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Pleiades Connection "Return of the Phoenix - Vol. 1, Chapter 11

Creator God Aton/Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn

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They have been meeting in London—these Kuwaiti exiles of prominent status and “DO NOT WISH TO SEE THE FORMER RULING FAMILY REINSTATED”! Ah, so it goes.

By the way, as you were just beginning to believe this “war” invasion of Saudi Arabia might happen to be over oil and other misunderstood reasons, now you have to face another blow. THE SAUDIS HAVE STRUCK IT RICH! You maybe thought they were already rich? (sic sic). In addition to seas of oil—some of which is that nice light crude needing almost no refining—there is an entire mountain of gold which has just been discovered in the southern part of the Kingdom—well, Kingdom come! Could this possibly partially explain this sudden protective urge in the breast of the Trilateral Commission and the deployment of half a million American troops in Saudi Arabia?

One more little sock-it-toya: One of your own Congressional Reports states that the Agriculture and State Departments approved $5 BILLION in taxpayer (you)-guaranteed crop export credits TO IRAQ between 1983 and 1990 despite concerns it could not repay the loans. The General Accounting Office concluded that U.S. desires to build a relationship with that nasty old Saddam and Iraq in days leading up to the Kuwaiti “invasion” outweighed those fears. Iraq has already defaulted on a $2 BILLION taxpayer-guaranteed loan and certainly has absolutely no intention of repaying this larger one. Well, you dear “bottomless pockets” don’t object do you? After all, you can think of the “hostages” eating while you go hungry wondering what happened to all your grain and dairy storage items—AND, YOUR MONEY!


I will herein speak of Europe and possibilities which will also curl you hair even if you are bald as a billiard ball—as I am.

President George Bush has fallen into a fine trap—perhaps the greatest trap ever set in history—and this nice little trap was baited by his key intelligence adviser. It stems from the transfer of those nice NATO troops, some 200,000, to the Middle East.

The two armored divisions and other units being transferred from Germany to Saudi Arabia will leave NATO as naked as the plucked turkey at Thanksgiving—and no head to boot! Europe is wide open to possible attack from the formidable armed forces of the Soviet Union—which they will surely do if the above scenario gets too botched to pull off.

Now just why do you think no one in the White House seriously considered this obvious danger, thanks to the clever manipulations of the President carried out by Robert M. Gates, the deputy director of the National Security Council (NSC)—A MAN LONG KNOWN IN INTELLIGENCE CIRCLES FOR HIS PRONOUNCED PRO-SOVIET BIAS! Could it possibly be that some ones in your Administration believe they have a seat on the Board of the Global One World Government? Could you have provided a nice secure ticket for them to be wardens of your U.S. prison?

Dr. Gates is the official who briefs the President every morning on the world situation when he is not traveling with his close friend, Secretary of State James A. Baker III, to Moscow, Paris, London and other capitals of Bush’s “New World Order” allies.

Why do all these other countries, such as Brazil and Argentina, etc., go along with this world take-over? BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE AND EVERYTHING TO GAIN!

Moreover, Brent Scowcroft, director of the NSC, has left the day-to-day operations of the White House intelligence center squarely in Gate’s hands; not that it matters in the least for Scowcroft is a part of the inside planners, along with Mr. Eagleburger. On top of that, Gates chairs the powerful “Deputies Committee” comprised of his counterparts from the Pentagon, CIA, Mossad and other security agencies.


In short, Gates controls the flow of intelligence to the President as well as to the Department of State and to key Cabinet-level officials—a nice slot for a devout Communist Zionist, don’t you think?

It certainly should come as no surprise to insiders who have been watching Gates for years that the Soviet threat is now almost totally ignored by the Bush administration. The fact that the Red Army is not only still totally intact but far stronger than it has ever been before Gorbachev ascended to power is quietly and simply brushed aside.

Indeed, the most salient security factor of your time, i.e., that ONLY THE SOVIET UNION HAS THE STRATEGIC CAPABILITY TO UTTERLY DESTROY THE U.S., IS NOW DEEMED TO BE OF NO CONSEQUENCE IN THE RARIFIED “ONE-WORLD” ATMOSPHERE PREVAILING IN THE WHITE HOUSE. This is obviously the view of the whole Pentagon as well.

The evidence that Saddam Hussein would never have invaded Kuwait without at least a green light from the Soviets is underwhelming, to say the least. Yet under Gate’s guidance the fact that Iraq got four-fifths of its arms from the USSR and couldn’t move its 5,000 Soviet tanks and other materiel without assurance the spare parts would keep coming from the Soviet Union, is thought to be irrelevant in the Oval Office.

Also brushed off by Bush and Gates are the thousands of Soviet military advisers in Iraq who are guiding the Iraqi army’s every move and manning the deadliest high-tech weapons systems.

Most dangerous of all the USSR’s heavy contributions to Iraqi military might is the SS-12, a missile capable of firing both nuclear and poison gas warheads up to a thousand miles with deadly pin-point accuracy. Under the Intermediate Nuclear Forces “Treaty” signed by the United States and the USSR in 1987, the SS-12 was banned from the face of the Earth—how quaint.

However, this highly accurate weapons system has since popped up in large numbers in Poland, Czechoslovakia and other East European countries and is now reportedly deployed in Iraq. Indeed, the SS-12 was planted solidly in Iraq prior to 1988 when the war with Iran ended.

Although the Defense Intelligence Agency notified the White House of the persistent reports of this SS-12 capability in Iraq, Bush, Gates and their trained seals in the CIA are looking the opposite way at this dangerous development.

Bush has now doubled the size of the American forces in the Middle East while espousing that the Soviets are our blood-brothers having “changed their leopard spots”. The Soviets are now your beholden “friends and allies”. It would appear to me that there is great suffering from acute myopia induced by Gates, Baker, etc., etc., etc. The President seems to perceive absolutely no danger to Europe what-so-ever—how could this be? Could it be that he is consumed by his ethereal vision of the New World Order? Or, does he know more than you know and it isn’t a “vision” problem at all! The world is set for total take-over—BUT, THE PRIME MOVERS AND SHAKERS HAVEN’T TOTALLY SHAKEN EACH OTHER DOWN, YET!!


Blind? Mr. Bush blind? I seriously doubt that, dear ones. But, has no one dared point out to Bush that it was this same insane vision that broke the presidency of Woodrow Wilson as he played into the hands of the Bolsheviks then taking over Russia?

Is there no one on Bush’s staff who can remember that this identical vision of a world ruled by the United Nations led Franklin Roosevelt, then under the influence of Alger Hiss and other pro-Soviets, down the primrose path to Yalta and the surrender of Eastern Europe and eventually mainland China to communism?

With more than half a million Americans in the Saudi desert and on their way from Europe, this has the makings of a mammoth trap—perhaps a BEAR TRAP?


If Bush commits these forces to battle, as now would seem totally likely, what would prevent the Soviet army from moving right through their ally, Germany and France, to the English Channel in the “10 days” Gen. Nikolai Ogarkov allotted in the master plan drawn up in the mid-1980’s and still preached in Soviet military circles? Oh son-of-a gun, you didn’t know about THAT plan?

So be it, the answer, of course, is NOTHING!

Let us look a bit more closely at this man, Gates.

He is a consummate con man and has gulled Bush as completely as he did his late boss CIA Director W. Casey and, through Casey, President R. Reagan.

By simply telling them what they want to hear and constantly leaking prepared stories to the press, Gates has persuaded both conservative and liberal columnists he is a “hard-liner” adamantly opposed to the Soviets and suspicious of glasnost.

But the quality of the “intelligence” Bush now receives on a daily basis from Gates may be better judged by several tidbits in the closely held dossier several officials have been keeping on Gates.

As CIA’s deputy director for intelligence, Gates helped sell Casey and Reagan on Israel’s wacky plan to exchange U.S. arms with Iran for the release of American hostages in Lebanon—the nutty idea that tempted Reagan to tiptoe into the Iran-”contra” morass.

Just before becoming Casey’s No. 1 deputy on April 18, 1986, Gates leaked two top-secret intelligence estimates to the Washington Post. The first was aimed at helping the liberal Democrats in Congress to drastically cut the Reagan defense budget; the second tried to shoot down, and essentially succeeded in shooting down, Reagan’s strategic defense initiative (SDI), commonly called “Star Wars”. As reported by the Post on March 31, 1986, the first estimate claimed that Soviet military spending had been “almost flat for a decade” and might even “decline during the next five years”.

Of all the fiction fed to your presidents in weird “national intelligence estimates” over the years, this particular concoction of Gates must take the prize. Indeed, all the evidence, then as now, proved conclusively that the USSR had been engaged in the greatest military buildup in history—a buildup that ominously continues to this very day. The second blast from Gates less than a week later was intended to cripple SDI. This “intelligence” estimate claimed the Soviets had NOT violated the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty. But three years later the Soviets themselves freely admitted they HAD violated the ABM agreement, just as they have violated nearly 200 other solemn agreements made with the U.S. and the West.

U.S. deployment of SDI hangs on the issue of observance of the ABM Treaty. Gates’ target in trying to defend Soviet claims that they were not in violation is certainly obvious. Tragically, he scored a perfect bull’s-eye.

In fact, this single leak from Gates’ fiction factory at CIA cast such doubt on Pentagon reports of Soviet ABM violations that many consider this the major reason America still has no viable defense against Soviet ICBM’s or the short-range missiles poised aboard the Soviet submarines lying in wait off both your East and West coasts—a combined force capable of killing every man, woman and child in the U.S. in a matter of mere minutes. As you might have guessed by this point, Gates has served both the KGB and the Mossad. Further, it was Gates, behind the scenes, who led the fight waged in favor of permitting your NATO allies to accept the Soviet oil and natural gas pipelines to Western Europe. Now completed, except for one strand, the pipelines tie the economies of France, Germany and a half-dozen other, smaller European countries to the Soviet Union like an umbilical cord.

Gate’s many coups on behalf of the Soviets began when he joined the CIA in 1966, fresh out of Indiana University, where he had picked up an MA in history after being at William & Mary. In 1974 he got his Ph.D. in Russian and Soviet history from Georgetown University while working at the CIA. And in the same year (1974) Gates transferred to the staff of the NSC, then under the iron thumb of none other than the Great Detentist, HENRY KISSINGER!


Kissinger became Gate’s mentor. The younger man did his job at the NSC so well as Presidents Nixon and Ford cozied up to Brezhnev that he was kept on at the NSC by Jimmy Carter. In January, 1980 he went back to the CIA as the national intelligence officer on the Soviet Union and two years later he was appointed CIA deputy director for intelligence in charge of all the national intelligence estimates prepared for the President.

A short, husky, boyish-looking operator, Gates has made a whole career out of ingratiating himself with the older men who have been his superiors. He completely mesmerized Bill Casey, who came to look upon Gates as his son.

Gates fed Casey the anti-Soviet hard- line the CIA director thrived on. In the spring of 1986 Gates was promoted to the powerful post of overall deputy director of the CIA.

When Casey’s health collapsed after the Iran-contra scandal broke, Reagan nominated Gates to be the new director of CIA. The liberals rejoiced and the Postand the New York Times hailed Gates appointment.

With powerful Democratic senators backing him, Gates’ confirmation appeared assured. But several conservative Republicans on the Senate Intelligence Committee were given the file on Gates. Almost overnight, support for Gates moving up to director of the CIA caved in, and Reagan was persuaded to withdraw the nomination—however, no publicity was released of negative nature and the subject was instantly hushed.

Gates was kept on as deputy director. William Webster, who had been appointed by Jimmy Carter to head the FBI, was named director of the agency, and he apparently was as completely taken in by Gates as Casey before him.

When Bush became President he picked Scowcroft to head the NSC, a post that required Senate confirmation. Gates was named deputy director of the NSC, a job that sidestepped the painful confirmation process in the Senate which had so recently thwarted Gates’ promotion to the top post at the CIA.

In the Bush White House, Gates has presided over the accelerated disarmament of U.S. and NATO forces. The conventional arms treaty which was signed in Paris on November 19 is Gates’ biggest coup to date.

Thus, now having helped strip NATO naked, Gates is free to concentrate on steering Bush into the Middle East trap.

If the Soviets do make their move in Europe when the huge U.S. force is nailed down in the Iraqi desert, Gates may well go down in history as the rook that helped the Soviet Union checkmate the United States of America. So be it for one little Robert M. Gates—ah, the web is tangled indeed!


In case you haven’t noticed, you ones who feel safe and private in paying with money orders—beware! “NO INDIVIDUAL POSTAL CUSTOMER MAY PURCHASE MONEY ORDERS IN EXCESS OF $10,000 IN FACE VALUES ON ANY ONE DAY”. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE. This is, of course, from the U.S. Postal Service’s Domestic Mail Manual. Please be alert and act accordingly if you buy your money orders down at the good old Post Office—Big Brother is WATCHING! This means exactly what it says—you cannot, for instance, buy $10,000 worth in the morning and $6,000 in the afternoon—IT MEANS IN ANY ONE DAY.

Here is a post-script regarding the subject above regarding a cutting of required bank reserves. The following notice was received by a business colleague of our publisher who had shared it with him this day — it has just now been brought to the scribe to be shared with you: “Bulletin: Fed cuts some bank reserve requirements. Reserve required for some categories to be cut to ZERO. Fed says reserve cut responds to tighter bank lending—”

And you thought nothing happened on December 3rd, 1990.

I would like to leave you with a thought this day: He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it—where might you fit?

Hatonn to stand-by. Salu and good-day.