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Pleiades Connection #5 "Phone Home, E.T" - Chapter 8

Violinio Germain/Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton

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coming upon you, it is the gift of gifts if you but see it.

Dharma has brought to the keyboard, a basket of flowers sent to them from our precious German visitors to Scott Tips, our beloved attorney. They are young attorneys having be sent by Germany to study a few weeks in American LAW. Of course they have had no opportunity to do anything other than “Constitutional” law for this very case which has been in point around our people. They take back a BUNDLE of insight and incredible growth as to how the world REALLY IS.

Interestingly enough, following WW-II the Germans patterned their legal system on the “partially” remaining Constitutional system of the U.S. No one here has noticed that the U.S. no longer functions under the Constitution—but the foreigners see it clearly. They are so sad to have to be leaving soon and we are greatly indebted to them as well as recognizing we will be missing their presence greatly.

Now for the flowers: Christiane and Ulrike sent a bouquet of flowers—large carnations, small but fragrant carnations and violet daisies along with lots of greenery. Please, dear ones, when you have opportunity—DO NOT SET SUCH A GIFT ASIDE WITH “THAT’S NICE”! Please take time and do that which I request my ones do EVERY TIME AND SEVERAL TIMES WHILE THE FLOWERS REMAIN—ACTUALLY EVEN AFTER THEY HAVE FADED AND WITHERED—GET A GOOD BIG MAGNIFYING GLASS FOR IT WILL BECOME YOUR FAVORITE TOOL—AND REALLY LOOK AT THOSE BLESSINGS OF PERFECTION!

Look carefully at the petals and the leaves—look at the circulation system which is magnificent. Look at the colors and how they appear to be painted on as the petals lighten or darken on their fringes. Look at the heart (seed) of the blossom and realize the perfection and see the feeling which is reflected in your soul of how each color and hue reflects upon your being. I promise you that if you begin to see your world through the magnifying glass and realize the perfection of that which Nature presents, you will never be out of communion with God.

That is what we are doing with GOD, LIFE, DEATH AND HOW-TO. We must look within into the perfection and without, into the corruption and hybridizing (some wondrous and some disastrous breeding replication and sterility of the species [whatever it is]) and then, when you can KNOW, you can change of it to bring a return into the direction of Light, balance and healing. But you must begin somewhere as within the heart of a tiny flower to gain perspective of yourself. Man can make silk flowers and they are lovely. He can spray them with artificial scent and they are fragant—but not one false imitation can touch the single petal of Nature’s perfection or fragrance. You will even notice that with the hybrid tampering, the very scent is decreased. You have bred out the very portions of your experience which are the most precious and perfect. The odor of a spice carnation or a wild rose is so magnificent that your nostrils and smelling senses are totally shocked by the REAL THING. Ah, if you but give appreciation and love unto the tiniest of these precious gifts the giving of that love will regive unto Father and the giving will only be increased. Even the tiny flower showered with love will stand straight and offer its heart unto you. The bouquet will remain beautiful for days instead of the few tiny hours. Then you find there is even beauty in the drying as the cycle closes for some and buds open on others. Stop allowing the wondrous beauty of this physical experience to pass you by in your search and clamor for worldly THINGS for you will find that the ultimate search is for replication of that which God and Creation do so abundantly well.

Look carefully and you will also see the tiny life-forms of insects who have set up housekeeping within the petals and know that by your carelessness these wondrous balancers of Nature are destroyed. But mostly—APPRECIATE—for they are given for that sole purpose.

So much for the botany lesson. Please understand it was a lesson in love, giving, regiving and appreciation and, most especially, the thought and loving care brought into manifestation. And, sic sic, you thought you couldn’t manifest! You just don’t know what you mean by the statement itself. You do not need miracles or magic—you have all the wondrous supplies right at hand—if you have love and desire and connection with God—there MUST be creation and manifestation. So be it. And remember that the reproduction as in a photograph of the “real thing” sends forth the same beauteous message. It reaches across the endless miles and touches in the giving just as do the notes of caring, shared. Blessed are you who care and share that loving care. AHO!

* * * * *

Germain present and, again, I am given a hard “act” to follow. But I am honored deeply for I am allowed to show you the “how-to” and besides, I saw to it that the flower pot would be filled with violet daisies. I want you to become familiar with the purpose of the differing “tones” of color and the beautiful transmuting qualities of the various colors—and in this instance, violet, for it is the flame color of transmutation. Purple is the blending of the “red” and the “blue” and within it you have ALL. For within the heart of, say, a flower or within its body (stalk) you will always have the green and yellow—go look for self. You may note that, in flowers, you may not find the other colors of the spectrum but you will ALWAYS find the yellow and the green in some portion of the life-stream—these are the color rays of the plant kingdom. ALL are present in the human-life pattern of EVERY human as the transmutation and alchemy takes place—ALL IS PRESENT IN ALL. UNTIL YOU CAN COMPREHEND ALL—YOU CANNOT MANIFEST NOR CAN YOU GROW INTO TOTAL TRUTH. I did not say you had to know the working details of ALL—just comprehend the presence of All as connected to All and you can manifest God and that, dear ones, is that for which you seek and endlessly search.

God produces the DNA blueprint for the flower—YOU accept the gift and appreciate the wonder of it and that appreciation regives unto Father and He gives more abundantly for you are perceiving and his gifts are not wasted in the dung pile. But even in the dung pile, life abides in total abundance and through the gift of nurturing the plant and flowers grow more abundantly—GOD IS ABUNDANCE AND NATURE ONLY GIVES! THERE IS NO TAKING—ONLY GIVING AND REGIVING, CYCLING AND RECYCLING AND THROUGH NURTURING IN BALANCE—ABUNDANCE OVERFLOWS.

Let us now continue:


The dawning age of cosmic man which is now unfolding for the restoration of mankind from self-suicide by the barbaric dealings of man with man is a transition from believers in a far-off God of fear, whom they fear, to knowers of a universal God of Pure Love, Whom they love. Through this projection you will come to release the negative responses to the terms God, Christ, Love, etc. For the pulpit spewers of nonsense have defiled the terms and given forth incorrect information. You will come to love and respect the terms as you fit Truth and proper definition thereto.

Those cosmic ones who KNOW God (and yes, indeed, there are ones of you there on that place—YOU, for instance, if you are attuned to this very information) are “cosmic thinkers”, inspired geniuses and illumined mystics who know God within them and see God everywhere. These are the ones who down through the ages have uplifted man gradually by bringing the beauty into the world which has gradually given man his culture and his ethics.

These are the ones who will unify mankind through their knowing to end this babel of tongues of many religions, and bring into being the ONE religion of the ONE God of Love.

This now-ending Barbaric Age is peopled with GOD-”FEARING” MEN.

The dawning Cosmic Age is to be peopled with GOD-RESPECTING (“LOVING”) MEN.

The coming Cosmic race of men will know that love is all there is in God-nature and that the expression—or manifestation—of love is all there is in the nature of the physical universe. It is man of the now-ending Barbaric Age which has turned and corrupted all of beauty into that which is unbalanced, destructive and ugly.

It is our, (yours and mine) responsibility to so clarify the above statement that you will thoroughly understand the basis of what is called evil—or bad—and it is your responsibility to teach it to others so that they will gradually comprehend that a universe which is founded upon balance cannot be unbalanced, or one founded upon good cannot be bad. As you become more and more illumined with the Light of God’s knowing, you will know that evil is a creation of man and has no existence in Nature.

When you understand how unbalance, which is the basis of the idea of evil, can seem to be overthrown but can never succeed, and that good can seem to be overthrown to create that which you call “bad”, you will readily see how the race of man has made itself suffer through gross ignorance.

Conversely, you will as readily see that the only way to conquer evil, bad, illness, failure, fear, worry, superstition, greed, selfishness, loneliness, grief, or even death itself, is through cosmic knowledge of the Light which gradually illumines the consciousness of man.

You who are readers and deep students of Truth are the seed of the coming Cosmic Age. You who know this message in your hearts know God’s command to you, which it contains. Let us again state a portion that refers to the method which all must use in making the transition of man which will bring love into the world.

I say, verily, the dawn of cosmic man is in it beginnings. Go, therefore, to all the world and sow the seed of your KNOWING....for it is the promise of God that the WORD would flow over the lands that all mankind could have expression of that which IS.

You, as you become “knowing”, shall pass on the WORD and sow the seed of knowing man in unfolding man’s progression, and no rest shall you know until you have well fulfilled your task. This is why, as you awaken, you can no longer sleep the sleep of mortal ignorant MAN.


Many are they who know Me (God) in them. Sow the seed of Beauty, Love and Balance in them. And multiply them until their legions shall illumine the dark of man’s barbaric ages with My Omniscient Light—which becomes your Light.

Say to your anointed ones, these, My words: You are Love. You are Beauty. You are Balance. Go and give Love, Beauty, Balance and Truth to your neighbor.

Think not of doing great works in My name. Go to your neighbor. Think of your neighbor alone and you are not overwhelmed. One seed is sufficient—not for a meadow perhaps, but out of the one seed comes a sheaf of ten.

As many sheaves of ten fills great granaries, even so will your sheaves of ten encompass the whole earth to bring into being the new age of cosmic man.

Say these, My words, to your neighbor: Go to ten men who will believe on you: and multiply them by ten, and yet another ten, until a legion shall be as a wall of granite beneath your feet. Speak of those things in the speakings which touch first his attention and then he can come to find comfort in the Truth of the whole and he will come to realize it is his connection with God and Creation for which he longs and seeks. Do not cause him to believe another “religion” has sprung forth to further divide brother from brother.

Heed My commandings and sow My seed of Love lest man destroy himself by his continued desires of earth, knowing not Me in him.

Be not neglectful of your own tasks, My precious children. Leave not to others of lesser knowing that which you yourself must do. That which must be done for cosmic man to come must have your own Self in it.

He who conceives must first unfold his concept. And herein lies the responsibility of the receivers and then the responsibility of the readers who perceive for there is nothing of force or coercion in God—God only gives (offers) and man must accept and regive lest he be destroyed in the taking and taking and taking. If a man turns away—allow him to go for you will have fulfilled your purpose of planting the seed—sometimes the seed lies dormant until the ground is made fertile and often that is through self experiences which are very often most offending in perception.

The mason lays the stones of the master’s thinking. You, yourself, must impart your knowing in the Light of your anointing to cosmic man who will build your knowing and Mine into balanced rhythmic forms with you and Me.

And out of the knowing of your anointed legions a new world of unified man shall spring—not a New World Order controlled by Elite and evil enforcers of physical enslavement.

For where your anointed shall gather together to thus unify man through his knowing of the Light of Me in him, there shall I be in their midst. AND THEY SHALL NOT FAIL.

Then “WHY”, you ask, “do you not call the little nucleus around the scribe, a group?” Because she is only one who produces the information and she has no need to bear greater burden than the task requires in itself. Better the groups which will form around GOD AND TRUTH, be unlabeled as religious indoctrination—you NEED GOD—not Dharma, do you see? She serves as a set of fingers, a tongue for speaking and a servant unto that same God—no greater nor lesser than are YOU. The contribution only DIFFERENT in scope of job description. Her reward? Try a bouquet of flowers from a friend! Try simple recognition of Truth by the readers who share that same Truth with a neighbor for, within, the Truth is obvious and stands infinitely immortal.

Yes, she gives and regives—but the rewards are beyond that of a physical “thing” and, yet, there are coming back in the flow, those also. She is seeing the unfolding of the totality of “giving” that one can receive and ones must learn to “receive” for without the accepting—you cannot have the “giving”. You need no preachers—God is Truth enough and as you find yourselves forming groups—focus on the things needing change and the learning and sharing and do not permit one to become “leader” for he can only speak and project “his OPINION” and it is no better than your own. But you do need ones who are willing to form the groups and host the groups—give honor and respect unto those ones—NOT YOUR POWER! BUT IF YOU JOIN WITH A GROUP, MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT DIVISIVE IN YOUR OPINIONS FOR IF YOU COME WITHIN A GROUP, YOU MUST HONOR THEIR STRUCTURE. IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE MANNER IN WHICH THEY FUNCTION, DETERMINE WHO MIGHT BE IN ERROR REGARDING SELF EGO—AND LOOK MOST CAREFULLY OF ALL—WITHIN—TO SEE IF, INDEED, IT MIGHT BE YOUR OWN ERROR AND SELF-INDULGENT DESIRE TO BE ATTENTION CENTER AND DO THINGS “YOUR WAY” WHICH IS NOT NECESSARILY “THE” GODLY WAY!

Just as these ones are giving their entire lives to sowing the seed of the Cosmic Age through YOU—which is our responsibility—we know you will give great heed to the above words of our Father and realize that they are addressed to YOU as your responsibility.

These words do not demand that you give up your whole life to help mankind make the transition. It simply means that you should LIVE IT and thus be an example to your neighbor. It means living it WITH your neighbor by making your dealings with him conform to the teachings of The Message. We are but MESSENGERS!

When people are asked to work for most “causes”, it generally means to give up something, or make some sacrifice to do it. This requirement of our Father reverses that thought, for if you actually practice the Love principle of first giving, you will find that you have not “sacrificed” anything. Instead of that, you have enriched your life in every respect. Sacrifice gains you naught, but helps another, and very often hurts. If you give with Love, you have not sacrificed, for Love will be regiven to you in equal measure.

If you could keep this most important working thought of life before you always, and put that thought into every dealing you have with everyone, your patient, your client, the man you are selling to or buying from, your servant and your neighbor, you would soon find yourself in a very different kind of world of your own making for yourself and for all mankind.



We could speak of many ones who have become illumined but that is “their” story—their path. WE will be offering you the experience of your own ability to come into Knowing and receiving in direct alignment with Source. You will note on the tape which is used for relaxation and clearing that there is instruction to take pen in hand and write. As you practice, if you clear of your “space”, God WILL give you that which to pen upon your page. It will be so identical to that which we now give that you will feel you are simply doing copywork—fine! Be more concerned if it differs greatly—look carefully at that which differs for two inputs. 1) Does the lesson vary as to concept? 2) Are you getting specific (and perhaps, technical) information? This is WHERE you will begin to see manifestation into a physical format that which you have not been ABLE to hear within. It is merely the allowance of God to move into the physical and commune. There is nothing mystical nor mysterious about the method of communication—YOU are the ones with the physical hands with which to express.

Ones often ask—”...why use hands? Why don’t you just write?” Because YOU must fulfill your committed service and you of the Light have agreed to serve as the hands and conduit of the WORD that brother and neighbor can see that he, too, can participate. Then, also, you will not be seeking some “special” “thing” that only another can “do”. This is as natural as breathing, that of God speaking and manifesting that speaking onto your paper—for the message, after all, is to YOU. If you allow the unfolding of the message—EXACTLY AS GIVEN, WITHOUT TAMPERING OR CONTROLLING—AFTER MAKING SURE IT IS GOD OR THE LIGHTED BROTHERHOOD COMMUNING—THEN YOU WILL GET HONEST AND OPEN INSTRUCTIONS WITHOUT SHAM OR MISUNDERSTANDING. Know that much you will not wish to believe for it will give away your secret tools of manipulation and cause you to face them—but if you continue in your desire for truthful change—it will flow as the river of life over your whole existence. You will no longer have to seek out a “Dharma” to relay messages for they will overflow you and they will do so in Truth if you ask in Truth.

Know that you are not appointed to “WRITE THIS MATERIAL”. Man certainly needs no more variations. Truth is Truth is Truth so ALL do not need write the same information—go forth and write of facets of living wherein you are talented and offer back unto God those talents. This is what Dharma is given to do—she is not given to need do YOUR job. All you have to do is isolate your job and confront whether or not you are willing and ready to fulfill it! Many of you are simply not ready for one or another “excuse” for there are NO “REASONS” GOOD ENOUGH FOR FAILURE TO FILL YOUR TASK AND YOU KNOW IT! The God of all is most forgiving of those truths—perhaps you must forgive self and move on. Remember, circumstances, physical “things”, and age—nor status of the body, have anything to do with fulfilling your mission. Your mission will be geared to that which you ARE! KNOW IT! If you be a paraplegic—so shall your “job” be fitted to the circumstance. YOU ARE IN THE JUDGING!

As you open up unto receiving and communing, you will (if you are devoted readers of this very information—you already experience the nudges) have what may feel like strange premonitions of service. You will wrestle with it in your sleep and toy with it in your awake time. This will go on for years until you hear it within your Being. You will find the reality and glory of the breakthrough will be far less mystifying and far more understandable than the premonitions which always leave you deeply in wondering and confusion.

As you move within and allow God—you will come into total comfort of direction and if your task be one of unbending focus you will experience (and only once is enough) a moment of total and incredible communion. Dharma experienced this from a sound sleep in the wee hours of a morning long since forgotten though it only is less than three years ago. I have to remind you who tend to think that she has done this for years. She wrote her first stumbling words for Hatonn on September 12, 1987. Leah came first to prepare the reception. She did not come into focus of direction or “job” until July of 1989 and it still was not clear in direction. These 33 JOURNALS and some 1000 plus pages of EXPRESSES have come forth since that time—with the exception of SIPAPU ODYSSEY which has its own separate story of birthing. I share this story because YOU must not think yourself different at any age or state of being at the present moment—as you open unto God—God will give you directions and as you listen and act—IT WILL UNFOLD!

With the experience comes a total inability to forget it and nothing again in all the experience within the world of physical can even begin to touch the glory of the moment. Some are left to longer go without that expression for reasons of God’s planning and these moments are so private and so personal that they should never be asked for the sharing if the ONE wishes to hold the moment for Self. At any rate it is beyond description and you will never again leave the searching and service in your desire to become one with that wondrous split-second of eternity within the ONE. You may become side-tracked in the journey—but you will never find rest until you regain your focus toward that ONENESS again. It is the moment you KNOW you are sent forth for special service and purpose. Your consciousness may even forget—but the Soul NEVER forgets.

You will find that you somehow no longer “fit”, nor can bear, the things which only a while before seemed fun and joyful. Your acquaintances who were exactly like you a moment before have nothing in common any longer—unless they, too, move in the same Godly direction. You will move away and into the wonder of the silence of your world where you can hear the wondrous music of the maestro playing the wondrous symphony of perfection within your heart. It is at this point in living that you who are still searching become most unhappy and lonely—never finding that “other” to fill that loneliness.

I would share one of Dharma’s experiences for she had six children. One died before birth and her youngest son committed suicide at 25. He seemed lost and so lonely in a tormented world of realization and inability to change it—you see, he had to move from it—his purpose was to deliberately move from it—to touch the spark to illumine the mother and father to their purpose. Never think yourself justified in “judging” for you know not another’s contract nor how hard that contract may be to fulfill. Loneliness becomes a soul-testing void awaiting the filling in by you ones who walked and walk this pioneer path for you are not given into full understanding and your drive is to fill this void with that of physical. It is not until you realize the void must be filled by that which is NOT physical that the soul finds peace within.

As you find communion you begin to seek expression of that which is becoming beauty within and you want the touch of another and another who find the same within. You then see that the path is in only one direction and your soul cries out to those who cannot seem to see and then the burden accepted of “worry” over those who refuse. But that is the joy of the path, as well. You only have to present in example and after offering the gift, you must release the regiving unto the one in point. It then becomes an issue between them and God within them. You and your God stay out of it in the interim—for you shall rejoin soon enough as Light moves into the darkened corners of misunderstanding. That which you perceived lost into darkness—cannot remain there—for as there is only ONE so shall all come again into that ONENESS—regardless of you.

This is an awakening so personal, of which I speak, that there is no one to whom to turn for counsel, save God. Oh, Dharma went to Little Crow and said, “tell me” (and to others) who said, “You must walk the mountain alone—for there are some things another cannot share.” The “Eagle” took her hand and denied her “his” truth and applied a big foot to the rear when the work lagged and the self-pity set in. But you see, he too, must walk in the human format and only the Souls can share the joy of totality with God and Creation—the human projections must go their own way of experience. Dharma cannot do it for anyone—she will be the first to say that she still can’t do it for Self and doesn’t understand enough to attempt it. Good! That is the first mark of progress—when you leave the things of God to God. The best you can do is that which Little Crow said: “God does all things in His own way in His own perfection and ALL will be EXACTLY AS IT WILL BE!”

There are masses of you out there who read this material which relate to this scribe as Self. There is such love and attachment that you cannot begin to understand. It is because, precious ones, you ARE HER. You are responding to the God reflection in Self—that communion with Aton, Hatonn, me (Germain),—God—and it brings you into attention of Creation and Destiny and Infinity. It brings you again into the KNOWING of how it REALLY is and it brings the loneliness of homesickness to touch and share as the ONE which we are. You will reach across the miles as if they are but a thought away—and it IS that way. You wish to reach out and touch her with a memory, a picture, a flower, a carton of coffee beans—because you are reaching out for Self—Blessed ones, YOU ARE COMING INTO RECOGNITION OF SELF! HOW GLORIOUS IT IS FOR YOU SHARE THAT WHICH IS PRECIOUS TO YOU—YOUR LOVE, YOUR SUPPORT, YOUR SPECIAL CRYSTAL, FLOWER, PICTURE—FOR IT MEANS SOMETHING TO YOU. Blessed ones—your hands are now joined across the planet. There are calls from South Africa and New Zealand, Norway, Germany—around the world you are taking another’s hand where it counts—IN THE MIND! IN THE IMAGINING AND THROUGH THE IMAGINING GOES FORTH THE THOUGHT AND THROUGH THE THOUGHT FOCUS COMES THE MANIFESTATION AND THEREIN IS YOUR PROOF THAT YOU CAN CHANGE THIS THING COME UPON YOUR WORLD—YOU CAN RECREATE IT THROUGH GIVING AND TRANSMUTATION. IT IS A BLESSED TIME OF BEING IN THE PHYSICAL WITH DIRECTION OF GOD FOR THE CHALLENGE AND EXPERIENCE IS ONE OF GLORY.

As you come into communion you will find that no words of your own physical speaking or thought processes have the meaning or the depth of that which comes from that Soul within. It has been expressed so many ways and times and always it is the same in context of message:

I am going to quote from Walter Russell regarding his own awakening for it expresses the experience most effectively.

It had been given me to know that regeneration of the body from that which man calls ‘death’ is within the range of power of inner thinking if the Soul has not left the body. (Meaning that the Soul no longer controls the body through a centering Consciousness.) [By the way, you who see great similarity in this work and that of Walter Russell, Tesla and a few other masters of their trade and world must KNOW THAT I DIRECTLY GAVE UNTO THEM IN THE SAME WAY AS I GIVE THIS FORTH THIS DAY.]

That disease which man calls ‘black diphtheria’, or ‘black plague’, had so disintegrated my body that my Soul made ready for its departure and I was pronounced dead by man.

God took me up unto a high mountain top where inspired man is God-man and there gave unto me higher knowledge of the power of regeneration of my body through His all-knowing Light.

[No, you do not have to have a death experience but often it is the only way God can get your attention!]

Through the red-violet world, and the red, red world to the world of pure white Light beyond the world of blue—and back again to the world of pure white simulated light beyond the yellow world, the Spirit within me journeyed in an ecstasy for which there are no words of man to tell.

In the ecstatic state of inner-knowing, the great truth of creating and decreating things was made known to me.

That majestic swing of the cosmic pendulum spelled out for me the glorious rhythms of things to be and, then, not to be.

The mystery of Soul was mine—the Souls of all creating things.

The memory of ten times ten thousand lives mirrored themselves in Light from their records on my Soul to tell me that my body was still new—that my time of disappearance had not yet come.

It was then given me to know that the power of revitalization of my body was mine and I, who had been pronounced dead by man, lived strongly in that body.

That is sufficient for my purposes. No, you do not need go through such an experience—but the ones who will present the UNTAINTED Word and the explicit working mechanism—must spend time in Presence to receive of that information for these ones are in the KNOWING but they are not given to the mechanism any more than are you the reader.

You will not always even recognize it is time to begin your work or what you should do—but you will be nudged—perhaps by this very writing (I certainly hope that myriads will so be). God gives His signals—YOU MUST BE ABLE TO RECEIVE THEM. The method and transmission will be as different in number as there are energies to receive. The TRUTH will always be the same.

The Christ masters upon your place have always projected the very same identical principles. But it is only NOW the proper sequence for MAN to come into understanding the two opposite chemical reactions which control the generation of life and the degeneration of death. These were instantly reversible in the human body by the will of Man, and the reversal of one voids the other completely. A simple example of the normal action of this principle is the inbreathing of oxygen which multiplies life and its reversal to death-giving carbon dioxide when one breathes out.

This explains the instantaneous healings by the one you called “Jesus” and the others. This fact lifts such instantaneous healing out of the realm of the miraculous and gives perfect understanding of them as a process of Nature which must obey the will of the One Mind of the universe which created both opposite effects as a part of nature’s cyclic principle of Creation. The reason it seems to be miraculous is because this reversal principle is not yet known to science although it is “danced” around constantly—the scientists continue to leave God-Soul out of their work.

Why am I going through possibilities of what may represent this flash of insight? Because you all need to begin to understand that which can take place, even if your own experience is different. Many of you had your experience and simply buried it or did not recognize it. You are given sign after sign and miracles are given and you miss them or turn away from them to continue your physical journey but you can never bury them deeply enough to not confront them at some point down the path.

Once you recognize the Truth of this message, you may well find a desire to seek isolation of moving within the forests or along the sea shores in an effort to be alone with God (or that “something” you find elusive). You will become ever more slightly aware of purpose which may be yet identified. Each passing segment and sequence will give your inner-sensory perception more possibility of expression to enable you to “see” with inner vision the electric workings of the universe in the construction of matter which no man of outer perceiving could ever “see”, much less “KNOW”. It is enough for the time being that you are made aware of the fact that somehow you must be able to demonstrate, at least within Self, this versatility which can prove to man that whatever he desires to do, he can do it. You will each find varying manners in which to do this.

Years may pass, or only hours, but you are usually assuming that you have not been at work on the matter—ah, but you have been. If it be your purpose of the journey—you are working on it constantly at a level of no physical conscious perception—CONSTANTLY AND UNSTINTINGLY.

You will become insightful—I do not say necessarily what is recognized as “psychic”, I said insightful—and be given the power to “see” on an inner plane beyond the obvious. You will be able to count back and find that approximately every seven years of your span you will have done something quite extraordinary of which you have doubtlessly forgotten if you be older in your counting. The difference in you and others who did project great talents in these many things is that YOU did not pursue them.

You can become so intuned that you can actually become totally aware of the birth of a significant relationship just as you must become aware of the coming birth of another planet in your own solar system—it is, you know. It will seem incredible and unbelievable but you will be so aware of growth and purpose that you will feel certain as to the importance and mutual destiny wherein you will begin to join in unity of intent and mutual activity in reversing the thinking of the human race from its greed-and-fear basis to the love basis of Nature.

There are ones on your place within the knowledge of this small fragment unit who experience that of which I refer—on a most conscious inter-dimensional level of experience. I think my brother, Gabriel Green, will not object to my sharing that almost two decades ago his beloved mate, Helen, changed dimensions and there has never ceased to be a far more conscious, loving and infinite communion than ever experienced on the physical plane. These are communions beyond anything a mortal can experience—including that which you refer to as ecstasy in a bedroom—no, there is naught can compare with the communion of Godly essence and focus—ALL else becomes dull and mundane. But the communion of “special” ones are for great purpose and must be attended with openness for the unfolding which may require many years in your counting.

You will come into acceptance of that higher WISDOM which is your constant companion but you drown it out in that facade of noise and commotion so that you can refuse to hear. As you come into communion you will become aware of telepathic communications and you may well recognize communion from very recognizable people having passed your way—or, who WILL pass your way.

As you find others who have same intent and purpose, the journey does, indeed, become one of joy and fulfillment—even if tedious and busy and filled with pitfalls. But examples must be given and no teaching is better than with example in experience. Dharma and Oberli have little time to share but she does her work and he assumes the responsibility of passing it on in proper channels and then on to the next and the next until as one following another meets responsibility (no matter how tired or distressed) the information flows and can be, if applicable, in less than a day—from Mind to Mail. Then, of course, you move from the sublime into the ridiculous!

Any story of insight is incredible only to those whose limitations are outer-sensing. To anyone whose innersensory perception has unfolded to the great spectrum range which is given to all with vision, these stories are perfectly comprehensible and totally natural. Dharma sees herself doing nothing unusual and, in fact, actually feels she doesn’t do much of anything while everyone else works very hard at this job.

Ones who have gone before longed to write the perfect “romance” of this cosmic experience to inspire others to deeper comprehension of the multiplication of power which results from male-female unity and equality. Strange thing about that desire—it will be done and it will be done by the higher Mind at work—and the fingers of some mortal being willing to type for hours at a keyboard and decipher radio signals. In fact, we began with the conception of SIPAPU ODYSSEY. A “fantasy” in TRUTH. But a beginning into understanding and then another shall be written by the playwright from the information flowing and man will begin to be able to comprehend his potential and he will begin to settle for no less than the perfection of his potential.

I have rambled much too long in this segment but it is most personal and urgently important: Treasure your inspired moments which become more and more yours as you increasingly walk and talk and WORK with God. Inspired men, geniuses and mystics, are the saviours of other men for they show the way and allow the other to find his own. They are the interpreters of God’s language of Light and teachers of the Love nature of God and balance of Nature Creation who only GIVES. Each can only give in the measure of his own awareness of the Light of God-Consciousness within him—but as another comes forth in willingness of giving can be shown the compilation and integration of the wisdom and Truth and another can decipher the hidden secrets and produce from the information—each according to his own but all with the same task at hand and the goal in sameness.

Each of the SUPREME mystics of the past brought the message of LOVE, UNITY and the BROTHERHOOD OF MAN to the people of his day, but the human race was too newly out of the jungle either to comprehend the principle of love or to practice it.

The human race is only now unfolding enough to more than faintly understand it or to practice it. Man’s attempt to understand it has led to the formation of many religions which have disunited man instead of uniting him, and the misinterpretation of the nature of God as a wrathful God of fear has created a world of fear, sin, evil, selfishness and greed which has led to countless murders in war after war. Man becomes what he thinks and believes. He is an evil “sinner” because he has been made to believe that he is an evil sinner. IT IS TIME TO COME INTO REALITY AND TRUTH. MAY GOD SHINE HIS LIGHT OF WISDOM ABOUT AS WE TAKE THE VEIL FROM THE EYES THAT THE LIGHT MAY COME UNTO THE LANDS.

God has again sent His message of Love to this electric age of unfolding man for there are a sufficient number among men who can become the seed of the Cosmic Age and are the seed for this dawning realization, for reinspiring other men to their exaltation in cosmic knowing.

These few among the many, such as YOU ARE—else you would not have been led to it—will spread their knowing of the Love nature of God throughout the Earth and to man of the comprehension of this electric age, and that alone will bring man back from his own destruction. So be it and may the WORD be blessed.