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Lady Nada: "Meet Yourself"

Lady Nada

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ngredients. Combined with the love, then the power, the intelligence and the planning (the understanding of all phases of a project or design) will mean that you have discovered a limitless formula that will multiply and multiply itself long after you have walked the earth or that will rise and fall again—ye ones will be greeting thy “old” selves all along the path henceforth—expect it and honor the gift.

Thus, neither the soul nor the goal itself can rise any higher than its own matrix. Rather than pursuing many little endeavors, concentrate, then, on that which will reach the star of your I AM PRESENCE. Let your Christ Self calculate the mathematical formulae: How much effort and planning, how much involvement will it take for the rocket of the soul to mount and accelerate to the vibration of the I AM PRESENCE?

The worth of the individual as the potential to be God in manifestation is incalculable. Its violation at any level is fraught with far-reaching consequences, as Esu Jesus the Christed Circle warned, to any who offend even one of these little ones. Thus, tenderly sponsor the world’s children, individual by individual, often in answer to their prayers, or cries of anguish in abandonment. I have legions of angels who personally attend the little ones and the youth—but they must be called in. If the child cannot call—ye must ask in behalf of that tiny being. ’Tis thy accepted duty to do so.

I also wish to speak a moment on “twin flames”. Most important. A term that has been soiled by possession of the term to relate a status of sorts. No, it is but two acting in harmony for enhancing of the power and potential benefit. Wherever there is the action of going forth two by two, one is the bearer of the Alpha flame, and the other of the Omega, forming a circle of Light that cannot be penetrated, like an impregnable fortress.

Realize, then, that the conferring by the Teachers of “Karma” of opportunity and initiation for twin flames is to that end that the twin flames together might enter the path of singularness to the Christ Red Ray—travel along that “Red” road, brothers. And further, call on that Creator Ray, Sanat Kumara of the Sacred Kumaras, for help toward thy end alongside thy brother flame bearer.

Since the sinking of Lemuria and subsequently Atlantis, circles of Masters, of Ancient Tribal Masters, disciples, etc. have been sponsored by the Great White Brotherhood to hold the balance of Light for earth’s evolutions. I was honored in that I was allowed to be among those who kept the flame for the Earth during the period of great darkness that covered thy land. We, who came to Earth with Sanat Kumara (Creator Source—Tonkashila—Grandfather) did carry of the flame and spread it to other locations.

We keepers of the Light (flame) have continued to re-embody, to serve. Whether it be in physical embodiment or from the ascended state, we maintain the balance of Alpha and Omega in the Spirit/Matter cosmos through the Teacher/Student relationship.

Let us now utilize these segments of the total Light to once again bring total balance and harmony to this once perfect place of Creator/Creation. No more and no less is perfection for transition to higher being-ness. It is written that it shall be—it is spoken that it shall be—IT SHALL BE—AND, WE SHALL DO OF IT! SO BE IT AND SELAH, BLESSED CHILDREN OF OURSELVES.

Let me take leave as I have caused you to write much past that which I first intended. However, thee ones must take note of those things which pass thy “feeling” senses—when they pass. ’Tis no longer singular lessons for a “one”, ’tis for all for all are One.

I leave thee in love and nurtured by the eternal flame of the Sixth Ray of understanding all in all. I am greatly blessed for the allowance of serving with thee ones along this journey. I place my seal upon these words that they be brought forth in truth and remain ever in truth. I salute thee ones for thy accepted burdens in such a darkened density of existence—we are ever at thy side.