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"Cults Around Jmmanuel "- Chapter 35 - The Talmud of Jmmanuel

Eus Immanuel Sananda

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to flee their cities when they attempted to kill him.

3. Their own teachings, far removed from truth, were from a rigid religious cult and they punished with death those who taught differently.

4. Jmmanuel was treated as an outcast by these people and persecuted as an agitator against their cult. So he fled.

5. It came to pass during his flight that he met us with a large caravan. He and his following joined it and continued inland and into the mountains.

6. They traveled through the central part of the country for many weeks whereupon they came to another sea and into the city of Ephesus.

7. But Jmmanuel was very much afraid, and no longer preached his new teachings so that no one would recognize him; for in Ephesus were many people--dealers and merchants, who came there from Jerusalem to conduct business.

8. Many among them had known Jmmanuel and had not been well disposed toward him; therefore he avoided them and obscured his face.

9. The dealers and merchants in Ephesus had spread the story of Jmmanuel and his purported death, which had occurred two-and-one-half years earlier.

10. However, after had had been in the city for a few days, behold, he was recognized by one of the merchants who informed others of like belief. They belonged to a secret group called the Association of the Essenes.

11. They brought Jmmanuel to a meeting that was secret, for they feared the people because their secret society was considered unlawful.

12. But among them was one named Juthan, the most senior of the secret society in Jerusalem, and he spoke, saying,

13. "Behold, we know very well what has taken place in your life, but we do not understand how you can still be among the living. So, do tell us your secret."

14. Jmmanuel feared that he would be bound and returned to Jerusalem if he remained silent in front of the conspirators; so he recounted everything to the Essenes.

15. And he told them about all that had transpired and how he had fled from Jerusalem and had arrived in their region.

16. Juthan, the eldest, said, "Behold, we belong to a secret group called the Association of the Essenes.

17. "Our quest and knowledge are not attuned to the teachings of the scribes, but to the secrets of nature and all that is inexplicable to humans.

18. "You are great in your knowledge, and by all measures you have advanced in knowledge far beyond us and the scribes, Pharisees, astrologers, even the elders and the philosophers.

19. Therefore, come join our society, be one of us and teach us your knowledge".

20. But Jmmanuel answered, saying, "even if I were to teach you my knowledge, it would not agree with your teachings, because you follow incomplete human wisdom, whereas I adhere to spiritual wisdom.

21. "Therefore, I think that our different teachings would be incompatible with each other.

22. "It is also not my inclination to spread my knowledge and teachings in secret, as you do, since your secret Association of Essenes i unauthorized.

23. "But let me think over the pros and cons for three days, and whether I will then tell you 'yes' or 'no', because I must first think about everything before I give you my last word on it."

24. And Juthan said, "Be it as you say.

25. "Peace be with you.

26. "Go and give us an answer in three days, if you want to speak your work then."

27. But Jmmanuel departed from there, fleeing from the city with his following, and traveled east, far into the country.

28. And Jmmanuel said to his followers, "Behold, the Association of the Essenes lives according to an erroneous religious cult, though its followers gather much from my teachings.

29. "Their old philosophy, however, is not the teaching of truth, knowledge, love, logic, wisdom and the laws of Creation Therefore, it is incorrect and not of adequate or real value.

30. "But they have recognized this and are now weaving my truthful teachings into their teachings of half-truths, to create from this a new doctrine so that they can demean me by calling me one of them.

31. "They will claim that I am affiliated with their society and that they had helped me from the beginning of my life.

32. "And they will even say that my teachings stem from the knowledge of their cult, and that they had saved me from the cross because I was one of them.

33. "They will claim that all my followers were from their cult,

34. "and they will also claim that I am the son of God.

35. "But I tell you that I have never belonged to this Association of Essenes and that I have nothing in common with it or its followers; thus I also never received help from them.

36. "The Association of the Essenes will not be the only group to make use of my name. Many cults will come froth in my name and will thus consider themselves great and will want to dazzle the people thereby.

37. "Similarly, people will establish peculiar cults and will glorify me in them, so as to be more credible, whereby the public can be further enslaved and exploited.

38. "And so, many cults will be established in my name, but their purpose will only be to enslave people in their consciousness and freedom, thereby bringing the cults great power over the people, the land and the money.

39. "But I tell you that no cult will be righteous if it does not recognize Creation alone as the highest power and does not live according to its laws and directives.

40. "And no cult will exist that preaches the truthful teachings, the knowledge or the truth.

41. It will be two times a thousand years before the time comes when my teachings will e preached anew, without being falsified. This will occur when false doctrines and erroneous cults, when lies and fraud, and when deception by the conjurers of the dead and of spirits, by the soothsayers and clairvoyants, as well as by all the charlatans of the truth, will be at their peak.

42. "Until then, false cults, as well as liars, deceivers, charlatans, conjurers of the dead and of spirits, false soothsayers, clairvoyants, and false mediums pretending to speak for supernatural, other-dimensional and extra terrestrial beings from the depths of the universe, will be so numerous that they can no longer be counted.

43. "And such cults will be built upon human blood, hatred, greed and power, on lies and deceptions, and on cheating, misunderstanding, self-deception, confusion of consciousness and delusion.

44. "But just as they will have arisen, so will they be destroyed, because the truth will triumph,

45. "for there is no untruth that will not be denounced as a lie.

46. "There is nothing hidden that will not become revealed.

47. "Humans will recognize what is before their faces, and what is hidden from them will reveal itself when they search for the truth and the enlightenment of wisdom.

48. "But the truth lies deep within the laws of Creation, and there alone should humankind seek and find it.

49. "Those who seek shall not stop seeking until they find,

50. "and when they find, they will be profoundly shocked and astonished, but then they will rule over the universe.

51. "May humans recognize from this that the kingdom is within them and outside of them.