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Pleiades Connection -"Return of the Phoenix", Summary, Dedication, & Introduction

Creator God/Aton/Hatonn

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from us.

We have help to overcome all of our major difficulties IF we will return to living under the Laws of Creation and God.

Many other topics are covered, such as types of dwellings best for our use from now on (patterned after Pleiadian dwellings). - Future Revelations and Earth changes - The Constitution of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization under which Pres. Bush is operating our country instead of the Constitution of the United States - What TRUE love is - Spacecraft -Types of metal used in them - About 666 and its significance - How the planet Venus got into our solar system and details about its surface (not as some have told us) - The danger of certain comets in our past and immediate future - The truth about robotoids as our world leaders and MUCH, MUCH MORE.




TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1990 7:55 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 124

To Albert Monette is this dedicated, in behalf of all of you readers who would question and ask. All are seeking Truth and Light and we humbly honor those who speak out and allow interchange beyond the personal debate. These documentations are set forth to give you thought material to measure growth and understanding, for confusion reigns at the time of unveiling of the mysteries of this wondrous experience journey through life. We are all moving through various veils of learning and growth—each from the higher plane given to assist the ones in less understanding and those higher than we, give unto us—IT IS THE PATH BACK UNTO ONENESS WITH GOD, WITHIN THE WONDROUS CREATION.

I salute you!


This will be a bit tedious as an “Introduction” because I wish to share insight of a much higher understanding rather than simply dump you into your relationship with your brothers from Pleiades. To understand your connections with more advanced brothers you must understand that you are simply struggling within the learning processes of growth into the wholeness of God/Creation Love and Balance.

I herein DEDICATE this volume—this “Introduction” to one, Albert Monette of Joshua Tree, California. I ask that his most recent correspondence be reprinted here in full. We must all learn to separate that which is the whole into pieces of “chewable” size. Whatever is written in the Journals in no way discounts the truths which have been brought forth prior to our accounting. I have utilized Al’s correspondence dealing with the subject of “Loving thine enemies into change” and I am humbly grateful to this man for his in-depth thoughts on the subject material and his sincere and time-consuming expression of his thoughts.

It may appear that we enjoy scattering the tatters of pain upon you as a sleeping society—nay, but you must awaken unto that which IS. Then, and only then, can you move into the effection of change and within the truth of actions and intent. Unfortunately, thus far, the Journals of necessity have had to contain the shocking uncloaking of the evil and pain upon your place. Now, we may also move more quickly into the spiritual aspects of balance through the individual attachment unto that which is truth in spiritual development.

To be released in the very near future is a three volume projection from Sananda through a beloved servant, “JOY”, who outlays in brilliance and glory that which is both individual and massively encompassing for humanity. I have requested that America West publish the material and make it available unto you. You see, we of the higher energies most certainly work in concert. For those of you who need confirmation and “proof” however, all does not come from a single source. Neither may it come as ONLY through THE JOURNALS. This set of writings, you will find, totally balance the JOURNALS in truth but bear the truth of spiritual necessity and “how to” of a distant receiver—not working in conjunction with Dharma. This does two things—it spreads the responsibility and allows all of you readers to understand the diversification of the bringing forth of truth and the fact that if truth is truth—it varies not from pen to pen. This series, as indicated, I believe will be entitled: SOLUTIONS FOR OUR TOTAL GLOBAL SPIRITUAL STARVATION. I apologize in that you will have to contact America West for further information for I have naught to do with the material. I believe it shall be available around the first of the year—at least the first volume.

In direct response to Al Monette I would ask that he, and YOU, recognize that most of the JOURNALS come forth from my own projections as a COMMANDER in only slightly advanced form than are you of Earth plane. Things of physical manifestation must be tended in the manner of presentation—physically. Spirit is ultimately ALL, but man must come again into recognition of that which is placed asunder and then he can grapple with regaining balance from the chaos. This means, dear ones, that the chaos MUST BE CONFRONTED, ISOLATED AND BROUGHT AGAIN INTO ORDER!

I ask that we write portions from the letter in italics, Dharma, and I shall respond in ( ) in formal type style for I do wish to respond as I move along. I further request that this be placed at the forefront of the next Express. I am pained that Al presents the publishing of this document in the form of a formal challenge but none-the-less it bears the thought of the multitudes and therefore shall be handled as such. I do suggest that you ones would not, however, write such challenges unto say, “Bo” Gritz and/or Alvin Toffler. Perhaps the very fact that you do handle the information differently indicates great impact on the consciousness—I sincerely hope so. Salu.

December 14, 1990:

The Phoenix Journals/Express offers us truthful but negative information which enlightens us as to what the “Dark Forces” are doing to control us, however this form of information also has a tendency to instill in our minds, condition us or incline us to:

a) Hate, anger, resentment, revenge and hostilities.

(Do you cast blame upon the Journals, dear friend? Are these emotions absent in your lives as is? Do these feelings only stem from learning truth of circumstance or is, perhaps, the problem already present in over-abundance?)

b) Lose faith, hope and trust in our brothers.

(Do you have faith, hope and trust in your brothers? If so, why has your world become so ill that the truth hurts so much? Have your “brothers” not gained the deserving of loss of these higher qualities to great extent? Is it the JOURNALS AND EXPRESSES that have single-handedly presented this new phenomenon of mistrust unto you the people? I think perhaps you give unto us a bit more than our share of credit for there have been some very daring authors and speakers bringing like truths unto you regarding your plight. Or, is it that this information is somehow unacceptable from the Hosts of Heaven and precursors of God’s return to your placement? You ones of Earth cannot have it both ways—you must come into the light or remain ever in the darkness for that is simply the way of it.)

c) To become fearful, combative, offensive or defensive.

(Do you speak for self or for all of your brethren? We have not received other material of such content other than to thank us for the new feelings of “we must do something about this situation”. It is not the feelings which are erroneous and should be subjugated—it is the action taken in thoughtful RESPONSE instead of REACTION. Our mission is to awaken mankind—he has had the lessons of LOVE (totally misunderstood by all save a tiny few) and he has only gotten deeper into the mire—therefore, it must be assumed that mankind has lost his way and he must see where he is in order to regain a path, be it positive or negative in portent.)

d) Reject, blame, judge and condemn our brothers.

(I would hope this is not true, but I am confident the statement is all too true! I would hope, rather, that you look within and see what rejection, blame, judgment and condemnation is appropriate for SELF and then, only then, can correction be brought about. It is never the brother at “blame”; it is YOUR PERCEPTION AND RESPONSE AND ALLOWANCE OF THAT BROTHER WHICH PRECIPITATES THE PROBLEMS IN WHICH YOU NOW FIND SELVES.)

e) See the gloomy side of life and have a negative frame of mind!

(I most surely do hope so! Do you indicate that there is no gloomy side of life nor negative perspective except now that the JOURNALS have brought the causative factors into focus? Could it be that you of the lie want to continue to hide the gloom and negative aspects under the carpets to be out of sight? Will this legacy of refusal to focus on the CAUSE be sufficient to the generations to come—for that which you in your generation fail to correct?)

f) Feel disappointed, frustrated, disgusted and depressed without destiny.


g) Feel divided, rather than united and integrated for Peace, Love with harmony and balance.

(You are already totally divided, disunited and unintegrated. You have no Peace, true Love or Harmony—certainly you have no Balance.! You must understand that which IS, lest you continue your path of the downward spiral while those—who understand how to manipulate these tatters—destroy the remainder of the course chosen by you ones as experience. IF YOU ALLOW IT, IT SHALL COME UPON YOU. ONLY TRUTH SHALL GIVE YOU FREEDOM FOR ONLY THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE OF THAT WHICH IS IN TRUTH GIVES YOU INSTRUCTIONS FOR THAT ACTION WHICH MUST BE TAKEN.)

h) Lose sight that we are all part of the ONENESS as well as an extension of the INFINITE, DIVINE source of Cosmic Consciousness, LIGHT and LOVE.

(If we have failed in this projection, then I bend in humble apology for ultimately this is ALL there IS! For not one moment nor word of projection is it intended to indicate a separation of the above outlaid connection. THIS IS WHY YOU MUST TAKE CONTROL AND COME INTO UNDERSTANDING OF TRUTH SO THAT YOU REGAIN THE POWER OF THIS WONDROUS CONNECTION AGAINST WHICH NO DARKNESS CAN PENETRATE, MUCH LESS, PREVAIL!)

i) Be narrow-minded and biased, rather than open-minded, to see other points of view, different than ours, in order to find a solution to our problems, disputes, disagreements or differences.

(I know not to what you refer. It is time to be narrow-minded and biased toward Truth and God. It is a LIE OF LIES projected upon you ones that you must accept that which is heinously done unto you and your species by those who project “total open-mindedness” and “accept ALL things good or bad” in majority rule and/or allowing! You have all but destroyed your entire species and planet through this type of action and/or inaction. Is it not equally “right” to take a stand for God as it is to ALLOW all manner of EVIL to surround and destroy you? Have we ever suggested you not debate, bring public the points in question, disagree or have differences of opinions? Nay, please brothers, do not effort to dump blindness upon your higher brothers! Stand responsible—RESPONSIBLE—for your blunders and errors; do not denounce us for pointing out the truth which has so completely deluded and eluded your attention. Can you not be gracious unto these ones who bring forth this truth in actual line of gun-fire and targeted destruction and death? Can you sit in your sanctimonious and pious blinders and cast stones at these ones who stand forth and give ALL THEY HAVE OF WORLDLY GOODS AND PLACE THEIR VERY LIVES ON THE EXECUTION BLOCKS IN ORDER TO SERVE GOD AND YOUR DESTINY! Please, I ask for more from each of you than that attitude. I am accused of repetition and boring repeating of, “YOU ARE GIVEN FREE-WILL CHOICE AND IT IS UP TO YOU THAT WHICH YOU WILL DO WITH THIS TRUTH!” Does this actually portend intent as you have laid it forth?)

j) Instead of the above negative emotions, let us learn to pray for, forgive and love our brothers and sisters.

Have we forgotten what Matthew 5:44 states?

“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you”. AREN’T THE DARK FORCES OUR BIGGEST ENEMY?

(Do you also believe in eye for eye and tooth for tooth—death for death regardless of cause, etc.? Why do you ones so selectively present your Biblical passages unto us? Is not each grouping upon your place claiming truth of their own “Holy Books”? Could it be that ones deny GOD in favor of man’s interpretation of that which is correct and usually mistranslated? I care not which, but let me also do a little quoting from that same good book! Let us look at JAMES 4:” .... You are like an unfaithful wife who loves her husband’s enemies—the evil pleasures of this world—makes you an enemy of God? I say it again, that if your aim is to enjoy the evil pleasure of the unsaved world, you CANNOT also be a friend of God.”

And, how about 1 JOHN 2: “... Stop loving this evil world and all that it offers you, for when you love these things you show that you do not really love God....” As we have gone along with these JOURNALS we have efforted to remind you over and over and over again—you must love your brother and love your enemy—but you must abhor, disdain and despise evil actions. Did the Master Teacher not cast the money-mongers and changers from out the temple? Well, is not the planet, herself, the temple? Is not your own self, within, the temple of God? Would you misunderstand LOVE AND ALLOWANCE for the keeping of that which is evil, deceitful and corrupt within???? Do you perhaps confuse the precious creation for the actions thereof? “If thine wife gives you a dish of food with salt rather than sugar in the pie, do you hate your wife for the error—or do you cast aside the pie as that which it is, unpalatable?” Would you be expected to eat it? Suppose the error is of poison—wouldst you go ahead and eat it? If you would, oh brother, then you do not understand the lessons of God.)

The Dark Forces represent the following:

1. The Bolshevik/Zionists and supporters.

2. One-World Government Cartel/Elite and supporters.

3. Trilateral Commission and supporters.

4. The Council on Foreign Relations & supporters.

5. The Communist Party and supporters.

(So be it, as far as it goes. You have said, it appears, that which we have brought to your attention. Wherein lies the problem?)

To refresh our memories, let us define “UNCONDITIONAL LOVE”, shall we? Unconditional Love is a total acceptance of all entities, whether they be positive or negative without blame, without judgment, without condemnation and without expectations.

(Dear ones, it is one thing to “accept” the presence of these entities—it is quite another to continue to allow the actions of the entities to destroy others of God’s Creations, enslave and prostitute the nations as well as the peoples and planet herself. To ALLOW THESE ACTIONS INDICATES SANCTION OF THE ACTIONS AND IT IS UPON THIS MISCONCEPTION OF THE MASSES THAT THE WOULD-BE CONTROLLERS THROUGH EVIL ARE ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH THEIR HEINOUS DEEDS!)

All this negative information, even if truthful, which the readers receive in The Phoenix Journals or Express is compounding the situation and our problems on this planet. As we all know, negative emotions and thinking encourage the negative or dark forces of energy to continue whatever they’re doing! Instead... educate the readers, with more emphasis on how we may all improve or generate more LOVE and raise our Spiritual Consciousness. By the way, we need this desperately at this time.

We should all know that the negative or dark forces of energy can not operate and flourish in an environment filled with love! The more love we can generate on this placement, the quicker we can eliminate or rid ourselves of these negative and dark forces of energy, which try to manipulate, control and enslave mankind. You may want to call these forces the “False Jews”, The 13th Tribe, The Khazars or the Zionists or even the Satanic Forces! But whatever name you use, they are all “Dark Forces of Negative Energy”, are they not?

(We call them by their proper labels SO THAT YOU THE PEOPLE DO NOT MISINTERPRET AND LABEL THE PRECIOUS AMONG THE RABBLE. As for the projections that LOVE will cure all—ah yes, it would do so, no doubt about it. I suggest, however, that there are thousands of books suggesting that we simply love one another and the bad monsters will “just go away”. No, they will not for you must know who and what are the bad monsters to impact them in any manner what-so-ever, Love or Hate included. AS MAN COMES AGAIN INTO UNDERSTANDING OF GOD AND CREATION HE WILL AUTOMATICALLY BEGIN TO TURN AGAIN INTO TRUTH AND LOVE; HE WILL DO THIS BY RECOGNIZING THE ERRORS AND LIES THRUST UPON HIM SO THAT HE CAN UNDERSTAND THAT PORTION OF HIS ACTIONS AND BELIEFS THAT HAVE LED HIM ASTRAY IN THE FIRST PLACE!

(We do not suggest that you do not “Love the evil MAN—but despise his evil”! Most ones involved in, say, the Zionist “movement”, are totally unaware of truth of the situation. If we do not give unto you the explanation and point out the difference, how are you to come into truth in time to allow for a Godly destiny? This is why we are presented unto you, so that, at what you will classify as “judgment”, you beloved ones of the planet shall have some idea as to the truth of your circumstance—’tis what is “within” which shall be coming into inspection by self and God. God now decrees that “the time of ignorance” is to be put behind you as a species—it is graduation time.)

If you dear folks in Tehachapi mean well, and I am sure you are out to do the Will of The Infinite, Divine and Creative Source, if you are dedicated to serve mankind and are out to promote Peace, Love, Truth and The Light, then kindly print this letter with your response, whatever it may be, in The Phoenix Journals, for all to read and discern for themselves with our “FREE WILL”.

If you are truly Light Emissaries filled with Truth and Love and you’re not afraid of losing a few dollars from the sale of these books, then you will not reject or ignore this request.

Should you decide to refute this letter, then sadly you will be showing your true colors. This letter has been written with sincerity and Love for all concerned.

(So be it! There is gross misunderstanding, however, as to who is who and what is what. The ones who write and publish only do so as WE ask them to do so. They do not make the decisions for they work in true service unto the God who brings this message of truth unto you. They remain hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for the presenting of this information so it is not of kind service unto them to suggest they would withhold truth or sharing in order to glean “a few dollars” by not printing your thoughtful information. We KNOW that your message is sent with great LOVE FOR ALL CONCERNED, ESPECIALLY YOUR FELLOW-MAN, so please KNOW that we KNOW! Further, please understand that even though you did not fully understand WHY YOU FELT COMPELLED TO SEND THIS DOCUMENT—GOD KNOWS AND APPRECIATES YOUR RESPONDING TO HIS CALL THAT OTHERS MIGHT SHARE THE EXPRESSION YOU WOULD TAKE THE TIME TO PRONOUNCE.

Please accept our humble dedication unto you, brother, for service which might appear to be responded with egg on the face. Nay, it is giving a forum for expression which is not of such value simply stated unto the ethers.)

May the abundant Blessings from God-Light be with you always, and may you all have a beautiful, holy and happy holiday season.

In Divine Love and Affection,

Albert Monette

60353 Latham Trail

Joshua Tree, Ca. 92252

(I give his address for he has given us permission to print same, along with his documents (permission on file). Be in appreciation to ones like this brother who will sort and attempt understanding that all of you might find your way in truth without fear of countering or questioning. God expects use of that wondrous gift given unto you of the human species—only through thought and sharing can you perfect that wondrous gift and again come into oneness with thine own Source. I would hope that ones of you readers who have appreciation in a special manner, might write unto this one in the same Love as given forth from him unto you. He simply fears that you as a creation will be somehow misled as to the ultimate purpose of soul journey. I honor this man greatly and give humble appreciation unto his service.)

P.S. I’m not saying that no one should read the Phoenix Journals or Expresses nor that we shouldn’t be keeping an open-mind to Political Truth’s presented in these writings! I’m only trying to emphasize the idea that we shouldn’t forget what Jesus, Esu, Emmanuel or Sananda stated in Matthew 5:44. We should have a firm and solid foundation and be Spiritually prepared to comprehend the meaning of “Unconditional Love” and not lose sight of this!

Unfortunately, the average person or reader and Church goer is not Spiritually prepared, so they quickly forget the Scriptural passage from above and they do not fully comprehend the full or true meaning of Love. SO BE IT!

(Ah, and so be it! Let us not be misunderstanding the intelligence and ability of human intent—we must not place limits on that which man can grasp and will grasp as truth is unfolded. He has simply lost his bearings, his way, and will rekindle Spiritual Oneness as he remembers. We are ALL BUT ONE and to lessen the ability or intent of ONE only lessens ourselves within the ALL. WE MUST CONFRONT THE ERRORS IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH, CORRECT THE ERRORS THROUGH THE LIGHT OF TRUTH IN LOVE, FORGIVENESS AND UNDERSTANDING—THEN THE REVERSAL SHALL COME AND AGAIN WE CAN JOIN IN THE ONENESS IN RETURN INTO THE WHOLENESS OF OUR SOURCE. AHO!)

This requires an understanding of placement in the Universe, the Cosmos and Source of journey through heritage, ancestry and awakening to the unfolding of the MYSTERIES! NOT THE MYSTICISM! GOD AND CREATION ARE NOT MYSTICAL—THEY ARE WONDROUS MYSTERIES IN THE PROCESS OF UNVEILMENT! MAY WE SHARE THIS WONDROUS REVELATION AND UNVEILING TOGETHER!

I am Hatonn