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The Black Pope - Part 2

Rick Martin- Interview with Eric Jon Phelps

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(continuing from Part I

Phelps: I think it's true. I know that Angelton was the mole. Angelton was the one who betrayed all those CIA agents in Russia, in which the vast majority of them were killed, when he gave all that information to that KGB kingpin on a farm in New York, in a van, stuffed with all the highest, top secret CIA documents. Ok?

Colby comes along as the Director of the CIA--I know his brother, he lives nearby me--Colby comes along as the Director of the CIA and what does he do? He fires Angelton. Bad news for Colby.

Martin: Yeah, it was.

Phelps: They filled him up with lead. Eric Timm, he was also against Angleton; he was history. That's all told in Anthony K. Brown's work Treason In The Blood. There's a whole little chapter on Eric Timm and some of the other guys in the CIA who were against Angelton. They all died. So there's a faction in the CIA that knows that something is rotten in Denmark, and they don't quite know what it is. Hopefully, they'll read my book and see that the CIA is just an arm of the Jesuit Order and Knights of Malta, carrying out the Council of Trent and the Pope's temple power, and will REVOLT, and start to tell the truth themselves.

It's the same way in the FBI. My father lectured at the FBI Academy. He wanted to be in the FBI, but his parents were Communists, so he was not let in by J. Edgar Hoover. But the FBI has low-level agents who wonder just what's going on. A lot of them didn't approve of what happened in Waco.

They need to come out and tell the truth. This whole "house of cards"--and that's what it is, this is not an undefeatable, invincible monster--it's a house of cards; it plays on FEAR. If men would tell the truth, and come out and tell what they know, and not be afraid, this whole house of cards would crumble. That's what they need to do.

Martin: Who is Avery Dulles?

Phelps: Avery Dulles is the son of John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, I believe, under Eisenhower. Avery Dulles is a Jesuit, and he was the nephew of the head of the CIA during the Kennedy assassination, who was Allan Dulles. And Allan Dulles was a Freemason, also called "the gentleman spy" in the book The Gentleman Spy.

Martin: What was Angelton's role in the Kennedy assassination?

Phelps: Angelton was the one who was to "investigate" it on the part of the CIA. (laughter)

Angelton also, I believe, was liaison to the Warren Commission--no, that was Dulles. But Angelton and Dulles were working together on that, because Angelton was the Chief of Counter-Intelligence and he manned the Vatican Desk, and he manned the Israeli Desk.

See how they're maintaining the Zionists in power, with the Israeli Desk? So, they saved Israel's hide in the '73 war, because Kissinger almost lost it for them. Alexander Haig gave them, the Israelis, those anti-tank missiles, and got them in their hands before the Egyptians got into Israel and disabled them. That was Alexander Haig, Knight of Malta, for which reason he was also the Supreme Allied Commander for NATO, promoted over 260 of his peers.

Martin: Do you know anything about Haig's statement "I'm in charge now!" Do you remember that?

Phelps: Yeah, I do. I don't know all of the implications, but I'm sure it fits in with him being, in fact, in charge in the Nixon White House.

Martin: Ok, I want to go back to the Kennedy assassination, and I'm going to just mention some names: Clay Shaw, Jim Garrison, J. Peter Grace, Henry Luce, E. Howard Hunt, John McCone. Why are they so important to this story?

Phelps: Give me one and we'll start with one.

Martin: Let's start with Clay Shaw.

Phelps: Clay Shaw was a Knight of Malta. He was the head of the international trade mart in New Orleans. Roman Catholic, homosexual, multi-millionaire, lived lavishly, etc. Clay Shaw was the personal friend of David Ferry. David Ferry was a CIA agent, and was also a pilot for Carlos Marchello--the CIA and the Mafia together. Clay Shaw also was a friend of Lee Oswald, and Garrison proves it.

Here we have Clay Shaw, who was in the CIA. It was admitted by Richard Helms that Clay Shaw was a "contract agent" for the CIA, and the highest security involved in the Kennedy assassination, because he gets an attorney for Dean Andrews who's subpoenaed by Garrison. So, if Clay Shaw is involved, he's a Knight of Malta, he's high CIA, and he can't go down.

That's why the court was packed. The judge was biased against Garrison. The defense of Shaw was unlike any before. There was a guy behind, whispering to the defense attorney. That's not allowed in a courtroom defense.

Shaw HAD to be found innocent, because if he was found guilty, now the CIA is going down. Now we're going to have a revolution. So, Clay Shaw had to be found not guilty.

But it wasn't many years after that, he died under suspicious conditions and never had an autopsy. He died of lung cancer. But he's part of the brotherhood, and the Jesuits are very powerful in New Orleans.

Martin: John McCone.

Phelps: John McCone was a very powerful industrialist, and one who was part of the military-industrial complex, before he became the head of the CIA. He later went on to become part of, I believe, ITT.

John McCone was another Knight of Malta, head of the CIA, and participated in the Kennedy assassination by virtue of him being its head. And he's Knight of Malta.

Angelton is a Knight of Malta. Henry Luce is a Knight of Malta. William F. Buckley is a Knight of Malta. And William F. Buckley then ran the National Review--and what does he do? He blames Oswald as the lone assassin.

Where was the picture concocted, for Oswald, as though his head is put on this body that's not his? It was concocted, probably, I believe, in the Time-Life Building, when they did that, because Time-Life has a whole bunch of CIA agents in it. And, remember, Time-Life is right across the street from St. Patrick's Cathedral, where Cardinal Spellman was ruling from.

So, Spellman was overseeing the whole thing, with Henry Luce. And, if you get Luce And His Empire, there is a picture in there of Cardinal Spellman, Luce, Grace, Clare Boothe Luce, and Dean Rusk, on the 1963, 4-year anniversary of Time magazine in the Waldorf Astoria, only months before the Kennedy assassination. And there's Dean Rusk, the architect of the Vietnam War, according to the words of his own son.

Ok, who's the other one? Howard Hunt. Howard Hunt is a CIA agent, of course.

He said he was never in Dallas the day of the assassination, but Mark Lane proved that he was. Thank God for Mark Lane. Here's another Jew getting in the way of the Vatican. Just like Daniel Ellsberg--here's another Jew getting in the way of the Vatican's Vietnam War.

You see Jews who are getting in the way of the Vatican, and the Jesuits are furious about it. So here's Mark Lane; he's openly defeated William F. Buckley in court before; now he proves that Howard Hunt is a CIA agent, in Dallas the day of the assassination.

The jury came forward with that verdict, and who is Howard Hunt? Howard Hunt is a personal friend of Henry Luce, a correspondent for Time-Life. He's a personal friend of William F. Buckley. He goes to one of Buckley's parties at the New York Yacht Club. He knows them both. He knows two of the High Knights.

And guess what? Guess what Howard Hunt is called? He's called "Knight". (laughter)

I wonder what he was--Knight of Columbus, or whatever. But he's involved with the brotherhood.

So he was there on the day of the assassination, intimate with Luce and Buckley. Just as the chart says on my web page. And by the way, your readers need to look at my web page.

Martin: I'm going to mention a few more names.

Phelps: Oh, J. Peter Grace we forgot. J. Peter Grace was the head of the Knights of Malta in 1963. He is the head of W. R. Grace, and he's one of the largest shipping tycoons in the world, in control of all the shipping in South America. Grace is a powerful man, or was a powerful man.

Martin: Has anyone filled his shoes?

Phelps: Yes, Flynn is head of the Knights of Malta now, down in Florida where there new office is. They moved from New York to Florida, I think Bocca Raton. They have 11 Knights of Malta on the W. R. Grace board.

And, of course, guess who owns Taco Bell? W. R. Grace.

So now we see W. R. Grace involved in the poisoning of America with fast-food chains, so everybody gets heart disease, clogged arteries, so they can go to bypass surgery and further enrich the medical profession, while carrying out their medical inquisition. Isn't that clear? So not only are they going to kill all of the American people, but they're going to make billions doing it.

Martin: I'm sure they're laughing all the way to the bank.

Phelps: They sure are. And where Grace did his banking, W. R. Grace, they did their banking at Chemical Bank in New York. Guess who runs Chemical Bank? Knights of Malta.

Martin: Jim Garrison was a very brave guy.

Phelps: Yes, he was. He lost his marriage. He lost his children. He suffered greatly through this, doing what he did.

Martin: Ok, I want to talk about the movie JFK. You mention the Jesuits, in control of Time-Warner, produced Oliver Stone's movie JFK. What was the reason for this? To just further cement, subliminally in the minds of the American people, their absolute power?

Phelps: I think that might be part of it. But, I think it's a test. It's a test: tell the American people the truth to see what they will do about it. And they did nothing.

And that was the end of Garrison, or Kevin Costner's speech, in the courtroom, when he said "It's up to you." And he looks directly into the camera. So, he's looking at us.

That was a call to do something about it. It's a test. What will we do? And you know what was done? Nothing. The men in power, the men in the know, the men who could have said something, did nothing. So that was the purpose of the movie.

Meanwhile, they interweave all these Jesuit subliminals all throughout the movie: "Black is white, white is black"--when Garrison is at the restaurant, talking to his people--that's Ignatius Loyola. David Ferry shows pictures of his Catholic uniform there, and Satan pictures in his apartment, all very much Jesuitism.

There were a couple of other things I noticed that I can't quite remember. Oh, they had a subliminal "study the past". It goes on there, it's on a building or something, "study the past". And they said: "It's like Caesar; he's not in the loop." Well, Caesar was murdered by those close to him. And the ones who murdered Caesar were the priests of Rome. There's all kinds of subliminals in that movie which point to the power of the Jesuit Order, all over. The assassination--right after they take his body out of Parkland Hospital, they've got the cross on it, the crucifix. That is a very unique, Jesuit crucifix.

When I was at a Jesuit retreat in Redding one day, I just wanted to walk through the place. I wanted to see where these sinners rule from, so I thought I would walk through the place and check out the rooms. It just so happened that the Jesuits were on the second floor, by themselves. So I went to the first floor and the third floor, and looked into the rooms. They were little, tiny rooms, and on every bed is a crucifix with a crucified person on it. It's not the Jesus Christ of the Bible; it's their Jesus Christ. And that's the same exact crucifix that was put on the coffin, in the movie, when they're shipping the coffin out.

And get a load of this: the guy who came to give Kennedy the Last Rites, Oscar Hubert, his superior was the Bishop of Dallas, by the name of Thomas Gorman. Bishop Thomas Gorman was a Knight of Malta, answerable directly to Cardinal Spellman.

Martin: Let's talk about Cardinal Spellman. Who was he? Why was he so important? You say, in the book, he really was the man behind it.

Phelps: Right.

Martin: Why do you say that?

Phelps: Cardinal Spellman was, first, very much involved in politics all of his life. Remember, he was trained by the Jesuits at Fordham. He was trained by Jesuits at the American College in Rome. When he came back here, he was taken care of by Nicholas Brady and his wife, multi-billionaires in control of Union Carbide, and various banks, multi-multi-billionaires.

Spellman was part of getting FDR into office, although I believe Cardinal Hayes was the Cardinal. Guess who FDR names as his international agent, during World War II? Francis Spellman. Francis Spellman was throughout the war-front during World War II, going to and from the Vatican, the Allied Army, etc. And, with that, he built a huge network of contacts. He, also, of course, had contacts with the mob.

So, by the time of the Kennedy assassination, we have Cardinal Spellman here, who helped the Nazis get into the United States, with the FBI.

I met one of those Nazis about 6 months ago. I call him Pete. He showed me his Nazi SS overcoat, which is a beautiful overcoat--I'd love to have it. And it was the FBI who brought all of these High Nazis in and resettled them, and gave them money to settle.

Who did that? Francis Spellman, by helping those criminals escape the theater of Europe so that they could not be prosecuted. It's called the "Vatican Ratline" that Loftus writes about in his Unholy Trinity.

So, Spellman is involved in getting the SS out, helping the Ustashis. Spellman is involved in this whole second 30 Years War of the Vatican in Europe, outlined by Edmond Paris in his Vatican Against Europe.

And so, he is in a perfect place to carry out the assassination. He has contacts with the Knights of Malta in England, with the Knights he controls in America; he has his Jesuit contacts who trained him at Fordham and Rome; he was a personal friend of Pius XII during the war.

He was a personal friend of the secret cold-warrior, Montini, Pius VI. So he is the perfect man, with all of the connections, to carry it out. He has contacts with the CIA, the Knights from the CIA, the Knights from the FBI, in the person of Carthe DeLouthe, who still lives. He had contacts with high-level Freemasonry, with people like J. Edgar Hoover and their raving against Communism, Communism, Communism--international, Godless, Jew Communism.

He and Hoover are bosom, probably bed, partners. And so, Spellman is in a place to be in control of the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, and through Freemasonry, the Dallas Police Department--like they control every major city's P.D. And so he carries it out.

And then he's also in control of the press, in control of Time and Life, with Henry Luce, so the press never gets it. He's in control of CBS, with a man named Frank Shakespeare, who was the head of CBS at the time.

So you think Walter Cronkite is going to tell us the truth? No way. He's in control of CBS, NBC, ABC. They have stocks in it, for heaven's sake. So, there's no way the story's getting out. And he's in control of the CIA to hit and kill anybody who wants to come out and tell the truth, which is why there's over a hundred dead witnesses over the last 30 years.

That's why they took out Fensterwald, in 1992, outlined in the book by that CIA agent First Hand Knowledge, by Morrow. He was a CIA agent. He was in on the Kennedy assassination. He completely outlines it in his book, and he tells of that relationship of the CIA to killing Fensterwald. He dedicates his book to Fensterwald.

So, how's it getting out? This is only getting out by fearless preachers, who preach the Word of God, and aren't afraid of telling the truth politically, trusting God that He will move and do His part, now that we've done our part.

Martin: FBI Director Hoover, Earl Warren, Gerald Ford, Johnson--Jesuit tools?

Phelps: Jesuit tools. All 33rd-Degree Freemasons. And remember, the Council of the 33rd Degree is located in Washington. They control all of the Shriners in this country. Washington is controlled by the Jesuits from Georgetown.

The capital of the United States is at Georgetown University, not the White House.

And if you go into the president's office at Georgetown, you will see a picture of Bill Clinton, kneeling at the grave of Timothy Healy [past president of Georgetown], while the present president, Donovan, who is on the Walt Disney Board, is standing behind him.

I wanted that picture; I wanted a copy of that picture. Those people threw me out of that office. They would not let me have a copy of it. I sent another person, a lady, up there. They would not give it to her. I want that picture, for my book, of Bill Clinton kneeling at the grave of these Jesuits. Can't get it. But if you go in the president's office, it's there.

Georgetown is the capital. They control all Freemasonry. In fact, if you go to Maryland, they've got the great big lodge across from a great big Jesuit institution, in Baltimore--a great huge Shriner Lodge is across the street from a Jesuit University. And they're enemies?

Martin: I want to talk about Bill Clinton in a minute, but before we get to him, who is Cartha DeLoach?

Phelps: Cartha DeLoach--his sir name was Deke. He was the 3rd-in-command of the FBI at the time of the Kennedy assassination. Cartha DeLoach was the real head of the FBI. Hoover was a wimp. His queer buddy, Tolson, who was nothing, was second in command.

So Hoover and Tolson were just figure-heads. The real head of the FBI was Cartha DeLoach, the Knight of Malta, Roman Catholic, subject to Cardinal Spellman.

Cartha DeLoach fabricated evidence, covered-up evidence in the FBI, in the Kennedy assassination. That was proven by Jim Garrison. Cartha DeLoach went on to retire. He went on to work for a huge industry corporation called PepsiCo, which the Knights of Malta control, and which have ranches in Communist China, which they set up. And he still lives.

Cartha DeLoach wrote a book called Hoover's FBI. You can get it at the bookstores. In that book he tells about the Secret Service, the FBI, and the Jesuits.

Martin: Why do you refer to the Kennedy assassination as the "Achilles' Heel" of the Jesuits?

Phelps: Because, if it's ever known that the Jesuits killed our first Roman Catholic President, if the Roman Catholics of Northeastern America ever find that out, and ever believe it, the Jesuits are finished here.

This country is the keystone to implementing the temporal power of the Pope around the world. If this country would expel the Jesuits, and we get back our national sovereignty, and we started to be self-governing once again, we would have our liberty, and the Jesuits would be out, and we would begin to experience REAL financial prosperity, and real living.

So, if that is known that the Jesuits are the ones behind it, that Rome carried this out, the Catholics of the Northeast would have a revolution. We would have another revolution because American Roman Catholics are not like Catholics in any other country: they think. They have their own opinion. They believe in freedom of conscience. They believe they have the right to express themselves.

Catholics in Poland don't believe that. Catholics in Italy wouldn't dare believe that. But the Catholics here do. They have a lot of Protestant principles. They don't really comprehend this whole idea of universal, world-wide temporal power of the Pope. They think it's just a religion.

But, if those Catholics in New York, if those two million Roman Catholics knew that Spellman was behind it, and O'Connor has covered it up, we'd have a revolution! Because it's the Roman Catholics, unfortunately, who only do anything about things. The Protestants don't do anything. They're all a bunch of wimps, a bunch of cowards. They don't do anything.

It's the Roman Catholics who apparently have built our major cities. They built our skyscrapers. They're the great steel workers. They're the ones, apparently, with the guts enough to bring about a change. The only problem is, they're unGodly because they don't know the Lord. They don't read the Bible. They don't know Christ. They're not born-again. If they would get born-again, and come to know Christ, with their determination and their resistance to tyranny, we'd have another Reformation. And a lot of people's heads would be going on trial, and to the block, for treason.

Martin: I'm going to go back, now. How did the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion, authored, according to you, by the Jesuits, further the Jesuit Agenda?

Phelps: Ok. To anwer that, we probably ought to look at the different Protocols. Now, to my mind, I believe there's 20 or 30 Protocols; I can't quite remember. But the Protocols further the agenda of the Jesuit Order in that Russia would be taken and, in the fall of Russia, in the Bolshevik Revolution, two major things would happen: The Romanoff dynasty would be removed. Now, of course, the Czar was not killed at Ekaterinburg; we know that from the book The File On The Czar. We know that his daughter died in the state of Virginia [not very long ago]. We know his son, Alexi, became a member of the KGB, later came to New York, and he put out what was called The White Paper. The Royal Family was not killed, because they were Knights of Malta.

So, the Knights of Malta took the Royal Family out, faked their death, and then after they had taken the Romanoffs out, the Orthodox Church no longer had a protector, because Church and State are one in Russia.

Now the Jesuits were free, with their Bolsheviks, to kill-off the Orthodox leadership that was anti-Rome. That's why they killed 5,000 priests and nuns, during the revolution, of the Orthodox Church. They just beheaded all the anti-Catholic, anti-Pope leadership of the Orthodox Church.

They got rid of the Romanoffs, and then the next thing they did, they began to purge Russia of its Protestants, in general. They purged it of its Lutherans; they burned down the Lutheran Church; imprisoned the Baptists; sent them off to Siberia. They even destroyed two Jewish communities during the '20s, which we're not told.

The Jews fared well for 10 years, until the purges of Stalin in the '30s. But the Jesuits accomplished the killing-off, the getting rid of the Romanoff dynasty and their protectorate of the Orthodox Church, the beheading of the Orothodox Church, so they could bring Orthodox Moscow back to Rome. And remember, Moscow is considered the "Third Rome". The first is Rome; the second is Constantinople; the third is Moscow. And you can find this, you can find the Jesuit alliance with the Bolsheviks in a book called Descent Into Darkness by a priest named Zatko, who taught at Notre Dame University in the '60s.

And so the Jesuits were given formal re-entry into Russia in 1922, after the Bolshevik Revolution and Civil War, and from then on--the Russian College was erected in Rome in 1929, so they could prepare Russian Jesuits to rule Russia. And that's what they've done, and they've ruled through the KGB, just like they rule this country through the CIA and the FBI.

The Protocols outline this. Remember, the Protocols were discovered in Russia, and translated by an Englishman, Marsden. But what it also did--because then they set-up the huge gulag system, the huge concentration camp system, that gave the Jesuits practice to do this in Europe.

But their great accomplishment was, in the process of pulling all of this off, they blamed it on the Jews, and in so doing, justified in the eyes of the European people the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe--because it's the Jews who did this in Russia! The Jews killed all the Christians in Russia! The Jews sent them off to Siberia! After all, wasn't Trotsky a Jew? Wasn't Lenin a Jew? It's all the Jews! So, they fell for the bait.

So they blamed it all on the Jews, purged Europe of its Jews, so Europe is primarily Roman Catholic now. It's a Roman Catholic block, and it will be the army of the Anti-Christ, with its European Union.

The Jews, then, were forced out of the nations to Israel. And remember, during World War II, when the Jews tried to escape and they were desperate to get out of Germany, do you think Jew-controlled Russia would let the Jews in? If the Jews really controlled Russia, they could have gone right into Russia. They were not allowed. Stalin would not allow any Jews to go into Russia. Churchill would not allow any Jews to go into England. And that criminal, FDR, would not allow any Jews to come into America. They were not allowed to escape.

They were either to be killed or funneled down through Israel, to be killed by the Mufti, that was working with the SS, Eichmann. Loftus is right. There is a secret war against the Jews, and all of the intelligence communities are waging it.

And the Jews don't perceive it because their Rabbis, the majority of their Rabbis, are traitors. I talked to a Rabbi in Lancaster County and I told him to look out for the Jesuit Order. He says "Oh, they're some of my best friends!" Well, that explains it. The Rabbis betray their own people at the hand of these inquisitors. And that's what they did in World War II, and they're going to do it here.

Martin: Let's talk about Garfield and McKinley. Why were they assassinated?

Phelps: I think Garfield was assassinated on a monetary issue; he was resisting the banking plans of the Jesuits. He was a radical, red Republican, too, you know, so they got rid of their own. I'm not familiar with all of the details. All I know is Burke McCarty in the book The Suppressed Truth About The Assassination Of Lincoln named McKinley and Garfield as other victims of the Jesuit Order. And had the Lincoln assassination been solved, that would never have happened. The other important issue is that Garfield was a Freemason. So, they assassinate their own Freemasons, when they want to.

Martin: Going back to Lincoln, who was John Surratt?

Phelps: John Surratt was the young man, 20 years old, who called time outside of Ford's Theater. He was mastermind of the assassination. John Surratt was helped by the priests of Washington to escape Washington, went up into Canada, was taken care of and housed by the priests, by the Bishop of Montreal, and then he was ferried across the ocean in The Peruvian, in a steamer called The Peruvian, and he went to, I believe, Ireland, then into England, then he went to Rome, to the Pope's Vatican there. He joined the Zouave army, and he was stationed in Alexandria, Egypt, until he was found and arrested.

In 1867, he was brought back and stood trial in Washington. There a woman was involved in the picking of the jury, and a High Roman Catholic was put on it. And because it's no murder to kill a heretic, the jury was hung in the first trial and Surratt went free. And he was also free in the second trial, because there were two trials. He died in 1914, I believe, at the age of 72, and they gave him, of course, a very, very, pompous funeral, a High Requiem Mass that are usually only given for priests and nuns. Evidently, he deserved it.

Of course, John Wilkes Booth, he was never killed. Corbett never killed Booth in the barn. Booth escaped Washington with a password, according to Finis Bates' work The Escape And Suicide Of John Wilkes Booth. He escaped to Kansas, and on his death bed confessed to his physician that he was John Wilkes Booth who shot Lincoln. And he escaped with the help of a Masonic password. So just like there was a patsy for the Lincoln assassination, there was a patsy for the Kennedy assassination.

Martin: Why is April 15th so significant?

Phelps: (laughter) Well, April 15 was the day that Lincoln called out troops on the South. It was the day that Lincoln died. He was shot on the 14th and died on the 15th. It's the day that the Titanic was sunk. And it's the day all the 14th Amendment citizens of this empire, like the good serfs that they are, go to confession once a year and confess to the government with their tax returns. Beware the Ides of April. (laughter)

Martin: Let's talk about the Cold War. Why did that come about?

Phelps: We had the end of World War II. We had the purging of the Jews and the Protestants, for the most part. The British Empire was destroyed, it's wrecked, which was essentially the empire that the Gospel went to China with. Modern missions were founded on the British Empire.

So, that Protestant Empire, even though it was controlled by Rome, was done. We have America in huge financial debt, out of isolationism. We have a Russia that's taken over by the Jesuits, through Joseph Stalin. Of course, the great beneficiary of World War II was Russia--Russia was the only country that won. But the Jesuits are not finished with their purgings and their installings of dictators loyal to the Pope, around the world. I mean, they pretty much have South America. They pretty much have Africa. But they don't have the East, and the Orthodox nations, and the Buddhist nations.

So, the purpose of the Cold War was to kill millions of these heretic, orthodox Buddhists, and to install in their country dictators that will carry out the Inquisition, who are loyal to the Pope.

One of those dictators was Joseph Stalin. And he was given the nuclear device in 1943 by the U.S. government, by the U.S. army. And you can find that in The Unseen Hand by Ralph Epperson. He did a lot of good documentation.

So, they gave him the bomb. I shouldn't call it "the bomb" because they gave him the nuclear device so that he could detonate it and create the illusion that Russia now has nuclear capability, when a wheel-barrow was a great invention in Russia.

I mean, the Russian soldiers, when they went into Germany and they found toilets, they were dipping their bread in the toilets and eating their bread out of toilets. In Russia they were just savages. They didn't have technology; they had nothing. All the technology they ever got was given by Vatican-controlled Western corporations, whose inventors were Protestants.

So, the Cold War has to continue under Stalin. And we have to divide up the world into two factions, so we're going to put Roman Catholic NATO on one side, and we're going to put Communist-controlled Warsaw Pact on the other.

But in the process of so doing, they put Protestant East Germany under Communism to purge the Protestants of East Germany out of the country. That's why they sent them to Siberia. They put Protestant-Lutheran Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia under Communism, so they deported them all to Siberia. They put the Mennonites of Russia further under Communism, deporting them to Siberia. They deported the Baptists of Russia to Siberia, because they could only do--wimpy, gimpy, powerless, Russian army that it was--we could easily have beat it into the ground, if it had not been financed and supported and built by Henry Ford and Western corporations.

So, wimpy, gimpy Russia has this nuclear device, right? And oh, if we decide to go to war with Russia, well, we might get bombed! There's mutual, assured destruction. So to keep that from happening, we won't fight 'em, and we'll let them purge the world of all its Protestants. That's the purpose of the Cold War.

The Cold War then went into China, and the U.S. 7th Fleet, according to the Birch Society, and they're right about this, blocked Chiang Kai-Shek from being able to go into China and take over the country. So, Mao Se-Dung could get in control, get in power, and then carry out his inquisition against the land owners, against the Buddhists, against all the Protestant missionaries who were in China--just like the good Jesuit pawn that he was.

And, of course, the intimidation idea was that you can't go to China--why, there's millions of people there! Meanwhile, the Japanese whipped the Chinese to death in their war with China, when the Japanese went in. The Chinese had no technology. They had no organized army. They were easy to beat.

But the idea we were sold was: Oh no--China is a great, powerful nation, and now they even have the bomb! Stalin gave them a bomb, so we can't fight them anymore. So we won't do anything to them, while they're murdering 50 million people. And remember the "baby-boomers" of the United States, we would have fought the world. We would have rid the world of tyranny, had we had leadership that would have led us to that. But we had this farce, called the nuclear, mutual assured destruction. We had this farce called the dropping of the bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Whatever it was, it wasn't dropping nuclear bombs--and Edwin Corley does a pretty good job in his The Jesus Factor, in trying to tell you what else it was.

And so, we have this nonsense Cold War, which enables Rome to put up all their dictators, their Communist dictators, all of them loyal to the Pope--including Ho Chi Minh. Ho Chi Minh had a secret deal with Pope John XXIII, and he was under the advice of a Roman Catholic Bishop all throughout the war.

The purpose of the Cold War was to carry out the Council of Trent, and to tie the hands of the American Protestants; and it was also used to unite the Protestants and Catholics of America against Communism. Protestants and Catholics should unite on nothing. We are different. The Catholics have a final authority--that's the Pope. The Baptists and Protestants should have a final authority--that's the Bible. We don't unite on anything. We don't agree on anything. We don't agree on America's national purpose, so we don't unite. We're not uniting with abortion; we're not uniting with Communism; we don't unite against the Black or the Civil Rights Movement.

You see, all these things were used to unite Catholics and Protestants together here, so that, ultimately, Rome would be in control of all the Protestant denominations through the National Council of Churches and the Royal Council of Churches. And that's what they got. They took Princeton; they took Dartmouth College. All the great Protestant Universities are now in the hands of the Masons and the Jesuits. Harvard has a Jesuit House. They're controlled. And so, wherever they control education, they control the politics. And they control the education in China, Russia, all the Communist countries. Now that they have all of the dictators installed all throughout the world, they don't need the Cold War anymore. So now they can proceed with their next agenda, and that's the unification of Europe, the building up of Russia, and the destruction of the Western Empire. And that's their next agenda.

Martin: How do you see that unfolding?

Phelps: What's that?

Martin: The destruction of the Western Empire.

Phelps: As far as the actions of overthrowing the government and having a tyranny, is that what you mean?

Martin: Right. What do you see life like here in the next 5 or 10 years?

Phelps: It's hard to put a date on it; it's hard to put a year on it. But I would say it's going to continually become more and more a matter of "central power" in Washington. You're going to have less and less power in the Congress. And one of these days, the Congress is going to be closed. And all we're going to have is a Commander-in-Chief. We're going to have some form of absolutism, with the President becoming now a dictator.

Martin: Do you think George Bush, Jr. will be that person?

Phelps: He could be. I won't say he will be, but he could be. It will be someone like him--with complete allegiance to Rome, just like his father. His grandfather helped set up the CFR. His uncle is a Knight of Malta. It will be someone like him.

And he WILL be the next President. They've already chosen him in the College of Cardinals. Everything else is a show. Jesuit-trained Buchanan is a show. Roman Catholic McCain is a show. The Black Roman Catholic Keyes is a show, although he tickles me. He advocates abolition of the 14th Amendment. If that happens, what are the Black people going to do? They're not citizens; they have no rights! Dred Scott comes into play. He's a fake.

So, what I see is more and more centralization of power in the hands of the President. The Supreme Court is just a rubber stamp. He becomes the king. The courts are nothing more than the courts of the king's bench. The Federal Reserve Bank will remain in power. Everything will be monitored and controlled by Washington, unless some of God's men start trusting God and get in control of the state and cause it to secede. The only answer to this is state secession, leaving this Union--it's not a Union, it's an Empire--leaving the Empire that began in 1868, assuming national sovereignty, once again. And the first state that would do this, I'm moving there. Because I don't want to see the FBI anymore. I don't want to see the CIA. I don't want to see any of these national bureaucracies anymore.

Martin: Montana seems close. Arizona seems close.

Phelps: Well, when they do it, I'll move there. But that's what would happen if things continue as they are. We'll have race war. We're going to have the Moslems fighting the Klu Klux Klan. Whites siding with the Whites; the Blacks siding with the Blacks. It's going to be a blood-bath everywhere. And that will justify Martial Law, and the military, and the whole nine yards, and also foreign occupation; we're going to have that too. And you know how foreigners are in a foreign country. They rape the women. They couldn't care less about the social strata of the country. They have no mercy on the people. They have a foreign tongue. And that's what they'll do. And that's all the more reason for a state to secede.

I've advocated that Pennsylvania should secede for the last 15 years. We have our own deep-water ports; we have our own agriculture; we have our own heavy industry; we have coal; we have everything we need to be a sovereign nation. We don't need this Empire anymore. The only problem is, Pennsylvania is COMPLETELY controlled by the Jesuits.

Every major city is under their control. And so, the place is slated for destruction--all the Mennonite and Amish counties of Southeastern Pennsylvania. Everything else is Catholic: Pittsburgh, Scranton, Philadelphia, Harrisburg--all Roman Catholic. The Roman Catholic people, too, will also be sacrificed. They will be killed too. Let them not think that they're going to be delivered because the Jesuits run the show. According to the Jesuit Molina, in the tape I just sent you, it is lawful to kill--and they will kill as many Roman Catholics as necessary to bring this plan to fruition.

Martin: Define the Jesuit term: Universal Absolutism.

Phelps: Define it? That means worldwide, universal, over every nation, absolute power. Absolutism is their great doctrine, that absolute power resides in the hands of the General. He is limited by no constitution. He is limited by no law.

This is the Great Doctrine of Divine Right, the Divine Right of Kings that was so fought against by the Calvinists. We Bible-believing Calvinists believe in the Rule of Law. The Law is king. Rutherford's "Lex Rex". The Jesuits believe the king is the law--Louis XIV: "I am the law". So, it's going to be a universal, world-wide king who, himself, is the law. All authority will be in him, as he rules the world from Jerusalem, as the Beast.

Martin: Are we talking about the present Pope, or are we talking about Count von Kolvenbach?

Phelps: I'm saying that what's in position now will ultimately bring in the future Pope, whoever he is, and whatever it may be, as a Universal Absolutist--the Universal Monarch of the World, in Jerusalem.

Martin: Symbolic? Or you're saying literal?

Phelps: I'm saying that will literally happen. There will be a Pope, who will be killed; he will receive a mortal wound. And this is going to happen in the 70th week of Daniel. He will receive a mortal wound, according to Revelation 13.

This is the Beast, and he will come back to life. He comes back to life, mid-trip, at the very time that Satan and his angels are cast out of Heaven by Michael and his angels. At this time, Satan goes and he indwells the Beast, this Pope. Now he comes back to life, just like Christ. He was dead; now he's resurrected.

And what is he going to do? He's going to destroy the Catholic Church. He's going to destroy the Vatican; and he's going to go down in Jerusalem and demand to be worshipped as God, for three and a half years.

That's why the Vatican is indestructible. No one can destroy the Vatican. All the armies in the world couldn't destroy it. It has been determined that it will be destroyed by the Anti-Christ. And he, alone, can do it.

That's why, when the Yugoslavians wanted to mount an air attack against the Vatican in World War II, a bunch of clouds came over the airport and they couldn't take off, because they were going to bomb the Vatican. The world will not allow that to happen. The Vatican will only be destroyed by the man of sin, the Beast, the coming Universal Monarch, the ex-Universal Pope.

The Vatican has the most extensive library in the world, the most priceless and extensive library. It goes for miles, underground, in the Vatican.

Martin: Wouldn't you love to go in there.

Phelps: I would love to. Talk about finding sunken treasure.

Martin: We've almost covered it. I almost don't want to dilute this conversation with the FDA and AMA. Let's talk about them just briefly.

Phelps: Ok. World War II, produced of course by Rome, caused the Nazi experiments on the people in the concentration camps--the Jews, the Gypsies, the Socialists, primarily the Jews. But they experimented with things like fluoride. They experimented with things like EDTA chelation, which is THE treatment of choice for anybody with heart disease. They experimented with poisons. They experimented with surgeries. They experimented with all kinds of things on these people. They also experimented with vaccinations and immunizations.

There's a book called The Nazi Doctors. Everything that was learned by them was integrated into the American Medical Association, after the war. That's why we all have our municipal water supplies fluoridated. That's why they're all chlorinated, because chlorine decreases oxygen, and therefore causes cancer, because cancer grows in an anaerobic state--it's a virus, converting cells into mutants that are anaerobic.

Ok. All of Europe is using ozone to clean their water supplies. Here they use chlorine. They want us with cancer. And how do we get cancer? With the vaccinations and immunizations, where they inject us with live viruses, like the hepatitis vaccine--every one of them has the HIV virus, SV-40.

What they're doing is what they learned in Nazi Germany. They implemented here and they continue their research in the CIA. There's a two-tape set called The CIA And The Virus Makers which show how the CIA helped to create the HIV virus and various other viruses. They get into Robert Gallo, the world's foremost virologist.

Robert Gallo is a Jesuit. He's a Roman Catholic, Italian, the world's foremost virologist--and yet not controlled by the Brotherhood, by the Company? Ridiculous. He's under their control! He's doing all the research, and he doesn't want to be blamed for it--as the WONDERFUL Jew, Len Horowitz, proved. Again, we've got Jews getting in the way--Jews blowing their cover.

Martin: I've interviewed Len many times. He's a very courageous guy.

Phelps: Great guy. And he's right on target. And he hits the Knights of Malta in his book Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola. He was a great encouragement to me when I saw him do that, when I read his book.

So, hey, let's just take it the whole way. Let's just go right to the Jesuit Order. And what the Jesuits did with the Cold War, with their Inquisition in the East, they carry out with their war on the American people in the West, with their Medical Inquisition--cut, burn, and drug. And that's what it is.

Personally, I have my own home where I use ozone oxygen. I use ultraviolet blood irradiation. I can show you how ultraviolet blood irradiation incapacitates Lupus. It destroys Hepatitis. It destroys Meningitis. It destroys HIV.

This is a very simple procedure; I do it every day. It can easily be done by any medical doctor, and they won't do it. Because, when you kill off the virus, you don't have the diseases. You are thwarting what they wanted to do with their vaccinations and immunizations.

That's why they want to make a law. That's why that filthy Ted Kennedy, that Knight of Columbus, wants all these vaccinations and immunizations--when it should be a religious tenet of everyone: "It's against my religious convictions to put foreign pathogens into my bloodstream. It's going to make me sick by the time I'm 40. It's going to give me plaque build-up and heart-disease. I'm not going to do it."

In the meantime, they're suppressing all the things that reverse it: soft lasers, hyperbaric chambers, ultraviolet blood irradiation, oxygen ozone, north-pole magnetic therapy. All the things working together that would easily reverse it, they suppress, and consider it a crime. Make sense?

Martin: Rife technology.

Phelps: When I was in the office of my friend, William, in Maryland, he told me that he had a guy from NSA [National Security Agency] come in and talk to him about his blood irradiation, and told him: "I think that it would be wise for you to stop this."

Now, this guy who runs the clinic there in Maryland is an ex-Navy Seal. He's no pushover. So he says to the NSA guy: "Well, why do you say that?"

And the NSA guy said: "You know how Royal Rife died? We put poison on his tooth-brush."

This guy was from NSA. So, that was a threat. Well, now, some people get scared, and some people get upset, angry. William is one of those guy who gets upset and angry, and it furthers him that much harder.

So, mysteriously, the head of the Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Foundation died, about 3 or 4 months ago, in his apartment, with no autopsy. So they almost destroyed the foundation, but now he is in the process of securing capital--and he will, I'm sure, very shortly, and it's going to be untouchable. The machines will be put out and it will have UVC and UVA to do the blood, and we're going to kill-off all the viruses in the bloodstream. And we're going to teach the medical doctors how to do it. We'll provide the machines for them. And we're going to end this tyranny. And we'll also educate them--no more vaccinations and immunizations.

There are only two things I'm a member of in this country: one is the national anti-vaccine society, and the other is Gun Owner's of America. Those are the only two organizations that are really worth supporting. If you get the vaccinations away from the people, they're not going to be sick. And if you maintain guns in the hands of the people, they can still use them against the tyrants. And if they go to church and read the Bible, they'll have all the spiritual zest and zeal to do it.

Martin: We haven't even talked about Nikola Tesla in this conversation.

Phelps: Yeah. He was deliberately thwarted by the FBI, all his papers stolen in 1943. J.P. Morgan destroyed him. J.P. Morgan was one of the kingpins in the Titanic sinking.

Nikola Tesla was a wonderful man. He came here for freedom. He was a Serbian Orthodox--a curse to Rome. The father of A.C. current. He developed a whole system of Universal Power, that we would need no coal or any of that. So, one of my other goals is to perfect the electromagnetic motor. When my book gets out, then I will be working with some men in perfecting electromagnetic motors, and they will be out, without a patent, privately.

Martin: We're just about there. Let's talk about Bill Clinton. How do you see Bill Clinton in relationship to the Jesuits? And how do you see Al Gore? What can our readers glean from what you're saying about their power base?

Phelps: Well, we must remember: where did Bill Clinton come from? How did he become Governor? His father was a powerful political figure, because his mother was nothing. So, he came from nothing to being something, through some powerful political figure, probably the Kennedys.

It's rumored that John Kennedy was his father; could be. In any event, Clinton was trained by the Jesuits of Georgetown. He was the class president of his junior year, I believe. His senior year, he was not re-elected because the student body said he was "too close to the Jesuit faculty".

So, he was groomed by the Jesuits to be a powerful political leader. He was put in place in Arkansas, runs that scam there, while he's Governor, in the drug trade, belonging to Rome, working with Reagan in the drug trade, and Bush. Then he's made President.

Remember the picture of him at Georgetown, kneeling at the grave of Timothy Healy? That says it all. He is the complete and total pawn of the Jesuit Order ruling from Georgetown University. He does anything they want him to do. He hasn't resisted a thing.

That's why he's untouchable. He can commit any crime. He can do any act of evil, and never be prosecuted, because they'll call on traitors like Arlen Spector to vindicate him. And, of course, Arlen Spector was Spelly's Jew in the Kennedy assassination--evil, wicked, lifetime Senator from Pennsylvania, which shows me that there are no elections anymore. Nobody voted for Arlen Spector who I know. He's a gun-grabber. So, they made him a life-time Senator. They made Teddy Kennedy a lifetime Senator.

Bill Clinton is completely at their beck and call. He will get out of office. He will live happily ever after, unless he starts talking. If he starts talking, he's done. He is NOT a Baptist. He is loyal to the Jesuit Order.

Martin: Ok, let's talk about God and His Agenda.

Phelps: As I understand the Bible, I believe we are in what's called the Dispensation of Grace. I'm a dispensationalist. Now, there are those who say that dispensationalism was a brain-child of the Jesuits. Could be, could be Jesuits were involved with that. But I believe the Bible teaches this, because God deals with men in different ways, at different times.

He commands Abraham to sacrifice a lamb, but not me. We don't do that now. He commands Noah to build an ark. We don't do that now. He commands Moses to receive the Law of Sinai. We're not under the Law; it's for the Nation of Israel. He commanded his son to announce that the Davidic kingdom was ready to be established on Earth--repent, for the Kingdom is at hand. The Kingdom, promised to David, is about to be established, and that's why they called him Son of David.

And now we live in the Dispensation of Grace, called the present Evil Age, of Galations, Chapter 1:4, and the Dispensation of Grace of Ephesians, Chapter 3. During this particular period of time, this stewardship, the Gospel says that the Lord Jesus Christ died for the sins of our world; he was buried and rose again.

And God commands all men, everywhere, to repent and believe on His name that they might be saved. But there is no other name under Heaven whereby we must be saved, save the name of Jesus. During this time, this good news of forgiveness of sin and free pardon, and we can be with the Lord for eternity, is going to every nation, Jews and Gentile. And during this Dispensation of Grace, Jews and Gentiles are regarded as one, in the body of Christ, when they're saved.

Now, according to Romans, Chapter 11, there is what is called the "fullness of the Gentiles". There is a fullness that is a predetermined amount of people who are going to be saved. We call them "the elect". We call ourselves the elect of the Lord.

Now when that elect, that predetermined number, is saved, then God will begin to deal with the nations and Israel, once again. And that will begin, according to Daniel, Chapter 9, when the Prince shall come, shall confirm a covenant with many for one week. That is the 70th week of Daniel. The first 69 weeks have been fulfilled, from the decree, to rebuilding Jerusalem, to Messiah the Prince, the day Christ declared himself the Messiah of Israel, was 69 weeks of years. After that the Messiah would be cut-off, and Jerusalem would be destroyed. That is the gap between the 69th and the 70th week. The temple is not destroyed; the city is not destroyed; the Messiah is not cut-off, during the 69th or the 70th week. There's a gap between those two weeks, and that gap has gone to nearly 2,000 years. In the year 2032, it will be 2,000 years. Because Christ was crucified in 32 A.D.

Ok, during this dispensation, God is saving Jews and Gentiles out of all nations and placing them in the body of Christ, by the power of His Holy Spirit, as the Gospels preached. When the predetermined number comes to fruition, then the Lord will take out his Bible-believing church, and everybody else is left to go through what is called "the time of Jacob's trouble", in the Book of Jeremiah, or the Great Day of the Lord--the 7-year tribulation, talked about in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 4-19.

That 7-year tribulation will be when the Lord begins to judge this world for its rejection of the Messiah, and for their sins, having not been taken care of, not having been saved; although there will be many people saved during this time.

The Jews will be tremendously persecuted. The vast majority of them will be murdered, and there will be a remnant who will repent at the end of the Tribulation, at which time the Messiah will come and they will look upon him, whom they pierced, and weep because they will realize that the one who is going to save them from all these Gentile armies pouring into Israel, is the very one they crucified.

When the Lord Jesus destroys all the Gentile armies, he will then set up the Davidic Kingdom that he came to set up--the born-again nation of Israel.

Can a nation be born in a day? Isaiah, Chapter 66--they will be born-again, they will inherit all the promises, and Christ will sit down in the Kingdom with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, just like he talked about, and he will eat the fruit of vine again. Because he said: "I will not eat this henceforth, til ye say, 'Blessed is he that come in the name of the Lord' until I eat it anew with you in the Kingdom." Then he will drink wine; he will eat the fruit of the vine; he will break bread; and he will be Messiah, King of the World at that time, ruling the world from Jerusalem.

So, what we have coming is more unbelief, more persecution, less faith, less manhood, less guts, and we have more persecution from the Jesuit Order, more monetary control. We have another scenario of the World Government, under the Pope from Jerusalem, and that's what the Jesuits want. And, ultimately, God in His providence, has allowed for 42 months for that to happen: 1260 days.

So that's what I see coming. But what I believe is, I don't believe that the doctrine of the coming Anti-Christ should be used as fatalism--that we should: "Well, that's coming, so we can't do anything about it. The bastards are coming to take us out."

That's an excuse to cowardice. We need to do our duty. We need to resist evil in ourselves and around us, and as long as we have breath. And part of resisting that evil is resisting the Jesuit Order. It's resisting anti-Christian tyranny. It's resisting absolutism. It's resisting criminals who are in your government.

We have a civil responsibility, and that's to make sure government punishes evil and rewards good. And when it doesn't punish evil anymore, it's no government. We don't know allegiance to it anymore. We withdraw our allegiance, and we assume our own sovereign power.

And that's exactly what the Covenanters did with Scotland when they withdrew their allegiance from, what was it, King James II, or Charles II; they withdrew their allegiance and the English settled there and, ultimately, many of those Covenanters were killed. But in the glorious Revolution of 1688, they got their liberty.

Another thing is, all these men--they want to win right now. They want to do something and experience the win. We have no guarantee of that. Why not just say the way it is, resist the tyranny, and if we get killed in the process, then praise God--I mean, isn't Heaven a little better than this place? What's the big fear? All these men do not know the Lord, as far as trusting Him in the midst of a storm. They're full of fear; they're full of terror; and they're all afraid to die.

So, hopefully, with the true preaching of the Gospel--and ultimately there will be some preachers who will arise who will encourage us to do right and not fear death, and to resist these powers of evil--hopefully that will begin to change and there will be men who will call for secession, and states will begin to leave this Union, like Chechnya, and these others, and then the Lord will intervene for us.

If we honor Him, He'll honor us. If we fight for His causes, He'll bless us. And we need to stop looking at the odds. We've always been outnumbered. We've always been outgunned. And that's the way God likes it, because then, when we win, obviously He did it.

So that's what I see for the future, and I see there's a great vacuum right now that needs to be filled. And it can be filled with the men of God telling the truth, or it can be filled with Jesuits advocating everybody give-up, lay down their guns, and submit to this New World Order, under the Pope.

The question is: What are YOU, dear reader, going to do?

Editor's note: Eric Jon Phelps' book Vatican Assassins will likely be available through Wisdom Books & Press (see Back Page) after August 1. We will provide specific information about cost, etc., in an upcoming issue of The SPECTRUM when it is closer to the date of availability.

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Please note that Rick Martin's new email address is for any comments you may wish to direct his way.

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The following are direct excerpts from the forthcoming book by Eric Jon Phelps called Vatican Assassins.

The Jesuits -- 1540 Their Purpose And Oath

The purpose of the Jesuit Order, formally established by the Pope in 1540, is to destroy the Protestant Reformation. They call it the Counter-Reformation. Nicolini of Rome wrote:

"The Jesuits, by their very calling, by the very essence of their institution, are bound to seek, by every means, right or wrong, the destruction of Protestantism. This is the condition of their existence, the duty they must fulfill, or cease to be Jesuits." [Footprints of the Jesuits, R. W. Thompson, 1894]

Extract from Jesuit's Oath

To this end the professed Jesuits have obligated themselves with an oath, part of which was published in 1899, and reads:

"I do now renounce and disown my allegiance as due to any heretical King, Prince or State, named Protestant, or liberals, or obedience to any of their laws or magistrates or officers.

"I do further declare that the doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots, and other of the name Protestant or Liberals, to be damnable, and they themselves to be damned who will not forsake the same.

"I do further declare that I will help, assist and advise all or any of His Holiness' agents, in any place where I shall be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland or America, or in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my utmost to extirpate the heretical Protestant or liberal doctrines, and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise." [Errors of the Roman Catholic Church, 15 Contributors, 1894]

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In 1981, one of our heroes, Alberto Rivera, disclosed the oath he took as a professed Jesuit. We read:

Ceremony Of Induction And Extreme Oath Of The Jesuits

(Given to a Jesuit of minor rank when he is to be elevated to a position of command.)

Superior Speaks:

"My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler among the Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren: to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the reformers, to be a reformer; among the Huguenots (French Protestants) to be a Huguenot: among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist: among the Protestants (those who protest and disagree with the Roman Catholic institution), generally to be a Protestant: and obtaining their confidence to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence (violent emotion) in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among the Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.

"You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealously and hatred between states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in communities, provinces and countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace;

"To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly in concert with your brother Jesuit who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected;

"Only that the church might be the gainer in the end in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace, and that the ends justify the means.

"You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source: to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliament and legislatures, and in the judiciaries and councils of State, and to 'be all things to all men', for the Pope's sake, whose servants we are unto death.

"You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice (one who has no training), a neophyte (a newly ordained priest), and have served as a coadjutor (worked as a helper), confessor and priest, but you have not yet been invested with all that is necessary to command in the army of Loyola and in the service of the Pope.

"You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated (made secret or holy) his labors with the blood of the heretic; for 'without the shedding of blood no man can be saved.'

"I, _____, now, in the presence of Almighty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and sacred hosts of heaven....

"I, furthermore, promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do.

"That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard (a dagger) or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or superior of the brotherhood of the holy faith, of the Society of Jesus." [Double-Cross: Alberto, Part 2, 1981]

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In addition to the Oath, the Jesuits have a guidebook entitled Secreta Monita. To the author's knowledge it has only been disclosed to the world twice: once in the 1600s and once in the 1800s. Because of the magnitude of its contents as it relates to our subject, The Secret Instructions Of The Jesuits (1857) is reprinted in its entirety [in Vatican Assassins].

[Due to the length of this material, we here at The SPECTRUM will only present a few excerpts and chapter headings, but this should be sufficient to give you a pretty good idea of what is contained within them. For the full presentation, refer to Vatican Assassins. The portions your are about to read have not, to our knowledge, been printed in any modern-day newspaper.

What you are about to read, The Secret Instructions Of The Jesuits, was first published in 1669 by the venerable and learned Dr. Compton, Bishop of London. In Vatican A