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The Laws of God and Creation -- Commandments #10-13 From Phoenix Journal #27

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or possessions.”

So the literal meaning of this law is that you must not, because of your own insecure/inferior feelings and lack of self-worth, long to have something another has, such as money, a new car, a skill or talent. And then on top of longing for this “object” another has, you must not then resent the person who has attained that which YOU feel you desire, but have not created, exactly because of your insecure/inferior feelings and lack of self-worth. (See Also “Recognizing The Anti-Christ Within”.)

What transpires when you become covetous and envious is that you become wrapped up in your greed and resentment, and you will not be taking “personal responsibility” for YOUR manifested illusion. You will continue to create the perceived “lack” and eventually you will be consumed by the effects of covetous and envious feelings, which most often result in the various manifestations of “SELF-punishment”, ie., anger, guilt, criticism, jealousy and depression.



This law was given forth by God so that the free-will and soul-evolution of each fragment would not be infringed upon without permission from GOD WITHIN, especially by the adversaries of God with more awareness of their power. This is each fragment’s GOD-GIVEN protection so that there is justness in their individual process of God potential unfoldment toward THE ONE.

Also, it prevents even your benevolent brothers from interfering or assisting, without PERMISSION, from THE HOLY FATHER. You see, during each lifestream of each fragment there is present the opportunity and the potential for Divine Choice through the free-will experiences of each fragment. The “young” souls begin to unfold their GOD-NESS through the lessons they learn in each lifestream experienced. In other words, they learn by experience TO KNOW GOD within them, and what thoughts, words and deeds keep them in the darkness and ignorance of what their true God Potential is.

Now you may be asking yourself, “What about the tremendous EVIL influence upon this planet. Why is it allowed by God? The reason is this, even the “satans” or adversaries of God were not only created creatures of God but were also given Free-Will. God is simply giving his “adversary” creations their opportunity to grow into their potential of Godness and Divine Holy Light. But because of their “limitedness” in behavior, meaning ego-selfish separation from THE ONE, their reality or playground of experience was also “limited” by God. They are bound BY THEIR OWN CHOICE to the lowest levels described as the 1st-5th physically manifested experiences. You see, the “fallen” ones have self-imposed limitations by THEIR CHOICE to be adversarial and separate from their CREATOR. But they are always given “opportunities” to see the light of Truth in THE ONENESS OF ALL. The rules are strict and the fallen ones KNOW the “rules” to remain ego-separate from GOD but remain in their game of manipulation and deception.

For example: IF you feel the whisperings of the ANTI-Christ within you, You can DEMAND IN THE NAME OF THE HOLY FATHER GOD AND/OR JESUS CHRIST SANANDA THAT ALL DARK FRAGMENTS AND ENERGIES LEAVE YOUR SPACE IMMEDIATELY! They MUST go. But they can “hang around” the periphery of your energy field and wait for a weak spot in your protective shield. This is why the importance of asking GOD for His “white Light” shield of love, protection, guidance, power, wisdom, integrity and courage. So you must ask THE FATHER WITHIN YOU to please SHOW YOU that which YOU NEED in order to serve HIS WILL. Hence the importance of, “Not MY will Father, but in all things LET THY WILL BE DONE.” This sincere invocation is what keeps you on your path of SERVICE TO GOD and THE CREATION and out of the folly of ignorance and perceived separation where exist the Dark Brotherhood or Anti-Christs.

You may begin to see that many of you ones here now have experienced many, many thousands or even millions of lifestreams on these lower levels BY YOUR CHOICE to be or remain ignorant to your own GOD-POTENTIAL and connection to the ONE ALL THAT IS!

Here is a wondrous description of this “process” of discovery by our beloved brother, Germain:

“All dimensions of THE CREATION exist simultaneously. You simply have only your conscious awareness in this, the “3rd” dimension. As you work and live in this dimensional experience, you, with the help of your spiritual “teachers”, are stretching your awareness to 4th, 5th and sometimes even higher dimensional levels. It is not a vertical stretch as you perceive things linearly, it is an EXPANSIVE all-encompassing stretch of awareness. Your awareness expands to the level of your UNDERSTANDING—when you have learned a or some particular lessons, when you have OWNED the lesson—it frees your awareness just a bit more, stretching, moving, growing within the “MIND” of the Universal I AM, The ONE ALL THAT IS.”

Now the reason that your benevolent brothers, “THE HOSTS OF HEAVEN,” have been sent to assist you is that many of you have prayed to GOD for freedom from the bondage of your self-imposed ignorance. They are sent here in answer to your asking GOD for his DIVINE GUIDANCE and assistance. They are YOUR brothers of higher awareness in service to LIGHT of God and THE CREATION. You see, some of you have recognized the “folly” of the Anti-Christ within you and the influence that mass consciousness has ALLOWED the “satans” or “adversaries” to have over you and this beloved planet Earth. You are tired and frankly bored with this illusion, with being the adversary of Godness. You want your freedom, you want to claim or reclaim HIS HOLY LIGHTED Presence within you. It is time for graduation, friends, to higher levels of LIFE. You will each now find or awaken to YOUR DIVINITY OF ONENESS, OR (and this is very important to understand) you will remain BOUND to these lower levels for perhaps another millennium before another opportunity is granted by the expanding awareness of the GOD-self within by THE ONE.

Remember though, that the “Lighted” Hosts of God may assist you and give instructions and TRUTH through the maze of lies and deception, BUT they cannot DO IT FOR YOU!! You each must reclaim your own power of the DIVINE ONE within you. NONE can do it for another. So it is wise to pay close attention to your instructions for conscious immortality! You will either serve GOD or you will serve your ”altered” ego-self. It is up to YOU.


And JMMANUEL wisely told the people: “JUDGE NOT FALSELY LEST YE BE JUDGED FALSELY. For with whatever judgment you judge, so will you be judged, and with whatever measure you measure, so will you be measured. Therefore judge according to the logic of the Laws of Nature, which are from The Creation, for they alone are true and accurate.”

“What do you see but the splinter in your brother’s eye, and are you not aware of the sliver in thine own eye? You hypocrite, first, pull the sliver out from your own eye, and then see how you can pull the splinter out of your brother’s eye.”

“First, learn the Laws of Nature and of The Creation, their logic, before you judge and want to see the mistakes of your fellow-man. First learn through the Laws of Nature and of The Creation your own mistakes, so that you can correct the mistakes of your fellow-man.”

“You should never give sacred things unto the dogs nor throw your pearls before the swine, lest they step on them with their feet and turn on you and tear you apart. For verily I say unto you, do not throw your spiritual treasures into the dirt and do not waste them on those who are unworthy, for they do not thank you, and they will tear you apart, for their understanding is small and their spirit is weak.” End Quote: AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL.

Exactly as it is written, no one must ever judge another to be lessor or more than he, especially because the other one is of different color, race, creed or sex (or planet) than be you. BUT understand this carefully, you MUST wisely judge the behaviors and actions by any ONE including SELF which You KNOW are against LIFE, meaning against or contrary to the laws which maintain the “balance” created by God within The Creation. And so you must honor ALL of your brothers and sisters as equal fragments of THE ONE, but you must not, accept, tolerate or “allow” behavior and actions to continue, in your space, which you know break the laws of balance.

But you must not think harshly of another and call him STUPID or NOT WORTHY because he is different in personality and behavior than you are and understand. EACH IS EQUAL IN REFLECTION OF GOD, ONLY DIFFERENT! Celebrate and honor the unique differences of others: they, as are you, are expressing THE FATHER WITHIN THEM in a unique and glorious way. Remember GOD allows ignorance of THE Laws only to a point, and then he is pushed out of the “temple” of any of HIS fragments who continue with THEIR blatant disregard and honor for LIFE.


Now this is the law that most choose to ignore or misunderstand when they do not want to take personal responsibility for their manifested experience, perceived “good” and/or (especially) “bad”.

God created “cause” and “effect” so that each soul fragment would recognize that when he did a specific act, say stole a car from his brother, that there would be an “effect” to his transgression, such as perhaps going to jail. But the nature of the effect is produced in a way unique to each individual fragment which will bring the greatest opportunity for the UNDERSTANDING of the lesson for that soul fragment. Unfortunately, for many the repeat and repeat of similar/same “errors” has continued over the course of some thousands of years. Yes, it is by choice that the soul would refuse to take personal responsibility for his thoughts, words and deeds. The catch is ALL ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WHICH OCCURS WITHIN THEIR MANIFESTED ILLUSION whether or not one WISELY chooses to finally recognize and accept this Truth is entirely up to each. They will still “suffer” the consequences of their actions which are contrary to God’s laws, and/or they will also reap the Divine benefits of understanding and obeying God’s laws.

Now in your “Eastern” religions, Hinduism and Buddhism, they have a term called “karma” defined in Funk & Wagnals Dictionary as: “1. The Spiritual force generated by one’s action which determines one’s reincarnated situation. 2. Loosely, fate. 3. Vibration.” Karma, even by this definition does not accurately describe the same purpose or meaning of simple “cause and effect”. The term “karma”, loosely believed by many implies you must do this or that, or this or that has occurred because it is your “karma” implying that it is also your “fate”. One can fall in the rut of blaming all experiences on their “karma” and therefore not adequately learning the lesson to release this perceived “karma”. The definition of karma implies that yes, there are consequences to your actions, but that you are doomed to “pay-back” lifetime after lifetime, and does not take into consideration the release of “pay-back” when the lesson is truly learned by the soul fragment. Remember this: AT ANY INSTANT WHEN THE TRUE UNDERSTANDING AND RECOGNITION HAS OCCURRED regarding the ERROR and effects of one’s actions, THAT ONE CAN, THROUGH SELF-FORGIVENESS, RELEASE any repetition of A TRANSGRESSION AGAINST ANOTHER, SELF, AND GOD.

For example, let’s say that the one known as “Hitler” who was responsible for the deaths of millions, truly recognized and understood his transgressions AGAINST GOD in the moments before he made his death transition. (All things are possible, friends!) And in those moments before his “death” from this lifestream, he prayed to the God within him for FORGIVENESS of self and all others and that HE then put HIS will into GOD’s WILL to be of service ONLY unto THE FATHER. Now for ones who believe in “karma”, they would say that the soul energy that was Hitler would be doomed to the same persecution he committed on others, as well as at least a million deaths at the hands of a tyrant such as was he. And if “Hitler” refused to see his folly, then undoubtedly his SELF-judgement before GOD would be severe. But, depending on the level of his understanding or learning of the lessons, his “pay-back” could be that he becomes ONE who devotes his entire next reincarnation lifestreams to THE SERVICE OF GOD by helping his fellow brethren overcome their “spiritual” starvation. Do you think then, that it is not possible that God would not welcome HIS servant back within HIS fold of Truth, Love and Light?

One must never forget that even the “victims” of Hitler’s hatred chose their victimhood. If ones choose NOT to become “victims” to any one or any situations by always honoring GOD within self and all others and thus, living in balance with the LAWS of GOD and The Creation, THEY would no longer create “victimizers” such as HITLER. It is really so simple. If THEY learn their lessons of how and why THEY created their victimhood, then they would ALSO FORGIVE themselves and ALL who they perceived victimized them, so that they, too, could release and be free of the bondage of “karma”. And on top of forgiveness, their release may involve actually being ever THANKFUL to THE FATHER WITHIN for bringing the lesson to them and thus helping them recognize THEIR self-transgressions and becoming now FREE from the BONDAGE of victimhood. Do you see the picture now? The responsibility for all manifested experiences lies with ALL who share in and exist within the experience!