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Summary of Phoenix Journal #47

Sananda, Lord Michael, St. Germain

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mples related specifically to the interactions and experiences of this scribe and her fellow teammates who serve with The Hosts of God to bring forth The WORD.

Because the "end" of a great cycle is near, each of you have a unique opportunity to attain spiritual "graduation" into higher dimensions. These lessons are designed to assist you with the transmutation of SELF toward God-knowing Co-creatorship by helping you to recognize the errors of your thinking and behavior which defy God's Laws and cause DISCORD.

Some of the topics are: Testing - The Creation - The Healing Power of Forgiveness - Friendship and the Path to Oneness - The Power of Unity - Giving of Self - Knowing the Truth - Dominance and Surrender - "New Age" Nonsense - Human Opinion vs. God Knowing - Understanding "Restless" Feelings - Exploring the Root Cause of Insecurity - Knowing Your Intent - Discernment, Insight and Wisdom.

The Hosts of God come with the Word to lift you from your bondage in this dimension. Will you recognize and take the blessed hand of God? The choice, as always, is yours."