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May 14, 2016







Please note that all User/Owner Operators who fail to utilize this equipment/information properly negate the warranty. I accept all reasonable complaints and give further instructions if re­quired--but the manual has been written by the Master Instruc­tors and I find them to be presented in GREAT CLARITY. If complaints bear "OPINIONS" of the "contemplating" user, I suggest you leave the Complaint Department out of the loop for YOUR "opinion" of how to operate or fly this equipment in no way alters the warranty offered herein. You of Earth have most obviously forgotten how to operate all higher component parts of soul; i.e., Love, Forgiveness, Passion for Truth, Peace, Understanding and Godly Intent, in the greater numbers of par­ticipants. This has been also test-proven to be so and correct. The management herein offers continuing courses and examples of misuse, trial and error, but the instruction course is drawing quickly to an end and there shall be no repeat courses offered. This is a one-time offer and all ones who are considering pas­sage, and/or purchase, lease or rental shall be considered until point of lift-off. Destinations will vary according to achieve­ment of participant/student. Crash landings and failure to maintain class attendance and hands-on instructions will be con­sidered as "flunking". Return to personal opinionated teaching of alternative methods will immediately cause denial of passage on Phoenix Fleet craft for it will be obvious that the instructors and inventors and participants of other courses--KNOW BET­TER--and I suggest you await your fluffy cloud. . However, please note that the One upon whom you place your blood­bathed salvation is traveling on the Phoenix! The ONE whose return you await--is traveling on the Phoenix! The determi­nation is solely up to purchaser/user. Half-measures are only acceptable during the training and learning process while in full compliance with regulations and course rules.

Proper operation according to this manual is the only method of procuring passage on the "lift-off" craft on the day following this period of "countdown”. No passage can be guaranteed on "possible" secondary flights. Only ones passing flight instruc­tion school shall be allowed to operate equipment. Only ones with passing grades from Authorized Instructors shall be per­mitted aboard for full duration destination. Some passengers shall be boarded for shorter destination points but shall promptly be dropped off roster for deliberate misuse of equipment with full intent. Testing has been fully completed and no further "testing" will be permitted--the World called Earth flunked all test-runs and road-tests and has failed to get the bird off the ground--WE SHALL NOW DO IT GOD'S WAY. THOSE OBJECTING WILL PLEASE STAND ASIDE AND DO NOT BLOCK ENTRANCE TO LOADING RAMP.

The entire manual and operations directions are quite few and simplistic with ability to be contained on one page of document. Examples and definitions are included for your reading pleasure and thorough understanding.

All rules will be adhered to as handed down from Manufacturer and Authorized Instructors. Testing will take place in isolation and no cheating shall be permitted. Cheating on quizzes will be considered as part of the cause-and-effect training and shall be handled on individual basis and consideration of Manufacturer and Instructor.

I, Professor Hatonn, Fleet Commander, shall continue to be your current-events and bad-news professor--oh, suffer greatly.

I expect these manuals and instructions to be tattered and worn with the study and re-study. All trashed manuals shall be noted as to trasher so if you do not wish a Phoenix or a journey thereon, I suggest you offer a good deal on a second-hand jour­nal/manual to a friend--or especially an enemy. For if you de­cline to read the material, I shall most surely assume your en­emy might well be quite interested. Do not underestimate the testing procedures of God for each piece of input or outtake is duly noted on the service record of each student. So be it.

I salute you and desire to welcome you aboard. I will make my­self available after class hours for tutoring if required. The price of this course shall be paid in non-material barter--no ex­ceptions, please. Checks and IOU's are not acceptable nor are C.O.D. orders except as duly earned by prior training.

We make no refunds nor do we "do anything FOR you", nor do we accept any homework or thesis completed by a 'Second party. Thank you for adherence to the rules and all objections shall be duly noted and DISCARDE

Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.

P.S.: My recommendations to management carry great "weight" so bypassing this department will merit only demerits in func­tional value.