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Pleiades Connection "Return of the Phoenix" - Vol. 1 - Chapter 18

Creator God Aton/Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn

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reas of the world in regards to that which you have labeled AIDS. Also, pay attention to the new implant which is utilized on the female of your species to prevent pregnancy. Is there no end to which you will not go to substitute for responsible behavior? So be it. Do you not see that—if left to your own devices as moving between subtle birth control and AIDS—you, yourselves, will wipe out your species? If something is not done soon, the whole of the Brazilian population will be devastated just as is Africa. Now, instead of teaching your young generations to use control and responsible behavior—you will sterilize a whole generation of women before you are finished and all in the name of safe-sex. “Like lambs to the slaughter!” Each “thing” will come forth as planned, upon your nations, so that you eagerly bring down the shackles upon selves—demanding it, in fact.

For my group of “touchy” friends—since the incident two Saturdays past—last evening was simply the shuttle coming home to roost — from Australia. How much will you accept, people of the lie? So be it.

Allow us to continue with our Journal for it seems time is of utmost importance in which to bring you into truth and alignment with God. AHO!


Speaking in behalf of Pleiadians I shall simply utilize first person in order to achieve brevity—I shall speak of positions of higher dimension at a later portion. You must now become familiar with that which IS as regards placements as you move from this orb—I speak in generalities unto some 6 1/2 billion persons of separate fragmentation so, please, you must also generalize my lessons for we have not time to speak to each in formal format. You may go within, inquire and receive answer—but I find few who “listen” so this will suffice. You can confirm this truth from ancient teachers such as Little Crow, other contacts such as Billy Meier (in his early contact days), etc. First, it would seem appropriate to outlay that which happens as we make contact with ones of your races on your planet.

I hear and see the ones who stand forth and denounce the receivers as stationed about your place, saying, “Why not me, I have been willing to make contact for years—why not me?” Because usually those ones have only personal interest and/or it is not yet time in the sequence for utilization and transference of information in that particular sector. It is a true worker who is willing and patient to await that which is his purpose—in support of those who are in service presently. One job in proper sequence is of no greater importance than is another—only different and given differing times of projection.

Herein, I caution Dee that that which she is projecting regarding receiving from the Command be tempered with great wisdom. Do not misunderstand that which you receive and perceive to be from Korton. You work out and recognize basic truths by himself, alone, without the help of fellow creatures or books or literature being resorted to. This does not mean these items will not be utilized for confirmation and focus—it means that they may have no impact of consciousness. A contact scribe is one who pens or writes exactly that which is projected as nearly to perfection as language translation allows. Does the receiver act in robotic fashion? Yes! When the space is in clearance it is a physical circuitry which comes into operation and opinions and reflections must be put aside until such time as the conscious ego can again ponder a given subject. This scribe, for instance, regardless of how it appears to you ones in presence, is specifically from this place to fulfill this particular function upon your place. What is experienced in ego format requires great attention but that becomes moot for she is in complete justification with our intent and purpose—having been sent for this specific mission. Of course human impacts are great but not to the extent which might seem to present themselves. If confronted, there will be no deviation in behalf of Earth choices but in many ways she becomes as the child and then it is most important that significant others within her functioning space keep absolute intent uppermost without swaying as to focus. It makes Oberli, for instance, need to be abrupt, strong and unbending and ones working in this area must come to know as much and be not offended if he seems harsh and/or rigid. He will not even realize WHY he is unbending and/or without human allowances which are his usual attitudes regarding human actions—it is required for when receiving and scribing, Dharma has no ability in human format to respond or react in clarity.

If we initiate contact with an Earth human without these premises being fulfilled, then such a contact is a preliminary undertaking for special purpose, and usually after achievement of the objective the MEMORY IS ELIMINATED, as for example happens continually with Dharma herself—she spends the majority of her time with us, as do you other ones in this particular mission—and you do not remember as much in your consciousness. This is for your security and the security of the mission—it is with total free-will and agreement. If you cannot seem to understand the requirements and cannot maintain this discipline, then others are placed within the “slots” of function. There are too many impacts of Earth experience on ego consciousness, in some instances, to allow total participation. This is not negative, this is simply the way it IS. Further, if this be the case, it is often of only temporary nature and the one in point is never offended nor slighted—for only the ego consciousness would be slighted—and therein, lies the answer each would seek. If ego consciousness is embarrassed or offended—check most closely, for this mission is one of purity and selflessness. You may have all the opinions you desire but if they differ from your ascribed and accepted mission—you will use the discipline to keep them to yourself except as discussion among your immediate family of brethren.

The human entities are set by contracted agreement and will be specifically suited for a given objective, such as ones who are given to “find” or “discover” specific artifacts or information, etc. We often expect too much of ones, in our own perception, for we have a tremendous task to perform and ones simply are lost to the physical format or are pulled temporarily from the intent by Earth impact or other human entities. We are patient as perceived time allows but sequence moves forward and this cannot always be accomplished. We must work within our own limitations as Cosmic brothers finding necessity to function within your own similar “time” frame of experience.

If we open contact with an Earth human, then we undergo this in accordance with higher authorization, and with the person specifically designated for this—as with Aton, the Christed Energy, etc. At planetary transitions there is always the total direction from the higher Source—we act only as the preliminary Hosts under total and complete Command of higher Lighted Resources. One very obvious reason is that too many humans in the first position may upset everything by even the slightest misperception input data and human opinion. It is simply as you put it nicely in the kitchen: “Too many cooks spoil the stew”.

We are not allowed to make ourselves visible to more Earth beings than corresponds with our objectives. This precaution concerns private and military and official desires aimed at taking possession of one of our ships and other such objects of our contacts. Then, as always, discretion is not for the Earth contact to decide nor should he even be informed. You ones want all the “secrets” beforehand without thought of consequences to self or the mission. We are expected to have higher intelligence as to that which is proper and that which is human curiosity. You will note that if we had followed that which you ones desired and required in the beginning of our contacts—you would all be blown away by this point in time! Ponder it before you ask your next “proof” of “purchase”. Because of this, we only cultivate contact with Earth humans known to us, sent by us for a given purpose and proven totally trustworthy in all respects. Sometimes this is simply an agreement that nothing of meaningful content will be left within the consciousness to outlay. There must be total confidence in the security of the objectives in every respect from business instructions to strategy. We bring you knowledge to get you through the transition and to share as we give guidelines—not for you to toy with, gain great riches or disperse at random—we give specifically and exactly as for our special mission with you and your group and further instructions will always be given—usually privately within intended receiving minds.

Testing is intense—ones are expected to perform to the utmost ability of perfection regardless of the task involved—in the upstart it will hardly ever be a task which the human desires and will always require great humility and self-disassociation. If ego-self cannot be set aside, the contact must be forfeited for the intent is still of Earthly physical need and the contact will not be further contemplated.

With the selected human contact in focus, we initiate communication in most unexpected and secret ways. This is why simply to sit with pen in hand is foolish indeed unless you simply try to contact higher intent of self. Our requirements will be so difficult, disciplined and scrambled that ones of ego-orientation will be totally discouraged. Most early contacts will fit into this category and will usually place meetings, writings, scribing, etc., down the list of priority when confronted with human decision, especially physical choices regarding other ego-fragments. Surprisingly enough, transition of a species and planet, as well as oneness with God, is usually taking second seat to the lover or perceived physical gain or relationship, especially as involves sexual involvements and/or acquisition of material “things”. Sometimes these things are to be first considered—but it is important to see if that priority services God or YOU.

You ones who work with us would blossom at our presence—but most of the ones on your place would panic and be totally terrified, not to even consider the offensive measures that would be undertaken by your military and government. If you think Saudi Arabia looks like an armada to end all armadas—forget the concept—at this point the entire world WOULD unite against us and that is exactly the point being projected by your world leaders.

Sometimes we allow bits of evidence unto the few—and very often it turns into negative response so we must be most cautious and in spite of that which you of our beloved workers desire, we must use higher and better founded intelligence regarding actions. For instance, we fully intend to participate in the filming of the first projected pictures—however, if at the time security is breached or attention is undue—we will not! Does that mean we are less real? If it means that to you involved, I suggest you had better look again at your opinions. If you are prepared in any event—what difference does it make? So be it.

With Earth human—”some” is never “enough”. If we parked a craft in your door-yard, you would not believe it is we unless we pour out all over your property and jeopardize the very crew you demand to see and touch. No, we must use good judgment to the perfection of ability—and we do have a great deal of ability in that measure. Hatonn has been known to err—Aton has not.


It is important to consider still another matter of which I shall often be in the reminding. All truth and knowledge has remained preserved upon your place as brought forth or transmitted right up to this present epoch, though it may be totally forgotten, somewhat forgotten, disregarded and/or lost by the Earth human. As truth, knowledge, wisdom, and love, and all power of the spirit are unchangeable and constant, and the same in the present, this all must be conceived there and continue upward into man’s higher understanding. In other words, truth, knowledge, wisdom, love and so forth, must simply be brought together again—remembered and integrated.

What you call, by an old (for you) language, the backward relating “religion”, should for this case, and which has to be done, by the same old language, be called “rel-e-geon”. The definition of the word as broken into meaning indicates that “all has to be brought together again”, which is to be considered rel—e—geously, but not religiously. In consequence, the already existing materials should be newly assembled, to lead into the future. After the “relegeon” must begin the way of evolution, which has a two-fold meaning. You know one meaning of evolution as development and unfolding in the sense of something already existing, but still concealed, that must develop, which in a spiritual sense means, must “rise from the sub-conscious towards the conscious”.

The second meaning of this term has been lost to you for a long period of time, namely that something not yet existing is explored, developed, and unfolded, and “becomes”. Because this meaning of evolution was lost, man lives under a false impression that evolving material already exists to be unfolded and developed. However, it is that the indwelling spirit has stored those matters and things which it collected in the course of its material existence in material bodies and lives. This, according to your understanding, is a very large bunch, but in truth is very little in comparison to all that IS.

During innumerable further experiences, the spirit must explore further, must search and must find; thus he must assemble further knowledge, recognitions and experiences which then establish themselves in him as faculties. Because the spirit continues after the material death of the body and exists within spheres of living of the “other world”, it works upon the achieved results of the other experiences, and fixes these results inside it in what you call the “sub-conscious”. Upon taking up the human form of life, the obtained knowledge and faculty is anchored in the sub-conscious, and must evolve slowly in the human form of life to help in new lessons and recognitions toward developing conscious talents—the God consciousness or “higher supra-conscious” is a compilation of all of soul experience.

Allow us to close this segment for I wish to discuss prior contacts, their purpose and dispersion of information. It is as usually occurs when higher energy forms touch one another for purpose of presenting truth and spiritual knowledge—the human becomes entangled with that which is exciting, human and greedy in intent. The truth of the higher purpose becomes misplaced in the contact with the unexpected and exploitation swings into full action. The subject and purpose of the contacts become lost in the reality of the physical presentation. In other words, the Pleiadians become the point and not the purpose of their presence. Once man has been distracted and the slightest projection of falseness of intent enters the picture—the contact is usually lost to God’s intended fullness of purpose for controversy becomes the issue—not God’s message. So be it.

I will move to stand-by. Hatonn to clear, please.