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THE LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION - PHOENIX JOURNAL 27 - LAW 6 - Honor Your Mother and Father AND 7- You Shall not Murder Your Fellow Man


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April 30, 2016




This wondrous law has most often been taken only in the quite literal sense.  AND it is true, you must honor the ones who were the vehicles for your SOUL being sent here by the Grace of God, THE SAME AS YOU WOULD HONOR ALL THE BE­INGS OF LIFE CRE­ATED BY OUR CREATOR GOD AND THE CREATION.  This means that as a babe and child you are de­pendent upon your parents, or others, to sustain you physi­cally in the very least.  There is also the tremendous responsi­bility that those who choose to be parents”—defined as “a Fa­ther or Mother; or any organism that generates another; a source or cause” have.  THEY are also choosing to be teacher and guardian for you, one of GOD’S CREATIONS.  They are also entrusted by GOD our Creator (whether THEY know it or not) the responsibility of giving YOU the tools to become self-sufficient and sustain in HOLY GOD’s service for the remainder of this life-time.  This is why in the more spiritually aware Kingdoms of God, ALL beings are NOT given the responsibility for the pro-creation of the species.


Firstly, it is an honor that is EARNED by the parents who com­pletely un­derstand THEIR responsibility to TEACH the laws of balance of God and The Creation.  Secondly, Pro-creation of the species IS TAKEN VERY SERIOUSLY by your more spiritu­ally advanced brothers on other plane­tary systems.  (See Law #15.)  The reason is that THEY recognize and honor the TRUTH of the LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION.  You see, THEY HAVE LEARNED THAT THE SPIRITUALLY WEAK WILL PASS ON THEIR DIS-EASE, APATHY, IGNO­RANCE, AND MISUNDERSTANDING TO THEIR PRO­GENY, thus spreading the in­sidious cancer and DE­STRUCTION of THE ANTI-CHRIST throughout their species.  THEY KNOW THAT THESE CHIL­DREN OF GOD ARE THEIR PROMISE FOR THE BAL­ANCED CONTIN­UATION OF THEIR SPECIES.  So it goes that the pro-creation responsi­bilities are monitored VERY carefully to maintain Balance of the species within the laws of GOD and The Creation.  EVERY child is LOVED and carefully tended and instructed by ALL who have EARNED this, one of the most important re­sponsibilities of any HUMAN, THAT OF BEING A “PARENT” FOR GOD!


Now the other purpose for and meaning of this law is that you shall honor the Mother and Father Principle of ALL THAT IS IN THE CREATION.  A very wondrous example is that you must honor THIS beloved Planet Terra who represents the Mother “principle” in that she nurtures and sus­tains the lives of All Creatures of God who exist here.  And you must Honor our Father GOD who gives forth the seed of the Spirit of ALL life within the ONENESS of ALL THAT IS.  Of course God IS the Mother/Father principle in HARMONY, BAL­ANCE AND MOTION and so there exists the Mother/Father UNITY and BAL­ANCE IN ALL FRAGMENTS OF THE DIVINE CRE­ATION.





In the Bible of the “so-called” Christians, this law is written simply as “Thou Shalt Not Kill” which leaves room for misun­derstanding of interpreta­tion.  What this law means is you shall not WISH death upon another human being of God in YOUR THOUGHTS as well as you shall not commit physical murder of another human.


This rule does not mean you cannot defend yourself and your family if your lives are threatened, because that is SUICIDE which is SELF-MURDER and so also against God’s laws.  You must not ever choose suicide of your body be­cause you feel worthless and “can’t” go on, be­cause you dishonor the life-force of God within you.  Only God within you must de­cide the end of a physical life-stream.  That time will only come when your purpose and mis­sion is accom­plished so that the process and Di­vine Plan of God for your spiritual growth will not be inter­rupted.  The remorse of the soul is oftentimes much greater AFTER the suicide of the body is accomplished than in the per­ceived “altered” ego illu­sion of suffering BEFORE the life-stream is termi­nated.


Just remember that when you honor God within yourself and ALL THAT IS and you truly understand the laws of balance given by our Divine HOLY ONE, you would never consider the self-punishment of suicide.  You will sim­ply CHERISH every living breath you take in the Gift of LIFE of God and The Cre­ation!


Oh yes, and for those of you who label yourselves “Feminists” and “Pro-Choice” which usually means PRO-MURDER of one of GOD’s children, re­member this: THERE ARE NO ACCI­DENTAL PREGNANCIES.  If you be­come pregnant, which is being the vehicle for one of God’s new creations, CHOOSING an abortion because of YOUR selfish and irre­sponsible sexual be­havior IS STILL MURDER any way you look at it.  Remem­ber you each are given, along with your “Free Will”, PER­SONAL RESPONSIBILITY for all of your thoughts, words, deeds and actions.  There are definitely many possibly undesir­able “effects” to illicit and wanton, lustful sexual activity.  Pregnancy and Disease are two obvious results which do and have occurred more often than not.


Now, IF a woman is forcefully and violently RAPED against her will and becomes preg­nant, then SHE must commune with God within her as to whether or not HE will terminate the pregnancy.  So it will not be HER “altered” ego choice or will but THE FATHER’S WILL WITHIN HER WILL BE DONE.  This is usually what a miscarriage is, THE FA­THER’S WILL.  No ONE else will make this decision for HER, ONLY THE FATHER WITHIN HER!