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WED., OCT. 31, 1990 12:51 P.M. YEAR 4 DAY 76


WED., OCT. 31, 1990


In the radiance of Truth and the encircling Sacred Circle of Infinity, by and through the Grace of God and in the purpose and intent of service unto God and Man, I am here; Hatonn.




As ones who are joined with you ones in intent and purpose and labor in these vineyards of Truth, I see the impatience and overwhelming "overload" of, "How do we get ALL the information to print and also get the remainder of our tasks into manifestation?" Dharma, I see and feel the pull from the other tasks you perceive to rest upon you--nay, nay--one step at a time, for you and me, it is first the WORD.


Ah, but there "are so many words", you rebut--"so many subjects!" Yes, precious, and they all must be touched upon so that man can then go and know that for which he seeks. It does not mean that we need write of it all again and again; however, we must continue longer in the myriad subjects to our best ability that each might find the key which unlocks the FIRST door so that man will continue past the other doors of knowledge. It is the very least that we can offer unto our brothers who have become people of the lies. So be it.


First we deal with that "which is". Man must confront that which IS so that he can change of it into a path to glory instead of a path into slavery and destruction. He must see a glimpse into the distant past, correlate it to the not so distant past and see, again, the correlation with that which is thrust upon him NOW! Day to day the scenario changes but the plot is ever the recycling of similarities.


Remember that which I gave unto you a few days past: "All macroscopic objects have discernible differences but if you enter the microscopic world of molecules and atoms you find absolute identities." To round out perception, we must allow you to see inside this world of quantum physics so that you can look within the Cosmic Code and into the language of nature.


Further, we must be able to cross the bridge which moves from the finite into the infinite. Oh, I see, Dharma; you "can't do that because you know not that?" Chela--I DO! IT IS BETTER THAT YOU DO NOT! In this way, you come as the innocent child awaiting knowledge--not efforting to correct mine. So be it and selah!


First, however, MUST come understanding of your current circumstances so

that you can understand that which must be done to remain in ability to function

properly to come into the additional knowledge of universal language and Truth.


Be not too impatient, chela, as we write of the heinous for you must look squarely into the Truth of that which has been thrust upon you by the foes of God-ness and THEN, ONLY THEN, can you understand the process of transition and higher manifestation in tapping of the Cosmic and Universal particles from which all is made manifest. Let us only ask that we can keep it simple and beautiful enough for our brothers to understand without mysticism and magic nonsense. It is the very SIMPLICITY of the universe which astounds and confounds--not the complications, dear ones.


Then you ask of me, "Why must we bring controversy into the picture which gets me killed or maimed?" Because you must know who the players are, my dear. If the wolf is dressed as the sheep and hides his Truth from you--how do you protect the sheep? You must learn the historical data regarding the wolf and then watch for the clues which always give the trickster away in the Light of Truth and confrontation. A sheep will continue to be a sheep; the wolf will "blow" his cover!


Relative to the above statement, the ancient Khazar Zionists did all the right things to deceive to this very point in time to fulfill the prophecies as put forth against this turn of the cycles. The question has always been, "Who will see the clues and recognize the ‘wolf'"? The Zionists USE THE JEWS (sheep) as the cover and it is not realized, until too late, that the wolf has possession of the entire flock. Truth will stand, chela, against all rebuttals and stone-casting, firing squads and election ballots--Truth does not come from majority rule. TRUTH IS!


So that you can continue to balance what is occurring this day in your world, we must continue with relative scenarios cast side by side with that which is put forth this day--right now--in Global intent for One World Order and Global control. Dear ones, the scene was essentially the same even, let us say, at the fall of Babylon. Let us herein do a bit of comparison peeking regarding that very topic--Babylon.




You live in a world that grows more complex and more confusing with each passing day--week by week, month by month, year by year, decade by decade and so on. I like to work within the years past in about 10 to 15 years because you can remember those incidents first hand. Then we can compare instances of ancient myths which relate so closely that if we changed a few terms here and there, the story could be the identical play format for this day.


Even though little actually changes, let us consider you so-called "Americans". You are typical and fairly new as a nationality so it is easy to be observant. I do not play favorites herein, it is just "simple" as example.


You Americans are very fond of praising yourselves for the great man-made wonders of your age and you don't even know the tenth of it. Whenever the obvious dangers to your continued existence as a nation prey on your minds, you are always reminded that you, the great United States, have already survived for the two centuries since your Republic was founded. Scarcely a day passes that you are not reassured by your rulers, elected and otherwise, that you are the mightiest nation on Earth. Your technology, you are told, day in and day out, is so wonderful that it is impossible that any other nation on Earth, especially the poor, backward Soviet Union, for instance, might surpass you in any important way. In other words, you believe you are technologically impregnable. Unless you become prematurely concerned over the impact of the recent radical changes in your weather, certain news reports tell incredible lies to the effect that the United States has a two-year, minimum, store of grains in your storage bins--all the while they are empty. In all this, the behavior of the U.S. today is like that of countless civilizations before you--JUST BEFORE THEY PERISHED! IN MANY RESPECTS THE GREATEST SIMILARITY OF ALL IS WITH THAT OF ANCIENT BABYLON JUST BEFORE ITS ABRUPT FALL FROM POWER! The origins of the U.S., unlike Babylon, were strongly moral and spiritual in content and the system of government set forth in the U.S. Constitution, which freed men in a way unparalleled in human history, was conceived by men who understood man's place within God's creation. This heritage still lives today in the hearts of many Americans but it's rapidly being snuffed out under the bondage of rulers who are superimposing the pattern of ancient Babylon on your beloved land.


The Babylonian pattern is totally evil and those who choose to bow down to such Satanic rule thereby make themselves part of it. The origins of ancient Babylon are lost in the midst of time, perhaps 5,000 or so years ago but it reached its peak around 600 B.C. at which time it was undisputed as the most powerful empire the world had ever seen. The City of Babylon was the Rome of its day, the most important trading center, the most powerful military force, the greatest cultural influence and even a center of tourism because of its remarkable hanging gardens (one of the seven great wonders of the world!) and other man-made wonders. The huge city of Babylon was surrounded by city walls so high and so thick that they were impregnable by any military technology of that day, and inside the city there was a two-year supply of food, making any attempted siege against Babylon unattractive. And there was no lack of water either because no less than the mighty river Euphrates ran through the city. Yes, Babylon was powerful, wealthy and so secure in material terms that potential adversaries were hardly ever taken seriously. Even when it became clear that the increasingly powerful joint empire of the Medes and the Persians had designs on Babylon, there was no real concern. With all their means of protection against invasion and their unrivaled prosperity, the Babylonian attitude was simply, "It couldn't happen here." And so when the Medo-Persian army of Cyrus and Darius laid siege to Babylon, the only response of the ruler of Babylon was debauchery, feasting, drunkenness and mocking any real power greater than himself.


At this point you are told that the Babylonian feast was interrupted by the appearance of a hand in mid-air writing words on the wall that said Babylon's rule was at an end, that its ruler had been weighed in the balances and found wanting and that the kingdom would be divided and given to the Medes and Persians. The handwriting on the wall said the impossible was about to happen--Babylon, the impregnable city, was about to fall--How could this be? No one in Babylon had ever had experience with invasion and so could not imagine such a thing; and yet, within a few short hours, before the drunken feast even ended, the impossible simply happened!


First, the water level in the mighty Euphrates River, flowing through the middle of Babylon, started dropping rapidly. (Knowing that the Euphrates is all but dry below the man-made dams of today should be about to give you a bad case of hives/rash.) The water dwindled to a trickle and soon stopped altogether. Cyrus, the Persian, had worked out of sight of Babylon and had diverted the Euphrates out of its normal channel. Now the great impregnable walls of Babylon were left with huge openings--namely the river bed no longer filled with water and in marched the Medo-Persian army, conquering Babylon without resistance. And a decade ago, the United States was under total siege by the Soviet Union with the cooperation from within of Quislings. You were threatened by the joint Rockefeller/Soviet Empire just as Babylon was besieged by the joint Medo-Persian Empire.


The message was still one of "no worry"--"It couldn't happen here!" Today, it is never said to you that you will have your troops in the Middle East wiped off the map and worse, you will never know--unless you begin to listen hereto--that it was fully planned and orchestrated by those who would CONTROL YOUR GLOBE.


Dear ones, just as it happened in ancient Babylon, the handwriting is all over the walls for America and the free nations of your planet. The America you know today is a perversion of the pattern originally laid down for your beloved land and America as you know it, is coming to an end--actually, that wondrous America you knew is already to an end, some years past.


It appears that the similarity may be missed for you might say, "Ah yes, but the Achilles' heel of Babylon was "water". WATER IS AGAIN "YOUR" ACHILLES' HEEL and you simply have no perception of such.




Without going into great detail, I can tell you that there is the ability to rupture every dam in your nation of America and cause earth upheavals. Weather changing devices are prevalent to destroy normal sequence of rainfall. Further, there is already contamination of your water supplies with all manner of toxic substances and radioactivity.


Your nation has been trained to use abundant water and waste water to the point that you don't know how to function without it in abundant supply. You have elaborate viaduct systems for taking water from one place to another. You have depleted your ground-water reserves and still, in the West it rains not! Four years of drought in southern California has all but devastated the ground-water. Now, add to that broken viaduct systems of contaminated water. Your farm crops and orchards are completely dependent upon irrigation--Do you begin to see? If any of these things are introduced, you will be in deep yogurt!


But what has that to do with the Middle East and Oil? Everything! The Israeli Zionists want war, Russia and the U.S. made a pact to not allow a "nuclear" war until 1992, in the Middle East. Russia has the technology and cosmospheres in place whereby, if you push and nuclear war erupts--GOODBYE VIADUCT SYSTEMS, EARTH FAULT STABILITY AND THERE GOES LOTS OF DAMS INTO ETERNITY! YOU SEE, THE KHAZAR ZIONISTS DO NOT PLAY BY THE RULES NOR DO THEY KEEP THEIR COMMITMENTS! ONCE UNDER WAY, THE PLANS CAN GO AWRY IF FANATICAL PLAYERS COME INTO THE EQUATION. HOW WILL IT GO, HATONN? I can only look at probabilities and possibilities and pray just like you! I can tell you what "their" plans are and relay them to you but they change as the information goes forth. By informing and other players stopping some sequential necessities, you are still in one piece BUT, GLOBAL PLAN 2000 IS RIGHT ON SCHEDULE!




Now we come full cycle into the importance of spiritual Truth--or spiritual guidance, even if not totally in Truth but Godly in "intent", although marred by incorrect information.


Of all the things that determine whether a nation will survive or succumb in time of crisis, the human spirit is still the most important. A strong spirit and deep resolve can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and it can make a people impossible to conquer; but a weak spirit, without convictions or values, leaves a people defenseless--defenseless no matter how much armour they may wear or what weapons they may command. This is why the human spirit has been the most consistent target of all, both of the "One World" group and of the rulers of your adversaries.





The first step is to divorce the moral and spiritual lessons of religions from daily decisions and actions, as if the two have no relationship to one another except for lip service. Then the spiritual teachings for which churches originally existed are diluted and the laws of God replaced by suitable "modernizing" "to fit the need of today". Then the spiritual Truths are replaced with preaching about economic, political and social issues. Next, to top it all off, the word goes forth about something "invented" called the "rapture" (dear ones, not even your Holy Bible speaks of such a thing as "a rapture"). The latter is to reap destruction upon the masses and the former is to play with the fires "of hell". But this is exactly what the National Council of Churches and its sister organization, the World Council of Churches, have been doing for decades.


Prior to the end of November 1950, the National Council was known as the Federal Council of Churches. For many years the Federal Council had been dominated at the national level by the Rockefellers and their agent John Foster Dulles and was the recipient of several grants from the Rockefeller Foundation. But the Federal Council became so totally identified with political activism in support of socialist causes, it became an object of increasing distrust. Accordingly, the name was changed to the National Council of Churches and its tarnished halo was polished up with public assurances that this was a NEW organization which would devote itself to the real business of the church. There were many influential laymen in the churches under the umbrella of the National Council who wanted to help insure that the supposedly new organization would truly devote itself to proper areas of church concern. As a result, a National Lay Committee was brought into being under the chairmanship of the late J. Howard Pugh, a truly great American, who was a director and president of the Sun Oil Co. when it was still free of the grasping clutches of the Rockefellers. The National Lay Committee existed from March 28, 1951 until June 30, 1955 for you who want to look it up.




The whole story of what happened to the National Lay Committee of the National Council of Churches is told in the Chairman's Final Report by Pugh. Unfortunately that important report has long been suppressed and buried very, very deep. However, I know that you can't rest until you have the tid-bits so let us consider a few passages which will be taken from The Chairman's Explanatory Letter. This letter served as a Foreword to the Report as a whole:


"The failure of this most important effort to bring about an enduring partnership between the clergy and laity, I feel a very real responsibility to provide a comprehensive and factual account of those steps which led to the Board's action--discontinuing lay participation.


"We lay people found ourselves not only deeply in the minority but often poles apart from the clergy who invariably out-voted us 10 to 1 in these sessions.


"The members of the Lay Committee were often misunderstood in their urgency to keep the churches out of politics and their insistence on the promised evangelism. Our premise was that instead of appealing to the government, the church should devote its energies to the work of promoting the attributes of Christianity--Truth, honesty, fairness, generosity, justice, and charity in the hearts and minds of men. We attempted to emphasize that Christ stressed not the expanded State, but the dignity and responsibility of the individual.


"Their philosophy, it seemed to the Lay Committee, looked to an ever-expanding government.


"With few exceptions, the members of the Lay Committee had agreed to serve only because they had been assured that the new National Council would avoid the political involvements and controversies of the old Federal Council of Churches, which was now superseded.


"Most of the members of the Lay Committee came finally to the realization that a wide chasm existed between the thinking of the laity and the clergy and executives of the denominational bodies which comprised the National Council.


"Now since June 30, 1955, the Committee ceased to exist as a committee of the General Board.


"The members of the Lay Committee believed, and so stated, that the political adventures of the National Council in the field of economic and political controversy would seriously hinder and not further Christian leadership in the pressing fields of evangelism, fellowship, and education.


"It appears from the record that the National Council could find no room for opposition to the philosophies and practices carried over from the old Federal Council. Lacking the patience to resolve the basic problem, it has sought to bury it."


And thus, dear ones, more than 30 years ago ended the last major effort to deflect the Rockefeller-dominated National Council of Churches away from its political programs and toward concern for spiritual matters. After more than four years of frustrating and fruitless effort, the national Lay Committee was dissolved and the prize forfeited. How many of you will roll-over as you are thwarted in this, our work? We shall see. That dissolution signalled the end of any influence of the general church population of America on the policies in the National Council of Churches. The National Council proceeded on its way, proclaiming to the public that it represented 34,000,000 Protestants, while using this power base to help undermine your free Republic--and the churches themselves to the very fiber and core of the truth itself.




has done irreversible damage. It has weakened and dulled the spirit of millions of Americans and foreigners who seek Truth through the lies. It has softened and made "legal" in the eyes of the churches and the laity all manner of activities totally against the laws of God and The Creation. It has weakened and wiped out your ability to discern and judge actions. You refuse to speak out against evil for fear of being labeled bigot or "square". You now bless that which is evil and taunt those who practice things of moral rightness.


Will you see the way? CAN you again see the way? I can only give unto you Truth and you must make the choices. Let us hope and pray unto our Creator/Creation that we can regain balance, Truth and understanding and that God shall grant Grace unto the petitioners in Truth. You can regain the wondrous spirit instead of continuing the destruction if you will but turn again unto the Lighted Path.


Do you see, chelas, that if you do not turn about and change these things of error--the rest is of no consequence? What good would it do to know quantum physics and cosmic codes if you are enslaved by your own doing? What good does is do for you to know that "visibility of manifestation" is attained at a harmonic of 169443 relative to the latitude/longitude and dependent upon the minutes of arc and degrees in direct relationship to the speed of light harmonic? Now, suppose that you know that at a harmonic frequency of 169443 you have "visibility" of unified structure (or, could it be 16.9443 or 1.69443 or 169.443?) It doesn't matter for all are a direct derivative of the "keystone" of mathematical infinity. Let us suppose now that you know this "magic" number and at a certain "grid" location all mass becomes visible at this finite frequency--What have you learned? If you know not how to achieve that frequency--you have learned nothing!


"Well", comes the next thrust--"why don't we invent the wheel with this wondrous mathematical equation?" Because it is already invented! YOU just don't have it! Further, if you don't turn your mass of chaos around and about--you will neither have it nor have need of it. I repeat--YOU CAN MOVE TO GLORY OR BE SWALLOWED BY THE CHAOS! THE CHOICE IS YOURS!


Allow us to close, chela, as the day is at twilight and other things are in need of tending. Thank you for your service and may we all ponder upon our relationship with God for I prefer to move us into GLORY! AHO! AND SAALOME'    Hatonn to clear, please.