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March 31, 2016

PJ 27








Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.

This means to seek and demand the TRUTH be shown to you. So you must develop the ability to discern and judge all information, actions and behavior with self and others which go against the laws of balance given forth by GOD and The Creation. This also means that when information is put before your attention, you must ask the FATHER within you to show you whether or not it is true and ask for the Father to give you the verification you need for understanding the Truth in all information and situations which HE puts before you. THIS means you must have the courage and the determination to conquer the fear, apathy and ignorance within your altered ego to ACHIEVE THE WISDOM OF KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH!



You shall Honor God as the Ruler of the human races and follow His Laws for HE is the “King of Wisdom”.

We attain spiritual perfection by learning and wisely following the Laws given forth by God and Creation. We learn through the Spirit of God within us how to live in harmony and balance with all Creation.


The Eighteen “Laws Of God” are as follows:






This means you must recognize that your soul existence and your life on this plane is only possible by the wondrous grace of God, your Creator. You must recognize and honor HIS HOLY PRESENCE within you AND ALL THAT IS, because it is by HIS HOLY GRACE that you shall be able to receive His guid­ance and instructions for WHAT your service is to God and The Creation to maintain the glory of light and love and life in con­stant unfoldment of the glorious mystery of the ONE. In other words, YOU will learn to understand and be always connected with the ONENESS of ALL THAT IS in Creation.

Now, to remember and understand this, THE LAW of ONE, you must realize that ALL beings AND creations are EQUAL OR EVEN in reflection of and importance TO THE ONE God, only that each is simply DIFFERENT in abilities, talents, and beingness as an EXPRESSION of THE ONE ALL THAT IS, Contrary to perhaps your own "opinion", You as A HU-MAN (Higher Universal Man) are NOT superior or inferior in im­portance to the tree, the rock, the bird or ANY other being or creation of THE ONE. You are simply ONE of THE HOLY FATHER'S vehicles of motion for expanding and experiencing the JOY of continuous unfoldment of THE CREATION. You see, there cannot exist any separation, ALL come from the ONE great Source of all THE CREATION and all will return to our source, THE ONE.

Also, you must understand the true nature of the laws of Balance given forth by our FATHER as it relates to HUMANS granted with the GIFT of FREE WILL. For example: If ALL humans were removed from this planet, do you think that the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms would remain in balance? The cor­rect answer is MOST DEFINITELY YES! Because they belong to the kingdom of God which was created to maintain a won­drous Planet in Balance. You as humans who were given FREE-WILL and reasoning ability to choose to balance within the laws (or ' not), were also sent to God's CREATION as Guardians. What have you done to her by choosing to live in the lie of destruction which is the ANTI-Christ? Are you proud of the pollution you pour into her waters, and soils and air­space? This is the very water, soil and airspace YOU depend on for your physical survival. WHERE is the REASONING for this sort of corruption? Why do you crowd out and not honor the right to life of the others of God's Sacred Kingdom, such as the trees, the minerals, and the animals? What have YOU CHOSEN with YOUR Gift of FREE-WILL? Most of the Mass Consciousness of humanity have chosen death and destruction to themselves and the planet because they BELIEVE and are blinded by the lies of the Anti-Christ. They are possessed by the blindness and ignorance of their own "altered" ego.

So now that you recognize that most ones have chosen, with their wondrous free-will, NOT to Maintain the Balance of the Laws of God and The Creation, you might ask yourself. "So what happens now?" There is a point which is reached when God must decide whether HE will preserve and RETURN BAL­ANCE to a kingdom of His that is lost in the darkness and ig­norance of the Anti-Christ, or whether He will allow the Anti­-Christ to consume itself AND the planet it is sustained by.

We will give you the example of THIS kingdom of God, beloved planet Earth. She is called "The Emerald" of this uni­verse; she is a most glorious creation and she is ALIVE, A BE­ING OF GOD'S LOVE. She is a part of the human experience, and the human experience is a part of her. All of the pollution of the thoughts, words and deeds from the humans here is now a part of HER, as well as existing within the humans who created them. She has been raped, pillaged and plundered by those who were to be her guardians. SHE has ALLOWED you to make her your playground of HELL and she has CRIED OUT TO GOD FOR HELP AND MERCY. As have many of YOU who now KNOW your only HOPE will come from the LOVING Grace and Mercy of OUR Divine Father! And GOD has an­swered HER Plea in his infinite Love, Compassion and Mercy. The Promise: She will be allowed to cleanse herself from within and without of ALL the Anti-Christ pollution smothering her.... SHE WILL BE REBIRTHED INTO A CHRISTED BEING OF PERFECTION! And so too, the humans WHO choose to align in balance with the laws of God and The Creation will also re­ceive graduation into the Kingdom of God in the Higher dimen­sions of LIFE within the DIVINE CREATION. NONE will be spared the ultimate choice between the Kingdom of LIGHT and LOVE that is GOD's kingdom, or to remain in the kingdom of THE ANTI-Christ...which is the desolate, hollow darkness of lies, deception and destruction.

What we are describing to you is that YOU each NOW have the opportunity to move your soul awareness from UNCON­SCIOUS (Current 3rd dimensional experience) to CONSCIOUS (New God 4th & 5th Dimensional experience) IMMOR­TALITY. Meditate on the meaning of that statement of Truth! May you wisely choose the glorious FREEDOM of the CON­SCIOUS IMMORTALITY OF GOD, TRUTH, LOVE and LIGHT!


2.  You  shall  not  make  for  yourselves

idols  and false  images  to  worship  as

Gods  for  therein  you  give  power  into

the  hands  of  evil.


This means that there is NOTHING in material manifestation for you to worship as your GOD.  There are no temples or churches, deities or crosses that need be the places or images to worship in or of.  Nor are there any priests, ministers, rabbis OR ANY OTHER HUMAN who may act as represen­tatives BE TWEEN you and God.  You see, EACH and ev­ery one of you Human Beings carries with you the TEMPLE OF GOD WITHIN YOU! You are the temple.  And so with this truth in mind you might ask yourselves, WHERE do YOU take God in your life journey?

So you must not place the attainment and hoarding of “worldly” treasures above the attain­ment of your spiritual wisdom and perfection lest ye “die” in the darkness of spiritual poverty.  A good example of this false image of “worship” is quite prevalent now in your societies and that is THE WORSHIP OF GOLD.  If you make the accu­mulation of gold (money) your first preoccu­pation for the sake of having more and better “things” and pos­sessions, you are pushing God out of HIS temple and the Anti-Christ will become your constant bedfel­low, urging you to con­sider ONLY your material desires, promising you greatness and impor­tance ABOVE your brothers, so that eventually God within you becomes but a glimmer of what was once the flame of your eternal GOD EMPOWER­MENT within.  And if YOU allow your Al­tered Ego POSSESSION by the Anti-Christ to rule your being, the Anti-Christ will not stop un­til your flame of life is extin­guished and your spirit is left ALONE and naked to stand before self and God in the agony of self-judgment of the transgres­sions against HIS HOLY PRES­ENCE.

So this means that you must become and remain “detached” from your “worldly” posses­sions, because they do not go with you to the kingdom of GOD, nor does the “amassing” of great “worldly” treasures bring you SPIRI­TUAL wisdom.  Your pre­occupation with “amassing” great worldly wealth brings you only the emptiness of spiritual poverty.  You can­not serve your SPIRIT and serve The Anti-Christ.  Serve only your SPIRIT WITHIN and the Anti-Christ will have no place to dwell within your tem­ple.


3.  You  shall  love  the  Lord  God  with  all

your  heart,  soul  and  being  (you  must

love  thineself  as  God  and  God  as  self.)


This means that within the Christ circle of infinity, which is the Christ Con­sciousness of ONE, you must recognize the tremen­dous and Won­drous Love that our Lord God has for you to al­low your experience in HIS kingdom of life unfolding.  You and ALL THAT IS are but the reflec­tion of HIS LOVE and JOY of The Creation before him.  You are his co-creator in the infinity of The Cre­ation and you are the co-creator of HIS jubi­lant Self-discovery within the un­folding manifestations of the mystery of the ETERNAL ONE.  So when you de­spise yourself or another, you despise the very SPIRIT of LIFE ETERNAL and it all ex­ists within YOU.  You see, OUR Great Central Sun, The ONE Eter­nal Light is beck­oning to you: I AM THE LIGHT, I AM THE JOY, I AM THE LOVE, I AM THE TRUTH, I AM THE ADVENTURE, I AM THAT I AM ....AND SO ARE YOU!  YOUR TICKET TO THE ETERNITY THAT I AM IS YOUR LOVE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT OF LIFE WITHIN SELF AND ALL THAT IS!

Also remember that in your physical world, you have a physical body which you are given to use to house YOUR SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN.  You must take care of the needs of the body with proper food, water, clothing, shelter, exercise and rest so that you remain vibrant, clean and healthy in order to per­form, with honor, the service of GOD.  So too, you must not know­ingly “poison” the body with the ingestion or inhalation of dev­astatingly harmful and ad­dictive “drugs” whether they be of “legal” or “illegal” status by Earth stan­dards.  The spirit of God within you needs no “mind” altering to connect and commune with THE HIGHEST DI­VINE LIGHT OF THE ONE ALL THAT IS.

4.  You  shall  not  use  the  name  of  God

irreverently,  nor  use  of  it  to  swear  to

a  falsehood.

This means you shall not cast BLAME against or curse another IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER in your thoughts, words or deeds.  You must take full responsibility for your own er­rors or transgressions against self or others.  And so when you blame, curse, resent and con­demn another being you are ALSO blam­ing, cursing, resenting and condemning GOD your Creator, who exists as the flame OF IMMORTAL LIFE WITHIN YOU and WITHIN ALL OTH­ERS.  So as you cast outward the blame of irresponsibility and denial, it must return to you UNTIL the les­son is learned by YOU who is the creator of the transgression in the first place upon THE ONE self.

Also, you must not knowingly and purposely deceive or lie to yourself or others in the name of YOUR HOLY FATHER.  So when you say, “I swear this to BE the total truth in the NAME OF GOD”, you had better KNOW that to be a factual statement or you have dishonored GOD’S SACRED NAME for your own selfish altered ego means.  This does NOT mean that with the tyranny that exists with the INJUSTICE SYS­TEMS of the world, that you must sacrifice YOUR LIFE for the telling of a truth in a court of the unlawful.  In this case (as in all situations you encounter) you must use your GOD-given senses and ask for HIS guid­ance and protection in your circumstance.  This in no way means you will not tell the truth as you per­ceive it to be, but you must TRUST THE POWER OF GOD WITHIN YOU to always give you what you need for guid­ance and protection.  This is what Immanuel told the Phar­isees and scribes about “oaths”:

“Woe unto you, you blind leaders of false teachings who say, ‘If a person swears by the temple, that does not count, but if a person swears by the gold on the temple, that binds him.’  You fools and blinded ones, you are the offspring of evil; why do you let people swear know­ing that an oath is not binding and is a worthless act?  How can you say that if a person swears through sacrifice, that is binding?  You blind and false teachers, who gave you the right to de­mand an oath or to swear, since the Laws of The Creation state that oaths should not be given?  Your speech should always be yes, or, no.  Therefore he who swears by anything on Earth or the Universe, swears by something fleeting, which is without any substance and therefore, an oath is of no sub­stance either.  There­fore, he who swears by anything com­mits a crime with re­spect to the truth of his word and makes it doubtful.”

(Isn’t it interesting that in a court of “law”, ones are required to hold the “false” Bible and swear an oath of truth to the court?  Where do you sup­pose that requirement came from?  Perhaps from Freemasonry?)

It is important to remember that ignorance of the Truth is ac­ceptable FOR A TIME, but remember GOD within YOU will give you many opportu­nities to turn your ignorance into THE WISDOM OF KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH.  And if you are truly a servant to the ONE ALL THAT IS, you will ALWAYS wel­come THE LIGHT OF TRUTH to shine within and before you EVEN if you find the truth to be abhorrent within your very being.  This means that you can­not hide behind the BLIND ig­norance which rules you by fear and denial of responsi­bility.  THIS is NOT acceptable ignorance in God’s Kingdom because you thereby be­come the servant of the Anti-Christ and have therefore GIVEN your life into the hands of evil.

Here is an example of unacceptable ignorance: (This FALSE BELIEF ap­plies to many who consider themselves part of the “so-called” New Age movement.)  Ones are given the wisdom of TRUTH that says yes, “YOU are GOD and so you create your own reality.”  Many ones have falsely inter­preted that to mean, “I can now ignore the reality I have ALREADY con­tributed to the creation of and it will no longer be my responsi­bility because I am God.”  This is a prime example of how the Anti-Christ will twist and alter the truth and maintain his play­ground of deception.  Just because you choose to IGNORE the disease and corruption within your gov­ernment, for example, that does not mean YOU are now exempt from responsibility.  WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENS TO ALL THAT EN­ERGY OF ALL THE THOUGHTS, WORDS, DEEDS AND AC­TIONS YOU HAD BEFORE YOU BECAME (In YOUR percep­tion) A “MASTER” OF “POSITIVE” MANIFESTA­TION?  Do you per­haps think that POOF! GOD JUST EVAP­ORATES IT FOR YOU AND YOU ARE NO LONGER RESPONSI­BLE?!?  Or do you think to yourself, “Well, this government corruption and war and economic crises and possible food shortage is all just Doom and Gloom Ugliness that others choose to acknowledge and it’s not my fault, so as long as I don’t bring it (doom & gloom) within my re­ality, it’s not true and doesn’t exist for me.”  We have news for you ones, if you be­lieve that nonsense, you have become a tool of apathy for the Anti-Christ POS­SESSING YOU! ALL are con­nected to the POOL OF MASS Consciousness of Manifested ILLUSION on this plane.  If you choose to only SELEC­TIVELY ac­cept the “truth” which is comfortable for you and doesn’t up­set YOUR illu­sion of reality, then you have also DE­NIED THE HIGH­EST COM­MAND OF THE LAW OF THE CREATION: ACHIEVE THE WISDOM OF KNOWL­EDGE INAS­MUCH AS THIS WILL ENABLE YOU TO WISELY FOLLOW THE LAWS OF CRE­ATION.


5.  Remember  God’s  “Day”  and  keep  it  Holy.

Now within the “so-called” Christian Bible, this law has been interpreted as “A” day and the day that was chosen by HU­MANS was the one called SUN­DAY and also called “The Sab­bath”.  This was the day which HU­MANS said that NO work could be done and you must go to THEIR Church and pray, re­pent and give thanks because this was God’s day.  We must tell you this is not correct because ALL days in the Kingdom of God and The Cre­ation are HIS.  This means you must keep ALL of your Days HOLY in rever­ence to THE DI­VINE HOLY ONE PRESENCE OF GOD WITHIN ALL OF THE CRE­ATION.  EVERY day you must, as a part of your prayer, ac­knowledge and give thanks and HONOR unto God and The Creation for ALL the blessings of abun­dance, Wisdom and LIFE which THE FATHER WITHIN YOU has be­stowed upon you.  Remem­ber this about the true purpose and POWER of Prayer and Meditation.  PRAYER is Asking for guidance from the Father within for WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW IN OR­DER TO SUSTAIN IN HIS SERVICE, “AND IN ALL THINGS, FATHER, NOT MY WILL, BUT THINE WILL BE DONE.”  MEDITATION then is RECEIVING that informa­tion from the Fa­ther within to sustain in HIS service.  Eventually, YOU will ALL be in a con­stant state of meditation and commu­nion (mutual participation or sharing) with the Divine Father within.

Now, Sunday has also been called God’s day of rest.  This is not logical.  What about the farmer who has animals and his fields to tend?  This is not to say that you cannot rest.  But your rest may be on a Monday or a Wednes­day or maybe just an hour or two each day.  It will be different for every hu­man de­pending on the conditions of his service to God.  WHEN the cycle of time comes when all is returned to the ONE of THE CRE­ATION, there is a pe­riod of what might be termed as “rest”.  This means that life as you know it in this illusion will cease to ex­ist.  It is one of the Great Mysteries which mea­sures in cycles the ebb and flow of THE ONE DIVINE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS.  Until that time, GOD within you will guide you as to when the necessary times of rest are for you.




This wondrous law has most often been taken only in the quite literal sense.  AND it is true, you must honor the ones who were the vehicles for your SOUL being sent here by the Grace of God, THE SAME AS YOU WOULD HONOR ALL THE BE­INGS OF LIFE CRE­ATED BY OUR CREATOR GOD AND THE CREATION.  This means that as a babe and child you are de­pendent upon your parents, or others, to sustain you physi­cally in the very least.  There is also the tremendous responsi­bility that those who choose to be parents”—defined as “a Fa­ther or Mother; or any organism that generates another; a source or cause” have.  THEY are also choosing to be teacher and guardian for you, one of GOD’S CREATIONS.  They are also entrusted by GOD our Creator (whether THEY know it or not) the responsibility of giving YOU the tools to become self-sufficient and sustain in HOLY GOD’s service for the remainder of this life-time.  This is why in the more spiritually aware Kingdoms of God, ALL beings are NOT given the responsibility for the pro-creation of the species.

Firstly, it is an honor that is EARNED by the parents who com­pletely un­derstand THEIR responsibility to TEACH the laws of balance of God and The Creation.  Secondly, Pro-creation of the species IS TAKEN VERY SERIOUSLY by your more spiritu­ally advanced brothers on other plane­tary systems.  (See Law #15.)  The reason is that THEY recognize and honor the TRUTH of the LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION.  You see, THEY HAVE LEARNED THAT THE SPIRITUALLY WEAK WILL PASS ON THEIR DIS-EASE, APATHY, IGNO­RANCE, AND MISUNDERSTANDING TO THEIR PRO­GENY, thus spreading the in­sidious cancer and DE­STRUCTION of THE ANTI-CHRIST throughout their species.  THEY KNOW THAT THESE CHIL­DREN OF GOD ARE THEIR PROMISE FOR THE BAL­ANCED CONTIN­UATION OF THEIR SPECIES.  So it goes that the pro-creation responsi­bilities are monitored VERY carefully to maintain Balance of the species within the laws of GOD and The Creation.  EVERY child is LOVED and carefully tended and instructed by ALL who have EARNED this, one of the most important re­sponsibilities of any HUMAN, THAT OF BEING A “PARENT” FOR GOD!

Now the other purpose for and meaning of this law is that you shall honor the Mother and Father Principle of ALL THAT IS IN THE CREATION.  A very wondrous example is that you must honor THIS beloved Planet Terra who represents the Mother “principle” in that she nurtures and sus­tains the lives of All Creatures of God who exist here.  And you must Honor our Father GOD who gives forth the seed of the Spirit of ALL life within the ONENESS of ALL THAT IS.  Of course God IS the Mother/Father principle in HARMONY, BAL­ANCE AND MOTION and so there exists the Mother/Father UNITY and BAL­ANCE IN ALL FRAGMENTS OF THE DIVINE CRE­ATION.




In the Bible of the “so-called” Christians, this law is written simply as “Thou Shalt Not Kill” which leaves room for misun­derstanding of interpreta­tion.  What this law means is you shall not WISH death upon another human being of God in YOUR THOUGHTS as well as you shall not commit physical murder of another human.

This rule does not mean you cannot defend yourself and your family if your lives are threatened, because that is SUICIDE which is SELF-MURDER and so also against God’s laws.  You must not ever choose suicide of your body be­cause you feel worthless and “can’t” go on, be­cause you dishonor the life-force of God within you.  Only God within you must de­cide the end of a physical life-stream.  That time will only come when your purpose and mis­sion is accom­plished so that the process and Di­vine Plan of God for your spiritual growth will not be inter­rupted.  The remorse of the soul is oftentimes much greater AFTER the suicide of the body is accomplished than in the per­ceived “altered” ego illu­sion of suffering BEFORE the life-stream is termi­nated.

Just remember that when you honor God within yourself and ALL THAT IS and you truly understand the laws of balance given by our Divine HOLY ONE, you would never consider the self-punishment of suicide.  You will sim­ply CHERISH every living breath you take in the Gift of LIFE of God and The Cre­ation!

Oh yes, and for those of you who label yourselves “Feminists” and “Pro-Choice” which usually means PRO-MURDER of one of GOD’s children, re­member this: THERE ARE NO ACCI­DENTAL PREGNANCIES.  If you be­come pregnant, which is being the vehicle for one of God’s new creations, CHOOSING an abortion because of YOUR selfish and irre­sponsible sexual be­havior IS STILL MURDER any way you look at it.  Remem­ber you each are given, along with your “Free Will”, PER­SONAL RESPONSIBILITY for all of your thoughts, words, deeds and actions.  There are definitely many possibly undesir­able “effects” to illicit and wanton, lustful sexual activity.  Pregnancy and Disease are two obvious results which do and have occurred more often than not.

Now, IF a woman is forcefully and violently RAPED against her will and becomes preg­nant, then SHE must commune with God within her as to whether or not HE will terminate the pregnancy.  So it will not be HER “altered” ego choice or will but THE FATHER’S WILL WITHIN HER WILL BE DONE.  This is usually what a miscarriage is, THE FA­THER’S WILL.  No ONE else will make this decision for HER, ONLY THE FATHER WITHIN HER!


The literal definition of adultery” in your dictionary is: “The voluntary sexual intercourse of a married person with someone not the spouse.”  Now, the reason for this law, which still ap­plies now, was that well be­fore and at the time that the Commandments were presented by Moses to the people, they were mostly simple-minded, ignorant, illiterate and God-FEAR­ING be­cause of their previous false teachings given by the reli­gious/empire leaders of their “time”.

The problem was that (throughout your “past” history) many young men and soldiers would lustfully spread their fertile seed in the sexual act to MANY various young, willing women whom they met within their daily lives and in their travels from village to village.  (Times have not changed much, have they?) The ob­vious result was that many women became pregnant, and usually by that time the man was long gone, to war or to the next vil­lage.  So she would be left alone with the responsibility of birthing and raising her child.  Many women could not “handle” this un­expected responsibility AND the desertion of who they usually thought to be THEIR man.  Many women, overcome by the horror, shame and guilt of the cir­cumstance, killed them­selves and their unborn by try­ing to abort the child.  Many women were left on the streets, unless they had friends or fam­ily who would take care of them.  And many women abandoned their birthed child, sometimes at the doorstep of a church or or­phanage, but also some would leave the child to die in some dark and desolate place.  So thus the necessity of this law, “You must NOT commit adul­tery.”  (See law #15, “You must obey the wisdom of God for the respon­sibility you have of BAL­ANCED Pro-Creation of your species”.)

So in his loving mercy and infinite wisdom, God created the commitment of Marriage or Wedlock defined in your dictio­nary as: “A legal contract by a man and woman to live together as husband and wife.”  (In the higher realms it is a very serious and joyful commitment and is called DIVINE UNION.)  In this way HE planted the seed of JOINT responsi­bility of this hus­band and wife to each other AND to any offspring they pro­duced.  This is why Mar­riage is to be considered one of the MOST se­rious and SACRED commit­ments TO GOD!

Now we will quote some of the actual teachings given on this subject of THE FATHER’S WORD given by The Master Teacher Jesus, Esu, Im­manuel from the book (now in print, as part of The Phoenix Journal Se­ries) entitled AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL; I AM SANANDA.  Nearly 2000 years ago when the Master Jesus, Esu, Im­manuel was asked about the commit­ment of marriage and the rights of men and women.  This is what he said:

“All good things were given unto you and you received the Laws ac­cording to which you are to live.  You should adhere to these and ad­ditional laws, so that you shall prosper on Earth and have peace in your families; remove the power of the old law that women shall be subject to man, since she is a per­son equal to man in spirit respect, and has equal rights and obligations.  There are many distortions in the laws since they were given forth by God and the Celestial Sons, for men have built them to be suitable unto them­selves.

“When a man marries a woman, he shall pay to the most trusted steward the handling of her possessions, as a price of security, lest she suffer from lack of her ne­cessities.  The price should be calculated in such a way that for each year of her life one hundred pieces of silver should be the basis, mea­sured according to her knowledge, her ability, and her strength, pro­vided her health is not lacking.  The price is not to be con­sidered as that of a “purchase”, for no person may be sold or bought, but as se­curity for the woman lest she suffer lack.  (Amount and type of finan­cial security for “modern” times will be adjusted accordingly.  For further clari­fication of Im­manuel’s statements read PHOENIXJOURNAL EXPRESS VOLUME 1 & 2 pages 34-40.)

“The bond of matrimony between man and woman should be permit­ted only if both are of mental competence and ca­pable of leading a marriage in accor­dance with the law.  (Note: that is GOD’S LAW).

If, according to predetermined agreement, no price is paid, the law ap­plies: the man must supply the needs of the wife regarding all of her necessi­ties.

“The inability of a wife to bear children, or a man’s inability to sire chil­dren is no reason for divorce, nor does she or he deserve other opinions or actions.

“The only reason for divorce is that of adultery, that is the destruction or endangering of spirit, the body, or the life of the members of one’s own family unit.  If a person is di­vorced by his own actions of adul­tery, he should be steril­ized, for he is unworthy of life and its laws for he has re­sponded to the selfish lustful drives of pleasure-seeking and has cast aside all re­sponsible behavior.”  (End of quoting.)

Now, in the literal translation in order for ADULTERY to oc­cur, then one or the other or both of the two adulterers would have to have made the vow of marriage.  In God’s Kingdom of Truth, this vow of DIVINE UNION made be­tween two, a man and a woman to live together as ONE, is taken most seriously indeed because it is a commitment made to THE FATHER WITHIN, EACH TO THE OTHER for that entire life-stream.  It is a contract with GOD rather than a legal contract of the hu­man experience.  This means that a man and woman who co­habit together as “lovers” without a “so-called” legal contract must make THE SAME COMMIT­MENT to God as those who have the “so-called” legal contract, whether THEY realize it or not.  It is NOT necessarily always a contract made to God to PRO-CREATE the species be­cause many who choose DIVINE UNION may not choose, be able, or be qualified to fulfill that (pro-creation) service to THE ONE FATHER.  (RE-READ Command­ment number6 where we discussed the responsibility of PRO-CRE­ATION).  But both “lovers” STILL HAVE THE SAME RESPONSIBIL­ITY (as a “legally” married couple) for the offspring they may produce.  If they only choose cohabitation be­cause of sexual lust or other selfish reasons, they have, thus, denied THEIR re­sponsibility to GOD, and they will suffer the consequences of their actions at the hands of evil.  (See law #13, “As you sow, so shall you reap” also known as, “The Law of Cause and Effect”.)

Does this mean that DIVORCE, defined as: “1. Dissolution of a marriage bond by legal process OR accepted custom. 2. Any radical or complete sepa­ration”, goes against the laws of God and The Creation?  YES AND NO! You see it depends on the TRUE circumstances expe­rienced by the divorcing couple.  For example: Since your commitment in life is always FIRST IN SER­VICE TO GOD, then ideally, your chosen partner in mar­riage must support YOUR com­mitment as well as his/her com­mitment to THE HOLY FATHER.

If, for example, your partner batters you and/or your children physically or emotionally and thus does not support or honor either his or YOUR com­mitment in service to GOD, then you are no longer bound by your con­tract/bond of marriage.  Why would GOD bind you and your children to a commitment of SUFFERING and PUNISHMENT?  It is not logical.  But, if your partner decides that he/she wants to divorce you because you are just no longer attractive to him/her physically and sexu­ally, THIS IS NOT AN AC­CEPTABLE REASON FOR DI­VORCE.  Let’s take that ex­ample further.  Say your partner is no longer attracted to you and decides to find sexual satisfac­tion elsewhere; he/she has committed ADULTERY, (re-read above quote by Jesus Immanuel) and if you choose to do so, it IS an acceptable reason for di­vorce.  The reason is that not only has your partner broken his/her com­mitment with YOU and HIM­SELF, BUT in the act of Adultery he has broken his commit­ment TO SERVE GOD...because by the act of fulfilling his lust he has invited the Anti-Christ within his temple.  Of course, the choice you make about whether or not to divorce an adulterous mate will ulti­mately be made BY THE FATHER WITHIN YOU.




This law does mean literally that you must not steal, defined as: “1. to take (another’s property, etc.) dishonestly, especially in a secret man­ner.  2. to take slyly, as a look.  3. to gain insidiously or artfully: as he stole her heart.”  And this law also means, you must not steal the trust and good faith of another by lying to them about your true motives and intent.  You see, malicious LYING and STEALING are opposite sides of the same coin.

Here are some examples of various forms of lying and stealing: If a man falsely tells a woman who is a virgin that he LOVES her and wants to marry her, but all he really wants from her is a sexual encounter, he is misleading her.  If she in good faith falls “in love” with him and also falls for the trap of his “false” promise to her and succumbs to his pressure to express “their love” physically before the marriage vow is made, and then he abandons her, he has essentially “stolen” her heart, her inno­cence and her chastity for his own lustful, selfish intent.

Even if the woman wisely refuses his sexual advances, and finds herself re­jected by him, he is still guilty of lying to her WHICH IS STEAL­ING FROM HER EMOTIONALLY.  The big difference in these two scenarios is that, al­though she has been robbed emotionally, at least she doesn’t have the “guilt” of dishonoring herself by breaking the laws of God and giving away her chastity to an unworthy man.

Here is another example of STEALING the innocence of an­other.  Inno­cence defined as, “1. Free from sin, evil; not guilty of a specific crime.  2. harmless 3. knowing no evil 4. with­out guile or cunning 5. an inno­cent per­son, as a child”.  Now steal­ing in itself is a “sin” against God’s laws upon only the one who steals, BUT when one succeeds in stealing the inno­cence of another, what he has essentially done is WILLFULLY AND BLATANTLY lied to them, so thus he has enticed and manipu­lated the other to also BREAK THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION!  So in order for innocence to be “stolen” from another, the person “stealing” must be doing so know­ingly and blatantly with the IN­TENT of manipulating another to fulfill his own selfish means and the victim has to guilelessly trust the person.

For example: The Leader of a country sends the young men off to a WAR (which also in­volves MURDER) in a far-away place, and tells them, “You are fighting for freedom and de­fending your country,” and they be­lieve this lie.  So they go to the war and realize in horror that they are slaughtering inno­cent peo­ple and protecting and defending wealthy Sheiks and their oil fields and money, NOT defending their country’s freedom.  That is when THEIR INNO­CENCE has been stolen from them, when they realize that they have been LIED to and USED by one/ones they trusted—to perpetrate EVIL.

Another example: Say you are a child and you discover that your Father has a girlfriend “on the side”.  (That is adultery, friends.)  When you face him with this, he TELLS you that you must “promise” him you will not tell your Mother.  He still loves her and doesn’t want to hurt her and the family etc.  If YOU tell her, she will divorce him and...and...and.  Well, as a child, you are devastated in your heart because YOUR FA­THER has asked you to LIE, but you “promised” him and so, somehow, it would be YOUR fault if you told your Mother and you certainly don’t want to cause your parents to divorce! This is emotional blackmail and the Father has stolen the innocence of his own child by making her promise to LIE and making her feel responsible (for HIS irresponsi­ble behavior) for what “could” happen if she told her Mother the truth.

Another perhaps more repugnant example: Any adult man or woman who willfully in­dulges in the lustful coercion and manip­ulation of a child who trusts him/her to perform ANY form of sexual activities has most defi­nitely stolen the innocence of that poor child.

Here is another example close to the hearts of AMERICANS: Your Forefa­thers of the wondrous United States of America were inspired by GOD in the development of a most sa­cred CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS in or­der to maintain PEACE and BALANCE and allow you FREEDOM and the pur­suit of happiness.  Although not perfect, with the addi­tion of certain amendments abolishing Slavery, for example, it be­came the most important and protective set of standards for HUMAN rights, decency, and freedom in your current History on Earth.  Now ev­ery person you elect into the offices of leadership such as the Presidency, Vice-Presidency, Congress, and Senate, has taken an “oath” to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.  You, the people have elected these “leaders” on the trust and good faith that they will HONOR your Constitution and Bill of Rights.  You now have a President, and a Congress who mostly support him, who has essen­tially nullified this U.S. Con­stitution by HIS Executive Orders in order to pur­sue “THE ONE WORLD OR­DER” which has a new “so-called” Constitu­tion for ONE WORLD DOMINA­TION! THIS IS CALLED STEALING YOUR FREE­DOM, AMERICA, AND MAKING YOU SLAVES.  Are those so-called “elected” leaders who sup­port this infringement on YOUR U.S.  Constitution HONOR­ING the OATH they gave to you and TO GOD?  They are stealing your free­dom and worse than that, they are taking an oath that they KNOW THEY WON’T HONOR! THAT IS CALLED LY­ING TO YOU THE PEOPLE FOR THEIR OWN SELFISH MEANS.

Please do not confuse the ones who act by willful guile and de­ceit in “stealing” the inno­cence or possessions of others with the ones who truly be­lieve a lie to be the truth and then pass on their false belief to an­other/others (for ex­ample their children or stu­dents).  This is simple igno­rance of truth and, al­though it may or may not be acceptable (to God), ig­norance is not a willful act of stealing the innocence of another.

Here is something else that is very important to remember and understand clearly.  If one tells what he knows to be a “lie” in true self-defense, pri­vacy or for the defense, privacy and pro­tection of another, this is not against God’s laws.  (THIS does not mean lying to maliciously deceive about EVIL SECRET oaths or activities such as in the evil cult of FREEMASONRY).  THIS IS ONE WAY THE ANTI-CHRIST TWISTS GOD’S LAWS TO CONDEMN OTH­ERS by ones telling you you MUST NEVER “lie”, which means: “1. To make a state­ment which one knows to be false.  2. That which is intended to pro­duce a false impression.”  YOU can literally be made the tool for the harm or destruction of yourself or another!

Let us give you some examples to think about: Let’s say it is World War II, and in com­passion you are hiding a Japanese/American family in your basement to protect them from being put in the “camps”, so the police come to your door and ask you if you have seen or know any Japanese peo­ple.  Are you going to tell them the truth knowing it will endanger YOUR fam­ily as well as the ones you are protecting?

Next example: Let’s say you go to war and are captured by the “enemy”.  They require you to appear on the television and make a statement to your lead­ers which you know is false, but if you do not they will kill you.  Are you going to do what they ask?

Here is an example given several times by Hatonn: Let’s say our beloved Je­sus Christ, Sananda comes to your home and the “authorities” come looking for him and you know it is because his persecutors do not want him free and alive.  Are you going to tell them where he is?

We will give one more example which may become reality for many.  Let’s say your gov­ernment institutes a “draft” require­ment.  Well your son, father, or friend refuses to sign up for the draft and decides to be­come a “conscientious objector”.  Now if the “authorities” call you and ask you where this person is, will you tell them?

Now when it gets a little sticky with God is when, for example, you wit­ness a murder, you know the murderer and because of your fear of being a witness and perhaps threatened your­self, you lie to the police and tell them you saw nothing.  Think care­fully about this because there are crimes committed daily against GOD’s LAWS of Balance of which there are witnesses who are “too afraid” to tell the police.  The criminal re­mains free to continue his crimes against GOD.  Remember you must un­derstand the difference, we are NOT talking about witnessing the break­ing of MAN-MADE laws, which may or may not be just and change con­tinually with the times.  We are talk­ing about the breaking of GOD’s LAWS which do not change and are eter­nally The Laws of Balance within THE CREATION.

You ones also have something called “little white lie”, defined as: “A false statement made with the intent of being polite or kind.”  This is also called the “social” lie.  Now most of you ones do choose to politely lie to retain your pri­vacy.  This is one way, but there are ways to not lie and retain your privacy as well, for example, If someone asks you how much money you make or what you do with your time, you have several ways to respond.  You can lie, or the considered direct but harsh re­sponse is, “That is none of your business.”  But for those of you who wish to honor yourself and be po­lite to the other, you can say simply, “Please do not be offended, but I prefer not to an­swer that question as it does not concern you.” There are situa­tions which do fit the criterion of the white or polite lie, al­though many of you ones do try to stretch the limits of those crite­rion.  The key here is INTENT.

Oftentimes, rather than honoring your true feelings, you will hide behind the “white lie” in order to keep your job, for in­stance if you perceive your em­ployer to be narrow-minded and tyrannical and YOU are afraid that by being honest and direct with your ideas and feelings, you will be fired.  You see, you perpetuate the perceived tyranny against yourself by being “polite” and allowing it to continue.

An example of a truly polite lie is this: When you know your Mother spent hours preparing a meal for you, and you do not like ham and she asks you how you like her meal and you say, “It is excellent.”  Although it is not ex­actly a true statement, your true intent, in kindness and appre­ciation, is to HONOR what you know to be her feelings of love for you.

So, if you lie and your intent is to manipulate someone in order to self­ishly achieve or re­ceive something from them you desire, rather than act­ing with in­tegrity and being direct, this is not a “white lie”.  Remember this, you can lie to yourself or to an­other but you CANNOT ever lie to God.  You see, God always monitors and records your TRUE intent in all situations he pre­sents to you.


10.  You  must  not  covet  or  envy  that

which  belongs  to  your  neighbor.

Let us first define the words “covet” and “envy”.  Covet means: “To long for something belonging to another.”  Covetous means: “Excessively desirous (of something); greedy.”  Envy means: “1. A feeling of re­sentment or discontent over another’s superior attainments, endow­ments, or posses­sions.”

So the literal meaning of this law is that you must not, because of your own inse­cure/inferior feelings and lack of self-worth, long to have some­thing another has, such as money, a new car, a skill or talent.  And then on top of longing for this “object” another has, you must not then resent the person who has at­tained that which YOU feel you desire, but have not created, ex­actly because of your insecure/inferior feelings and lack of self-worth.  (See Also “Recognizing The Anti-Christ Within”.)

What transpires when you become covetous and envious is that you be­come wrapped up in your greed and resentment, and you will not be tak­ing “personal responsibility” for YOUR mani­fested illusion.  You will continue to create the perceived “lack” and eventually you will be con­sumed by the ef­fects of covetous and envious feelings, which most often result in the various manifestations of “SELF-punishment”, ie., anger, guilt, criti­cism, jeal­ousy and depres­sion.


11.  You  must  not  impose  nor  force  your

free-will  upon  the  free-will  of  an­other.

Also  known  as  “The  Law  of  Non-


This law was given forth by God so that the free-will and soul-evolution of each fragment would not be infringed upon without permission from GOD WITHIN, especially by the ad­versaries of God with more aware­ness of their power.  This is each frag­ment’s GOD-GIVEN protection so that there is justness in their individual process of God potential unfold­ment to­ward THE ONE.

Also, it prevents even your benevolent brothers from interfering or assist­ing, without PERMISSION, from THE HOLY FA­THER.  You see, during each lifestream of each fragment there is present the opportunity and the poten­tial for Divine Choice through the free-will expe­riences of each fragment.  The “young” souls begin to unfold their GOD-NESS through the lessons they learn in each lifestream experienced.  In other words, they learn by experi­ence TO KNOW GOD within them, and what thoughts, words and deeds keep them in the dark­ness and ignorance of what their true God Potential is.

Now you may be asking yourself, “What about the tremendous EVIL in­fluence upon this planet.  Why is it allowed by God?  The reason is this, even the “satans” or adversaries of God were not only created creatures of God but were also given Free-Will.  God is simply giv­ing his “adversary” creations their opportunity to grow into their potential of Godness and Di­vine Holy Light.  But because of their “limitedness” in behavior, meaning ego-selfish separation from THE ONE, their reality or playground of ex­perience was also “limited” by God.  They are bound BY THEIR OWN CHOICE to the lowest levels described as the 1st-5th physically mani­fested experiences.  You see, the “fallen” ones have self-imposed limita­tions by THEIR CHOICE to be ad­versarial and separate from their CRE­ATOR.  But they are always given “opportunities” to see the light of Truth in THE ONENESS OF ALL.  The rules are strict and the fallen ones KNOW the “rules” to remain ego-separate from GOD but re­main in their game of manipulation and deception.

For example: IF you feel the whisperings of the ANTI-Christ within you, You can DE­MAND IN THE NAME OF THE HOLY FATHER GOD AND/or JE­SUS CHRIST SANANDA THAT ALL DARK FRAGMENTS AND EN­ERGIES LEAVE YOUR SPACE IMMEDIATELY! They MUST go.  But they can “hang around” the periphery of your en­ergy field and wait for a weak spot in your protective shield.  This is why the im­portance of asking GOD for His “white Light” shield of love, pro­tection, guidance, power, wisdom, integrity and courage.  So you must ask THE FATHER within you to please SHOW YOU that which YOU NEED in order to serve HIS WILL.  Hence the importance of, “Not MY will Father, but in all things LET THY WILL BE DONE.” This sin­cere invocation is what keeps you on your path of SERVICE TO GOD and THE CRE­ATION and out of the folly of ignorance and perceived separa­tion where exist the Dark Brotherhood or Anti-Christs.

You may begin to see that many of you ones here now have ex­perienced many, many thou­sands or even millions of lifestreams on these lower lev­els BY YOUR CHOICE to be or re­main igno­rant to your own GOD-PO­TENTIAL and connection to the ONE ALL THAT IS!

Here is a wondrous description of this “process” of discovery by our beloved brother, Germain:

“All dimensions of THE CREATION exist simultaneously.  You simply have only your conscious awareness in this, the “3rd” dimen­sion.  As you work and live in this dimensional experience, you, with the help of your spiri­tual “teachers”, are stretching your awareness to 4th, 5th and sometimes even higher dimensional levels.  It is not a vertical stretch as you perceive things linearly, it is an EXPANSIVE all-en­compassing stretch of awareness.  Your awareness ex­pands to the level of your UNDERSTANDING—when you have learned a or some particular lessons, when you have OWNED the lesson—it frees your awareness just a bit more, stretching, moving, growing within the “MIND” of the Uni­versal I AM, The ONE ALL THAT IS.”

Now the reason that your benevolent brothers,  “THE HOSTS OF HEAVEN,” have been sent to assist you is that many of you have prayed to GOD for freedom from the bondage of your self-imposed ignorance.  They are sent here in answer to your asking GOD for his DI­VINE GUIDANCE and assis­tance.  They are YOUR brothers of higher aware­ness in service to LIGHT of God and THE CREATION.  You see, some of you have recog­nized the “folly” of the Anti-Christ within you and the influence that mass consciousness has ALLOWED the “satans” or “adversaries” to have over you and this beloved planet Earth.  You are tired and frankly bored with this illusion, with being the adversary of Godness.  You want your free­dom, you want to claim or reclaim HIS HOLY LIGHTED Presence within you.  It is time for graduation, friends, to higher levels of LIFE.  You will each now find or awaken to YOUR DIVINITY OF ONENESS, OR (and this is very important to understand) you will remain BOUND to these lower levels for perhaps an­other millennium before an­other opportunity is granted by the expanding aware­ness of the GOD-self within by THE ONE.

Remember though, that the “Lighted” Hosts of God may assist you and give instructions and TRUTH through the maze of lies and deception, BUT they cannot DO IT FOR YOU!!  You each must reclaim your own power of the DI­VINE ONE within you.  NONE can do it for an­other.  So it is wise to pay close attention to your instructions for conscious immor­tality! You will either serve GOD or you will serve your ”altered” ego-self.  It is up to YOU.