSION AND PLACEMENT—NOT LIES NOR OMITTED GAPS IN INFORMATION. If you believe not that which is brought forth, first I suggest you objectively look around at your world and clearly see the problems—then decide for yourself that which you believe. It would be nice of you, however, to allow your brother to come into his own opinion for one day—you who denounce this word and pull your brother from his truth opportunity through your pronouncement of great self-know-it-all—shall surely be pained and in turn denounced. GOD IS INFINITE BUT HE WILL ALLOW UNTO YOUR VERY DESTRUCTION FOR IT IS HIS GIFT UNTO YOU AS A SPECIES—FREE-WILL CHOICE AND “REASON” CAPABILITY.


Some valid contacts have been lost to credibility for this very reason. Earth-persons involved chose to edit, tamper, lie and create models of material and craft and thus truth in wholeness was lost. Unfortunately for the receiver and contact—it rests not with their responsibility as to that which transpires with the material after the presentation. But to a valid and trained contact and/or scribe, to have this perpetrated upon his truth and work is destructive indeed for his life purpose is destroyed and turned into the perpetuation of the lies already abounding. I could name a dozen lost to the work because of the lies and greed of those surrounding them—it shall not be allowed in this instance—you of mankind upon Earth have no more time for the lies. So be it and selah.

Dharma, allow closure of this segment as the computer has again had tampering. We shall have to consider re-programming or placing more sophisticated monitoring equipment within the apparatus. If you allow constant tending and frequent manual writing of the document we can ease through for a while but you will need be attentive to the signals to call errors to your attention. Thank you. At any rate, this is sufficient in length for this sitting. Good-morning.

There is much work taking place with the location and I suggest that you and Oberli leave for a while this day. You can not long function with the increased noise and discomfort from the signals. Use wisdom, chela, it is better to take breaks away from the location and even into the noise-filled city than to become incapacitated from the constant barrage against you. You are now receiving in a audio range of extremely high frequency and anything of lower pitch or intended ELF pulses are debilitating indeed. We shall simply have to be continually at monitoring and I ask that you observe my requests regarding time away. We, are, at any rate, producing material more quickly than most are assimilating the information. But man shall simply have to become more responsible for we are going to increase the output—GOD IS PATIENT BUT YOUR WOULD-BE WORLD CONTROLLERS ARE NOT! INDEED, MUCH HAS PASSED THE STAGE OF REPAIRING. SO BE IT.

Hatonn to clear, please. Saalome’