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Phoenix Journal #4 - The Spiral to Economic Disaster: Lifeboat Measures--If You Act Now

Esu Jesus Sananda

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Dharma, I first give credit where credit is due: to ones who have walked long in the path and have done my bidding in love and truth; humility and obedience. I will speak only one, chela, for she has walked with me so long and waited so patiently. I honor and cherish beyond thy boundaries to understand, my scribe and my friend; the one known to you only as Sister Thedra (now deceased, 1995), for her name is written boldly in the Book of Life. She is most human. Ye do not need put on false purity and pious faces for my workers need strength and endurance, perseverance and determination; not pseudo credentials.


Ye will now abide with me that we might put to paper some reminders to follow on from the day past. Ye are in the remembering for I come in the reminding. I have the clarions with me, would that make thee hear a bit more clearly if the trumpets blow in thine ears?

The time is upon ye ones of Earth when ye may wait very little more. Man will hear and act, or man is in grave, grave circumstance. He either moves on or he will be left to the elements of the Earth. They shall consume him as the physical matter of flesh that he is. That portion eternal shall take upon itself another format and it shall be sealed. He shall have no memory of that which has passed his attention, and the experience of the past shall be wiped from the screen of his memory.

Not a human person shall be as he now is. They will take a new garment and also a name of newness, for it is given to man to be as the little children. He shall then be given to grow into that which he yet knows not of, for he has not yet become as God; and he shall be within the Law when he proclaims that which is his station. Within the time which is allotted unto such things, he shall become as God and become God in Oneness. He will be given to know all and he shall be allowed expression for he will have knowledge for it is given unto man to murmur the murmurings of the unknowing and unlearned and that which is misbegotten and bastardized, and it profits him naught.

Man shall learn that which he has said shall be as his bindings. He shall be indentured by his works until they have been fulfilled unto every jot and tittle. He shall become as one who has within his grasp the scales whereupon he may weigh the words; all!

Not any other shall be responsible nor represent excuse for the actions of self. That which is done by another will be answered by other, for it is the law that no man atones for another; yet it is the law that each shall love his brother as himself. But, each will stand naked and alone at the reckoning. When the sorcery is removed he shall awaken unto truth and acknowledgement of that which he is.


Man will find that he has descended into Earth in its darkness, and he has taken upon himself the clothing of the Earth, and he has absentmindedly misplaced his true identity with the Father which sent him forth. He has not only been dreaming, but he has been worse than asleep, he has been as the one dead. It is given unto man to believe that which he sees, feels, and touches is “real”, and yet he knows that which he cannot see exists, and without question does he enjoy the benefits thereof; yet he has not been in the least concerned with that which shall profit him most, for it is for his own good that these things have been given unto him. He has failed to follow and perpetuate that which is eternal, for it has been given unto him to be as the human physical being.

The physical sees, feels, tastes, and hears that which is of the Earth, and that which is eternal and without the flesh he sees not, neither does he hear. He shall be blinded and deafened unto reality until he has grown to the age of accountability whereupon he shall then receive his inheritance which is vision and sound. For then shall he be given to understand and know that which his vision perceives and his ears receive.


Within the time at hand many truths of newness, shall be learned. He must prepare himself for that which shall come unto him. He shall be as one lost in the darkness; yet there shall be lamps of light which shall be sent unto him that he may have beacons to follow. My lamps shall be lighted as they are found; lighted from the candles which I have given unto the bearers.


It is said that “I AM THE WAY,” and it is so! None can come save by me, for I am the keeper of the gate and the guard at the door, and I guard my secrets well. Not a person is so foolish as those which plunder mine secrets. Man is given to take that which he can steal and pilfer without paying the price. Therein is folly! for it is the law: that which is earned is for the best part worth the works, and that effort is within itself that which is most profitable and bears merit unto thee. It is for this reason that much is kept from man—that he might increase and decrease strength and that he may learn to stand alone within the time when there is not help for him. Yet, there is no time when help is denied; but the wisdom of withholding it is the greatest of all good deeds that a man might reach fine stature.

Oh, precious ones, there are those who would “purchase” their fare into the place called Heaven where they perceive they might obtain a life of ease which should profit them naught. That which is not profitable unto eternal life is denied them by the Father, for He knows before they call, that which they need and that which shall profit them and matches within the heart place the mission of purpose of the soul.

Attend well now, chelas, these words for they are of great import.


It is time to arise from their sleep and shake the dust from the bedclothes. It is time to awaken and become alive. THEY SHALL LEARN THAT WHICH IS WITHIN THE LAW AND BECOME AWARE OF THAT WHICH IS REALLY “REAL”. They shall cease being bound by the garments of the flesh; for it is the Law: that which is eternal surpasseth that which is flesh. That which is eternal is not bound within the flesh, and it has never entered into the flesh—yet flesh has its being in that which is eternal, without beginning and without ending, no more and no less. So it is that the flesh shall pass, and the ONE WHICH “IS” shall not be less for its loss.

In the days which shall come there shall be a great gathering in; they shall be separated and shall be as ones of old. They shall be as the sheep and shall be herded into places as the flocks of the fields—for it is given unto many to follow. There are few who dare to stand apart and take exception from the crowd. But, ’tis he who takes his stand and says for himself which way he shall go, shall find his way and therein, friends, is wisdom if thy way be that of truth. There are none so foolish as those who sit and wait for the masses. For the masses know not the way.


And so shall it be in the days which shall come forth; for there shall be great famine and great tribulation, pestilence and great suffering; it shall be as naught seen yet before. Not a solitary place shall be left untouched. That is the outward manifestation of that which shall be, for it is written in the Law; that which goes out must come back. It is given unto man to be the part which has gone out from the Father, and to the Father he must return.

In the days to come, therefore, there shall be a great gathering together as ones await one who dares assume responsibility for them; and it is a poison indeed. When it is given unto him to prove himself, he has not the strength to withstand temptation and the tribulations which come forth. He has been unto himself untrue by passing on unto another the responsibility which is rightfully his own.

So shall they learn the path of hardness, for it is the Law that each in his time shall become that for which he was created to become; yet there is naught “time”, for that which ye have created as “time” is not within the Law; it is an illusion of man.


And yet, the “time” is at hand when there will be magnificent changes, rebirthing, tribulation and meeting of responsibility. For the Father has sent them which have guarded the Earth for her duration, and they have NOT been sleeping. They have not forgotten their identity, for they are trustworthy and they have been entrusted with the guidance of the Earth and her destiny. She has not gone awry for naught, nor has she been on an orgy of man’s definition, for she has gone the way of her ORDAINED COURSE; and it is for the good of all that she shall move out into a new berth (place); for from her solar sun shall she run, FOR THEREIN IS DANGER WITHIN THE FUTURE; FOR IT IS GIVEN UNTO THE ORB WHICH YE CALL “SUN” TO EXPLODE WITHIN ITS ORBIT. In this, there is great wisdom, for the sun has fulfilled the cycle which was ordained unto the sun.

Within the place wherein the Earth shall move there shall be a new solar sun and a new orbit shall be given unto the Earth. She shall have no darkness for it shall be a new field within the firmaments. A new berth shall be given unto her, and the time element shall be new unto her, for there shall be no dark shadows within her. She shall be given a new sun and a new moon. She shall have no pains to bear and she shall be given into rest. She will be brought forth again into youth. Ah, she shall shine forth in glory and she shall be peopled with ones which have awakened and those which shall remember that which has been gone before. They shall be ones with the Father, and shall know that which is of the Father and that which is of Earth.


Therein shall they abide within the Law which is of the eternal. They shall not be bowed down with the pity of the Earth as it is now upon the Earth, for it is indeed pity to see them which stirreth not; they walk with eyes blinded and they are deaf unto the call of the Clarions, which have been sent unto them for their own blessed sake.

Within the time which is at hand they shall see and they shall hear, and they shall be as one which knows not what he sees; yet he shall call out for learning, and it shall not be denied unto him. Many are among them for the purpose of bringing unto them the light and truth and it shall not be withheld from them, however, neither shall it be forced upon them for force is ungodly. All must choose freely, his path.

Within this time come upon thee, they may be the children of the Father, yet there is great forgetfulness as to the way unto the Father’s dwelling. They shall cry out for assistance and roadmaps and, it shall be given unto them freely and without price. DO YE HEAR ME? WITHOUT PRICE—FREELY GIVEN. SO BE IT. CAUTION TO THOSE WHO WOULD DENY THY BROTHER ENTRY UNTO TRUTH AND THE PATH TO FATHER’S HOME. JUST AS THE ABUNDANCE IS GIFTED IN RETURN TO THOSE WHO FREELY GIVE, SO SHALL THAT BE TAKEN AWAY IN MEASURE TENFOLD FROM THOSE WHO DENY MY BROTHER’S ENTRY.

Now it has come upon the Earth that which man has feared, and known within with great dread, that which he understands not; and he cries out in his delirium that there is no place for him to hide wherein he will not be found.

Not a person shall say it is not so, for therein is folly. That which is created shall fulfill its cycle and return to its native state. The time is come when the Earth shall move out into a new placement, she shall have a new orbit and both a new sun and a new moon. She shall then be given into resting before being again given unto peopling and a time of beginning again. She shall be restored unto newness. And, those who will be sent shall be a new people, and they shall know that which is of the Father. There shall be a new Garden, and there shall be the Father’s kingdom upon the Earth. There shall be the one who will reign supreme, yet man shall work as “one” in harmony, peace and love.

Ah yes, there shall be peace. Each man shall be peace unto himself, and he shall be as the keeper of the peace for all. He shall be as the lawgiver and the keeper thereof, for he shall know that which is ethical and he shall abide thereby. There shall be none among man which shall covet another’s possessions, nor shall they be given to know hatred.



There it will be a time of peace and harmony, and it shall reign for the cycle which shall last for twelve thousand years. Again, she shall be in a new cycle which shall bring another order. Ye have moved forward into her second year in the manner of thy present “timing” Ye would now be at approximate day three hundred seventeen of thy second year of measurement. So be it! For this ending/beginning are the scribes recording for the history is being written as we write upon the pages.

These things coming forth upon thy physical senses shall be as tragedy at the time; yet considering that which is eternal, there must be no “fear” for there is naught such as beginning or ending. The ending of an experience and the beginning anew; what would there be to cause “fear”? I guide of thine way; simply use great wisdom in thy course choice.

Blessed be the man which can be his own strength and stay and calls out unto the Father: “Thy will be done: I am not of the Earth, yet I am cast into it.” He shall be in the seeing of the glory of a wondrous dawn; for it is given unto him to know wherein is his strength. He shall not be in the seeking of a place for hiding, but shall go forth to meet that which is apportioned unto him. He shall know truth and it shall most surely give unto him, freedom in magnificence. Not a person shall set foot against his door; not a person shall keep him away from the entering of the Father’s house, for by his own hand shall he open all the doors which have been previously shut unto him.


Unto the Father’s house from which he went forth, it shall be that he shall triumphantly return. Ah, yes, the Father shall rejoice, for it is given unto Him to wait for His beloved offspring to go out and again return. Therein, beloved chelas, is WISDOM! It is the Law: so above, so below and for this do they wait that they fulfill the Law which has sent them forth. It is the fulfilling of such Law that they return and that they be made new and groomed for another new and wondrous day; and in that day, they shall know peace and they shall rest from those things which have beleaguered them. So it is ordained. There is naught law of Earth which shall stay the Law which is established unto these things; and so be it and it shall come upon the Earth that which man feareth and that which he cannot comprehend. It will come within thy span and it is at hand.


Now, again I say unto you which is repeated from the first time of its telling, that which shall be. They have not listened and therefore have not heard the call, nor have they heard the bugle’s trumpet which soundeth. IT IS NOT SYMBOLIC BUT IS LITERALLY TRUE; THE CLARION CALL SHALL BE SENT FORTH; THE TRUMPET SHALL BE SOUNDED AND SORROW UNTO THOSE WHO HEED NOT ITS CALL.

There shall be a day when the Sun shall not shine forth; she shall be as a bowl of blood; and she shall give forth no heat. Then, as if in a twinkling of an eye there shall be a great burst of flame which shall be forged from within the Earth herself, and it shall be as the Earth has flipped her axis; and she shall roll and reel and she shall be in the throes of agony. Then the words of comfort shall be spoken which shall settle her down again upon her axis whereby she shall be as a newborn. She shall be as the babe within the bosom of its mother and she shall find comfort and peace. She shall rest.

No man nor woman shall know the hour that this is to come upon the Earth; thereby it is fair warning that ye ones who project in improper knowledge cease and desist from thy false projections for it is not given unto man to know. ’Tis the devil’s work that would misguide thee. Know only that there is very little “time” for the fulfillment of these Laws and that which shall come; for it is already written upon the wall and most see of it not for they are as drunken with their own vain glory. They have not seen nor have they listened. Ah, ’tis such the pity, for it is given to man to turn backward and for this does he stumble and fall. So shall he have many injuries and bruises, and no place shall he find rest for his looking only backward, for his looking backward shall bring him much suffering. He can, therefore, be only the bearer of the past; and that is such the pity of it all, for therein is no wisdom.


From whence came the “past”? From whence came the “present”? And further, from whence might come the “future”? Oh, blessed are the ones who cherish and fortune self for that which is “NOW”, FOR IT IS THE ONLY TIME! When this lesson of lessons is well learned, man shall be wise indeed. There is no promise of tomorrow; and the past which is gone shall be always gone. It shall be as the burden upon his back if it be allowed to weigh heavy upon him. With his own hands he must tear the past bundle away from himself and cast it to the winds as dust and chaff from the gleaning centers. Allow the burden to blow away as the dry ash from the soil. Man need not drag his bundle of burdens after them for they shall be given into freedom of all that holds them in bondage, and they too, shall begin in newness.

Beloved ones, it is very near the fulfilling of these things. Look carefully for the signs and signals are all about thee in every direction of thy vision; all facets of projected truth—IT HAS BEGUN; THY “TIME” HAS TERMINATED.

Dharma, let us leave this now. The lessons are heavy upon the ears and eyes of those who receive. Blessed be thee, child, for the risk is great unto those who dare to pen my truth. Ye are cradled in the security of mine hands and ye shall not fail. Ye ones who bear mine load of preparation are blessed indeed, and thy rewards shall be glory for I cherish ye of mine beloved.

I leave now that ye might find of respite, so be it and selah. I place of mine seal upon these words that no man misunderstand of their definition. IN AND WITHIN GOD THE FATHER CREATOR/CREATION DO I RESIDE AND AS I AM, SO YE ARE AND IT IS SO FOR THUS HAVE I SPOKEN IT UNTO THEE THAT YE MAY REMEMBER.