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AGARTHA IN THE HOLLOW EARTH (Updated Oct. 23, 2007)

Joshua Stone

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Fourwinds gives many thanks to Gloria Excelsias at the "I Am University" [] and also, to John Grau [] for the permission to host this material.

Agartha In The Hollow Earth

[19] I’ve spoken of the greatest cover-up of all time being the suppression of the fact that extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth from other planets [foot-note one]. If that is the biggest cover-up of all time, then the second biggest cover-up of all time is the attempt to keep secret the fact that there is a civilisation of people living in the centre of the Earth. The civilisation is known as ‘Agartha’. This might be hard to believe, I know it was difficult for me at first. However, I now have absolute knowingness of the truth of it.

[foot-note one] Refer to the link entitled ‘Extraterrestrials And Other Government Cover-ups’ [John].

To begin with, Buddhist theology affirms its existence. It is believed to be a race of supermen and superwomen who occasionally come to the surface to oversee the development of the human race. It is also believed that this subterranean world has millions of inhabitants and many cities, its capital being Shamballa.

The King of this world is believed to have given orders to the Dalai Lama of Tibet, who is his terrestrial representative. His messages are transmitted through certain secret tunnels connecting the inner world of Agartha with Tibet.

The famous Russian channel Nicholas Roerich, who was a channel for Ascended Master El Moyra, claimed that Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, was [19] connected by a tunnel with Shamballa in the inner Earth. The entrance of this tunnel was guarded by Lamas who were sworn to secrecy. A similar tunnel was believed to connect the secret chambers at the base of the Great Pyramid at Giza with Agartha. The first public scientific evidence of Agartha’s existence occurred in 1947 when Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew to the North Pole and instead of going over the pole he actually entered the inner Earth. In his diary, he tells of entering the hollow interior of the Earth, along with others, and travelling seventeen hundred miles over mountains, lakes, rivers, green vegetation, and animal life. He tells of seeing monstrous animals resembling the mammoths of antiquity moving through the brush. He eventually found cities and a thriving civilisation.

His plane was finally greeted by flying machines of a type he had never seen before. They escorted him to a safe landing place and he was graciously greeted by emissaries from Agartha. After resting, he and his crew were taken to meet the King and Queen of Agartha. They told him that he had been allowed to enter Agartha because of his high moral and ethical character. They went on to say that ever since the United States had dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they had been very concerned about their own safety and survival. They had decided that it was time to make greater contact with the outside world to make sure humanity didn’t destroy that planet and their civilisation with it. Byrd had been allowed in so they could make contact with someone that they trusted. To make a long story short, when their visit was finished, Admiral Byrd and his crew were guided in their plane back to the outer world, their lives having been changed forever.

In January 1956, Admiral Byrd led an expedition to the South Pole. On that expedition he and his crew penetrated two thousand three hundred miles into the centre of the Earth. Admiral Byrd states that the North and South Poles are only two of the many openings into the center of the Earth [foot-note two]. Admiral Byrd also states that the inner Earth has it’s own sun. Byrd’s theory is that the poles of the Earth are concave, rather than convex, and ships and planes can actually sail or fly right in.

[foot-note two] I can’t help thinking about Jules Verne’s famous science ‘fiction’ book, ‘Journey To The Center Of The Earth’ [Joshua Stone, 1995]. The American press announced Admiral Byrd’s discovery, but it was immediately suppressed by our good friends, the secret government. Ray palmer, the editor of the magazine ‘Flying Saucer’, published a detailed [21] story about Admiral Byrd’s discoveries. The United States government bought, stole, or destroyed almost every copy and then destroyed the plates at the printing office [foot-note three]. I have been told exactly the same thing happened to an article about Admiral Byrd’s discovery published by ‘National Geographic’. The magazine was released, and the U.S. government gobbled up almost every issue. If the story was not true, why would the government be so nervous?

[foot-note three] The psychological symbolism would have been that those that destroyed all these magazines had a significant mentor that destroyed their spirit in their tentative years [John].

It is interesting to note that the United States government does not allow planes to fly over the poles. All flights are directed to go around the poles, and any airline pilot flying in those areas will confirm this. Another interesting point is that icebergs are composed of fresh water, not salt water. It is also curious that it is warmer nearer the poles than it is six hundred to one thousand miles away from them. The opening at the poles might also explain why there are so many UFO sightings in those areas. In his book ‘The Hollow Earth’, Dr. Raymond Bernard tells of a man who has conformed Admiral Byrd’s story. This man is Dr. Nephi Cotton of Los Angeles, who reported that one of his patients, a man of Nordic descent, told him the following story:

“I lived near the Artic Circle in Norway. One summer my friend and I made up their minds to take a boat trip together and go as far as we could into the north of the country. So we put a month’s worth of provisions into a small fishing boat and set to sea.

At the end of one month we had travelled far into the North, beyond the pole and into a strange new country. We were much astonished at the weather there. It was warm, and at times at night it was almost too warm to sleep. Then we saw something so strange that we were both astonished. Ahead us on the warm open sea was what looked like a great mountain. Into that mountain at a certain point the ocean seemed to be emptying. Mystified, we continued in that direction and found ourselves sailing into a vast canyon leading into the interior of the earth. We kept sailing, and then we saw what surprised us… a sun shining inside the Earth.

The ocean that had carried us into the hollow interior of the Earth gradually became a river. This river led, as we came to realise later, all through the inner world, from one end to the other. It can take you, if you follow it long enough, from the North Pole through to the South Pole.

We saw that the inner surface of the Earth was divided, as the outer one is, into both land and water. There is plenty of sunshine and both animal and vegetable life abound there. We sailed further and farther into this fantastic country - fantastic because everything was huge in size as compared with things on the outside. Plants were big, and trees gigantic. Finally we came to meet giants themselves.

They were dwelling in homes and towns, just as we do on the Earth’s [22] surface, and they used a type of electrical conveyance like a monorail car to transport people. It ran along the river’s edge from town to town. Several of the inner Earth’s inhabitants, huge giants, detected our boat on the river and were quite amazed. They were, however, quite friendly. We were invited to dine with them in their homes, and so my companion and I separated, he going with one giant to that giant’s home and I going with another to his home.

My gigantic friend brought me home to his family and I was completely dismayed to see the huge size of all the objects in his home. The dinner table was colossal. A plate was put before me and filled with a portion of food so big it would have fed me abundantly for an entire week. The giant offered me a cluster of grapes and each grape was as big as one of our peaches. I tasted one and found it far sweeter then any I had ever tasted outside. In the interior of the Earth all the fruits and vegetables tasted far better and more flavorsome than those we have on the outside of the Earth.

We stayed with the giants for one year, enjoying their companionship as much as they enjoyed knowing us. We observed many strange and unusual things during our visit with these remarkable people, and were continually amazed at their scientific progress and inventions. All of this time they were never unfriendly to us, and we were allowed to return to our home in the same manner in which we came… In fact, they courteously offered their protection if we should need it on the return voyage”. An additional account of a visit to the hollow earth was told by another Norwegian, Olaf Jansen, and was recorded in ‘The Smokey God’, written by Willis George Emerson and published in 1908 [foot-note four]. The book relates the experiences of a Norse father and son who, in their small fishing boat, attempted to find ‘the land beyond the North Wind’, which they had heard about. A windstorm apparently carried them through the polar opening and into the hollow interior of the Earth. They spent two years there and upon returning through the Southern Polar opening, the father lost his life when an iceberg broke in two and destroyed the boat. The son was rescued, but when he told his incredible story, he was placed in a prison for the insane because no-one would believe him. After being released and spending twenty-six years as a fisherman, he moved to the United States. In his nineties he befriended Willis George Emerson and told him his story. On his deathbed he also gave Emerson maps that he had made of the interior of the Earth along with a manuscript relating his experiences.

[foot-note four] The term ‘Smoky God’ refers to the central sun in the hollow interior of the Earth, which is smaller and less brilliant than the outer sun and so appears ‘smoky’ [Joshua Stone, 1995]. He said that the people live for four hundred to eight hundred years and are twelve feet tall or more. Their scientific technology is very advanced. They can transmit their thoughts to each-other using certain [23] kinds of radiation and they have sources of power greater than electricity. They make ‘flying saucers’ that are operated by their superior power, which is drawn from electromagnetism in the atmosphere.

It is notable that in 1942, Nazi Germany sent out an expedition composed of some of its leading scientists in an attempt to find an entrance to the hollow Earth. Göring, Himmler, and Hitler enthusiastically endorsed the project. The führer was convinced that the earth is concave and that humanity lives o the inside of the globe.

In ‘The Hollow Earth’, Bernard tells of a photograph published in 1960 in the ‘Globe And Mail’ in Toronto, Canada, which shows a beautiful valley with lush green hills. An aviator claimed that the picture had been taken from his airplane as he flew ‘beyond the North Pole’. Earlyne Chaney’s Channellings About The Hollow Earth

Earlyne Chaney [foot-note five] gives a fascinating account of how Agartha came into being in her book ‘Revelations Of Things To Come’. She had a hard time accepting the truth of Agartha’s existence, but her guides were absolutely adamant about it, and its importance to human civilisation both now and in the future.

[foot-note five] Channel for Kuthumi, the Virgin Mary, and Zoser, an Egyptian Pharoah [Joshua Stone, 1995].

Earlyne’s channellings state that ages ago, very advanced souls came to Earth from other planets. She calls them Anunnaki; their offspring on Earth are the Annu. It was these beings who brought the ‘arks of the covenant’ that were used as laser guns and gravity control devices for the uplifting of the Earth’s civilisation. The Anunnaki and the Annu helped to build the great civilisations of Atlantis and Lemuria. Eventually, the Anunnaki departed, leaving the Earth in the hands of the Annu who had mated with Earthlings. As time went on, Atlantis began to be taken over by the Sons of Belial [foot-note six], or the Dark Brotherhood. The Annu, realizing the destruction of Atlantis was approaching, fled to other lands, especially Egypt. They helped to build the pyramids with their arks of the covenant. However, they also used these instruments to bore deep underground, building underground tunnels and cities. When the deluge and pole sift were about to demolish Atlantis and Lemuria, the Annu entered their inner-Earth cities through the Great Pyramid. They then sealed the pyramid, preventing Earthlings from discovering their underground passages and keeping out the waters of the flood.

[foot-note six] The ‘Lords Of Materialism’, and the followers of the fallen Angel Beelzebub [John]. Agartha consists of vast continents, oceans, mountains, and rivers. Shamballa is its central city. The population there is highly evolved. Earlyne says that the civilisations of the Yucatan, Peru, Brazil, Cambodia, and Tibet also went underground and that many UFOs come from the inner Earth. She conforms that the Earth has a inner sun; the aurora borealis is [24] a reflection of it. She also confirms that there are openings at both Poles, as Admiral Byrd Said.

It is interesting to note that the Egyptian government has found many of these tunnels and has tried to explore them over the past thirty years but they are so complex and extensive that they have recently been sealed for fear tourists would venture into them and get lost forever [foot-note seven].

[foot-note seven] Or perhaps the ‘secret government’ have made it harder for anyone that might have left the ‘top-side’ of the Earth, and fled to the Agartha lands in the run-up to the 2012 planetary changes [John]. In another fascinating book by Chaney called ‘Beyond Tomorrow’, Robert Stacy-Judd, a noted archeologist from California, tells of being in the Yucatan and entering the stupendous ‘Cave Of Loltun’ with a party of six researchers. They descended far into the depths of the Earth and then realised that they were lost. They became very concerned when all of a sudden from farther down in the depths, a light came towards them. The light turned out to be a torch carried by an old blind hermit who told them he had seen them clairvoyantly and knew they were lost. Even though blind, he proceeded to lead them back to the Earth’s surface.

The men were exceedingly grateful and asked the hermit where he lived. The hermit told them that the cave was his home and that he came to the surface every few months. When asked how he survived, how he found food and water to drink, he said he was cared for by the friends who lived in the beautiful inner city in the depths of the Earth. He paused long enough to have his picture taken, then disappeared back into the cave. Telos, Beneath Mt. Shasta

I attended a lecture given by a woman named Sharula and her husband, Shield, who stated that she was something like three hundred and fifty years old and that they came from the underground city of Telos, which apparently is a couple of miles beneath Mt. Shasta. I listened very intently to their teachings and have to admit they were both very sharp and knew their stuff, in a spiritual sense. I agreed with everything they said. However, I have to admit I did question her statement about being over three hundred and fifty years old. The next day, when I was receiving a healing treatment from a friend who is exceedingly clairvoyant, I told her about the lecture. She said that she could tell from a picture if what Sharula had said were true. I happened to have the advertisement for the lecture I my car, and it contained a picture of both Shield and Sharula.

Upon looking at Sharula’s aura in the picture, my friend said that it was totally different from a normal human aura and that she felt that there was a good possibility that Sharula had been telling the truth about her age and home. My own intuition and inner guidance had felt it to be true; it was interesting to get this confirmation.

There are apparently underground tunnels and cities at various levels [25] of the Earth’s crust throughout the planet. Many of the beings who live there are apparently coming to the surface now, just as extraterrestrials are coming to Earth in great abundance. Whenever I research a subject I like to get Djwhal Khul’s feedback on the information [foot-note eight] I have come up with. I told him what I had learned, and he had a number of interesting things to add.

First of all, he confirmed that Admiral Byrd had indeed travelled to the inner Earth as he had claimed. He said that the aurora borealis is not caused by the sun of the inner Earth but by a different light source. He said that the openings at the Poles are very wide, so ships and planes can fly into them, but that they are naturally protected by an energy field. People can find them if they really search, even though they are camouflaged by the energy field. He confirmed that there are entrances to the inner Earth in Egypt, Tibet, and the Yucatan, and added that there are other entrances in the Bermuda Triangle, the former Soviet Union, and Africa. He said that there are different races in the inner Earth, just as on the surface, and that some of them are quite tall. He also confirmed that the United States government and those of other countries are aware of the inner Earth and are hiding the information about it [foot-note nine] just as they are hiding their connections with extraterrestrials. He also confirmed Earlyne’s story of the Annu and their escape into the tunnels just prior to the flood. However, he added that beings had been living there long before the Atlanteans came.

[foot-note eight] Throughout His life Joshua Stone employed the method of Soul Travelling to commune with the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul [John]. [foot-note nine] The psychology here would be that a significant mentor of these ‘hiders’ also ‘hid’ things from them whilst they were growing up [John].

Among the Native American peoples, the Navajo legends teach that the forerunners of man came from beneath the Earth. The ancient ones had supernatural powers but were driven from their caverns by a great flood. Once on the surface, they passed on their great knowledge to the human race before once again seeking their great sanctuary.

The Pueblo Indians’ mythology also places their gods’ place of origin in the inner earth. The inner world was supposedly connected to the surface people by a hole in the North. The ancient writings of the Chinese, Egyptians, and Eskimos speak of a great opening in the North and of a race of people who live under the Earth’s crust. The writings say that their ancestors came from the paradise land in the Earth’s interior.

In the Buddhist tradition, ancient philosophy states that Agartha was first colonized many thousands of years ago when a holy man led a tribe that disappeared under the ground. The present population of that underground kingdom is believed to number many millions and the people are [26] believed to possess a science, far superior to any found on the surface of the Earth, that includes cars that run at tremendous speeds through underground tunnels.

In the ancient legends of Quetzalcoatl, the great avatar of the Aztecs and Toltecs, it is told that he vanished on a flying saucer for eight days and visited the subterranean world.

Russian explorer Ferdinand Ossendowski, author of ‘Beasts, Men and Gods’, relates his own experiences in Mongolia. In his travels he came across Mongolian legends of the subterranean world of Agartha, ruled by the King of the world who resides in the holy city of Shamballa. The legend says that in ancient times, a Mongolian tribe seeking to escape Genghis Khan hid in a subterranean land. They were shown a door that turned out to be the entrance to the kingdom of Agartha. According to Ossendowski, who was considered a great authority on the subterranean worlds, Agartha extends through subterranean tunnels to all parts of the world. These tunnels run under both major oceans and under all continents of the Earth and there are swift vehicles that move through them. He believes that the inhabitants of both Atlantis and Lemuria found refuge there.

Hidden Cities

There are over one hundred subterranean colonies underneath the Earth, all but one of them quite close to the surface. These underground cities have been referred to as the ‘Agartha Network’. Their customs vary, but they follow a common, spiritually oriented structure of living - the Melchizedek teachings [foot-note eleven]. The average population of these cities is five hundred thousand, but Telos, beneath Mt. Shasta, has over 1.5 million inhabitants. A second colony of approximately the same size is located beneath the Matto Grosso Plains of Brazil. This Atlantean outpost is called Posid. Although Atlantis and Lemuria have become myth to most people on the surface of the Earth, in reality they are just continuing their evolution underground.

[foot-note eleven] The Melchizedek are an ancient priesthood that disseminates the teachings of the ‘Great White Brotherhood’ throughout the universe [Joshua Stone, 2006].


Evidence of Lemuiria or Mu

By William Hutton



The notion of a lost continent beneath the Pacific Ocean seems preposterous. But there are many stories and books that reference such a place. Col. James Churchward wrote five books on the lost continent of Mu (also called Lemuria).1-4

More about Churchward’s works later. There is even a group called “The Lemurian Fellowship” located in Ramona, California, which has published its concept of a map of the lost continent (see Fig. 1)

Fig. 1 - Continent of Mu (According to the Lemurian Fellowship).

Psychic Information

The map of Figure 1 is, presumably, psychically derived. Interestingly, it shows that portions of far northeastern Lemuria were located in western America. This rendering seems to echo the following Cayce reading.

Before that we find the entity was in that land now known as the American, during those periods when there were the changes that had brought about the sinking of Mu or Lemuria, or those peoples in the periods who had changed to what is now a portion of the Rocky Mountain area; Arizona, New Mexico, portions of Nevada and Utah.

The entity then was among the princesses of the land that established there the teachings of the Law of ONE, from the activities in the land which had brought destructive forces through the separations from those things that made for the love of the individual for the gratifying of selfish motives.

Then the entity established what may be called the home life in that land, as each home became then as the castle of place of worship - or activities that were separated, yet united in one as for purposes. The name then was Ouowu.

851-2; January 31, 1935

Next we have the story of Phylos, a disincarnate master who was channeled by F.S. Oliver in 1883. 5 Whatever one may think of Edgar Cayce’s psychic readings, Phylos was implied to be a credible source in one of them (#364-1). In his book, Phylos speaks of a previous life on Lemuria. He describes "queer little horses, having three toes to each foot and high shoulders," a "great house built of stone," and a swarthy, brown-skinned man, "his hands talon-like." Such information indicates a late Miocene time at the earliest -- up to nine million years ago -- and an earlier race of man.

The Cayce readings refer to a lost continent in the Pacific by several names, but most often it is called Lemuria. Other names are Mu, Zu, Lu, and possibly Oz. Some of these may refer to provinces of the continent, or to portions left after a major break-up of the land.

Here are three representative readings.

Before this we find the entity in that land now known as the American, during the periods when the Lemurian or the lands of Mu and Zu were being in their turmoils for destruction.

And the entity was among those that -- in what is now not far from that land in which the entity in this sojourn first saw the light [the woman requesting the reading was born in the Santa Rosa/Petaluma, California area -- (that must in the near future fade again into those joinings with the land of Mu) -- established a temple of worship for those that escaped from the turmoils of the shifting of the Earth at that particular period.

The entity, in the name Oeueou, established near what is now Santa Barbara the temple to the sun and the moon; for the satellite of the moon had not faded then., and there was enjoined as to the entity in the worship as the goddess to the moon and the sun....

(509-1; 2/5/34)

What "satellite of the moon?" How did it "fade?" By impacting the moon? At what location? Was this a natural or a man-made satellite? If man-made, what was it used for? Navigation and/or communications? For whom and by whom? Were aliens involved? 6

Here are the second and third examples of the numerous Cayce readings that reference the lost continent of Lemuria:

Before that we find that the entity was in that land known as Mu, or the vanished land of the Pacific, the Peaceful; during those periods when many of those had risen to power when there were being those banishments and preparations for the preserving; for they had known that the land must soon be broken up.


Before this we find the entity was in that land that has been termed Zu, or Lemuria, or Mu. This was before the sojourn of peoples in perfect body form; rather when they may be said to have been able to -- through those developments of the period -- be in the body or out of the body and act upon materiality. In the spirit or in the flesh these made those things, those influences, that brought destruction ...


Here we have reference to a time when souls could act directly upon materiality. This aspect of the readings’ references to Lemuria finds resonance in the book, Atlantis to the Latter Days 7. The work is said to have been inspirationally dictated to Mr. Randall-Stevens by two disincarnate masters.

According to the author’s discourse, the actual disintegration of Lemuria occurred over a period of many thousands of years. It,

"was accomplished as the outcome of a series of volcanic disturbances which gradually undermined the substrata comprising the foundations of that continent."

The disaster was brought about on account of the.... domination exercised by the Devil and his followers. Randall-Stevens goes on to say,

“Black magic was rife and the chances of those who still remained steadfast to the cause of divine evolution were almost hopeless.....During previous periods all those who were to be collected in Atlantis had been ordered to proceed to that continent."

Randall-Stevens writes that the final destruction of Lemuria occurred about 30,000 years ago.

Submergence of Lemuria must have had worldwide geophysical consequences. The date of 30,000 B.P. coincides with the second period of disturbance on Atlantis when "there were [produced] small channels through many of the lands" (470-22). But reading 364-4 seems to imply that the final demise of Lemuria occurred perhaps only 10,700 years before the final destruction of Atlantis, or 22,600 years ago.

….the variations [in the spiritual, material, and commercial aspects of Atlantis] as we find, extend over a period of some two hundred thousand years - that is, as light years - as known in the present - and that there were MANY changes in the surface of what is now called the Earth. In the first, or greater portion, we find that NOW known as the southern portions of South America and the Arctic or North Arctic regions, while those in what is NOW as Siberia - or that as of Hudson Bay - was rather in that region of the tropics, of that position now occupied by near what would be as the same LINE would run, of the southern Pacific, or central Pacific regions - and about the same way.

Then we find, with this change that came first in that portion, when the first of those peoples used that as prepared FOR the changes in the Earth, we stood near the same position as the Earth occupies in the present - as to Capricorn, or the equator, or the poles. Then, with that portion, THEN the south Pacific, or Lemuria, began its disappearance - even before Atlantis, for the changes were brought about in the latter portion of that period, or what would be termed ten thousand seven hundred (10,700) light years, or Earth years, or present setting of those, as set by Amilius - or Adam.

Scientific Information That Suggests Lemuria Once Existed

Can science shed any light on the possible reality of Lemuria? Do we have any evidence that the floor of the Pacific could once have been elevated over a continental-sized area? Consider the May, 1998, review paper by Marcia McNutt, entitled simply, Superswells. 8

We have heard of hotspots that invoke narrow, isolated upwellings from deep within the Earth, like the hotspot produced by a thermal plume that some geologists think was responsible for the Hawaiian-island chain. Such a hotspot is surrounded by shallow seafloor less than about 1000 km in cross-sectional diameter, called a "swell." A "superswell" is also believed to reflect mantle upwelling. But it expresses itself as an extensive, anomalously shallow area of the seafloor. And its scale is several thousand kilometers across. This is as large, for example, as the island continent of Australia.

McNutt’s review of several lines of geophysical evidence allows her to conclude that one of the best examples of mantle-convective origin of an Earth feature is the South Pacific Superswell (SPS). (See Figure 1 for a partial outline of the SPS).

Fig. 2 - Island groups of part of the tropical Pacific Ocean, as modified from Figure 1 of W. Dickinson’s article, “Paleoshoreline Record of Relative Holocene Sea Levels On Pacific Islands,”Earth-Science Reviews, 55, 2001. The approximate, coincident edges of the South Pacific Superswell (SPS) and the South Pacific Isotopic and Thermal Anomaly (SOPITA)shown in yellow are after McNutt (1998, Fig 17) and Staudigel et al. (1991, Fig. 1).

This is "a broad area of uplifted seafloor containing numerous volcanoes in French Polynesia." The boundaries of this superswell contain the Society, Cook, Austral, Tuamotu, Marquises, and Easter island chains. These islands reflect an enhanced rate of volcanism in the superswell area due to enormous quantities of hot mantle rock below the ocean floor.

If the South Pacific Superswell were once above sea level, forming the continent of Lemuria, it would have been buoyed up by a broad bulge in the mantle, much like that recently inferred to be buoying up the lofty peaks and plateaus of the American West. A renewal of mantle upwelling beneath the SPS could result in the seafloor there rising above the waves once again. Such activity would bear out the statement in Cayce reading 1152-11 (8/13/41) which says that, "In the next few years, lands will appear in the Atlantic as well as in the Pacific."

If we can put any credence at all in the geophysical evolution and eventual disappearance of Lemuria, just what might the evidence be for Lemuria’s origin? The answer may lie in the line of reasoning advanced in our last article, on the origin of Atlantis, as based on the hypothesis of Prof. MacKenzie Keith 9

On page 301 of Keith’s seminal review article, the author begins by reminding us that the plate tectonics hypothesis includes the postulate that,

“volcanism can be attributed to [crust and mantle] downflow and recycling at the recognized subduction zones of Indonesia and the Pacific rim, but to upwelling and decompression melting at mid-ocean ridges and ‘hotspots’. Some of the Pacific island chains, best exemplified by the Hawaiian chain, are conventionally attributed to reheating of a lithospheric plate as it migrates over a deep-source hotspot.

The hotspot and moving plate model of island chain volcanism is faced with several problems, however, including the occurrence of along-chain compositional changes, the typical absence of “plume scale” heat flow anomalies, and the absence, for example along the Cook-Austral chain, of a systematic sequence of geologic ages.”

Keith then goes on to reveal that the combined geophysical and geochemical evidence brings out the inadequacy of the plume model, thus leaving open the problem of accounting for linear oceanic island chains. He then proposes, as a working hypothesis, that the Hawaiian-Emperor chain (Fig. 3) is located along the trend of a linear cold residue developed below the ancestral Mid-Pacific Ridge, and that “part of the residue was left behind when the ridge was variably displaced during a Mesozoic disruption of the Pacific mantle….” (p. 302).

Fig. 3 - Pacific Island chains and related features, as modified from Figure 22 of Keith, 2001. The three dated circles show Keith’s proposed contraction, from 60 million years ago (60 MA) to Recent time, of a hypothetical zone of outward flow and downwelling, a radial pattern above an elongated lower-mantle plume (dashed outline), and deduced to represent a Mesozoic impact-triggered disturbance of the steady-state mantle convective system. Shown are the locations of large plateaus of the comet, or asteroid, impact region, with ages of the oldest sediment, as follows: Manihiki (M, 115-125 Ma), Marcus-Wake Seamounts (MW, 90-115 Ma), and Ontong-Java (OJ, 100-125 Ma).

The peak of the persistent residual plume corresponds to the broad South Pacific Superswell and South Pacific Isotopic and Thermal Anomaly centered roughly at Tahiti (T). Keith proposes that the final stage of mantle/crust downflow is currently focused on an elongated mid-Pacific zone (trend-line H-M) that extends from Hawaii to the Marquesas. Keith identifies this as the residual trace of a cold, depleted mass that developed below the ancestral Mid-Pacific Ridge.

The South Pacific Isotopic and Thermal Anomaly (SOPITA) mentioned in the captions for Figures 2 and 3 is defined not only by relatively hotter mantle temperatures but by differing spatial domains of concentrations of isotopes of lead, uranium, strontium, and neodymium. These differing domains suggest that the Superswell may be located over a stable, persisting zone of upwelling from the lower mantle. Such upwelling may have been acting as a barrier since at least the Cretaceous, separating two large mantle domains with differing convective histories. The SOPITA data are believed to require interactions between the deeper and shallower layers of the mantle.

There is much more to Prof. Keith’s hypothesis for explaining various features of the Pacific basin, but I know that you are already bored to tears, reading so much unfamiliar terminology. Suffice it to say that Keith makes the case for oceanic island sinking within a surrounding zone of normal to low heat flow and high seismic wave velocities that indicate mantle downflow beneath the islands. What does this mean for the hypothesis of the existence of Lemuria, or Mu? On a much larger scale - the scale of the SPS or even larger - we can postulate that in the Cretaceous there was a continental-sized land mass above sea-level in the Pacific basin. This was produced by an impact event. The impact was sufficiently great to produce an enormous plume of lower-mantle material that pushed up roughly beneath Tahiti. Then, starting in post-Cretaceous time (about 60 Ma), as the crust and outlying mantle cooled and contracted, the continent gradually sank over the ensuing eons.

This sequence of events is similar to that which we reviewed in our previous article on the Atlantic Basin. It’s just that the North Atlantic geologic structure is the prime example of a least-disturbed, steady-state mantle flow regime. The Pacific, however, can be regarded as an extreme example of a disrupted mantle-flow regime.

Archeological Evidence For Mu?

Is there any archaeological evidence of Lemuria? Maybe. Richard Noone has written 10 about the presence of ancient construction works on two Pacific islands, Malden in the Line Islands, and Rarotonga in the Cook Islands chain. The two islands lie close to (Malden) or just within McNutt’s boundary for the South Pacific Superswell. (See Figure 2). Malden Island (4.00ºS, 155.00ºW) seems to contains the remains of a highway system that radiates outward from a temple complex.

Composed of tight-fitting basalt blocks, the roads cross beaches and disappear under the waves.

"Fifteen hundred miles south of Malden Island, another section of the same type of road emerges from under the waves, crosses the beach, and disappears into the jungle of Rarotonga Island. This suggests that many Pacific Islands are the remains of a presently submerged Pacific continent"

(Noone, p. 198).

A Conversation With Joan Griffith

I am pleased to have Joan Griffith, a long-term member of A.R.E., drop by (electronically) to discuss her research of 64 years running on the history of Mu, as found in the works of Churchward and others.

WH: Joan, just when did you come into contact with Churchward’s works?

JG: Col. Churchward (1851-1936) was a lifelong friend of my father’s, from about 1880, when Dad was a boy. The Col. met explorer Augustus Le Plongeon at my grandmother’s Brooklyn townhouse; they compared notes on similarities of ancient inscriptions, ruins, and sacred texts both of Maya and Sanskrit or Pali in Yucatan and Tibet respectively, as my Father listened intently.

I met the Col. only once as a young child, just before his death in 1936. He seemed to know that I would be interested in expanding upon his work in the future. I started reading the Mu books that year; so you see much of my life has focused on Atlantis, Lemuria, and ancient knowledge that might have been lost thru the millennia. In 60-plus years, much has been discovered that has supported many of his claims. What isn’t generally known is that he accessed hundreds of sources and listed over 140 ruins and megalithic sites. This was not psychically-derived information, though most of it tallied with what Edgar Cayce later had to say on Mu/Lemuria.

WH: So you don’t think the jury is still out on whether Mu existed?

JG: The sheer mass of detailed evidence that Churchward compiled (five books just jammed full) presents an overwhelming case for it. Since then, in the 1930’s, soundings of the Pacific by Capt. Claude Banks Mayo of the U.S. Navy show that there is "a submerged continent, with mountains, river courses and plateaus at an average depth of one mile stretching from the Hawaiian to the Barin Islands, east of the coast of Japan."

WH: Do the Cayce readings mention anything about Churchward’s research on Mu?

JG: No. It seems that no one asked Cayce about his work.

WH: You’ve read what I’ve written above. Would you like to add anything to it?

JG: Yes. I’d just like to remind you that back in 1959 you wrote 11 about two studies that suggested early evidence of possible ancient continent in the Pacific. One was by W.H. Menard, an oceanographer. He wrote, in "Development of Median Elevations in Ocean Basins" (1958, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., Vol. 69, pp.1179-1186):

"The southern part of the east Pacific Rise is 2000 km wide and 2 km high, one of the largest oceanic rises in the world.... observations do not rule out the possibility that broad rises may be temporary features which are elevated and then subside."

And then there was the exciting discovery of a vast layer of "clean white ash" on the Pacific floor a few hundred miles from Central and South America, extending 750 miles to the west and 825 miles to the south of the equator (N.Y. Times of 4/12/59). E. Anders and D.N. Limber ("Origin of the Worzel Deepsea Ash" in Nature, Vol. 184) believe the ash to be of terrestrial, volcanic origin, and that it must have "recorded a notable event in the Earth’s history." This ash layer may have been related in some way to Lemuria’s sinking.

WH: In my modest browsing of Churchward’s books I was perplexed by his hypothesis of gas-belts crisscrossing the world. Do you really think that explosions of underground gas-filled chambers could have had anything to do with the sinking of Mu? Where did he get his information?

JG: Churchward advanced a theory of gas-belts crisscrossing the earth, and chambers between layers of granite rock within the lithosphere. The formation and collapse of these chambers, he averred, were responsible for the raising of certain mountain ranges, volcanic eruptions, and sinking of land masses. Churchward cites sources such as the Troano Manuscript, and old Egyptian writings that describe this process. The logic of it appeals to me, although I am not an expert in geology. It seems that science has caught up 80% to his thesis.

No matter how it was destroyed, Lemuria won’t be swept under the rug..... and the little chunks of evidence keep popping up... Stanford University’s geophysicist Amos Nur, stated in 1977 that a "Pacifica" was a distinct probability, as crust centers originate under continental masses, except in the Pacific, and that "currently submerged plateaus in the ocean near Australia, including the Minihiki plateau and the Ong-Java area, are remnants of this past land mass."

Other explorers have found guyots (sea-mounts), one 11,000 ft. high, under the Pacific waters.... since guyots can only be formed by wave action, this is proof-positive such land sank, and sank far.

And coral rings were discovered in the South Seas 1800 ft. deep. So what does that mean? Coral cannot live in water greater than 150 ft deep, I’m told.

WH: What about archaeological finds from “Mu, the land of the golden hills”? (Cayce reading 1472-1)

JG: Well, in French Polynesia.... marking the boundaries of the Superswell (see Figure 2)..... are some of the most thrilling megalithic ruins, in and out of the water... gigantic stone walls, roads, platforms, pillars, 10 to 30-ton blocks (illustrations & descriptions in John MacMillan Brown’s "Riddle of the Pacific" and books on Lemuria & Pacific by David Hatcher Childress).

Who built these? In Rap Iti (French Poly) there are coal deposits! Seems indicative of a once "high and dry" Pacific Basin! Doesn’t it?

NOTE: Joan Griffith (James Churchward's god-daughter, also the daughter of his best friend) has written a more comprehensive article on Churchward’s findings and ideas in the World Explorer magazine.12


1. The Lost Continent of Mu, 1926

2. The Children of Mu, 1931

3. The Sacred Symbols of Mu, 1933

4. Cosmic Forces of Mu, in two parts (1934-1935); and Books of the Golden Age, 1997.

5. Phylos the Tibetan, 1952, A Dweller On Two Planets, Borden Pub. Co., Los Angeles.

6. Note that Edgar Cayce, America’s most accurate and best-documented psychic, had something to say about extraterrestrial beings. As T. Kay writes in his book, When The Comet Runs, [1997, Hampton Roads Pub. Co., Charlottesville, VA., p. 146-147.]

1. "Few people are aware that Cayce spoke of extra-terrestrials, on two occasions. In a reading about the Atlantean period, he said: ’The manners of transportation, the manners of communications through the airships of that period were such as Ezekiel described of a much later date.’ (1859-1) .....

2. "In 1938 while discussing the experiences of the people of the Mayan region who occupied Central America, Cayce mentioned in passing: ’...and there were the beginnings of the unfoldments of the understanding [from] those that were visiting from other worlds or planets.’ (1616-1).

3. "It should be noted that although Edgar Cayce spoke of UFO’s and extraterrestrials, until the day he died he never once in a reading or as a conscious individual wavered with respect to the Christian teaching that Jesus Christ was the Messiah and is ’The Way’ for all of humanity."

7. Randall-Stevens, H., 1966, Camelot Press, London).

8. Reviews of Geophysics: v. 36, no. 2, pp. 211-244. . [Dr. McNutt, a noted geophysicist, is currently (4/01/02) president of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), a scientific society with 15,000-members worldwide].

9. Keith, M., 2001, “Evidence For A Plate Tectonics Debate,” Earth-Science Reviews, 55.

10. 5/5/2000, Ice The Ultimate Disaster,1982, Three Rivers Press, New York.

11. Anonymous, 1959, Earth Changes, Past-Present-Future, A.R.E. Press, Virginia Beach, VA. 23451

12. “James Churchward and His Lost Pacific Continent,” 2002, World Explorer, v. 3, no.1, pp. 16-25.

(This link is a related article about Nibiru and the Lemlurian Connection)