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Esu Jesus Sananda

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g to have made thine self weary lest you need no rest. Most are resting and will never move from the inertia of the “rest” period. How about this, we will work at “balance” and ye won’t need of so much resting. I AM JESUS WHO COMES THIS DAY, UNTO YOU ONES OF MINE FLOCK. DHARMA, I GRANT THEE PEACE AND HARMONY THAT YE MIGHT FULFILL THY TASK IN TRUTH. WE WILL SPEAK OF MY NAME, JESUS, FOR IT GIVES THEE GREAT DISCOMFORT.


What is in a name? It is only a label that you might recognize of a person who is without thy presence. It is a point of reference. If it is a pleasant name, many ones will choose that label for their children. Ones naming their children will choose one which their very soul nags them to choose; it is why parents would do well to find what a name really means before placing a sign upon a babe.

Sananda tells the story of who I AM. Jesus tells the story of who I was at one time upon thy earth plane. Just as Dharma tells the story of who you are at a level even beyond thy present ability to understand. Thy earth given name only refers to a human female person. There are many reasons that I was called Jesus at the time of my birth but it matters not right now for purposes of this discussion.

My name has been used falsely upon thy place to the point of ad nauseam. It is utilized in curses, for curses and in the name of curses. Ones pray unto me for all manner of greed and selfish nonsense—a very bad “habit”. Mostly, the use of the title only conjures the darker responses to thy brain for mine ones know me. You hesitate to utilize a word that conjures such dark overall responses for ye know that energy which is mocked is not of me. ’Tis why it is, at this point, easier for most to accept a “space commander” than to accept that I am back into thy physical lives. I am truly the “last” one most wish to have “back” in thy lives. I am nice on Sunday morning, or a sunrise service or especially on a Good Friday. Good Friday especially is nice for it represents an incident that absolves ye ones from any responsibility for thy actions. After all, did I not die and spill blood that forever more, thee would have to do nothing but believe I existed and gave all for thy salvation? So be it! Just eat of the grain and drink of the vine in My name and all is absolved?

While you are doing that very thing in habitual trance, my brother of evil is moving right in with thee. He tells you loudly you need do nothing, old brother Jesus (only he will misuse My name; he loathes My name and will not stay in its presence) did it all for you and absolves you of responsibility. Therefore, how about you giving me a place to stay a while. You see, chelas, when Lucifer was tossed out on his ear—he has no home, no country—no “place”—he must take yours and you must invite him in. So, he will make grand offers, in the name of goodness usually, to get a bit of a hook into thee. Ah yes, he even helps you for a while, then he desires more and more and more of you. He was cast to the Earth for he no longer has a place in the Father’s realms. He will forever more do battle to establish his place, depriving thee of thy place—and you give it willingly - openly. When you give totally, you are perfectly possessed and you consequently lose all defense against the creature. This is “evil”, far beyond what ye call “sin”.

First, the evil creeps upon thee. At entry point, Evil Spirit tests the water a bit, catches the host in a depressed, helpless or self-miserable state of being. Then he prods a bit, tempts a lot and moves very carefully within. The decision is then made, no matter how tenuous, by the “victim” to allow that entry.

Then he works very carefully and in total dedication to the “capture”. There are the erroneous judgments by the “victim” in vital matters, as a direct result of the allowed presence of the Evil One. This is in preparation for the next stage of the move in.

In the beginning the poor “victim” knows it is an alien energy moving in (I don’t speak of space brother aliens or ones from another country). I do speak of disembodied spirit, disincarnate spirit moving in to utilize a human physical being. He feels the “force” of that energy and in the upstart it is usually most comforting for all the while ye are being promised all manner of wondrous adventures and “things”. As a result of this, however, the “victim” LOSES CONTROL OF HIS FREE WILL! Therefore, the same action causes loss of control of decisions and actions.

If ye have not placed My protection about thee, ye will listen to this one and his lies. You WILL LISTEN even if ye know it to be lies. Then, you will begin to actually respond to the lie as truth and lose of thy discernment.

Once you are thoroughly enthralled with this stage of participation the Evil One begins to “set the hook” and move toward TOTAL possession of thy WILL. At this point, where thee can still question and deny entry, you are still most vulnerable for the master of evil picks of his time in great care. By this point you are usually in human desperation of one type or another. If, at this point, one allows extended control you are most likely doomed to the potential completion of the take-over in total. Thy world is overflowing with the unsuspecting and totally controlled human beings. All the stages are overlapping and undetectable. Then you better be using My name in some form (but “Jesus” is the most dreadful one in the ears of the evil one, for he knows it well). That name, JESUS, on your plane is recognized whereby “George” is not—all parties involved who have heard the name know it to be of me, of Light. In southern Lakota Sioux, it will be another label but just as effective. Better hold tightly to that which you recognize. It is the “focus” of pure intent, not a rounding off of your consonants and vowels.

Me, and mine, have been so misused that were I to appear as if by magic in great “miracle” form on Mr. Swaggert’s or Mr. Roberts’ stage, I would be tossed quickly into thy jail cell. When the time is perfection I will appear when and where I choose and I most surely assure you, I will not be tossed anywhere!


Beware, beloved ones, of ones coming in proclamation as “walk-ins”—and here I shall make enemies for you, Dharma. Yes, there are agreements to be utilized in thy physical format for Father’s purpose—these are agreements and one utilizes one’s own FREE WILL choice to go the way of perfection. MOST ONES WHO ARE CONSIDERED WALK-IN’S ARE THE TOTALLY POSSESSED, HAVING SACRIFICED “FREE WILL” UNTO ANOTHER ENERGY. THE ENERGIES OF THE DIVINE SOURCE DO NOT “EVER” TAKE THY FREE WILL. EVEN IF YOU “GIVE” THY FREEWILL BACK UNTO THE DIVINE SOURCE, HE WILL BLESS YOU AND GIVE IT BACK THAT YOU MIGHT WORK IN HIS MOST HOLY LIGHT—NOT TAKE OF IT FOR “CONTROL” OF YOU! NEVER! Sometimes it is simply an incorrect projection of one “feeling” so totally alive in God that prompts the use of the term; however, guard well—”WALK-IN” IS A TERM OF “TAKE-OVER” BY THE EVIL ENERGY NEEDING A “HOME”!

No, billions will not care for the above declaration, for they will realize they have been “had”. How else do thee think Satan wil have such a foothold to completely control of thy planet (as the Revelations foretold) if he does not “fool” of thee ones? And, yes Dharma, you will be denounced by ones that will really bring thee pain. For it is a misconception and it plays into the “new” religion which will sweep of thy planet.

Yes, you can be “CONSUMED” with love and action for the Great Divine Spirit of Creator; you must surrender unto that energy. Ye may give of thine energies to walk in the Truth and Light—BUT, FATHER SOURCE WILL NEVER “TAKE” THE CONTROL OF THY CHOICES AND FREEDOM OF WILL FROM THEE. THAT ONE PROMISE IS WHAT GIVES ME, ESU JESUS SANANDA, VALIDITY! I will again petition, in thy behalf, that ye ones do not know of that which ye do. Ye will be again given the opportunity to hear Truth and be shown the way. Then, again, the choice of free will decisions will be placed back into thy hands for thy final decisions. Ye better be looking within for ’tis only at the center of thy own soul being that you can remember the Truth. Only at the inner core of that which you are (you are not that which you appear in human form to be) resides the Truth and the Evil One cannot remove it for it is GOD! “HE” CAN CAUSE “YOU” TO LOSE THE MOMENT AND MARK THY OWN DESTRUCTION. FRIGHTENING? I CERTAINLY DO HOPE SO, BROTHERS AND SISTERS, I CERTAINLY DO HOPE SO! CALL ON ME BY WHATEVER NAME THEE CHOOSESS; I WILL COME—I FEAR NO BATTLE WITH LUCIFER. FURTHERMORE, IF THY INTENT IS TRUTH, I DO NOT LOSE ANY SUCH BATTLES. YOU MAY BE BRUISED AND BATTLE WORN—NOT ME! NOT ME! SO BE IT AND SELAH. HALLELUJAH, AHO AND AMEN! TRY IT FOR YOU WILL LIKE IT IF THEE ARE HEAVY LADEN AND DOWNTRODDEN. SATAN WILL GIVE THEE NO PEACE NOR REST FOR “HIS” IS TO NEVER FIND REST OR PEACE UPON THE PLACES OF THE UNIVERSE—REMEMBER? IT IS CALLED HELL! BECOME HIS ANGEL AND HOUSEMATE AND YE REAP “HELL”! SO BE IT—THINK HARD ON THESE THINGS!

The efforts will be to shut you down, shut your mouth and not allow thy building in this wondrous place. I take no notice of who you claim to be—you had better take notice of who I CLAIM TO BE, FOR I AM AND I KNOW WHO I AM; WHO BE YE? I AM HE WHOM YE HAVE AWAITED. DENY ME IF THEE DARE FOR THOSE WHO REMAIN AGAINST ME SHALL FALL! This is, however, why these pronouncements must not go forth in general public distribution from this place—our building would be stopped. They will go forth in truth from another location that only My ones, in this location, will be able to know of this scribe.

Thy practices of “mysticism”, in its true definition, will be thy destruction. The signs are all about thee now. The ones who use My name in Truth shall prevail. So be it. For in these manners will ye be able to find one another in order to fulfill thy purpose.

Take ultimate care in discerning these preternatural (evil) energies that come to plead entry unto thee. Take not of their enticements and of their threats. They cannot create—they can only utilize what is rightfully thy strengths. The threats ARE the evidence of their limitations, for they cannot attack and seize control of the will in a “direct” manner. They can only work through the senses, in order to assure the continuance of that most basic element of all human possessions: THE CONSENT OF THE “VICTIM” BY HIS OWN WILL!

All ones are touched by this element. Look closely at self and honestly take note of any addictions which hold you hostage, this being a good example. Look carefully at thy desires and why ye might hold of them. Check to see how far along in earthly, fleshly possession thee actually have traveled.

For all the blandishments of success and happiness, for all the visions of special freedoms that may have led to this point, once control is yielded, virtually all personal freedom ceases from that point on. This is the most profound personal choice that can be made. Significantly, the option to relinquish all freedom of choice rests upon that very freedom guaranteed by God as long as the person chooses to be free. The choice can only be made BY the person; it can never be made FOR him. If the fundamental option is made to relinquish that freedom of will, then possession has been accomplished in its most essential and conclusive step. The simultaneous decision is to reject God and Jesus and the humanness Jesus (ME) made possible. Divine light is no longer theirs. There is a vacuum of any such deep knowledge as contributes to that humanness. All luminosity for the soul is progressively snuffed out. Into the vacuum Evil Spirit pours its own light and knowledge. He will even call the Kingdom his; and call himself the Prince of Light. He is false and places you into the role of a person of THE lie.


At first, you can play his game and expect all sorts of wondrous things to happen for his promises are great. Remember, he can only utilize YOU, however. Thy own abilities which you have long denied use by thy own grand self. Watch what you are doing and look for the effects of this special diabolic light and how much “help” you seem to be receiving. He will cause you to feel surges of self-confidence beyond that which you believed you held, he will help you in thy work if it means growth and comfort for him, he will often give you forewarnings (fortune telling at its best—or worst), you will be given sneaky little inputs and enlightenment about thy earthly opportunities to pursue individual satisfaction or prosperity, and also given additional fresh informations, mental energy and always the promise of, and temporary, POWER OVER PEOPLE. EVERYTHING THY EGO WISHES AND LONGS FOR BUT HE NEVER GIVES THE ULTIMATE FULFILLMENT OF PEACE OR “HAPPINESS”; HE ALWAYS KEEPS THEE SEARCHING FOR LOVE, BALANCE, HARMONY AND PEACE. FOR THOSE THINGS ARE THE THINGS OF GOD BEING.

But, look most carefully for the most striking effect of the light and knowledge of Evil Spirit; the most extraordinary and dramatic change it effects in the judgments, principles, and outlook of the host personality, together with an ever-growing sense of loss of self-control, even to the point of a loss of awareness of one’s actions. Look for the performance of actions for which ye have no answer of why ye did a thing nor recognition of motivation.

Oh, my beloved ones, ye must take care; I beg on bended knee at thy feet—take care. Ye will be sorely tempted in the most subtle of ways. If ye stumble I can pick thee up if ye but ask. IT IS THY FREE WILL I HONOR; DO YOU SEE, SATAN HAS NO FREE WILL. HE HAS NO VALIDITY UNLESS YE GIVE IT UNTO HIM! NONE!

Take caution, for just to bring this subject into thy presence pulls in the energy. Dharma is ice cold and repelled by the hatred being thrust at her very being during the writing of this lesson. Further, I must allow her to experience of it, for she also clings unto me for her protection and knows it will endure. Ye have strength in the “knowing”. The Evil One has no strength other than that which ye ones give unto him. Except through thee he can do naught. That is why ye ones must be wary of thy fellow man, for it is through the human the Evil Brother works his evil—most often, completely hidden from view in the guise of goodness. BEWARE!


Yes, precious scribe, the “fat is in the fire”, as you would say. Ye will not turn back, even be it that ye could retract of these words. Thy mission is bringing forth Truth at this time of mass confusion and reign of lies. If thee steps forth on the foundation of Truth, thy brother can have strength to step forth with thee and we will make great and rapid strides in our purpose. Blessings be unto ye who dare. However, just to stand and dare, is of no avail. I need living hands, not dead martyrs. So be it and attend it well.