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Phoenix Journal #7 - "The Rainbow Masters" - Chapter 8

Lanto the Sage

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fication, my child. I am accepted and blessed with thy presence and acceptance of my humble self. May wisdom and knowledge always be thy way. Thy mind is of brilliance and ye shall never allow it to be used carelessly or fabricate for thy own purposes as have too many of our beloved speakers and Earth teachers. We must, however, just as ye ones, have some mode of identification that ye might know of us as separated from another vibration energy pattern. Though you may need of naught more than my presence, child, thy brethren need of signs and “proof” of definition. It is no more or no less than simple labeling that we might respond as ye would to “Dharma”.

Man is the one who chooses to place us on pedestals above his reach. We only differ in existence of form and enlightenment. Yet, we are labeled as to responsibility and function. “L””O””R””D”, remember, means TEACHER, “CHELA” means student and, as we move forward, there will be many, many other labels which will be brought to your attention in simplistic manner. Man has taken these terms (which have only meaning in your English language at any level), translated them to please self and status, and proclaimed them to represent levels of “royalty” of earth measure. They are simple terms for us, of the humble realms and always remember this: the more stately the “term” in your translation, the more humble the energy form who bears it, in these realms. For us to say, for instance, “the Master was sat upon a golden throne”—ye have no translation for that term. Since we “ARE” only of vibration and color form—it does not mean a “gold” hardseat. It means a great central sun colored vibrational focus. So be it, we shall bring many terms unto a level of understanding which will allow you ones to mesh and function with us, not in awe of our presence.

The terms are truth, the manner of receiving most often outrageous. Do not spend of thy time in inner discomfort because ye know the difference. Ones do that which they are capable of doing and always—ALWAYS—remember, the Brothers of the Darkness begin immediately to damage the purity of the receiving elements and the message. It is only the way it IS. There is no such thing as “EGO” in these realms and that is the one point man cannot seem to separate from his own relationship; therefore, he can only attach to what he already knows or has experienced.


I have chosen the softness of the yellow refraction as my most comfortable vibration and am most easily identified from my “past” (as you perceive it to be ), experiences. My existence in mortal form brought me to your places that you now geographically identify as the Orient. I was given the great gift of insight and wisdom from our Creator Source to experience upon this planet in the form of many most humble wise ones. My most revered service was to the one who came first as the Christos, The Buddah (brother and one with the Master Esu Jesus). Ye bring up thy differences in “religions” when ye actually know of nothing about it. Ye ones take a book written by “anyone”, absorb it, and tout thy knowledge abroad. Ye KNOW nothing about it. Ye ones form thy opinions and beliefs by hand-me-down thoughts of “others”. Often, by the printed format of the “authorities” who got his information from the “loudest” speaker on a stage of performance.

In thy ignorance, ye have brought rebellion and furthered ignorance upon thy children. They lock themselves onto “self-destruct” within the culture of drugs and poison music; transfix themselves in the visions they give unto their minds in video and motion pictures—and then, ye wonder at what has become of your planet. Well, chelas, since “The Garden”, it has been headed to this point in cycle on this darkened place. So be it—ye would moan and groan and place blame? For what? That ye can blame another and do nothing? It is as it is and it has become such from the imitation of the parents and teachers who have come before.


“Religion”, as practiced upon thy place, is the most deadly of all. Shouting, out of control, weeping, emotional, egotistical, greedy and power hungry energies attack at every turn. The very fibre of the foundation upon which first the TRUTH was founded is destroyed behind the shadows of the facade. Even unto the gifts returned to God. There comes no “FORCE” from God, child, and if there is “force” in order to cause tithing, participation in a given place or thing, or excommunication because of a given “thing”—it is brought forth by ones wielding power in order to control a brethren energy. It is not God! God gave unto thee blessed life forms, free will choice—he does not then turn about and “force” thee to do any thing. He is most wondrously joy filled when thee chooses of the God way, and thy gifts are replenished in unbounded measure.

Yes, thy world is in great disrepair. Thy children in the wee grades are bringing weapons of death into their kindergarten classes. What else can they know as all they see upon thy vision screens is such. A man comes onto a playground in California and kills with machines—a child is going to get the nearest gun and picture himself protecting himself and his playmates—or, perpetrating the same in order to have his picture on the moving image machines. BALANCE IS GONE FROM THY WORLD. IT WILL GET WORSE AND WORSE AND WORSE—HOW CAN IT BE DIFFERENT UNTIL IT HAS EATEN OF ITS OWN SELF AS THE SERPENT WHO DEVOURS ITSELF. THE AREAS OF PAIN AND DEVOID OF LIGHT, WILL GROW AND EXPAND TO ENCOMPASS THE VERY CITIES THEMSELVES. LIGHT HAS TO BE REBIRTHED OUTSIDE THE GHETTOS OF THE DARKENED MASSES. SO BE IT, FOR IT WILL COME TO PASS AND YE ONES OF LIGHT BEARERS WILL PICK UP THE PIECES AND WE SHALL REBUILD THROUGH THE DESTRUCTION—OR—IT WILL BE IN PERISHMENT!


Ye ones will see thy children of blooded connection fall. Ye will feel the pain as ye can do naught to stop it. However, to “fight” or “battle” in the true sense of the definition of “war”, will do of nothing but expand upon the problem. Ye must quietly, dutifully and with humility—offer of a better way. Ye must change the images, offer fulfillment within for the participating personages. Nay, ye cannot do it all for the changing of ALL mankind for it is not meant to be. The world is in transition. Ye will work toward the goal of bringing light again to all the population, however, know that it is a time of sorting and millions upon millions of energies will be changing dimension. Ye have a world in transition—a PLANET, precious ones. SHE is being rebirthed to come into her own glory. Ye ones are the caretakers; the midwives—ye will assist in restoring balance and harmony upon this place—ye and the ones who will remain “within” the transition itself. Man thinks he is ALL—nay, he is but one form of creation, and Earth hu-man has proven himself to be one of the lesser creations. He was birthed in radiance and his flame has all but perished. It has been a wondrous place of “experience” in “existence”—of perceived illusioned scenarios, but damage has been wrought to the very vibrational manifestation of destruction—to destroy it in total.


Ah yes, it will all come boiling up and crashing down for that is the way of it. Ye shall continue thy march onward for that, too, is the way of it. We will assist; we give thee great outpouring of insight and wisdom—for that is mine to give unto thee. We link with thee ones, we merge with thee ones that naught can stop thee. It will build of its own “ertia” and WE SHALL PREVAIL IN THESE CHOSEN PLACES OF THE SUN (SON). THE INFINITE CYCLE IS CLOSING AND THE ENERGY OF THE SACRED CIRCLE OF INFINITY WILL AGAIN WALK UPON THIS BLESSED CREATION—WITHIN THEE. AH YES, ALL WILL SEE FOR THE BEACON OF LIGHT WILL SHINE FORTH INTO THE FOREVER. YE SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO THE WISDOM, TRUTH, LOVE, STRENGTH AND KNOWLEDGE TO DO OF THY WORKS. FOR AS I AM, SO ARE THEE OF THE UNPIERCEABLE VEIL OF THE GOLDEN FLAME, IN THE CARE WITHIN THE GOLDEN ROBES—KNOW OF IT; FEEL OF IT—FOR I AM THAT I AM AND I AM COME.


Walk forth in balance, in harmony and in the light, for ye ones are about to embark upon the greatest journey in a universe. So be it and as it is here spoken, so shall it come to pass. AMEN.



Hatonn here, Darma. Let us settle a bit as the energy is very intense indeed. It will be most pleasant as we move along in harmony. Thank you for being accepting. I bring special blessings and appreciation to beloved Thedra, Tueita and others of Truth who have received without the changing of TRUTH. There are many who have received and few who have been true to the task. So be it, for it is not easy. Ye ones will endure and ye will continue to bless the ones who fell in shortness of the goal—they forgot their lessons of the “light”. The dark brothers are clever, constant and deadly to the words of Truth. So let it rest.

Ye must stay with thy task, little sister, for thy homework is abundant. Do not allow of guests to take of thy time—we are short of “time” and ye must be in preparation. Ye will take of thy breaks, however, and if need be, ye will go forth from this place to isolate and balance the energy patterns. You are atop a volcano of energy upheaval, dear one, at this time of receiving of the Master Teachers—thy earthly selves will more rapidly pass from thee and ye must respond accordingly. So be it.

I stand by now, in appreciation and pride as a Father for his children who are in the performance of their lessons. In love of the infinite —