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Sept. 7, 2016


PJ 21




MON., OCT. 29, 1990 8:06 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 74


MON., OCT. 29, 1990


Hatonn present to continue with yesterday's rewrite. Dharma, it is hard to realize that your equipment is adjusted but, chela, you must check frequently and when we write of the DIS-connection of Zionists/Jews/Israelis in definition one from another--your computer is set to destruct the program data acceptance. It is hard to lose hours of work when we are so pressed but ones must realize the impact of our work and the desire to quiet our message. So be it. I hold you in protection while we again sort it out. Salu.


Continuation of letter response to M.A. Ramadan at the United Nations:


I believe we have a completed "#9" intact, therefore, we shall pick up at #10, please.


10.  But let's go to the argument itself. It is very likely that Jews and Muslims will finish each other in the coming years the way the Church finished the Jews in Spain (the Inquisition) after a glorious era for Jews under the Muslim Moorish rule in the Dark Ages. Yet, what have corrupt Muslims and Christians to do with Mohammad and Jesus? Besides the fact that both Muslims and Jews will be at each other's throat does not mean that Mohammad and Moses were false prophets. Further, false doctrines die or shrink after the death of their leaders. However, Christianity, Judaism and Islam spread only after the death of Jesus, Moses and Mohammad respectively. Of course Mohammad was a fighter, but so was Krishna, who is admired by the Journals. Like Krishna, Mohammad's "forbearance in victory, his ambition, which was entirely devoted to one idea and in no manner striving for an empire, his endless prayers, his mystic conversations with God, his death and his triumph after death, all these attest not to any impostor but to a firm conviction which gave him the power to restore a dogma. This dogma was twofold, the unity of God and the immortality of God...overthrowing false gods with the sword, and the other starting an idea with the words." Those are not my words but those of the French poet laureate Lamartine in 1854. This, hopefully, will explain why he was "far from being an anti-Christ" and that "he must be called the Savior of Humanity," in the view of the famous English playwright G.B. Shaw in his book The Genuine Islam.


Again, you have stated your own point, my friend. "It is very likely that Jews and Muslims will finish each other in the coming years the way the Church finished the Jews in Spain (the Inquisition) after a glorious era for Jews under the Muslim Moorish rule in the Dark Ages." A "Church" of God would "finish no-one" and, further, there was not a glorious time for anyone during the Dark Ages. You allow projection of "the Church Hatonn detests" in the preceding inquiry but you will find that Hatonn detests nothing save evil. If the Church in point in any discussion is presenting lies unto the people--Hatonn detests it, no more and no less. I care not for the speaker or the listener in such instance--I detest the lie for lies are enslaving to the creations of God.


One of the biggest lies thrust upon you unsuspecting citizens is the projection that "...false doctrines die or shrink after the death of their leaders,..." Oh no, the scenario and teachings are changed to suit the wishes of the power elite and the doctrine thrives in the lie without the presence of the originator to counter it. In these instances of the spreading of the lies, they come forth from the very ones who are the teachers of darkness and ignorance to empower themselves and rule the multitudes by insuring ignorance of Truth. Krishna is an excellent example--Krishna is one thing--fighting another. Just as with Mohammad or any other great teacher--you will find at the foundation of Truth, they did NOT teach fighting or war. Therefore, those doctrines are false teachings, come forth after the entity walked your placement. Fighting and warring are the toys and activities of human mankind, not God.


What do I think of Mohammad? If his words be in Truth I bend my knee unto his wisdom; if the projections as brought forth "IN THE NAME OF MOHAMMAD"--OR JESUS--OR BUDDHA, ETC., IS OF EVIL INTENT, AGAINST THE LAWS OF GOD OR CREATION, I ABHOR THEM WITH ALL MY BEING.


What do I think of the observations of Lamartine and/or G.B. Shaw? I need not their opinions as to Truth or stature for I have some carefully laid forth LAWS from God and The Creation upon which to base my discernment. These ones intellectualize response--not against the LAWS of God and The Creation but according to the input of "the times". Some of the conclusions are in truth and others fantasized according to conclusions of "opinion". It is neither good nor bad--the opinions simply "are". I remind you of something most important when you ones refer to "triumph after death"--THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "DEATH" EXCEPT TO A MECHANICAL HOUSING DEVICE, THEREFORE, ALL TRIUMPH AFTER "DEATH". Where you attend "life after perceived death" is far more important than any "triumph after death". Your placement will be according to your level of discernment, learning and growth. As you can now see clearly, on Earth placement and other planets serving as schoolrooms of Universal Truth--the third dimensional compression is a hard but exceptionally grand place of learning and sorting God-ness from the Un-God-ness! Ah yes, God is great indeed for He allows, without force or coercion, His creations to learn the Path of Light and experience the alternative experiences in full measure. This learning progression can go on for many eons beyond thine counting and always into infinity. As mankind as a manifestation comes into knowledge of the technical ability to create death unto the soul essence--the game is always brought to a close, for the causing of death to another created manifestation into the eternal realms, is a very large NO NO! Tampering and destruction of the very base essence of existence of life form is not acceptable and man of Earth place has achieved that dubious ability and prepared to utilize it for global control. I suggest all of you ponder this input most carefully. I proclaim only to bring unto you Truth as according to my mission in this time of bringing the destruction unto a close.


When you place your unlimited trust and faith into the hands of another being--you had better think again. You must know that all "men" function with no greater capacity than do YOU. If you act simply on another's Truth, you err indeed. Come within thine reasoning discerning self and weigh most carefully the input against the LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION and all that moves AWAY from those laws are not going to see you home to the Lighted God. Further, God will always allow you to have your own choice of direction. He has promised unto you the Word of Truth and there will be no argument nor force--THE DECISION WILL ALWAYS BE LEFT INTO THE HANDS OF SELF TO MEASURE THINE GROWTH IN TRUTH OF KNOWLEDGE--NOTHING MORE AND NOTHING LESSER. GOD "IS" AND YOU WILL FIND THE PATH AND WALK IN THE LIGHT OR YOU WILL NOT! THE EXPERIENCE OF SOUL SHALL CONTINUE AT ANY RATE--IT IS ONLY AS TO "WHERE" WHICH COMES UP FOR CONCLUSION. THAT POINT IS NOT MINE TO CONSIDER FOR ANOTHER BUT ONLY FOR HATONN, FOR EXAMPLE. RAMADAN, MOHAMMAD A., SHALL DECIDE FOR RAMADAN, MOHAMMAD A., AND ON THROUGH EACH AND ALL OF HUMANITY--ONE ON ONE FOR ANOTHER CAN DO NOTHING SAVE FOR SELF.


In conclusion, if I were you (George), I would be very reluctant to assert that the information received are "100% true", even if the transmitters of the Journals claim they are. Naturally, any space brothers, being imperfect, love to claim otherwise. But you are invited more than anybody else to use discernment and discretion if you want to maintain what you have. I am talking from my long experience with the UN Parapsychology Society, which has hosted dozens of distinguished speakers, some of whom lost their sources when they abused them.


I trust that you will take this letter as one of caution and love. Please say hello to Desiree, your wife, and to Dharma and the other channels who, still, provide valuable information but, most importantly, challenge us to discern. After all, as you know, only those who use discernment will be eligible to survival in the coming years of Truth and, therefore, move up to the next sublime cycle.


Ah so, brother, in conclusion I would second your motion to pay attention. I urge my own speakers to never state an emphatic 100% projection for anything coming from individual discernment--accurately or inaccurately--is OPINION! I always urge my speakers in behalf of any information from these resources to state "in my opinion ...." This emphatic "I say" thus and so is the very downfall of Truth for man upon Earth is not given to the knowledge of the whole and ALL is relative to the WHOLE!


How your letter is "taken" by the receivers of same is again, opinion. However, I, Hatonn, take it with great understanding and appreciation for much thoughtful intelligence went into the preparation of a most important perspective and caution from a caring brother. Our only intent is to bring forth Truth in allowance and Peace as to be seen as the Light it is, that man may see the Truth of the Path afore him for it is the promise of Creator that it be so. Our mission is to bring as many into Truth as will walk with God in that the movement into the next wondrous cycle can bear many in wholeness. I salute you for your time and efforts in understanding and perception.


I am Hatonn. Saalome'