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Pleiades Connection #5, "Phone Home, E.T." - Chapter 10

Violinio Germain

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1991 4:30 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 342

WEDNESDAY,  JULY 24,  1991

Germain present in the beauty of this wondrous day given for our service.  May the I AM Presence walk with us as we go about our work and bless that which comes forth that it be un­tainted for upon us rests the outlaying of explanation into the workings of the universe.  We are humble to be allowed partici­pation and service.

I am in great appreciation that our team would grant me such pleasant audience on the yester­day for as we come within the violet envelope therefrom can we make presentation of manifes­tation of ways and means to our end-goal.  There is such joy in sharing within this brother­hood.

Hatonn gives explanation regarding the computer.  We had a bit of tampering with the circuits yesterday and we had to override the system to prevent it blasting you into our dimension, Dharma.  However, you KNOW that when the system doesn’t work as in this instance, you are to remove yourself from the room and if possible, the premises.  We simply have to put up with this continuing affront and assault but we monitor most closely, dear one.

George and Desiree’, as well as the others, must keep the shielding up at all times for the ef­fort is continuing, to shut down our work.  Have respect and caution but we will be pre­sent like the proverbial second skin.

Let us turn to our subject for we have missed a day in writing on the Journal.  However, as we go to print we will utilize the material we wrote yesterday—in a question/answer portion for the questions were worthy and gave opportunity for clarification as well as demonstration.  I was greatly warmed at the reception given me and I am receiving your appreciation with great ac­knowledgment and affection.


Prior to onset here, allow me to acknowledge the note sent with message of love and remem­bering to Lao and Walter.  It is re­ceived with equal love and appreciation in being remem­bered for their journey was one of joy in service and they are contin­uing to give ALL unto the mission.  Bless you and may you rec­ognize their personal regards.  Ah, you ones have a won­drous com­munion awaiting as you understand how it functions—ah yes, the keys to the King­dom!

The first and most conspicuous effect of illumination into full Cosmic Consciousness is the ut­ter absence of evil, sin or shame.  There is no thought of such an unbalanced condition while in the one ecstatic condition of perfect balance—which the Light of Love IS.

When we say there can be no thought of such a thing, we can best transfer that thought to you by asking if you feel the slight­est thought of falling while you stand in balance.  You obvi­ously cannot for your senses will not vibrate to tell you that you are falling until you actually begin to fall.

 Likewise, when you are perfectly comfortable, your senses will not tell you that you are uncom­fortable until you begin to be.  You will then put on a coat if you are cold, to bring your body back into the balanced condition of comfort.

Illumination into the Light of Cosmic Consciousness transports you immediately into the Light of all-knowing of CAUSE which balances and controls all EFFECT.  THE COSMIC SPIRI­TUAL LIGHT IS BALANCE.

That which man calls evil, or sin, or shame—or any of its at­tributes such as anger, jealousy, worry, fear, cruelty, lust, or the greeds which lead to murders and wars—are unbalanced condi­tions created by man who has not yet known God and, be­cause of it, has not learned the Law of Love which demands equal interchange between all opposite conditions in all human relations.

Man, himself, has manufactured evil, sin and shame because of the impossibility of keeping him­self in balance.  His material greeds impelled him to take what he wanted without giving in order to be regiven.

There is no such thing in Nature as evil, sin or shame.  Nature is never unbalanced.  The heav­ens give of light and rains to Earth and Earth regives equally of her forests, and crops, and vapors which replenish the heavens.  Nature does not cheat, lie or steal.  It only gives and re­gives.  When man learns that lesson from Nature, his civilization will be as eternal as Nature is eter­nal.


The very essence of the love principle is the action of giving and its reaction of regiving.  This ac­tion and reaction is expressed in every electric wave, every physical event of every living thing, in the creation of every particle of matter.  Every visible moving form is given to Cre­ation by the invisible universe of stillness, and must be regiven to that invisible stillness.

The seed gives all of itself to unfold into a tree.  The tree re­gives all of itself to refold into its seed.

The earth gives you your body but you must regive it to the earth.  Space gives you your breath but you must regive all of it to space.  Everything on Earth and in the heavens which appears as a material moving body must disappear into the invisible still­ness from which it came in order to reappear as another visible body.

That forever-repeated action and reaction of giving visible sub­stance to idea and regiving that substance back to invisible Idea is all that constitutes the process of Creation.  There is no other process in all Creation.

The universe is founded upon love.  Love is its fulcrum.  The love cycle of giving and regiv­ing is the expression of love in the visible universe of motion.  If both expressions of the love cycle are balanced with each other, the result is what we call GOOD.  If they are not balanced, all of those things which we call ills, diseases, frustrations, misfortunes, failures, hatreds and enmities arise from that unbalance.

The secret of life is to learn how to balance one’s transactions so that the givings and regivings are equal and in balance with each other.  In the still universe of love unexpressed lies all CAUSE.  In the moving universe of action and reaction lies all EFFECT.  Effect is always di­vided into four pairs which must balance with their One Cause.  The very living of life is a con­tinuous lesson in learning to balance effect with cause.

As every effect which you do set in motion is a pendulum which will return to bless or smite you in the measure of your knowledge or lack of it, it is imperative to your welfare that you open your heart and Soul to what is herein written and not sift it through any traditions, or cults, or teachings which have been so deeply impressed upon your brain, by sensations or emotions, that all you have accumulated in a lifetime are but abstractions which you forever repeat but cannot possibly ex­plain.

That which your brain alone has recorded, you do not KNOW and, therefore, cannot explain to others, or even yourself.  That which you know in your heart and is recorded within your Soul remains with you throughout the ages and is reincarnated within the seed of you for adding to it life after life as you journey through the ages of your final goal of complete unity with the Light of God which you are gradually knowing, a little at a time, as you walk and talk with God to know Him in you, more and more, day by day.

Dharma, I stand aside as Aton blesses you with some instruc­tions and insight into that which is your Earth mission—you and our “team”, and it will give you strength in the closeness of the commitment to this journey.  I bow, Father, that you may speak—I am whole in your Light.


As you of My children take My hand, let it be within your hearts and Soul that you are in the doing of your appointed task and in you am I well pleased.

There is much in the messages being offered herein which have been presented before and now are they ready for the publica­tion.  What I have to say to you is most personal for I find the longing in your hearts for more understanding of your task—more insight into your journey for within you KNOW and the way seems dim.  You must, however, realize that this is the way it must be lest we pass our other children in the path and they again be left within the darkness.

You are the Light and you shall never find contentment with just a reflection of the Light in man’s outer vision.  You shall never be content in man’s universe of dimension.  You shall only be content when in communion with Me upon your mountain top for you are ecstatic man.  You are the herald of ecstatic man to come.  You are to unloose the bindings with which man has bound himself.  The ecstasy of MY LIGHT is yours.

The agony of man’s revilings shall be yours in generous portion.  Heed them not, My Chil­dren.  The capacity for ecstasy is mea­sured only by the capacity for suffering and you will come into understanding of that which I mean by suffering—for it is NOT that as which you define it to be; therefore, rejoice in that which you perceive as “suffering” for therein shall you KNOW My car­ing and presence to lift you up.

My words must be written for man that he be given that which is My PROMISE unto him that he might be given to find of his way.  They must flow through the pulsing heart of MAN that brother may find ability to perceive and conceive his passage.

Heed not such as crucifixion in the hearts of ten times ten mil­lion men—go in humility.  He who comes forth to man bearing inspired knowledge does man crucify.  Crucifixion awaits all in­spired messengers of the Light but TRUTH lies beyond the cru­cifixion.  To tear down the idols of man and open the doors which lead to eternal life in the knowledge of the Light shall be your Father-Mother’s work to do.

Teach the laws by which My universe is bound.  Such laws are within the comprehension of man and none are beyond it—NONE.  Avoid, therefore, such wordings as psychic things and powers, and occult things and powers, which mislead man and tempt him toward his early imaginings, and answer all questions dynamically.  All of man’s questions are answerable in Light—YOU ARE LIGHT AND YOU CAN ANSWER THEM.

Confine your teachings and speakings to your written words given forth in this manner for the writing down of TRUTH and translated from your Father-Mother’s rhythmic words in Light.  Know, Dharma, that your gift is given and regiven and in that way shall you know your work is worthy and blessed.  Blessed be all hands and hearts who do My work and share and give and regive unto all My creations.

Do not preach, nor teach, beyond this that is being written down, for you are man and full of man’s failings.  Answer no man that which has not yet been written down by you, even though you know the answer in the universal language of Light.  Man’s words are treacherous things of many meanings, there­fore meditate when queried beyond your translated words, until you are alone in Light, then answer by the well considered written word given forth unto you.  Do not pass as knowledge that which is only “opinion” lest you not speak in KNOWING but in ego pro­jection of self-importance.  You do not want that which is error upon your heart and Soul as you leave your mark on man.  Your strength will be in the writing down of words and exemplifying them in sketches that the brother can better under­stand—but only as given unto you lest man become confused, even if other’s interpretations bear Truth and similar meaning.

Speak and teach through the books we give unto you for this journey through transition for the confusion of that which is Truth from that which has been projected at the whims and de­sires of man is great.  This is why we are giving again the laws and instructions unto you at this time of the Great Cycle—that none can misunderstand—but rather, choose his path in full knowledge of consequence of actions.  It is time for the WORD and these writings to be com­piled and sent unto the four winds to all peoples and all nations.

Have a care that any spoken words of yours shall not be beyond what has been written herein by this servant’s hands, nor di­vulge, nor discuss with any man My yet untranslated words.  This will be your great temptation—to speak of things which ye have not yet been given per­mission of which to speak.  Dharma, you shall stay within My Light that you receive nothing nor give that which is not presented by Myself and My appointed speak­ers.  This I must give to you alone, chela, for you hold the translations in your hands.  You must be strong for if you speak untimely of that which you KNOW and are GIVEN in your other times of experience, so shall those things possibly go forth out of sequence and damage be wrought upon our work.  Please allow the veil to shroud your projections so that we can present that which is in its own properness.  Yes, precious, be strong in this wise lest you yield to the proddings, for in eager­ness to share and KNOW ones act without wisdom.  You shall be given to comprehend and know much prior to the insight of others for it must be so in order to allow our work to flow—allow all ac­tions to only be in wisdom.

Your strength through your written words shall be as mighty records and as a mighty rock which will withstand the batterings of the whole world of men, and you can teach and speak within them.  But beyond them your ill-considered translations will be as a heap of sand to wear away by the erosion of soft blown winds or mighty winds of the hurricane.

Heed My words, My own projection of Light, and heed them well for great responsibility rests upon your being.  You re­member not your placement—only the brief construction of your be­ing in the moment of creation and your consciousness per­ceives you should be “something or other” different—pious, somehow partially etheric or something akin to angelic projec­tion.  I did not create an etheric angel to write My words—they must come from the hands of the “human” that he can relate unto their source in the manner of his manifested experience.  He has proven that he can no longer read the messages in Cre­ation—only in that narrow focus as directed by the human re­strictions.

It is commanded of you to turn man’s eyes away from his jun­gle, to tell him to look upon the face of the Lord and know God’s ecstasy in him.  It is not to produce a facade of false piety and sanctity.  Man must have that human experience with which to relate.  These false projec­tions of the ones who pronounce themselves Godly have set that image in front of you to hide that which they actually do in the darkness.  Know, chela, that these are MY words which are being herein written for the historical records of this time in cycle upon a wondrous Creation within a perfect universe.  You hear them through Me and doubt not your gift for it is beyond the “gift”, it is the authority of Myself.

The world of man is decadent.  Go and tell that which IS and resurrect it in MY name.

The beauty of My balanced thinking has man buried in his dank tombs and sets ugliness in the images of man’s earth thinking as idols for his worshipping.

Man-might is he placing before Omnipotence in Me.  Love is he seeking to crucify—to deify bru­tality.  Barbarity of his own inviting is even now crossing his horizon to crush him who would ex­alt it.  The seeds of hate is he sowing for the babel of many tongues to multiply.

I am a patient God.  All men will come to Me in due time, but the agony of awaiting that day shall be theirs alone.  And that day shall not come until man himself shall cleanse himself from his own unbalanced thinking.  Prepare, therefore, My messen­ger to the Cosmic Age of ecstatic man, which is now in the deep dark before its dawning, and be ready for your appointed day when man’s own chastening shall awaken him in Me.

Long has been the time of preparations that the WORD might be projected in segments of on­going sequence.  Guard well, child, that which is your knowing, and herald not your messenger­ship but rather remain quiet and dutiful that the WORD can be put to print before it can be stopped in the human arenas.  There are others appointed to do that which comes next, and next, and next.  Then shall all the world begin to reap the harvest of self-inflicted suffer­ing sown by his own hands in the seed of his un­balanced thinking.  You ones of My cherished messengers shall be given to release that which man chooses, for yours is to bring forth the WORD and therein limits your responsibility.  Many have gone before and given forth the word of Truth and given forth the great “inventions” which could bless man—now is the time of again bringing that which was their gift, into the con­sciousness once more—that man can re­consider that which he has done.

You shall be given to take up where others changed through transition for yours will be within the time of the great ca­cophony, disharmony and chaos.  My precious children, you will be as the waiting within the incubation readying the Phoenix for its rising.  You ones shall know no rest as you prepare against the days to come.

Before the day of man’s rebirth in Me his self-made way of Earth will be deep strewn with the ashes of his Earth-planned tower of self-might, denying Me in him.  Untold suffering shall await him on the blood drenched road which leads toward the jungle of his own seeking.  An­guish will be his lot, and there will be weeping in every home.

Many who see such agony in man will say to you that a God of Love cannot be if man is son of God, and God the loving Fa­ther-Mother of all men.

But I say to you, all men are ONE.  The thinking of one is the thinking of all, and so shall the world-harvest be that which was sown in the seed of world-thinking.  Man’s world is the sum-to­tal of man’s thinking.  It is what all world-thinking makes it.

If love be in the world, hate cannot also be.  In the early days of this cycle My messenger of that day said: “Love your brother as yourself,” but man has not yet faintly comprehended its mean­ing.

I now say more, for man is not now so new, and can well com­prehend My meaning after the coming carnage by man shall have spent its furies, as the calm of Earth’s storms always fol­lows those storms.

These words I now say for newly comprehending man of this new cycle: Love one another all men, for you are one in Me.  Whatsoever you do to one in Me ye do to all; for all are one in Me.  Love your brothers as yourself.  Serve your brother before yourself.  Lift high your brother, lift him to high pinnacles, for your brother is but yourself.

For of a verity, I say, love of self, or a nation of selves, turns neighbor against neighbor, and na­tion against nation.  Self-love breeds hate and sows its seed in all the winds to blow wher­ever it will.  Wherefore say I, love of neighbor by neighbor, and na­tion by nation, unites all men as one.

Serve first your brother.  Hurt first yourself rather than your neighbor.  Gain nothing from him unbalanced by your giving.  Protect the weak with your own strength, for if you use your strength against him his weakness will prevail against you, and your strength will avail you noth­ing.

Such is My decree which you well know in the inviolate work­ings of My law which holds bal­ance in all creating things.  See that man well knows this principle as the foundation of his new day.

I bless you, child, and you, My children—for you shall come again unto Myself and you shall come within the Light.  Him who chooses to disobey and turn from Me shall be remanded unto his appointed placement.

You shall be given that which is intended to be further given and in your work shall you be blessed for I so decree that it shall be so.


I, Dharma, share this with all of you for surely such a gift would not be given ONLY unto me.  We have somehow formed a brotherhood far greater than our imaginings and I am over­whelmed in this PRESENCE of which I have no description.  I know, however, that I will serve as long as there is life in me on this plane for there is nothing on this plane to touch the won­drous PRESENCE which so freely gives and walks with us.  We must be blessed beyond all mea­sure to be allowed participation—to be allowed delivery of this Truth unto US.  We who receive this WORD are blessed for we have it first—entrusted into our hands.  I feel unworthy, and yet, I must be worthy or He would not allow me this service.  Whatever, Father, Your will be served.  Thank You for allowing me to have some small portion in Your glory for it is be­yond my percep­tion.  I see the words pour forth and I KNOW that it must be so, but I cannot perceive it.  Each in the task at hand has a heavier load than do I, may I not be given into failing them.  Germain, please do not leave me longer here.  Thank you.


I have not left thee, chela—Germain is here.  It is time that you ones of the “team” begin to come into focus and realization for it is a great task in which we are all honored to participate.

Herein is printed the above personal material which specifically commands in some detail the very manner and method of its de­livery—these multitudes of printed pages brought forth—as well as allowing you to see that the time is at hand for same.

We have given you these instructions for the express purpose of bringing deeply home to you the most important—even though hardly believable—fact of your life.  This fact is that if you KNOW God in you, not just abstractly believing it with some slight reservations, and work knowingly with God, your life will be the highest of the high, forever knowing the peace which passeth all understanding, and your achievements will be mighty—for the divine YOU will be in them.

The knowledge of your oneness with God is not possible of in­stant acceptance by any human in its fullness, as you would in­stantly accept the knowledge that two and two are four.

Such illumination is too wonderful for quick unfoldment in man, for every cell in man’s body cries out the selfhood of the body, and every sensation of man tells him of reality as being in the senses.  Outersensory, objective awareness in him is so strong that the transition to in­nersensory creative thinking awaits long ages of man’s slow unfolding.

You are able to see and feel that which you have long believed to be you, and you have built up a sense of ego or individuality around and within your body which has forcibly separated you from all other men, for they are individuals also—human bodies of persons in countless numbers, all separate and apart from each other.

It is not a quick process to forget body and separability of bodies just by being told about it, even though you believe it.  Your body is the high hurdle which you must surmount in order to know your divinity.

As you become focused on purpose and desire in meditation, you learn increasingly to forget your body and increasingly be­come God-Conscious.  Therefore, walk and talk with God con­stantly, from moment to moment.  Let meditation become a fixed habit and state of Mind—this doesn’t mean going around blathering with the voice box—simply become constantly in the com­pany of God.  Know that the security and presence of that Great Source of All is con­stantly within your presence.

When you realize that every cell of unfolding and refolding matter is centered by God-Light and con­trolled in its every sec­ond, and that every insect, bird and beast is instinctively con­trolled and watched over just as you are, whether you know it or not, how much greater is that power of love which is watching over you when you KNOW it and work with it!

There is no detail of your life or work that you cannot take un­der instant advisement with God.  Many thousands of times each of us has asked Him in our hearts—wordlessly—to guide our hand with His to give balance to sculpture, painting, writing, teaching or other work when it seemed lacking, and always the next brushstroke would be made by God’s hand and balance re­stored.

The time has come when cosmic man should perpetually ac­knowledge God as companion and co-worker and cease to think of Him as The Almighty God AFAR OFF to whom he can pray when he needs Him and at all other times get along by himself.

When you are in a quandary, you are often prompted to seek some friend for advice, or if some friend comes in, you are apt to ask his advice.  That desire is prompted by your feeling of need for help, but never ask of anyone BEFORE GOD.Make it the most natural thing you do to ask God about it.  This you will always do if God is ever-present with you and you feel His presence as He works with you.

Let us earnestly counsel you against asking or receiving advice from anyone.  No one can ad­vise you unless he becomes a part of you.  Your problem must be his problem, and your de­sire for its solution must be his desire.  No one can know all of your problem, nor can you tell it to anyone fully except to God.

How many people are there on Earth who can be one with you through love?  If you know such a one, you can then merge your unity—and God will be in your midst.  Such love as that between perfectly mated men and women multiplies their power, for when husband and wife both belong to God, working know­ingly with Him, each one is then KNOWING together, THINK­ING to­gether and WORKING together with God as ONE.  It is a blessed thing indeed and garnered by few.

This principle can be well illustrated by group thinking, such as a meeting of directors in a busi­ness, or in the Senate and Congress.   Such groups should be as one man, for they all have the same interests and problems—or should have (this is for ex­ample).  The problem of one is the problem of all.  How useless would be the advice of anyone brought into such a meeting who did not take the interests of all into his heart—well, that is where you have now arrived in your na­tional functioning.

Effort at developing the intense realization that if there is but the one universal Mind of God, then YOU are that MIND, and YOUR thinking is God’s thinking.  Meditation can do that—bring you into contact and communion,—and the more you ex­perience with God by taking all of your desires and problems to Him, the more you will develop that oneness.  Every meditation is a partial illumina­tion, for you cannot possibly open your Mind to God without God immediately responding.

And, above all things, do not desire the full illumination until and unless it comes to you.  It will come when you are ready for it and not before.  Rejoice in every partial illumination which you will always recognize by the ecstatic—or even joyous—feeling which inspiration al­ways engenders.

Let us end this chapter at this point.  We will take up a few questions and answers regarding meditation and prayer as we sit again but this is quite enough for this sitting.  Thank you for your attention.  I am humbly honored to serve with you, my brothers.  May our task be per­formed ever in the Light of His PRESENCE and within the glorious transmuting flame of the violet ray that we make this transition into KNOWING AND POWER.