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Pleiades Connection "Return of the Phoenix", Chapter l - "Let Us Remember Together"

Creator God Aton/Hatonn

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that which has been brought to you prior to this and mostly denied—while persecuting those who brought the truth unto you. I come as one—no longer to simply “test the waters” but to actually participate in preparation for the returning of God to your placement. I tend to want this job done well and, therefore, may appear a bit abrupt in the alarm-clock ringing! Remember that God is quite capable of doing that which He deems appropriate for, as Creator, His truth is manifestation.

I speak as a representative of those from your home galactic system who have now again come to help you through a time of transition and change for your planet has gone about as far as She can go without horrendous consequences. I only ask audience for reason is a gift unto man—FROM GOD—and I see and understand not why you find it difficult to believe God has others in such a magnificently ordered universe! So be it, for it shall be outlaid and again, as with prior truth-bringers, you may accept or deny—but I suggest to you, THE STORY IS YET UNFINISHED AND YOU AS A SPECIES ARE IN GRAVE TROUBLES! GOD WOULD NOT LEAVE HIS CREATIONS IN IGNORANCE AND WITHOUT ASSISTANCE—GOD WILL NOT ABANDON HIS CREATIONS—EVEN IN ILLUSION—SO PERHAPS YOU CAN READ TRUTH WITH AN OPEN MIND AND THEN YOU SHALL BE ABLE TO FIND YOUR OWN LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING AND CONFIRMATION. THANK YOU.

Some of you will have instant understanding of things I will briefly cover—others will have a complete blockage of perception. I make no effort herein to do other than outlay a few “space-brother” aspects for it is time to make known our presence and purpose as come from God and there is no intention to mislead nor frighten your species. Our wings are of the “silver clouds” of ancient reference and we are come to help you find your way HOME!

The last Great Teacher to come upon your place as Wayshower, went to prepare a place for you—we are now come to prepare a place for His return upon Earth—it is the time of sorting and separation; may you be given understanding in your individual aspects to comprehend this which I give unto you. We come in the open revelation and service unto the ONE GOD OF CREATION—MOTHER/FATHER/ALL-CREATOR AND WITHIN THE GLORY OF THE CREATION. OUR INTENT BEARS NO FORCE, FEAR NOR EVEN PERCEIVED HARM. THE HARM AND FEAR IS BORN OF MAN IN THE DENSITY OF EARTH PLANE. YOUR CONSPIRATORS, AGAINST HOLY GOD, SHALL PROJECT OTHERWISE TO MISLEAD AND CONTROL YOU—GOD COMES ONLY IN LIGHT WITH ALL SECRETS REMOVED. SELAH. “IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD—AND THE WORD IS GOD!” SO BE IT! AMEN.

Some of the things I shall outlay for you will seem quite primitive for I speak to all, and some of your fellow creations may possibly not be able to think and treat with spirituality and understanding that which we bring. At this time of awakening unto truth, most still lay captured too much in the issues of purely human inclinations of feelings, physical participation and indoctrined “instructions” as given forth by other humans who would mostly set forth to control of him in some manner or another.

We do not force our way into the thoughts of another—it is not even of importance to penetrate the thoughts of others than those who would find this truth for truth IS and will stand on its own merits for infinity.

I make no objection to your perceptions that there are false speakers who claim contact from our brotherhood—they have their intent to play games and cause you to disbelieve truth when it is brought unto you. There must always be caution and concern, when “UFO” contactees pretend their friends from the stars, among other things, communicate with telepathy! If they pronounce any instruction that deviates from the LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION—they do not bring forth total truth and, therefore, must be considered deceivers. God will give only truth for your consumption. These “speakers” do exist. Their communication was either originally telepathic, or they simply allowed the flapping of their tongues in self-projection and/or entertainment. Some of the so-called “speakers”, “channels”—whatever you label them, are simply deceivers and the facts can always be witnessed. All of those could-be contactees who USE others are but dupes and it is not for any of us to judge.

We come not as regards the “Christian RELIGION”. We come in truth and knowledge of that which IS—it bears on Christ-ness and perfection of the Sacred Infinite Circle but we come not as “religious” anything.

Although many deceivers exist as “receivers”, there are many who have had and still have contact. There are thousands who have witnessed and been given the privilege to actually photograph the presence of the brothers from the cosmos. Only a very, very few have actually had personal, physical contact with the higher brotherhood—and they have been discredited and persecuted—so, personal appearances which all of you demand, did not work either. It has reached the point that ones having personal contact have simply ceased to speak out and tell what they witness. The misinformation troops have had a field day in the deception business! Ones who have come from our domain are badly used and mis-projected. “Little Gray Aliens” indeed! Come to dismember and terrorize you? “Hold your government hostage?” Dear ones, come, come!

Some of the cosmic brotherhood come from different worlds and systems than do we for there is now a window of perception which allows participation and observation of your planet—but it is still cosmic law—KEEP HANDS OFF! Some come from other races unto your place on expeditions and have collected different things which could serve their investigations. Some have participated in conjunction with various earth people to research necessary information regarding evacuation of your place if need be and to be ground crew at the arrival of the cosmic brotherhood. Some “aliens” look exactly like you for they are your ancestors and some are quite different in appearance having evolved into the “selection” of natural evolution to be best suited for their own experience and environment. They have come to many recently, in your current generations, to bring truth of spirituality and work with you in silence of understanding until comprehension is full enough to be acceptable. If one comes from and in service to God—He/She/It comes in total love.

Some of these members of the brotherhood are quite new at space travel, and so perform their expeditions to expand their knowledge and understanding. Hereby, it also can happen that they come into contact with Earth humans quite unexpectedly, and then never return.

These are not hungry and thirsty for might and power and such, and are happy to finally have some calm and order in their own worlds of experienced existence. It can also happen that they, here and there, take communication with Earth humans, bring them within their craft and sometimes examine them very carefully. But any being capable of coming a great space distance from out of your solar system is technically oriented indeed and would inflict no pain nor trauma. The humans thus participating are, in every instance, released for there is not intent to harm you ones in any manner what-so-ever. If ones coming from space at this time of planetary evolution and transition, are able to reach your orb—they are allowed entry only through the absolute guidelines of the Cosmic Code of behavior. In every instance—any visitor from “out here” is more humane than any upon your place in the form of human as you recognize the label.

There have been some quite barbarous creatures who have also traveled through the cosmos, and have come to Earth, too, many being power hungry and quite wicked indeed—how do you think evil was introduced upon your place—from a snake in an apple tree? They have sometimes kidnapped earth humans, as well as other planetary human beings from other systems, and abduct them away to their home planet. There these poor creatures might then have been caused to be placed on exhibition, etc.—as you do with aliens who are captured voluntarily or involuntarily—by your governments.

It is now come to be that in these times of closing cycles upon your planet that the evil is already perfected upon your sphere—working now in your own density of perception—you are already infected and infested and you must awaken to your plight for YOU have let the demons within. These ones carry great power in some instances and they are malignant in nature for they use the power of “feelings” and other physical human characteristics and movements which are often quite strange for them and thus, a life means very little to them for they do not abide by Cosmic Law—although now, they cannot get off your planet in these closing days of sorting and separation. This is why I tell you again and again that, “It is what is already on your planet which you must attend—not we who come in these days of perception, to assist you!”

Many deceivers have come forth with their fantastic UFO tales and gained great publicity but there are MANY who do not deceive. There are ones who have encountered our ships and even have made contact and physical radio contact with our craft or other ships from strange visitors. These ones have been discredited and often simply “murdered” to stop the stories of truth and ones sent from the CIA, etc., to start cover-up stories to denounce and spread panic and fear. The worst scenarios are yet to come as your Conspirators and One World Global Cartel sets up actions which will be blamed on the space brotherhood—I ask you to mark my words NOW for it shall be in the coming.

Earth human is very difficult to convince of anything and you are so focused and centered on the false projections that you no longer know which is false and which is truth—so you cling to the physical elements—but I remind you that life-span is only averaging about 75 years of counting seasons and I suggest that there is something of which you are not aware, afoot. If it is not of the physical plane as you know it, does it not stand to reason that it might perhaps come from the Heavens, as you refer to the Cosmos? If you are EXPECTING A RETURN OF GOD, AND YOU HAVE, BY MAJORITY PROJECTION, STATED, YOURSELVES, THAT IT IS “SOON” OR “NOW”—WHAT IS IT THAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND? WHY WOULD YOU DENOUNCE THE VERY TRUTH-BRINGERS WHO WOULD BRING YOU INTO TRUTH AND BRING ABOUT THE RETURN OF GOD WHICH YOU EXPECT? HOW LONG WILL HU-MAN OF EARTH DENY GOD? HOW LONG WILL YOU CHOOSE RIDICULOUS FABRICATIONS WHEN THE TRUTH OF THAT WHICH IS COMING IS SO MUCH MORE PERFECTED AND WONDROUS? ALL OF YOU WISH TO TAKE YOUR HUMAN FORMS; WOULD IT NOT BE MORE CREDIBLE TO SUGGEST TAKING THEM TO PLACES PREPARED FOR HUMAN FORM THAN TO RESIDE ON FLOATING CLOUDS WHERE HUMAN FORMS WOULD SIMPLY FALL BACK TO EARTH? I SUGGEST IT IS NOT “OUR” TRUTH WHICH IS IN QUESTION, BROTHERS!


Most of the assistants from the cosmos are NOT super-beings, as Earth men like to call them in their imagination. Most are not even teachers, missionaries, or way-preparers for that matter—only a few for, with God, it requires very few! There is an obligation in duty to preserve the existing life already developing in this universe. This means that we endeavor to keep order and maintain peaceful presence.

Now and then, especially we, your Pleiadian brothers, make contact and open communication with inhabitants of different worlds, search out single ones and give explanations unto them that you might become informed of that which you perceive to be beyond you. Most of your cosmic brothers are only “advanced” from your status and the contacts are for the purpose of allowing growth and the ability to realize that you are not the only thinking creatures in the universe.

I, Hatonn, come as an etheric being “leader”, experiencing in a format which can be better understood as the times of transition come and the higher beings make presentation upon your place. Our roots, yours and mine, are in the Pleiades and therefore the fleet most involved with your evolution is from Pleiades—YOU ARE HUMAN AND THAT REQUIRES PHYSICAL CARE.


In the bringing of historical knowledge to fill in some of your missing links, I must point out that I have the information per scanner—I am a Commander—not an historian and do not even wish to spend this time in contemplation of such, but the barrage of inquiries are great and I will share that which is most frequently under question.

What about longevity in the other experiences? Man can become a thousand, or even hundreds of thousands, of years old, in your mode of counting, when he reaches a certain level of spiritual development and evolution. BUT BEYOND THIS STATE, THE SPIRIT NO LONGER NEEDS A MATERIAL BODY. HE THEN DOES LIVE IN PURE SPIRIT AND WITHIN SUCH HIGH SPHERES THAT ONE CAN NO LONGER COMMUNICATE WITH HIM IN TYPICAL HUMAN MANNER.

I would give you some comparison at this point for your own historical research projects. The 1,000 or so years of average experience of ones of Pleiades coincides with that reported for the average longevity of Earth humans PRIOR to that which is known as the “Great Flood”, when the dense vapor envelope surrounding the Earth came down in torrents everywhere for scores of days. Loss of the vapor envelope reduced the atmospheric protection of Earth’s creature species from the harsh radiations of your sun, and the lifespans of all creatures decreased dramatically and rapidly to well under a century for humans. Vegetable and plant yields were reduced accordingly.

Oh you ask, “Well, how did the sun get through the vapor envelope?” Very simply—your sun was young and easily pierced the veil.

Perhaps you could better understand the possibilities herein in considering the historical documentation and myths that your ancestors, when they were upon your place long ago, your 1,000 year Biblical longevities might now take on more meaning and acceptance in perspective. Loss of atmospheric protection has shortened your lifespans in great measure and you accepted this restriction, in concept, by limiting your own creative ability to have it otherwise. You chose shorter lifespans rather than bring about natural evolutionary alterations which would give protection—then, in the perception of limitations of time and space—you forgot and accepted that which was thrust upon you.

You ARE having trouble with your ionosphere—but it is not that which the scientists of the Conspirators outlay for you. What you are being told by the controllers upon your place is to intimidate and frighten you—what is happening in the ionosphere is of a magnitude and “cause” beyond your Earth projections and worse, your more learned scientists know what it is and what could be done to shore it up and yet, are not allowed to do so.

You will note through the ages that even drawings of space creatures appear and have protective coverings about their beings—these are not in the form of bubble suits as you would recognize them relative to your astronaut uniforms. From Pleiades, for eons there is ability to encapsulate both the craft and the person when out of the vehicles within energy fields which give protection from your atmospheric environment which causes the same level of aging and damage as is done to Earth humans. In Pleiades, for instance, to be some 500 “years” of age is but barely bordering on approaching mid-life and would more likely be still considered very youthful. Furthermore, it might be advantageous for you of Earth to understand something about your brothers and sisters, who come from Pleiades most predominantly—they are beautiful in human form which surpasses your own physical stature and beauty—it would be most advantageous to have them for ancestors for they are wondrous indeed, as relative to yourselves. They are not unlike you—nor or they monstrous beings of mutant origins—they are a more perfected reflection of your races.

Fear of monsters and mutants are thrust into your minds by those who would control you in fear and terror. There is no basis in fact.


A perplexing aspect of your unfolding truth unto you, is your refusal to even look at that which contradicts in any manner that which you have been told—BY MAN, IN MAN’S NAME AND WITH AND THROUGH MAN’S TRANSLATIONS. HOW CAN YOU LEARN IF YOU REFUSE TO LOOK?

Why does it disturb man so much to come into truth regarding extraterrestrial (which means—not of terrestrial; nothing more and no lesser). Ones stand in the pulpits of your “Churches” and pronounce that his or her knowledge is directly from God or Christ—do you now denounce your own truth of the projection by discounting extraterrestrials and/or communication with them? By all definitions, God and/or Jesus Immanuel are extraterrestrials as you define the term—both are etheric and “speak” to “receivers” in this same manner! Why do you pronounce our words to be of evil, Satanic content and methods?—Satan is a very physical, earthy worker, brothers—who is he more apt to tamper with—YOU OF EARTHBOUND WHO CAN STILL BE DECEIVED OR WE, WHO ALREADY KNOW HIM FOR THAT WHICH HE IS?? EARTH IS IN THE AGE OF CHAOS AND SATANIC RULE—WHO DO YOU BELIEVE MIGHT BE GIVING YOU A SONG AND DANCE?

Extraterrestrials have had many experiences in events as outlaid in that which you call your Bibles. I again make reference to the scriptum about Jmmanuel (Immanuel, Emmanuel, Iisa, Essa, Esu, “Jesus”).

The scriptum is a document written by one, Judas Ischarioth, one of the few disciples with an education, my friends. He could read and write. The facts are such that his written words bear the truth and the projectors of the false history as projected upon you, would be in great panic to have truth presented and blow away the lies. Because Earth man doesn’t like the truth does not in the least change the truth of it for TRUTH IS! EARTH MAN CONFUSES THE HISTORICAL TRUTH OF ONE, JUDAS ISCHARIOTH AND ONE, JUDA IHARIOTH. Is this such a hard disclosure to accept that perhaps in 2,000 years someone might make translation and typographical errors? Come now, allow him who is without error to cast of the first stone! I can only suggest that you obtain and read carefully indeed, AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL. The Master “Jesus”, as you label him, oversaw the translation of the Arabic scrolls—there are some misunderstandings of projections in some instances due only to lack of common definition of translated words. If you become enslaved to a point of record some 2,000 years past, you miss the point of the Christ’s manifestation at that time. He came to teach, lead and show you the fact of immortality. He experienced as a human and suffered as a human—YOU OF THE HUMAN MISSED THE POINT OF THE JOURNEY!

I am speaking of Pleiadian perspectives at this time—I speak of more spiritual matters in depth elsewhere—for we serve differing purposes and missions, your Pleiadian brothers and myself! We are from two different levels of dimension and I believe we will clarify that matter by the ending of the writings.

Another sarcastic projection thrust at this scribe and other receivers is, “How is it that these extraterrestrials always speak the exact and proper language?” Simple indeed—THEY DO IT THE OLD FASHIONED WAY—THEY LEARN THEM! Most can speak or understand “universal language” but many cannot decipher clearly in Earth dialects and when contact is made it is with ones whose language is studied and communications can be clearly translated. I, on the other hand, being etheric in experience, need no language and as I communicate, as with Dharma, I utilize frequency beams and “pulse” information which her mind is programmed to receive and place into English and sometimes into Native American—specifically Lakota Sioux extraction because the ancient truths shall come forth onto paper from a Lakota Sioux receiver of the oral teachings and the documents must be compatible. Dharma does not speak native language in any manner what-so-ever—nor any other language save English.

Pleiadian extraterrestrials must learn languages. They possess all Earth languages, present and past, that were ever spoken and/or utilized. They have detailed knowledge of them in most different ways. From them, language training courses are given. This work is performed by language-”scientists” and machines, similar to what you call computers. Machines of similar sort serve then to transmit the desired language and instill it into the student—directly. This is performed in a machine-induced hypnotic-like state, and by this method the language terms and senses become implanted and registered. The processing of a new language requires about 20-30 days. Then there is allowed another week or so to practice correct usage—in all, a new language can be quite well perfected in about a month of your counting.

Is this so difficult to comprehend? For several years now, on your own place, language institutes are using recorders and sleep-learning techniques. These techniques are in great use in the training of your so-called surveillance (spy) groups and is called programmed learning. Further, you have developed Robotoids who are totally programmed with imitation memory banks and are constantly manipulated by pulsed beam mechanisms for ongoing control of input and manipulated actions. Why would it be difficult to believe that higher societies than your own, would have perfected the technology?

Dharma, allow us to close this segment at this point. There are physical things to be accomplished and we must allow you to “live” in your Earth format also. Tomorrow is labeled “Thanksgiving” and I recognize great thanks and appreciation for allowance of participation and we acknowledge the need for comradry with brothers and families. Go do that which needs doing in the physical and we will meet with this document this evening. I cannot give you the day off, chela, for we must write at least once per day as our time grows shorter and we must come into understanding regarding the information—therefore, I ask you to allow time for our work. I, too, have no words to express my thanks and appreciation to you with such willing hands to serve—may we all bow in wondrous gratitude unto God for his Grace and may He accept our joy and gratitude in the wondrous participation of our service. May we be given understanding into that which is unfolding before us. Salu.

Hatonn to clear, please. I remain on circuit—go in security. Salome’