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March 28, 2016

4/9/92 #2   HATONN


Who am I?  What difference does it make if I bring you TRUTH?  If I sort lies from Truth and uncover the secrets set to destroy you as nations and people--what difference does it make?  If I were the Tooth Fairy and I bring Truth which allows you to see beyond the shroud of lies, does it matter?  I will never give you ANYTHING which cannot be borne up in Truth by confirmation if you but look and find.  Further, as a "journalist" and "record keeper" I know my resources and sources and I shall not divulge them for the benefit of their being set upon.  I suggest that none of you confuse me with anything "mystical" or "out there somewhere"; I am neither.  I am very "real", very "near" and there are many, many who come with me.


You are a follower of, say, Zoroastrianism and therefore you cannot "believe" in my reality?  Then I concern over your understanding of Zoroaster.  The same goes for Judaism, Brahmanism and thus and so.  Christian?  Oh, I see--but do you?  Who and what is a Christ?  Jesus?  No, this being in point was born Esu Emmanuel and later called Jesus by one Saul of Tarsus a.k.a. Paul--in Greece after the passing on of Jesus.  CHRIST is a state of being attained by most of the speakers of the Christ way of Truth unto and within the teachings of the Laws of God and the unchanging Laws of the Creation.  We are simply come forth as the forerunner to that return unto your place of the Greater Teacher as you have awaited lo, these many eons.

What of the Laws?  Let us consider the "similarities" of the different Masters for it is interesting for you, perhaps, to discover the many versions of that most basic natural Law of all rational human conduct, that Law referred to in the Western world as the "Golden Rule".

Major religions of the world teach this "rule" so let us look at it closely as to its various presentations.

Christianity:  All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do you even so to them; for this is the Law and the prophets.   

Judaism:  What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowmen.  This is the entire Law: all the rest is commentary.  See?  No "eye for eye" or "tooth for tooth" written for and by MAN.  Simply put, What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowmen. 

Brahmanism:  This is the sum of duty: Do naught unto other which would cause you pain if done to you.

Buddhism:  Hurt not others in ways you would find hurtful.

Confucianism:  Surely it is the maxim of loving-kindness: Do not unto others that you would not have them do unto you.

Taoism:  Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and your neighbor's loss as your own loss.

Zoroastrianism:  The nature alone is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever is not good for himself.

Islam:  No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.

Considering the fact that this Law has been known and understood by some for thousands of years, in the name of common sense why is this natural Law not being taught as such in every school and every grade, in every cult, church and temple--in every country of the world?

Why did I not include the aboriginal belief in the above listings?  Because I listed "religions" of the world in major categories.  The aboriginal presentation of the ancient wisdomkeepers had no "religion"--they WERE BROUGHT FORTH IN TRUTH BEFORE THE "RELIGIONS" WERE SET FORTH BY MAN.  Ponder it for it may mean a great deal in your journey into Truth.

You are coming upon the season of Easter time.  Check closely and HONESTLY as to exactly WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU!  Is that perception of physical or spiritual?  Check closely, for if you said the crucifixion and blood spillage of Jesus--you have just separated a physical being from a Christ being, for one is of physical and the other only of SPIRITUAL.

If any thought came before "Spiritual infinite LIFE" then you had best get on with your studies.  Blood is simply a physical substance which flows through physical body and has no spiritual existence at all.  What else do you place between YOU and GOD?  It is time to consider it most carefully.



Source:  THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, April 14, 1992, Volume 18, Number 13, Pages 1 & 2.

Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.