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Germain: Practical Suggestions For Raising Your Frequency

Violinio Germain

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article, altered the title, altered the order of the original writing, deleting much of it, and gave no credit to the source of the material. This is deceptive journalism and borders on plagiarism.

The true title of this article is “Germain: Practical Suggestions for Raising Your Frequency, and the source is The Contact Newspaper, Sept. 24, 1996 and Phoenix Journal #183, Chapter 13. This article was published later in The Wisdom of the Rays, Volume I, Chapter 31. It is interesting that the introduction to this article was deleted in The Wisdom of the Rays presentation, and that no source is given. Here is the original article. PHB]

CHAPTER 13 -- Received by Doris Ekker through radio transmission from The Phoenix on September 21, 1996.


Editor’s note: The following writing is by the Ascended Master known as Violinio St. Germain, Master of the Seventh Ray (or Aspect) of Creator’s spectrum, the Violet Ray of Transmutation, among the seven great “Rainbow Masters” communicating at this time to help us get through Earth-Shan’s planetary transition and rebalancing.

In Journal#7, called THE RAINBOW MASTERS, Germain says: “I head up the program for the thrust of the Seventh Ray, for it is the transmuting ray. I am passionate about it, unbending regarding its use for purity, Truth AND FREEDOM—FREEDOM OF THY GOD SELF, IN THE SERVICE OF THE CHRISTOS, WHICH IS GOD—PURE AND SIMPLE: GOD FREEDOM EXPRESSED IN MANIFEST FORM IN THEE AND IN ME....

“If ye wish to sum the measure of my existence in all prior times, please let it be said, ‘He lived to make men free’....

“In all my times upon thy place, I have sought to stand squarely on a platform of basic human rights for a responsible, reasoning public education in the principles of liberty and equal opportunity for all. I have efforted to teach thee ones to espouse your inalienable DIVINE RIGHT to live life according to your highest conception of GOD. No right, however simple or basic, can long be secure without the underpinning of the Spiritual Graces and the Divine Law that instills a compassionate righteousness in the exercise thereof. Always I have efforted to make thy country a fortress against ignorance and superstition, where Christ achievementcould blossom, and devotion to THE ONE could prosper in the quest for the Holy Truth (Grail)....

“I have always efforted at being an immortal spokesman for your scientific, religious and political liberties. I believe that humanity shall accept as an axiom for its conduct the principle for which I have laid down my life: the right to investigate. It is the credo of free men—this opportunity to try, this privilege to err, this courage to experiment anew.

“We scientists of the human spirit shall experiment, experiment, experiment, ever experiment. Through centuries of trial and error, through agonies of research, let us experiment with laws and customs, with money systems and governments, until we chart the one true course.”

For more background on this important group of teachers, plus earlier writings by them, refer to the Back Page for Journal ordering information.

9/21/96 GERMAIN

Greetings, my friend. It is I, Violinio St. Germain, here in the Radiant Light of Creator God. Allow the energies to settle, please, and focus not upon the words but upon the message. We have a lot of work ahead of us and you will need to commit some time every day to our work. Thank you for being willing to face these challenges. You shall probably be the last one to see that which comes of these writings. But know, please, that the messages you pen reach through and touch the hearts of many in ways that can only be described as a miracle.

Many ones are indeed waking up to the reality of their situation. Many are seeking to find personal guidance and truth. Ones are wondering what it is that they should be doing and what their purpose might be.

We cannot answer everyone’s personal question specifically in this public forum. We can, however, give ones insights concerning that which will enable them to help themselves.

You ones are in the Ending Cycle of the existing cultural and technological social structure. It is time for graduation into the next phase of spiritual advancement on your planet. Those who have grown shall graduate into the next phase or level of experiencing; those who have not grown shall have to be placed elsewhere in order to continue at their current level of growth. These are the infinite cycles of experience.

Many of you who are reading this message are the “Ground Crew” who have come now in order to assist your Souled Brothers in their time of need. Please know that there are many reasons for your return at this time.

Everyone, whether Ground Crew or not, has personal challenges to face. Many of these challenges must represent the proper conditions before they can be presented to you ones. This is to say that even and especially Ground Crew shall have various difficulties and challenges to overcome. YOU WOULD NOT HAVE CHOSEN TO GO DOWN THERE IF THERE WAS NO OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH.

You may think to yourself, “I couldn’t possibly be Ground Crew because I have so many problems in my life.” Well, if you are drawn to these messages, and if your intent is to grow mentally and spiritually, then you are indeed part of Ground Crew IF YOU SO CHOOSE TO BE!

Now, with that said, let us please shift the focus a bit: We of the Lighted Hosts need as many willing hands and minds as we can find in order to accomplish the multitude of tasks that shall need to be completed. This means that you ones MUST start paying attention to the inner nudges that you are receiving. STOP IGNORING THE NAGGING IMPULSES THAT SEEM TO BE ANNOYING YOU! Many of you made commitments to yourself and to we of the Hosts before entering this dimensional experience. Often, your Guides will be there to help you to remember, when the time is right, some of those commitments and challenges YOU chose both for YOUR own soul growth and which may contribute to the larger planetary transition mission.

Let me now turn to a question that is often, these days, asked of we of the Hosts.

Sincerely inquiring ones from Lanark, Ontario, Canada, in response to Commander Soltec’s recent writing on the mind [called “Use That Great Gift Of Your Mind!” in the 8/24/96 issue of CONTACT] have written to ask: “Perhaps sometime you would write about the mechanics, not just the words, of raising the human body’s energy level [in order] to cope with the constant density and frequency changes now sweeping the Earth.”

I, Germain, shall answer on behalf of, and with the assistance of, Anthonius Soltec. And we thank these ones for this most insightful query.

Many are under constant bombardment from pulse weapons (sometimes referred to as psychotronic weapons), from a myriad of mind- control techniques (which include your media sources like radio and television), from diseases (especially those born of parasitic infestations), from drugs of all kinds, and from simple malnutrition. ALL of these things can and do affect your energy levels.

Now, what about on YOUR side of the equation? What is YOUR counter attack?

Well, THE most important single factor that affects one’s personal energy level is one’s MENTAL ATTITUDE.

Ones may have all kinds of energy to go out to parties on the weekends and stay up all night in the process, but during the weekdays they drag around trying to get their work done and stay awake while doing it.

What is the cause here?


When ones are having fun, they ignore time, sleep, food and other things that they would normally seek out or crave.

Find a way to look forward to life and enjoy the experience—AND YOU WILL BE FULL OF ENERGY!

Now let us look at some of the other factors which contribute to YOUR available energy levels.

First of all, you ones will need to raise your vibrational frequencies as much as you can. The MECHANICS of how to do this have been provided to you ones. Besides mental attitude, I would suggest, most emphatically, that you get the products that have been offered by New Gaia Products—such as Gaiandriana and AquaGaia, all the colloids, and all the GaiaSorb products that are applicable to you.

Ones say that they cannot afford all these things, yet they can afford cigarettes, alcohol, carbonated sugar drinks and such. Well, where there is a TRUE desire for balanced physical health, the appropriate steps will be taken and there WILL be balanced physical health.

Let us look at what some of you ones are putting into your bodies: Cigarettes are laced with all kinds of poisons; nicotine is perhaps one of the least of concern. The papers are laced with addictive substances. These additives, when burned together, chemically combine into highly toxic carcinogens. Yet, ones will regularly intake these “cancer sticks” — all the while wondering why they are not hearing, personally, the call of we of the Hosts! Alcohol is another major problem with Ground Crew members. Some go through the experience of drinking their sorrows away while others claim, “I am only a casual drinker”. In either case (plus all the gray area in between) excuses are plentiful for hanging onto this habit.

I am not going to tell anyone how to live their life. I will, however, suggest that you refrain from these toxic and addictive substances IF you desire clarity of mind, sharper senses, a greater level of stamina, and a higher frequency level. Furthermore, such will bring about conditions more favorable for we of the Hosts to work with and through you!

Please keep in mind that whether you are addicted to these substances or not, you are fast approaching a time when they will not be available, and you will have to do without them! So, if you feel that you cannot possibly go to sleep without at least one drink first, then you may be in for some very sleepless nights in the not-very-distant future.

Now let us turn to the subject of nutrition. As most of you should well know by now, your food supplies have been purposely depleted of necessary vitamins and minerals. To counteract this, I simply suggest that you get the necessary supplements of not only vitamins, but common minerals AND trace minerals as well.

At the risk of sounding like a commercial, again, if you have trouble finding quality vitamins and minerals, etc., New Gaia offers all sorts of supplemental products to help those who truly desire to get physically balanced. I do believe that, because of legal restrictions, New Gaia is very limited concerning that which they may say about the value of the products that they sell.

Furthermore, avoid the “fast food” places. They are running on such low profit margins that they must buy the cheapest meats, produce, etc., in order to just stay open. Thus the foodstuffs from these “fast food” places may, for instance, contain meats laced with high levels of antibiotics and produce laced with dangerous pesticides—including some toxic pesticides banned from use in the United States.

When you prepare your food, do so as Commander Hatonn has suggested many times in the past: It is far more important that you prepare your food with LOVE in your heart, than it is important to be concerned about how fancy a dish you prepare. Joyous vibrational frequencies that you pump into the food during preparation shall not only make the simplest dish taste better, but the food will be better for you.

Have you ever known someone who can prepare a dish that is absolutely delicious yet, when others try to duplicate it, it comes out flat or otherwise doesn’t taste anywhere near as good? This factor is a most important “secret ingredient” of good meal preparation!

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables whenever practical; save the canned foods for your emergency supplies. If you can grow, yourself, or you can find fruits and vegetables in the marketplace, which have been grown under more natural or “organic” farming conditions, free from lethal pesticides, then by all means please partake of these more alive, and thus frequency-raising and health-giving, products.

Let us now turn our attention to the subject of electromagnetic pulse bombardment. This is perhaps one of the trickiest of problems to overcome. First of all, KNOW that it is there, it is real, and it can and does have an effect on you—whether you realize it or not.

Here the counteractive mechanics are not going to be so simple. You must try to match these bombardment frequencies if at all possible. For some, you will have raised your vibrational frequency to a point where the impact is minimized. However, again, if you hold onto those addictive substances, you will be hard pressed to overcome some of these electromagnetically-induced irritations.

The various mind-control pulse systems are specifically engineered to operate in the frequency range of human brain activity. The brain, being in the physical, operates in the same general frequency range as the body. The brain serves as a highly-sensitive interface port for the mind. The mind is NON physical; the brain is quite physical.

What the pulse systems effectively do is, they operate in such a way as to flood the interface junction (brain) with “noise”. Some actually hear pulse system broadcasts as background ringing tones in the ears. This “noise” interferes with the mind’s ability to communicate effectively in certain frequency ranges. As a result of this now-impeded coupling between mind and brain, tempers may flare or ones may become agitated for no real reason, and yet others perhaps may lapse into states of depression and/or confusion.

The higher YOU are able to raise the background frequency of your body (and thus your brain, too), the less impact the pulse systems will have on you. Again, MENTAL ATTITUDE has, perhaps, the greatest single impact on one’s vibrational frequency.

The next point may seem to be circular in reasoning, BUT—why do you ones think that the adversarial forces would utilize such a weapon? Could the answer perhaps be: IN ORDER TO KEEP YOU FROM REALIZING YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL?!?!

Laughter, Humor, Joy and Love are perhaps the best ingredients for raising one’s frequency. These are the higher-frequency emotions that will lift you out of boredom and depression IF you make the effort to cultivate these higher-frequency emotions within you. Allowing such as anger, frustration and self pity to linger within you only lowers your vibrational level.

Summarizing what I have been discussing as “action items”: eating high-energy fresh foods prepared with Joy and Love will help increase one’s frequency, as will avoiding drugs such as caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and such. Moreover, using the gifts brought to you ones for this very purpose through New Gaia—Gaiandriana, GaiaLyte, AquaGaia, etc.—will most certainly also assist in this frequency-raising effort.

Remember, throughout ALL of your daily experiences: call in the Light, and ask for constant protection and guidance. And keep in mind that we can do more to assist you in meeting the challenges presented by any situation WHEN YOU REMEMBER TO ASK!

Speaking of guidance, let me suggest another method of frequency raising. This technique is, in essence, a matter of mental attitude, but some prefer the term “meditation”. What do I mean by this? I mean, clearing one’s mind of mental garbage and asking for guidance and insights on what it is you need to be doing.

When you make a conscious effort to connect to Higher Source, there will be a “meeting of the minds” at some in-between frequency plane. And the more often you put forth this effort, the more easily such shall come about for you.

The Lighted Higher-Energy Beings will meet you more than half way, and in doing so, they will add some of their high-frequency energy to your energy field. This will “stretch” you by raising your frequency slightly. With constant and continued effort to make connection, the easier it shall become, for you shall be moving up in frequency with each encounter.

Slowly, perhaps, at first, but certainly with diligence and persistence, you will make connection with increasing ease, until you are almost always in constant conscious contact with we of the Higher realms. Actually, you ARE always “in contact”; it is just that you are not usually very CONSCIOUS of the nature of this interaction.

As far as helping others, I would suggest that you share these messages with them and answer their questions the best that you honestly can. If they are asking YOU, then recognize that they are probably being guided to you, and you can feel confident that you have the insights or knowledge that they need to hear. If ones are not asking, then don’t force anything down their throats. Respect the choices of another and move on.

Since this writing addresses the subject of health and well being, let me offer some further information to you ones who are constantly worried and preoccupied with your weight.

Ones are constantly going on and off diets. This causes an unbalanced condition and thus there develops the “roller coaster” effect of weight loss followed by gain again.

Weight, or more accurately size due to fat cells, should be controlled from the inside out, not the outside in. However, for practical reasons, do not jump to the conclusion that this statement exclusively means “controlled from the mind”—though ultimately that is indeed true.

One common cause for an overweight condition (which may or may not also include chronic fatigue) is parasites. For those of you who think that you could not possibly have parasites, I would suggest that you consider most carefully WHY you would think such a thing. Is it because your ego will not allow you to confront this possibility?!?

Parasites store foods, that they scavenge from your body, in the form of fat. Thus you eat more in order to get the proper nutrition that your body needs. In a heavily infested body, you may consume massive amounts of food and still not get all the nutrients that you need. Meanwhile, your body is ballooning up due to the fat stored by the parasites for their future use.

Again, New Gaia offers a product (GaiaCleanse) that will enable you to cope with this type of bombardment. In the larger picture, reduction of fat is perhaps the VERY LEAST IMPORTANT reason to rid selves of parasites. Much disease (and otherwise compromised body and brain functioning) is likewise due to parasitic infestations of one kind or another.

Keep in mind that, as you raise your frequency, the parasites become more and more uncomfortable living in such an environment. Thus frequency, which is largely governed, again, by MENTAL ATTITUDE, also plays an important role in the weight issue. So, to state this point in another, more comprehensive way: THE BODY WILL REFLECT THE INNER EMOTIONAL SELF.

Ones who are plagued with great emotional pains most often put on weight (fat) in order to insulate themselves from the impact of these emotional events. The fat serves as a “wave barrier” between you and the “vibes” of the outside, potentially harmful world.

When ones are constantly being bombarded with the energies of low-frequency emotions, they will most often place a physical barrier between themselves and those sending out these corrosive emotional energy waves or “negative vibrations”.

On a side-matter related to this subject, we of the Hosts must maintain padding (fat) in the Solar Plexus area of some Light Workers among the Ground Crew in order to protect them from both the electronically-induced pulse waves and the negative emotional energies of those who strike out in fear or anger.

This is why it can be a most annoying and uncomfortable (when your clothes don’t fit!) and difficult endurance situation for some of the Light Workers who have agreed to serve under these most adverse conditions.

Frequently this can be a particular problem for designated receivers. Since our receivers can get worn down mentally, we must have this physical “backup” in place.

For some of you who gladly read and enjoy these messages, this sort of attack on a receiver may not even cross your minds. But be assured that there are evil (dark) ones who overtly attack and send negative energy pulses against the Light Workers. Moreover, there are witches and black magic, and some of the more serious dark ones DO practice spiritual warfare. If they can’t get the Light Workers themselves, which they usually cannot, then they will go after family members and friends.

Back to the subject of weight. Some are indeed plagued with physical problems such as a thyroid imbalance. Some are just lazy and inactive and simply just don’t want to give up their addictive compulsions toward eating.

If you really look at the possibilities, you can trace the weight problem back to the root cause—which is emotional unbalance in some way. So, if you TRULY want to drop those pounds, then you would do well to look within and search for those things that emotionally pull you down.

The fat is the EFFECT. The real CAUSE, even of something as physical as an unbalanced thyroid condition, is emotional in nature.

Find those things that pull you down; go within and bring them up. If you have a close friend or relative with whom you can talk about these things, and release them, then do so. The emotional release will do wonders for your mental attitude.

Walking or physical work, outside, each day, will also help you to come into balance. A walk can further serve as an opportunity to take in the frequency-raising and cleansing gifts of Nature (God).

Balance begins within. May you be the example for others to follow.

I am Violinio St. Germain, come in the Light of Creator God. Salu.