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Sananda: The Adversary Gains Momentum. ..Ah! So Too, God's People!

Esu Immanuel Sananda

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ore than you can bear, for it is the adversary who would have you believe otherwise. Your tempers are rising and still you must not allow yourselves to lose focus of WHY you are here and for whom you have come to serve.

Each of you must look at self when you perceive “lack of communication” and effort to correct your own miscommunication or misunderstandings in communication. Be gentle with self and with each other. WE NEED NO MARTYRS!

Remember, it takes TWO or more to mis-communicate or misunderstand the other. And if YOU are the one who perceives the problem, then it is YOU who must make the first effort to rectify it. You may actually find that YOUR perception or opinion about a situation was not accurate. We call this RESPONSIBLE communication.

It is easy to sit and speculate about, blame, condemn and criticize the actions or decisions of another, but chelas WHO do you think you serve when you conspire against others of YOUR own beloved brothers without discussing your confusion with the one you disagree with. You guessed it!

Commander Hatonn has told you MANY times that the pressures upon you ones would increase as THE WORD makes its progress. DO you not see the adversary diligently at work within you ones? And yet, I honor ALL of you for even in the face of the worst bombardment of this core circle to date, you are still getting THE WORD out, albeit, without much joy.

Let’s look at some things here. The adversary has tried to take Dharma and Oberli out now for several years. The adversary has tried desperately to stop George and Desiree’ in the Publishing and speaking. What has actually happened is that the bond between these ones has only STRENGTHENED and their commitments only have become more focused and stronger, MUCH to the dismay of the adversary.

Now this is not to say you ones of the crew are somehow less important or have had it “easy”. For if you see it not, I will tell you that you of the core group have been and will continue to be targeted more vehemently in the days ahead! We warned you of this!

Never forget, precious ones of mine, that ALL jobs can be replaced and filled by another. And since the adversary has been unable to shake Dharma and Oberli, George and Desiree’ from their commitments, the adversary will continue to increase the bombardment upon the rest of you of God’s precious core workers to stop THE WORD. (While continuing to bombard your “leadership”.) The adversary HOPES to cause inner mutiny and confusion, rebellion and disunity. JUST LOOK AT YOUR WORLD, PEOPLE!!

Druthea thinks she must go and fix it all for you ones. NO! NO!..NO! You ones WILL NOW take individual responsibility for communicating your ideas and needs, OR IT WON’T HAPPEN FOR YOU! If you are intimidated by George or Oberli, THEN THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM TO SOLVE! We cannot ask them to hold your hands and beg you to “please tell me how you feel”. If you have skills or abilities they might need, it is up to each of you to communicate this to these ones who have been entrusted to make these sorts of decisions. And please, precious ones, I honor Patricia who gives all. I request that you ones not put her in the middle of YOUR complaints. She has about had enough of a load without also trying to constantly pacify the hurt feelings of you of our precious “volunteers”. That is not HER job. Do you hear?

Are these ones of your leadership perfect? Of course not. They, too, are tired and become short tempered and/or impatient. You ones must be easier on one another and not wear the emotions of ego upon thy sleeves waiting to be hurt or ignored. Again, I repeat, many of you ones play the part of VICTIM constantly. You are playing right into the hands and control of the adversary and most of you see it not!


I request that you EACH look at self, at perhaps how you can make adjustments here or there in order to create the UNITY you MUST have in order to continue in this crucial work TOGETHER.

Remember I said not to look for the splinter in your brothers eye. FIRST pull the splinter from your OWN! In order for you all to accomplish your work, which will increase in the days ahead, you must COMMUNICATE and offer suggestions from own experience to be considered.

This means that all suggestions are welcome, only not all will be implemented so please keep ego attachment out of your offers of assistance, or I ask you what is YOUR intent? If it is to be the genius with the great ideas, then you may find your ego in your toes, waiting to be stepped upon. When help is offered by you WITH LOVE, there is NO expectation for ego-fulfillment. You will not be attached to the opinions of others, you will learn to allow for your individual differences of opinion as long as YOUR COMMON GOAL is accomplished! That of course is to GET THE WORD OUT!


Did you read that carefully? I, too, honor Desiree’ for not allowing the opinions of one whom she greatly respects and admires to deter her from HER commitment in introducing the messages we bring. She has struggled with “how” to give her presentations to please so-called fundamentalist Christians for almost two months now. She has efforted to read portions of the Bible, two versions which she has and is frankly quite appalled at the deceptions she has found contained within. She only recently has understood that she cannot “couch” the Truth as she understands it. Most especially when she is presenting the very Soul essence of God and Creation at THIS time when mankind is screaming for Truth and connection with God! Yes you can help them to relate to you and at least gain enough curiosity to check for themselves, but chelas, THEY WILL DO IT AND FIND TRUTH FOR THEMSELVES OR IT WON’T BE DONE FOR THEM!


If ones deny the Truth, then so be it. God allows choice through His gift of free-will. None will choose for another and it is NONE of your business what they think of ANY of you of our messengers or of the message. It is not the job of God’s messengers to make the people take the medicine for their salvation and soul-evolution.


Please know, We of God’s Hosts are pleased, very pleased as we witness the growth of you ones of our workers! As you each overcome each new obstacle put in your path, you will find the inner fulfillment which comes from KNOWING you are serving well. No it is not easy, and often it is painful and confusing. Please NEVER forget, each of you precious ones, that you are NOT alone and when the adversary is attacking you more viciously than ever, well then, you must be posing quite a threat to “him”!

The adversary knows YOUR “weaknesses”, for example, in self-esteem, often before you are truly aware of them. Honor the adversary for challenging these “weak” areas in ego, for when you recognize and pull the sliver of wood from your own eye, you WILL BECOME stronger. And although the bombardment will NOT lessen in these days ahead, it will bother you less as you keep first in mind, commitment and service to God. And secondly, honor and LOVE each other as brothers and sisters, whom need each other to fulfill the tasks as a team of individuals called “God’s hands and feet” to get HIS Word out to a spiritually desperate and physically dying mankind on earth.

I will close this document and allow my scribe to attend to other duties. Precious Druthea, thank you for sitting for me this day, in spite of other earthly concerns. I know it was difficult for you. May these words help bring understanding and peace within mine precious workers that they find UNITY and the joy which comes from same. Walk gently, little dove, Dru, in peace and love. I am ever with thee Each of you who call, will receive the answer without compromise that you need, NOT necessarily what you may WANT to hear. Please listen to your instructions. We will accomplish our task together, as long as each one’s intent is directed to GOD’s service!

I AM Sananda. Please send love to our precious brother, R., he is suffering greatly the bombardment, and feeling as a failure. He is, as yet, unable to “hear” and to “see” beyond the cloud of confusion and pain. Please be gentle with him. Go in peace. Salu.