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Cosmic Laws and Fifty Six Grievances


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vity is dense, measureable, and readily understood, by contrast the great Law of Love is subtle and in a broad sense surpasses all understanding. In any case, the Laws of the cosmos provide a guidance system for an optimum human experience. There are several things to be aware of about the cosmos and its Laws;

Energy is the basis of all existence and is knowing of all things in the universe.

Energy includes portions that are experiencing different levels or dimensions of consciousness.

All portions of consciousness are in continuous interaction in the oneness of energy.

The "soul" is a portion that chooses to experience the density of human embodiment.

Soul consciousness often encounters difficulty in shifting the human intellect from its primary focus on the five survival senses of physical life in order to integrate its wisdom.

Once integrated by the soul, human consciousness recognizes how energy in the form of Cosmic Laws works to create "Heaven on Earth".

Awakened humans understand their energy connectedness with all things,material and non-material, animate and inanimate, and the desireabilityof being in harmony with all life. It's the wisdom of their soul.

The bottom line is, human institutions, as well as individuals, will betruly effective in a positive way only when they are in harmony with the Cosmic Laws. It is for this reason an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION is being brought forward for awakened government.

To read the Cosmic Laws, click on links below:



Cause and Effect






Living Truth


Mind Over Matter




Soul Mind

Soul Rights

Unity and Diversity

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Cosmic Law - Attraction

This Law is a primary tool for the Soul to master physical life on the Earth plane. It ensures that all conditions and situations that the Soul desires for eventually mastering material reality are drawn to the attention of the human intellect by virtue of the oneness of universe energy.

The Law of Attraction is not understood by a five-sensory intellect unintegrated by the wisdom of the Soul, and this has been reflected in shortcomings in the principles, policies and practices of human institutions such as government, slowing the evolution of human consciousness and achievement.

Experiences perceived as "bad" by the survival-focused intellect are viewed by the multi-dimensional Soul Mind as "lessons to be learned". While the unintegrated intellect believes humans are "victims" of negative situations in the material world, the Soul knows that humans are co creators of material reality and negative situations fuel positive solutions.

Human government attempts to "rescue" those who, at the Soul level of awareness, understand the negative-positive lessons of worldly existence under Cosmic Laws and would choose not to be interfered with. A stubborn intellect may require exceptionally negative and repeated lessons to break onto positive levels to overcome self-defeat. This has been witnessed particularly in "miraculous" recoveries from some physical disorders.

It's a major lesson to understand that putting a negative, rather than a positive interpretation on any situation, causes disorders in the physical body. Just as a blood clot can block the flow of the vital fluid and cause a heart attack, so can a blockage of negative thought cause disorder in muscles, tissues, and cells. Energy needs to flow freely. Whether a situation is personal, local, regional, national, worldwide or extraterrestrial, negative interpretation can cause a physical disruption of energy in some way.

Such is the Law of Attraction to the power of mind energy. A decision to let go of negativity and "let God" is a handy release valve until one accepts personal responsibility for the co-creating of conditions, and knows that in the long term, "every experience is positive".

What is true of the microcosm, is true of the macrocosm. Negative interpretation of any event can cause physical disorders from personalto planetary, and beyond. Potency of the Law of Attraction throughout the universe energy is such that all life is affected.

An unintegrated intellect will attract repeated lessons until it understands that the material brain is to integrate the universal mind of the Soul for an optimum human experience. It's the Law.

Mastering the power of co-creating material reality for positive ends means consciously utilizing the Soul Mind to influence matter, and the Law produces sometimes harsh lessons needed to accomplish the feat. Souls that experience impairment or loss of the human body, for example, have attracted to the human intellect the lesson of overcoming such conditions with what is simply termed "mind over matter". It may require more than one lifetime, but the power to influence all material things, even Earth changes and weather conditions, has always been available.

By the Law of Attraction, the human intellect eventually listens to the wisdom of the Soul and, hence, everything from physical wellness and abundance, to planetary harmony and Heaven on Earth is mastered.

The bottom line is, Cosmic Law is the supreme law of the universe, and a government absent of this Soul wisdom attracts lessons as evidenced here by the advancement of an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION in harmony with the natural Cosmic Laws of the universe, and producing High Moral Values and Democratic Ideals.

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Cosmic Law - Balance

This Law suggests that the historic human government structure based on superior-inferior classes of people will ultimately fail as a result of its imbalance, and as individuals awaken to the timeless wisdom of their soul;

"Slavery, serfdom, and all forms of bondage are to disappear."

As shown in other Cosmic Laws, the call of the soul is freedom, but at the start of the 21st century, enslavement to a ruling class of money controllers and manipulators by means of government force was common everywhere. In both democratic majority and oligarchical or otherwise minority governments, economic enslavement occured as most people remained uninformed about how money and central banking worked. The result was unbalanced some-win-and-some-lose government.

Cosmic Law suggests that government is to provide a system for balance in which the individual differences of free souls may be adjudicated fairly and equally, not for just the "greatest good", which is yet another ruling class, but for the "highest good of ALL".

Importantly, the Law of Balance also suggests that all individuals share equally in the lawmaking process of government;

"Truly civilized government is that which is balanced by individual franchise."

Each person is thus a legislator, and the government is a balanced direct democracy.

The fact that some people may not be well informed on proposed legislation is not a disqualifier under Cosmic Law. At the founding of the U.S., Thomas Jefferson touched on the matter of informing the people at-large;

"...if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise control with a wholesome direction, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion."

The bottom line is, unbalanced governing power has historically spelled dissent and rebellion, and an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION in harmony with the natural Cosmic Laws of the universe, will bring true equity, and provide full information.

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Cosmic Law - Cause & Effect

The most important lesson involving human conduct and interaction, from individuals to governments, is seen in the Cosmic Law of Cause & Effect, or karma. Knowing how the Law works helps to understand the means to achieve inner and outer peace, and why governments need to be "reconstituted".

The lesson begins with the understanding that the universe is a SEA OF ENERGY that can be either calm or stormy, depending on how it's used. And science has shown how this field of energy works;

"For every action there is equal and opposite reaction."

It's the law, and it was expressed in spiritual teachings long ago;

"Be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves."

A modern addendum is "don't get even, get smart".

Governments have continued from antiquity the practice of initiating physical force to control people, contrary to timeless wisdom;

"You must not seek to promugate truth nor to establish righteousness by the power of civil governments or by the enaction of secular laws. You must always labor to PERSUADE human minds but you must never dare to compel them."

For government, the Cosmic Law of Cause & Effect, or karma, means whatsoever the collective group would have others do to them, the group should do to others, commonly known as "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". The Cause of Initiating physical force produces in-kind Effects, or karma, at some point in time. It could be immediate or far in the future.

Every human thought, word and deed is a Cause that sets off a wave of energy throughout the universe, creating calm and desireable, or stormy and undesireable Effects. Every Cause, whether individual or collectively by government, results in an Effect, from the microcosm to the macrocosm.

In the 1997 edition of his book "Rising Out of Chaos", spiritual leader Simon Peter Fuller emphasized the importance of living in harmony with the Law;

"We are totally responsible for our every thought, word and deed while on Earth, and karma, both positive and negative, ensures that we re- balance all the energy or matter (so- called sin) we have ever disturbed."

Deepak Chopra, a leader in mind-body medicine, identified the issue in his 1993 book "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success";

" debt in the universe ever goes unpaid. There is a perfect accounting system in this universe, and everything is a constant `to and fro' exchange of energy."

It's the Law for all human action in government, business, labor, education, etc., as well as individually.

Pain may be the Effect of a Cause and a karmic lesson to learn. Undesireable Effects are karmic reminders that at some time and some place, there was a thought, word or deed that Caused a wave of undesireable energy. To re-balance and calm the energy requires thoughts, words and deeds of a positive nature, the most powerful of which are unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion.

The Cosmic Law of Cause & Effect requires that governments holding to the karmically-incorrect practice of initiating physical force, or violence of any kind, be RECONSTITUTED with positive principles, policies and practices in harmony with the higher Law, a new way of looking at government. Important among them is "voluntary subscripton" to government services, an essential aspect for peace on Earth.

Being consciously unaware of having Caused negative energies that must be re-balanced, humans generally regard themselves as "victims" of some undesireable Effect, but somewhere in the individual or collective history there was a Cause, possibly during past incarnations. This may be better understood by reversing the words of the Law;

"For every Effect, there is a Cause."

There are only Effects of Causes and Causes with Effects.

Karmic debt does not die when the physical body expires. The eternal soul learns from its short human experience and seeks further opportunity to return in accordance with the Cosmic Law of Reincarnation, revealed in the restored text of Revelation III;

"All will come upon the earth a hundred, hundred times, and still will the spirit be raised by the Father." (Ch.6:11)

The text had been eliminated from Christian teachings several centuries after Jesus' time, but reappeared with other hidden revelations in 1990, and was later published in Simon Peter Fuller's book.

Learning the Causes of negative Effects may require examining experiences of prior times. The soul knows of these times and can bring them forward to human consciousness when the five-sensory intellect allows integration by the soul. However, many individuals intellectually block the process, and some even deny the soul's existence. An egocentric attitude seriously slows human progress.

Humans discover that consciously, or unconsiously, they have been the Cause of their own negative Effects, but as the karmic debt is paid with positive thoughts, words and deeds, and the disturbed universe energy field is calmed, the world stage is set for the ultimate experience - Heaven on Earth,

With regard to government, the bottom line is every thought to be projected in government Principles, every word to be carried out in government Policies, and every deed to be carried out in government Practices, must be assessed for its karmic implications. And this requires an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION in harmony with the natural Cosmic Laws of the universe.

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Cosmic Law - Emotion

While the mind is the engine for creating reality, its fuel is emotion-energy.

As the mind becomes focused on an objective, emotion is the energy that gets it there at a speed determined by its strength. Low intensity emotion brings slower and unrefined results, while high intensity emotion produces quicker and more definitive results. It's the Law.

It's an important Law in terms of awakening people and changing earthly institutions such as government, which has been the physical force behind wars, genocide, torture, tyranny, and hundreds of other negative scenarios over many centuries for a literal hell on Earth for hundreds-of-millions of people.

Emotion is that part of the physiological makeup of humans that involves feeling or sensibility. If an emotion is negative, such as anger, hate, or revenge, it manifests in physical disturbances internally to the body and externally to the environment through the oneness of all life in the Universe Energy Field. Conversely, positive emotion-energy is healing to all.

Offering unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness intellectually, with an absence of emotional fuel to drive it as if only mouthing the words, has little effect, but genuinely strong emotion for such feelings, can quickly transform the external world, as well as an individuals internal world.

Governments rise and fall on emotion-energy. Wars have been won or lost on the basis of how much emotional fuel either side could gather. The materially inferior force of North Vietnam, for example, overcame the world's nuclear giant in the 1970's as American emotional energy ebbed like an ocean tide.

National anthems, pledges of allegiance, patriotic speeches, flags, parades, and various other techniques have been used historically by governments to stir emotional support for even destructive policies, but now with the focus of millions of positive minds united by new technology, as well as by nonmaterial means, strong emotion-energy facilitates dramatic governmental changes in the new millennium.

The bottom line is, enlightened government has strong and long-lasting emotional support by standing on High Moral Values and Democratic Ideals, and it is for these reasons that an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION in harmony with the natural Cosmic Laws of the universe is being advanced.

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Cosmic Law - Godlikeness

Divine Presence and Power indwells all humans in the form of the spirit-born soul, and human institutions such as government are to reflect this reality.

Godlikeness has been told in countless sacred teachings of both East and West, with the Bible among the most prominent;

"And God created man in his own image." (Genesis 1:27)

"The kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:21)

"I said you are gods." (John 10:34)

"There is one body and one Spirit... one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all." (Ephesians 4:4-6)

"He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do..." (John 14:12)

"You therefore shall be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

Human Godlikeness calls for integration of a survival-dominated intellect with the universe wisdom of the soul. The integrated intellect then balances its five-sensory information with the multi dimensional "knowing" of the soul.

An unfailing evolutionary unveiling process guarantees that humans "shall be perfect" in this manner. An immediate benefit is in giving unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion for all life which is then returned in-kind under the Cosmic Law of Cause & Effect, or karma.

The bottom line is, the Law of Godlikeness suggests individual empowerment in terms of external government by means of an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION.

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Cosmic Law - Guidance

Throughout recorded history, most humans have been focused on the material world, developing means of mass physical comfort on one hand, and mass physical destruction on the other. These objectives, of course, produced governmental, educational, social and even religious institutions that enhanced, or at least acquiesced to the mass consciousness.

The learned lessons of external world history are now helping to fuel a balance with the eternal "knowing" of the internal world. In other words, human maturity is occuring as the materially-focused intellect is being integrated by the wisdom of the multi-dimensional Spirit-born soul.

Unification of the nonmaterial soul and material body finally creates a "whole" human being, and this, in turn, leads to establishing holistic institutions, including government, that move beyond the darkness of the past. The new consciousness sees truth in a sacred teaching; (Humans) "cannot live by bread alone."

The human intellect, without sustenance and wisdom from the soul, is devoid of purpose aside from a mundane world of material existence that ends in "death".

As the shifting material world consciousnes is infused with nonmaterial reality, the maturing intellect becomes aware of Cosmic Laws and reflects "cosmic consciousness". Primarily, this is the realization that the soul-incarnate is immortal with Godlike powers in the endless "Frontier of Infinity".

In the soul's journey into the density of the human experience, the Cosmic Law of Guidance is followed to reach its goal of creating "Heaven on Earth", utilizing some empowering resources;

Meditation - contact with the Source-Of All-That-Is can be instantaneous, with relaxed focus determining receptivity and understanding.

Prayer - assistance from Angelic realms, Spirit Beings of Light, Ascended Masters, and the Source-Of-All-That-Is may be requested (see Law of Petition).

Heart - the love center where conscience, the faculty of determining right and wrong, are connected to all things for direction.

Intuition - being aware of immediate cognition, or "knowing" without rational processes, that includes soul wisdom and all levels of universe consciousness.

The bottom line is, harmony with the Cosmic Law of Guidance makes feasible peace and goodwill on Earth, and an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION for government helps facilitate it.

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Cosmic Law - Individuality

The collective whole of humanity is comprised of individuals distinct from one another by such obvious and easily measured characteristics as fingerprints and voiceprints. Each presents something unique to earthly society, and the whole of creation, by virtue of the oneness of universe energy.

Springing from the Cosmic Law of Individuality is the important Philosophy of Individuality with its timeless wisdom;

"The original Spirit endowment of individual minds, souls and bodies is to be fully recognized and upheld."

The Philosophy holds that each soul has its own rational mind purpose for being in the human body and, as such, has "inherent rights of individualized expression" in relation to external human governing principles, policies, programs and practices.

Attempts to force diverse souls into act-alike restrictive human government molds, standardized and dogmatized, including socialism, communism, fascism and capitalism, is contrary to the Law. Individuals may freely choose to adhere to groupings of their liking, but to impose act-alike systems on unwilling subjects is to enslave and deprive the soul of its individual uniqueness and free choice.

For a system to be stable over the long term it must accomodate individuality, including even the right to be a non-participant. Laws of "protective/reactive" force replace "initiation" of force, leaving those participating in the collective system still intact.

Individual "thought prints" are denied in existing top-down governental molds, resulting in ongoing dissension, confrontation and struggle for material emergence, self-expression, and power. Throughout recorded history, individuality has slowly gained a degree of constitutional expression in the form of "unalienable rights" and "bill of rights", but even "representative" governments still lack in fully honoring individual thought prints, and such governments will either experience evolutionary change of some kind or collapse. It's the Law.

Unalienable rights honoring the Cosmic Law of Individuality extend beyond any currently practiced;

The right to vote on all matters governing oneself,

The right to designate one's tax percentage to specific programs. This translates to (1) individuals voting directly on the laws of a government, and (2) individuals determining government programs they choose to support with their taxes. The end product is a "service form of government", from bottom up, in harmony with the Cosmic Law.

The Philosophy of Individuality recognizes that an individual "owns" oneself, and may do to or for oneself what one chooses, so long as it does not infringe on the equal rights of others. By extension, an individual owns that which has been justly acquired, with timeless wisdom setting forth the means of determining what is "just";

"The prime purpose of government is the fair balancing and adjudicating of individual differences."

Government's role in a cosmically-correct society is not to forcefully impose the will of either a majority or minority of people, but to provide equal justice for all.

Ultimately, the Philosophy of Individuality suggests the unveiling of one's "I AM" presence, and becoming self-governing;

"He who rules his own Self is greater than he who captures a city. Self-mastery is the measure of an individuals moral nature and the indicator of his spiritual development."

The bottom line is, individuals are empowered by the Cosmic Law of Individuality to be singularly important, and an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION is to help manifest this reality.

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Cosmic Law - Light

Space is not empty. The universe provides crucial Light particles from the sun, a real substance with weight and pressure, for the growth of living things. But Light is also much more. Light energy provides humans with the means of eliminating all "darkness in the world" by way of the oneness of the Universe Energy Field.

Light will always defeat darkness by revealing information not previously seen, and it's this force that empowers humans. It's the Law.

What is known as the Technology of Light is the intentional and strong focus of this powerful energy to specific targets. It may be directed anywhere that a negative situation is perceived to advance enLIGHTenment. The Light of information may be focused on "dark" minds in important positions of earthly power who may then "change" their minds. The technology is often used to assist open minds for personal wellness and other benefits. Application of Light can infuse all consciousness for change.

Timeless wisdom provides background;

"Darkness is a lack of information that results in enslavement to fear, and fear manifests in disharmony in the physical world."

In terms of human government, fearful uninformed minds are dependent and sometimes even addicted to earthly power, while minds in harmony with the information revealed by Light, such as the Cosmic Laws, are self-empowered, self-sufficient, and self-governing. Illumination "frees the slaves".

The fear of "dark forces" and "evil" spirits has led many into personal disempowerment, but the restored text of Revelation III, the Third Book of the Apocalypse, sheds the Light of logic on the subject;

"If you know not the darkness, how can you understand the light? If there was only light, how could you choose that which is sacred, for only in the darkness can you see the sacred light."

The information contained in Chapter 3, Verses 9-10, was brought to Light in "Rising Out of Chaos" (1997) by Simon Peter Fuller.

With such information, and understanding the human power contained in the Technology of Light under Cosmic Law, fear is baseless.

The bottom line is, as surely as the dark of night is followed by the Light of day, so the darkness of past ages will be succeeded by the beauty of enLIGHTened ages, and governments on the planet will work with the Technology of Light for peace. It's for these reasons that an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION, in harmony with the natural Cosmic Laws of the universe, is being advanced.

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Cosmic Law - Living Truth

Truth is defined in the dictionary as "conformity to fact", but earth-bound science continually changes its old facts upon discovery of new ones. Further complicating scientific "truth", dictionary editors refer to a "kind of drift in language that produces new forms and new meangings", so the fact of a word definition may be changed over time, eliminating the previous "fact". Only "change" seems to remain a fact and, therefore, a "living" truth.

Facts are gathered by the intellect to gain at least limited knowledge, while truth is a living experience which transcends time and material levels. Timeless wisdom explains the distinction;

"Knowledge deals with temporary facts, truth deals with reality values."

Just as scientific "truth" changed when the microscope and telescope were developed, so the five-sensory intellectual "truth" changes when it discovers its Spirit-born soul and allows integration with the soul's multi-dimensional wisdom. From the moment of soul unification, the path is made clear;

"The Spirit of truth guides you into all truth, surviving all challenges along the way."

An unintegrated intellect may believe it can know static "absolute" truth, but the wisdom of the soul says that all truth is changeable by the power of the Source-Of-All-That-Is and, therefore, there is Lliving Truth subject to the Source. Change is thus a spiritual as well as scientific Law of the cosmos.

Over time, Living Truth may render written words and final conclusions invalid, since they are frozen in the time of offering. Even if later translations and retranslations are free of misinterpretation and other human error, to say nothing of deliberate distortion, they may not stand.

Christ Jesus wisely taught that nothing which human nature touched can be assumed to be infallible, and He left nothing for the written record - not even creeds or theological laws. Instead, He urged people to each receive the Spirit of Truth from within themselves, and therein discover the "kingdom of heaven" with unadulterated truth.

Living Truth is a dynamic individual experience, forever unfolding, always growing, expanding, and being differently perceived by each intellect. To command it, a person need only "call up the universe"; "The truth will make you free."

What is revealed and discovered will be the Living Truth as best individuals can understand at the time. In any case, harmony with this and all other Cosmic Laws is important in human affairs, particularly the foundation documents of major institutions which are to be open to new understandings.

The bottom line is, an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION in harmony with the natural Cosmic Laws of the unverse, accomodates change through initiatve by the people at-large.

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Cosmic Law - Love

Love is the greatest of all human powers. Originating from the Source-Of-All-That-Is and flowing through the heart, the energy of Love produces both internal and external harmony for physical healing and growth for all forms of life. Focused Love power is to manifest peace and goodwill on Earth facilitated by enlightened government. It's the Law.

As the opposite of hate, which is negative and destructive of life forms, Love is the magnetic force that attracts and reproduces life, and the "glue" that holds together couple's, families, friends, communities, nation's and humanity. All life forms respond positively to Love at their own level of consciousness. even predators, human and animal. It's the greatest reservoir of power to unite all things.

Love is most often"felt" in the heart for something close, which is to include oneself, but it also is to be projected throughout the world by directing the energy in specific thought forms. Like all other thought, it is most effective when driven by a strong desire, or emotion, enhanced by affirmation and prayer.

"Practicing unconditional Love for all life is the pinnacle of human power, purpose and performance."

Love is also the Chief Liberator of humans, freeing them of their chief enslaver, fear. U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt once cautioned the nation against fear;

"There is nothing to fear but fear itself."

A mirror of insecurity, the negativity of fear contains no hope for the future, manifesting itself in self-defeating ways. Recorded history bears witness to fearful thought dominating the mass consciousness, creating fear-based governments, and causing wars and other disharmony.

The nature of Love is such that an immature child may experience fear when it hears orgasmic screams of loving adults, but grows to understand and appreciate them. Similarly, without understanding, adults may experience fear when nature forces produce volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and powerful storms in the interaction of creative energies. Comets smashing into Earth and "black holes" in space may be feared by immature humans who lack understanding of the cosmic order of things, much less a greater or divine order, beyond limited human science. But scienee has demonsrated it eventually discovers order, if not faith.

As humans mature, they recognize the Cosmic Laws that give guidance for the earthly experience with the Law of Love providing the highest positive vibration, or creative frequency, the ancestor of all goodness that the world has expienced. It was the foremost Law taught by Christ Jesus who said after God, humans are to love themselves, their neighbors, and even their "enemies". Love can disarm warring opponents.

Hate, anger and revenge reflect immaturity and ignorance of not only the Cosmic Law of Love, but the Law of Cause & Effect, or karma. In sharp contrast, Love is the supreme human relationship and the basic building block for Heaven on Earth.

The bottom line is, institutions such as government that reflect Love in their principles, policies and programs attract in-kind responses and voluntary support. For these reasons and more, An AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION in harmony with the natural Cosmic Laws of the universe is being proposed to further empower such results.

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Mind Over Matter

To understand this Law and its relationship to human activities such as government, one should know that the Earth experience is an outgrowth of events in the nonmaterial realms, and in a particular order of occurrence;

Spirit origin, Mind faculty, Soul identity, Body vehicle. Spirit energy, the vital or animating force of all life in the universe, gives birth to the universe mind faculty, which then creates soul identity to incarnate in a material body.

The Mind born of Spirit, as distinguished from the body's survival-oriented material brain, is without bounds, possesses all knowledge in the universe, and dominates all matter universally. Its empowering value to humans is known to the soul;

"When humans wish to modify material reality, they succeed tothe extent that they discover the ways and means of directing energy."

Such an event only awaits the human intellect to accept the even greater Spirit reality of Mind;

"Whatsoever humans can conceive and believe, they can achieve."

For eons, people who witnessed healers and others exercising the power of Mind over matter thought they were seeing "miracles", but as the 20th century came to an end, many scientists, including five astrophysicists from different universities, agreed that they were on the brink of proving that consciousness effects matter, supporting mathematical findings in the subtle energy field research of quantum physics.

Barriers to the reality of universe powers erected by the limited five-sensory brain-based human intellect are subject to fall one way or another. The Cosmic Law that Mind is always dominant over matter, and that Spirit is ever correlated with its own creations throughout the Universe Energy Field, permeates all levels of consciousness, if not awareness, sooner or later.

Technically, mind controls energy through manipulation of the metamorphic potentials inherent in the mathematical level of the Causes & Effects of material things. With Spirit directive, Mind co-ordinate, and material subordinate, humans can co-create Heaven on Earth.

The bottom line is, an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION authorizes government programs that apply this powerful Law in material ways, as well as in facilitating peace and goodwill throughout the world.

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Cosmic Law - Morality

This Law guarantees that supreme virtues will ultimately prevail for Heaven on Earth.

Defined as the standard of "rightness or wrongness of an action", morality is reflected through the human conscience. Conscience is the inner reservoir into which the Soul pours timeless wisdom born of Spirit, whether or not the intellect is aware of it.

An individuals conscience recognizes the difference between right and wrong with regard to one's conduct, coupled with a sense that one should act accordingly. It is an important inner sense for human survival and advancement beyond the five physical senses.

When individuals and governments fall short of conscience-based interaction, it's usually the consequence of intellectual considerations over-ruling conscience in favor of practical, observable results. The unintegrated intellect may argue that "the end justifies the means", and it is by such misbased reasoning that wars, genocide, dictatorships, and all other forms of physical force and violence, are often defended although doomed to fail under Cosmic Laws.

When honoring one's own conscience, the sense of right comes clear for universal application;

"Moral means to moral ends."

In the book "Ends and Means", author Aldous Huxley noted that wrong means tend to become a part of, and corrupt good intentions;

"The end cannot justify the means for the simple reason that the means employed determine the nature of the ends produced."

Doing wrong to try to correct wrongdoing only compounds the problem in trying to achieve moral ends as the hypocrisy conflicts with the principle of moral means. Might never made "right".

Moral human laws are enacted to provide a foundation for justice, not to try to force moral conduct. Timeless wisdom explains that the initiation of force by government will never achieve righteous goals, desireable as they may be, because it goes against several Cosmic Laws besides Morality, including Cause & Effect, or karma;

"Morality can never be advanced by law or by force. Always labor to persuade minds, but never dare to compel them."

Human laws cannot advance morality since the unintegrated intellect schemes to avoid them. By contrast, persuasion power is effective through personal contact and example that touches the heart. "Love and let love" is a means in full harmony with the Law of Morality and all others as well.

Despite cyclical setbacks, humans forever evolve to more virtuous choices as incarnated Souls, with multi-dimensional wisdom, integrate the five-sensory survival-focused intellect. Barbarism gives way to less primitive practices, enslavement gives way to equality, cruelty gives way to more humane treatment.

Conscience works against killing as the non-combat status of "Conscientious objector" is honored in times of war, less violent means of applying the death penalty for crimes are sought, and the penalty itself is challenged by moral reasoning;

"Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?"

Under Cosmic Laws, elimination of a Soul's physical body by force creates a new wave of negative karma for those involved in the act, and creates a debt that sooner or later must be settled.

In the context of the Law of Morality, "sin" is a deliberate violation, and "evil" is an unconscious violation by the unintegrated intellect. The idea of "original sin" was a controlling and manipulative teaching with no basis in Cosmic Law, tending to dismiss an individuals inner powers, including conscience, to rise above it . But self-empowering acts of displaying unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness, and efforts to anchor supreme values in the foundation of human endeavors, slowly triumph with time over their opposites.

Outstanding institutional moral progress has been seen throughout recorded history in such things as England's Magna Carta and America's Bill of Rights, as well as great humanitarian efforts undertaken by various private organizations, and growth of spiritual awareness around the world. Of special importance was a message from Spirit on October 20, 1996 to all Souls in human embodiment;

"Do not give support to that which is evil or sinful."

As with earlier "commandments", the admonishment was a reminder that causing death, injury or pain to others was not only a moral issue for the individual conscience, but the collective conscience as well in relation to government. Immoral policies and actions by government would lose funding as taxpayers claimed the right of conscience to direct their money according to the "golden rule" of morality;

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

A most blatant and common contradiction of the Law of Morality by government is the initiation of physical force to achieve control over people who threaten no physical harm to others. Humans appropriately enact laws against using it amongst themselves, but governments have been permitted to initiate unlimited force, even to nuclear devastation. The Soul rebels at a human "lawful order" that conflicts with its wisdom.

History and economics Professor Kenneth Schoolland made the moral point in his book "The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible" (1995);

"The initiation of force to take life is murder, to take liberty is slavery, and to take property is theft. It is the same whether these actions are done by one person acting alone, by the many acting against a few, or even by officials with fine hats."

What is "wrong" for an individual is also wrong for a collection of individuals calling themselves the "government". Involuntary payment of money to an institution, like involuntary payment to robbers, is not a policy born of the Law of Morality, but rather the "law of the jungle".

Under Cosmic Laws, groups identified as syndicates, mobs and gangs are appropriately held responsible for wrongful acts. The forced association of many people under government does not relieve them, karmically speaking, of the same responsibility.

The bottom line is, an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION in harmony with the natural Cosmic Laws of the universe, and producing High Moral Values and Democratic Ideals, replaces negative coercive, forceful ways of government with moral means to moral ends, positive persuasion and voluntary support.

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Cosmic Law - Petition

The first thing to understand under this Law is that energy, which is the basis of all existence, is manipulated by thought. Thought in the form of a solemn request, or prayer, influences energy and is "received" throughout the universe, reaching all entities as well as the Source-Of-All-That-Is.

Ascended Masters, Spirit Beings of Light, Archangels, Angelic Hosts, personal Guides, and nature spirits, are among the unseen entities that one may petition. Author Joseph J. Weed, in his book "Wisdom of the Mystic Masters" (1988), said it's wise to focus a petition where it's most beneficial;

"...when we turn our attention to entities of a higher vibratory rate, we receive energy."

Positive petitioning to higher vibrations of "Light" consciousness is commonly known as prayer, or reverent request for assistance all the way to the Source, and results in positive benefits as told in sacred writings;

"Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find."

The focus and intensity of a petition may make a difference in the measure of its benefits, but it should be understood that even the request that a person believes has "not been answered" has been answered by the fact of "no response". Higher consciousness of Light does not give assistance which is inappropriate.

An individuals trust in "faith" undergoes a major test here, since the process of receiving assistance may also involve a delay in time, or it may come in some form other than what was requested or anticipated. A petition for material assistance may be answered with information.

Meditation, or quieting the intellect, is the most direct means of "hearing" the answer to a petition, but it may also come through a "knowing", if it doesn't appear in a very obvious material way.

The bottom line is, assistance from the highest realms of Light awaits humanity's solemn request to manifest Heaven on Earth. And one of the most important aspects of this effort is establishing an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION in harmony with all Cosmic Laws.

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Cosmic Law - Principle

This is the Law that gives humans the perception of basic rules of the cosmos. For example, all life forms are commonly observed protecting themselves against harm, the principle of inherent self-preservation. Humans regard the principle as a "moral value" defining right from wrong for themselves at least, and they in turn make "murder" illegal. Such is a measure of integration of the five-sensory intellect by the wisdom of the soul, and the conscience it supplies.

Similarly, the Law of Principle has seen humanity rule out the initiation of physical force by one human on another, as in rape and robbery, but the collective group known as "government" was still not held to the same moral value by the end of the 20th century. Such was the slowness of soul integration.

Governmental systems still rested on using coercion backed by physical force for their creation and survival, little different in principle from practices of organized crime to achieve goals. The essential difference was that one was called robbery, while the other was called involuntary taxation.

Cosmic Laws work together to overcome the idea that wrong action is acceptable so long as there are good results. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis once warned against government violating even earthly laws in pursuit of "good" ends;

"If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law."

Beyond this, government not reflecting the highest principles is faced with a situation of far greater magnitude, according to the wisdom of the soul;

"If government is in disharmony with Cosmic Laws, it breeds its own collapse."

The idea that moral ends justify forceful means, a pragmatic approach, is an ill-fated position of five-sensory intellects unintegrated by the principled wisdom of the soul, but the evolution of human consciousness, and conscience, guarantees change.

The bottom line is, the Law of Principle ensures moral means to moral ends, a voluntary association in governing practices, and an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION is being advanced to this end.

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Cosmic Law - Soul Mind

The immortal Soul, which is a body of energy located just above the crown chakra, literally has a mind of its own. This is the Higher Consciousness, or Self, that the human intellect is to integrate for greater understanding of Spirit reality.

The Soul mind knows of the natural subtle Cosmic Laws of the universe and the oneness of all things, as well as the great diversity of Creation. It's what makes human beings a co-creative part of All-That-Is and the Source.

Just as a human being is an individualized aspect of Earth parents, the Soul is an individualized aspect of the Source-Of-All That-Is, a "child of God". While a human being gains knowledge of material reality on Earth through the five physical senses, the Soul mind has "knowing" of nonmaterial reality by means of its oneness with what may be termed the Cosmic Consciousness. Humans have described this awareness as "intuition" , or the knowing of something without rational processes, but in any case it is wisdom. Attunement with it is made through focused desire and meditation.

The overall purpose of the Soul that incarnates with a physical body is to ground its wisdom on the planet and thereby create Heaven on Earth, which is "peace and goodwill" springing from the truth of the unity of all diversity.

The Souls who wrote the U.S. Constitution in the late 1700's were an important part of this process, especially in terms of the Bill of Rights which was their best effort toward attunement with Cosmic Laws. But the Soul knows much more is to be done.

The bottom line is, with the electronic age, the opportunity is at hand to upgrade ALL institutions and bring them into FULL harmony with the Higher Laws. For these reasons, an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION in harmony with the natural Cosmic Laws of the universe, and producing High Moral Values and Democratic Ideals, is being advanced.

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Cosmic Law - Soul Rights

This powerful Law is constantly at work in behalf of the Soul to be self-governing in the physical body. In striving to fulfill its Spirit-born purpose in the human experience, Soul wisdom with autonomy is "Heaven on Earth".

The author of all Rights is the Source-Of-All That-Is, which resides within humans as the Soul-Self. Writers of the U.S. Constitution identified some of these Rights and set them forth in the first ten Amendments that demonstrated in its Preamble concern over governments' intended beneficent ends;

"...further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added."

Human government was a long history of abusive power by fear-based intellects focused on the five survival senses, unintegrated by the multidimensional wisdom of the Soul, and without application of the superior Laws of the cosmos. Fear-based survival-driven government did not allow the Soul Rights of even Christ Jesus or Mahatma Gandhi. To the extent that at least limited justice and morality was enumerated in the U.S. Bill of Rights, some progress was noted in principle, if not always in practice.

The Soul-integrated intellect pursues clarity in all human laws to enhance harmony with Cosmic Laws. Rights of the Soul in human embodiment are to be specific, and include basic protective and mobility considerations;

The Right to govern one's personal body.

The Right to defend against personal harm.

The Right to freely travel and associate with others.

The Right to speak freely.

Soul Rights also extend to the collective whole of human government in specific ways;

The Right to participate directly and equally in lawmaking.

The Right to designate one's percentage of taxes to specific programs.

The Right to require "Karmic Impact Statements" for others' proposed actions.

The Right to exercise peaceful self-governance. Discerning Soul Rights is a process of Individuals freely negotiating with each other for mutual agreement, in contrast to past history as viewed by timeless wisdom;

"There is no greater error than the self-deception which leads intelligent beings to crave the exercise of power over other beings for the purpose of depriving these persons of their natural liberties. Fairness cries out against all such fraud, unfairness, selfishness and unrighteousness."

Moreover, the Law of Rights works in harmony with other Cosmic Laws to free all people from the yoke of those who employ any kind of control, manipulation or enslavement. The Soul seeks to be free, and no Soul is free as long as it is governed by others against its free choice. The Law may be subtle and slow, but it's immutable.

In no sense is Soul autonomy anarchistic or chaotic. No political disorder or confusion exists as one's Soul-integrated intellect abides by the Laws of the cosmos.

The bottom line is, an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION in harmony with the natural Cosmic Laws of the universe, and producing High Moral Values and Democratic Ideals, ensures that Soul Rights are fully honored.This powerful Law is constantly at work in behalf of the Soul to be self governing in the physical body. In striving to fulfill its Spirit-born purpose in the human experience, Soul wisdom with autonomy is "Heaven on Earth".

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Cosmic Law - Unity & Diversity

Humanity, for all its claims of material progress, has created a jigsaw puzzle world of fear-based armed camps, for internal as well as external control, that denies true political freedom by physical force, in violation of this Cosmic Law;

"The whole of creation is made up of its individual parts."

In the human picture puzzle, the individual pieces fit in particular places and no amount of force can make them fit elsewhere to make the picture whole. For Unity, Diversity must be honored.

The diversity of humanity is ignored in governmental structures of top-down power. A dictatorship is obvious rejection of diversity, but even a "representative" form of government does not fully honor and empower its individual parts. It produces a structure in which there are "winners" and "losers".

Opposing factions in constant confrontation for control of a government to forcefully impose their own programs on the whole, in disrespect for diverse or opposite ideas, is not a government in harmony with the Law of Unity and Diversity. Rather, it is a government that relies on the initiation of physical force to maintain its hold on power, with people facing guns and jails for not giving their tax support and allegiance to it.

Involuntary submission to the holders of government power does not produce a peaceful win-win society, and even acquiesance to such power causes subtle unrest for its lack of harmony with the natural cosmic reality.

Where diverse choices are denied, freedom is denied, and where freedom is denied, disharmonious energies are set off that reverberate throughout the world, as shown in the Cosmic Law of Cause & Effect, or karma.

The bottom line is, full Unity of the Diversity of humanity is achieved with government policies and programs that attract voluntary individual "subscription", and an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION in harmony with the natural Cosmic Laws of the universe, creates such "bottom up" government without force.

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Fifty Six Grieviences :

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56 Grievances by Triaka

1. Imbalance

2. Secret Government

3. Domination

4. Espionage

5. Aggression

6. Imperialism

7. Lawlessness

8. Militarism

9. Warmanship

10. Warmaking

11. Illegal Power

12. Subversion

13. Misrule

14. Subjugation

15. Deception

16. Defeasances

17. Torture

18. Concealment

19. Extortion

20. Lying

21. Brain Control

22. Brainwashing

23. Propaganda

24. Coverup

25. Dictatorship

26. Disempowerment

27. Abuse

28. Harassment

29. Spying

30. Land Confiscation

31. Intrusion

32. Collusion

33. Unequal Treatment

34. Killing

35. Health Threats

36. Vote Fraud

37. Controlling

38. Oppression

39. Criminalizing

40. Intimidation

41. Tampering

42. Injustice

43. Indebtedness

44. Manipulaton

45. Debasing Money

46. Power Peddling

47. Corruption

48. Forfeiture

49. Unresponsiveness

50. Diminishing Truth

51. Bureaucracy

52. Mismanagement

53. Welfarism

54. Competence

55. Immorality

56. Disarming


56 Grievances by Triaka

Grievance 1 - Imbalance

The U.S. Constitution established a form of government that gave direct governing power to a small minority over the American people at-large. Power was structured from top-down, as opposed to the taxpayers who financed it from the bottom-up, an oligarchical system that favored influential money interests and leaned toward elitism.

This, despite the words of one of the nation's most quoted founders, Thomas Jefferson; "I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves." And further... "...if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise control with a wholesome direction, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion." But the power to enact or repeal the laws of American society was not vested in the people. Rather, it was constitutionally reserved to powerholders, and secrecy in government became commonplace for lack of specific constraint.

The general population was disempowered from directly initiating and voting for change in the Constitution by Article V, which placed the determination of Amendments in the hands of federal and state politicians only; "The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two-thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments." Neither could Americans at-large initiate a direct popular vote on proposed laws. By contrast, Californians could directly initiate general voting on statutes as well as their State Constitution; Section 8. (b) "An initiative may be proposed to the Secretary of State that sets forth the text of the proposed statute or amend- ment to the Constitution and is certified to have been signed by electors..." Americans were further disempowered by having no provision in the U.S. Constitution that provided for Congress to submit proposed statutes to a vote of the people at-large as by referendums.

The imbalance of national power resulted in an imbalance in U.S. principles, policies and programs, domestic and international. Rather than reflecting the majority of Americans at-large, they most frequently carried out the desires of minority money interests, which often were not the popular will, as these Grievances show to a candid world; "The chance of baking a good cake in a faulty oven is slim." Dollars & cents held greater power than common sense. Americans at-large had no direct voice in the U.S. liberal-conservative insiders aliignment referred to in Bill Kauffman's book "America First" (1995); "Henceforth, the armed forces...are to plant, with trowel and bayonet, the seeds of capitalist democracy in all the countries of the world, even those whose native customs are inimical to Western Democracy." Nor did Americans at-large have a balance of power regarding such huge expenditures of their tax dollars as $4.5 billion for a single nuclear-powered Navy aircraft carrier, that common sense said had more to do with profiting defense industries than in defending the nation.

By the end of the 20th century, lawmaking for 260 million Americans, and influence over much of the world, was in the hands of 535 politicians in Congress, and defacto lawmaking, with powers of life and death over much of the world, was in the hands of a single politician, the President. All were easy centralized targets for controllers and manipulators of government power through elections and lobbying.

Due to constitutional vagueness and ambiguity, the power of the President slowly grew to the point where social commentator Dr. Laura Schlessinger, reacting to sexual improprieties of Bill Clinton, called for a role model in the office; "How naive not to imagine or realize that the quality of a persons character is, in addition to his intellect and exper- ience, necessary for the proper fulfill- ment for those tasks." A federal judge found Clinton "in contempt of court for intentionally false" testimony, but there was no constitutional means for the people at-large to directly remove him short of a four-year term. There was no constitutional provision for a "recall" election.

By extension of unbalanced power, the U.S. government was instrumental in creating such powerful unelected bodies as the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, and North Atlantic Treaty Organization, non of which offered even a pretense of democratic processes in decision-making.

Centralization of power in the U.S. government represented the opposite philosophy of Individuality; "The truly civilized government is that which is balanced by individual franchise." George Mason University Professor and newspaper columnist Walter E. Williams noted a practical consideration; "The bulk of knowledge and information to conduct our lives is held locally among millions of individuals, not centrally among bureaucrats." Top-down governing power by a relatively small number of politicians and money interests was tantamount to bondage for everybody else, and the Constitution locked out Americans at-large from correcting the injustice directly.

With an AUTHENTIC CONSTITUTION in harmony with the natural Cosmic Laws of the universe, and producing High Moral Values and Democratic Ideals, equal opportunity of all individuals to vote directly on U.S. government principles, policies and programs is guaranteed for a balance of power.


Grievance 2 - Secret Government

The U.S. Constitution failed to prevent the rise of a large and powerful secret government mechanism over which the people at-large had no direct control, resulting in "taxation without representation", the same grievance lodged by American revolutionaries in 1776.

Secret Government is defined here as unelected persons holding powers of the United States that directly or indirectly affected millions of people, and who operated in ways intentionally kept hidden from the people paying for it. The mechanism included a far-flung labyrinth of tens-of-thousands of secret people operating in unknown numbers of secret places under many secret programs through numerous cooperating secret agencies both domestic and foreign. It included the National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, Naval Intelligence, Air Force Intelligence, State Department Intelligence, and National Security Council in the U.S., with cooperation from British Intelligence, Israeli Mossad, and Russian KGB "moles" among others. Its power to control and manipulate conditions around the world was fully documented.

Secret Government worked to extend, consolidate and centralize economic, political and military power appropriate to a World Empire of controllers and manipulators, as shown in this and other grievances to a candid world.

The U.S. Congress funded Secret Government with a virtual blank check, and could only estimate in the mid-1990's that American taxpayers paid for it at the rate of about $1 trillion over 20 years. So far reaching and free spending was it that the NSA gathered l,056 pages of information about Britain's Princess Diana and refused to disclose why the information was obtained, or why it was kept secret long after her death in a car crash in 1997.

The nearest thing to being a public figure representing Secret Government in the Washington administration was the appointed "National Security Adviser" to the President. But the position was more than advisory as observed by Edward N. Luttwak, of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, in a report October 11, 1998:

"President Clinton's national security adviser, Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger, last week issued an utimatum to President Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia by giving a background briefing to reporters."

The President, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, and Chairman of the Joint Military Chiefs of Staff normally followed plans provided by Secret Government.

Secret Government operated outside the "rule of law" of the United Nations Charter and international agreements. With Presdential approval, missile "sneak attacks" were launched by the Navy September 20, 1998, on what Secret Government alleged were "terrorist" sites in the sovereign nations of Sudan and Afghanistan. Congress was caught by surprise, and insiders said even most Chiefs of the armed forces were not informed;

"The planning cell was very small."

The names of those in the conspiratorial group were kept hidden from the American taxpayers, who spent $1 million for each of the 75 missiles used in the military aggression.

What was learned about Secret Government and its army of operatives came largely from "insider" leaks and some who resigned to become "whistleblowers". Mainstream mass media, once claiming itself as a "watchdog" of government, grew impotent as Secret Government held up a shield of "national security" to protect itself from exposure. An important defense tactic of Secret Government was to label its critics and challengers as "conspiracy kooks".

Major media feared loss of advertising income if it probed too deeply into Secret Government and was never creatively bold enough to develop alternative financial resources such as listener sponsorship and advertisers opposed to the secrecy.

Vanderbilt University political science professor Harry Howe Ransom wrote a classic understatement in his 1988 book "The Intelligence Establishment";

"As a source of great influence, intelligence and covert operational systems demand the close attention of students of government and politics..."

Secret Government was the greatest challenge that Americans ever had to their Constitution and "representative democracy".

Secret Government was directly involved with most means of mass communication, including broadcasters, reporters, newspapers, publishing houses, writers, magazines, news services, think tanks, researchers, political activities, labor unions, and financial and educational institutions. It infiltrated and subverted groups exercising constitutional rights for peaceful change

In foreign lands, Secret Government distributed false information, instigated unrest and was involved in warmaking, all documented by former participants. It was instrumental in dividing Korea and Vietnam into north-south warring nations. It helped overthrow popularly-supported governments including Greece, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Brazi, Uraguay, Chile, Argent