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Jan. 29, 2016

PJ 09



WED., NOV. 1, 1989 5:45 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 077

WED., NOV. 1, 1989

You need no “sign”, Dharma, for your space is clear and I am pre­sent. Let us continue with our subject within this journal. To request a “sign” that you might “know” is only to further doubt. Because “another” says 10% of thy truth is tainted means nothing. There is no acceptable percentage of taint within our works. Perhaps errors can occur, for we are producing our work on a human level; perhaps sorting tools of words are used, but not “tainting”. The intent, although unwittingly projected, is to stop the publication of these journals. No more and no less. I am sorry for all parties involved but know, chelas, it will always be over worldly material desires that the perpetrators betray themselves. In the instance of the Gatehouse, it is a mis­understanding regarding funds; in the projection of discrediting your material, it is misperception. Do not waste of your time in the pondering of “who” did “what” and further, how can you “lose” of a thing you never “had”. You had your perceptions and others had theirs--do not further disturb yourself for it slows our work. I have heard your call and I have received of it--we have a job to get on with and you shall do so, please. The only Evil present in this space is that which we are in the printing thereof.


Let me surprise you even further, thousands of Satanists will obtain this book. The evil personality loves the ego stroking of recognition and it will shock some into change. These journals must be distributed far and wide--immediately--the truth is the only thing that can set you free. Ones are now in the scanning of the pages and it requires study and attention to obtain and retain the value from these books. He who simply scans and thinks he has absorbed it all should keep of his negative or discounting opinions to himself, for understanding will not be complete. Nay, unfortunately for a weary world in trouble, we bring total truth and that is the sad part of it. The joy held within is the “hope” for humanity which is brilliant indeed. It is not through the efforts of higher beings; it comes from human realization and action which will produce the positive works and regain control and order from the chaos. If each does his selected task, we shall get our work done in timely manner and great brotherhood shall spring forth from beauteous unity. So be it; let us continue.


* * * * *




Let us set aside, for the present, the question of “reality” of a being called Sa­tan. That point, whether it appears this way or not, is not the ultimate issue at hand. If a thing exists as reality in the mind, be it singularly perceived or mass perception, it becomes “real”.


I would like to insert a parable at this point. Let us say a baby who is at the age of toilet training is being scolded for soiling his diapers. Now, let us say that there is a little puppy within the household; the puppy soils the floor and an adult strikes the animal and it dies of the blow. What think ye the child’s mind accepts regarding the dangers of such action? Might the child become totally compulsive and obsessive in some deviation from accepted “norms”?


Let us consider for a moment how a concept becomes instilled within a mind. “Magical thinking” is uppermost and can take a variety of forms, but basically it is a belief that thoughts in and of themselves may cause events to occur. This is one point that is most important regarding even this document--people think that if they read of it, it then becomes birthed into reality.


Young children normally think magically--and here I do not refer to dreaming and pretending. I speak, for instance, of a child of say, five, who gets jealous of his new baby sister and thinks: “I wish she were dead!” He might very well become totally obsessed and anxious, fearing that she actually will die because he wished it. Or, what if the baby becomes ill, he may be consumed with guilt, feeling that his thought caused her to become ill. Worse, what if for some reason the baby dies--I believe I make my point.


The reason I dwell on these examples is that at some time within the life-span of such individuals, they are very apt to make a “pact with the devil”. Now why wouldn’t one make a “pact with God”? Because the mind within knows the source of the problem and knows it is not “normal” belief or action to believe in “magic”. “Magic” is somehow mentally related to “evil”.


It is when man faces unthinkable danger, sorrow, pain, etc., then is when he makes unbalanced promises to God. He further does not seem to be too concerned with the breaking of these promises to God. He really is nervous about breaking a pact with the Devil. Do you find this interesting?


This is the danger of placing total trust in a fortune-teller; if, even in error of calculations of star signs, one is told he will die at a certain place and time, he will usually manage to do so that is the horror of a “curse” for it is the belief in the magic itself.


Let us assume, further, that one of the above individual’s beliefs were based in Christianity. Now you have presented an almost impossible confrontation to overcome. According to this model, humanity (and perhaps the universe) is locked in a titanic struggle between the forces of good and evil, between God or Christ and the Devil, Satan. The battleground of this struggle is the individual human soul. The entire meaning of human life revolves around the battle. The only question of ultimate significance is whether the soul will be won to God or won to the devil.


By establishing a pact with the devil, a relationship of terrifying “reality” has been fixed within the mind. Now, the only way left to the individual is to dare to retract the pact and turn to the God source for protection. It is not thus, but in a terrified mind it is the only solution. This neurotic symptom, confronted, is often a crucial turning point of existence within an individual which usually has cosmic significance.


We have now spoken of one aspect of magical belief which can leave a person crippled and the perceptions clouded as to truth. No psychiatrist can “reason” a return to health nor can the individual afflicted recognize his problem for the truth of the cause of his actions which would cause a pact with the Devil is hidden in the first place.


Now, here is where the self must go within and find the incident which caused the disarrangement in the first place and confront it head on. This is where a trained hypnotherapist working in integrity can be the only helpful entity. The mind must move within self and “remember”, which it cannot do while in a con­scious state of being.


This is why, however, man lumps the hypnotist in the category of Devil’s ad­vocate and assistant; because evil does not want to let go once it has claimed a subconscious mind for itself.


It is most interesting to note that the medical profession does not have a very broad-minded approach to Evil as a valid factor and has refused to come up with a classroom field of psychology of evil. Why would this be so? Because the concept of evil has been central to “religious” thought for millions of years. Therefore, you will keep it separated from your science of psychology and your human edicts come down “thou shalt not mix the two”.


Somewhere in the era of Mr. Galileo it became an unwritten social contract that “natural” and the “supernatural” would forever be alienated.


Now look what you have set up in your evolvement with such attitudes. Reli­gion agreed that the “natural world” is the sole province of the scientists. Sci­ence agreed, in turn, to keep out of the spiritual, or anything to do with “values”. Indeed, science defined itself as being “value-free”.


But how can you leave the most crucial cause out of mental unbalance? Well, you cannot and therefore, you continue to have distorted, valueless humanity in epidemic proportion. Worse, the medical discipline will accept the tool of hypnosis only on their limited and inept guidelines--partially for fear they will assist in “curing” the patient and lose of the mammoth income guaranteed by mental illness.


It is a most difficult subject indeed, for it is a most non-definable term and science must have defined guidelines and labels for everything. Theologians suffer no such compunction and will bite off all manner of evil demons whether or not they are, in reality, present. There is no left brain/right brain delineation for the theologian. Let’s just exorcise the demons and hope the human survives. Sometimes there is demon possession and it works; most often it is mental misperception of fact and the patient is more traumatized by the ordeal and sent to his demise in an institution as “hopelessly insane”.


The problem of evil is a very big mystery indeed. It does not submit itself easily to reductionism. However, some questions about human evil can be reduced to a size manageable for proper scientific investigation. Nonetheless, the puzzle pieces are interlocked and severing them one from the other is all but im­possible.


Your major problem when regarding evil is that it cannot be separated from goodness. For were there no goodness in the world, you would not be con­sidering the problem of evil. I am constantly petitioned with, “Jesus, why is there evil in the world?” Why do ye not ask me, “Why is there good in the world?” Well, let me give you a few observations that we might get the boring lesson matter over with and on to the violence of present evil, which you all seem to attune to much faster.


Evil is always in opposition to life. It is that which opposes the life force. It has, in short, to do with “killing” (murder)--namely, unnecessary killing, killing that is not required for biological survival. Don’t get confused by the abstract definitions intellectually thrown at you which render the explanation irrelevant. MURDER IS NOT ABSTRACT.


Don’t err in restricting murder to the corporeal state. Evil is also that which kills spirit. There are various essential attributes of life--particularly human life--such as sentience (emotional), mobility, awareness, growth, autonomy and “will”. It is possible to kill, or attempt to kill, one of these attributes without actually destroying the body. Thus you may “break” a person without harming a cell or hair on the physical body.


The desire for “breaking” of another, is usually the desire for control of that other--to make them controllable, to foster their dependency, to discourage their capacity to think for themselves, to diminish their unpredictability and originality, to keep them in line. This would be a term described in your vo­cabulary as “necrophilia”. The opposite of a necrophile would be a biophile. A biophile is a person who appreciates and fosters the variety of life forms and the uniqueness of the individual; whose aim it is to avoid the inconvenience of life by transforming others into obedient automatons, robbing them of their humanity.


Evil, then, is that force, residing either inside or outside of human beings, that seeks to kill life or liveliness. Goodness is its opposite. Goodness is that which promotes life and liveliness.




You are going to take God, Christ-ness, and yourselves far more seriously than you now do. From the very beginning you have been told that God created you in His own image. When are you going to take that seriously? When are you going to recognize and accept the responsibility that you are Godly beings? When will human life again have sacred importance?


I am come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly. Does it strike you as so strange that I, too, relished the things of the physical life and lived abundantly even two thousand years ago? I was not so strange, I enjoyed weddings and celebrations, wine, fine oils and good companionship. Length of a life-span is of very little value compared to the vitality in the living.


I repeat--let the dead bury their dead, for if you are alive it has no relationship to you. I dwell on the spirit of life, in liveliness.


Satan, the very spirit of evil, was a murderer from the beginning. Evil has nothing to do with natural death; it is concerned only with unnatural death, with murder of the body or the spirit. You ones in human format must take your human life so seriously that you also take human evil far more seriously--se­riously enough to study it with all the means at your command, including the methods of science. You must recognize evil for that which it is, in all its ghastly reality. This is not morbid. To the contrary, it is in dedication to “life. . . .more abundantly”. The valid reason to recognize human evil and study it well is to allow of the healing wherever you can, and eventually wipe its ugli­ness from the face of this wondrous earth.


You can no longer simply turn your eyes and ears away from the problem which is growing in boundless measure--you must look at it most minutely and with intent to heal humanity of this blight. Healing is the result of love; it is a most closely integrated relative of love. Wherever there is love there is healing. Where there is no love there is no healing. There must be love of life and respect and reverence for life and livingness--man turns to the Satanic cults and worship to “belong”, therefore, to heal there must be “belonging” and love offered in abundance along with human caring.


You must know that all dis-ease is physical AND emotional so both must be considered in any instance. You must further be able to distinguish between human evil, such as murder, and natural “evil” as perceived through death and destruction resulting from fire, flood, and earthquake.


Further, do not be misled into the assumption and perception that real evil does not have anything to do with a mother of one or five children who lives next door, or the deacon or minister in the local church building. Evil human beings are most common and usually appear quite ordinary and are mostly located in just such places.


There are several “levels” of evil possession and let us consider them in lumps. One type of evil concerns those in the process of “sliding” into evil. The other concerns those who have already slid, “fallen victim” to and been taken over by “radical” evil. These are simply recognized myths upon your place and I find them suitable enough for description.




This is a most unpleasant confrontation for parents do not wish to believe that they perpetrate evil upon their children unless they are openly practicing Satanic rituals. However, the most abundant form of evil is passed through in just such manner.


To children, their parents are like gods. The child assumes that that which the parent does is the way that things should be done. They are not able to make realistic assessments of their parents’ behavior. Treated badly by its parents, a child will usually assume that it (the child self) is the “bad” one. If treated as an ugly, stupid second-class citizen, it will grow up with an image of itself as ugly and stupid, etc. Reared without love, children come to believe themselves unlovable. Whenever there is a major deficit in parental love, the child will, in all probability, respond to that deficit by assuming itself to be the cause of the deficit, thereby developing an unrealistically negative self-image. They will ultimately respond to what they perceive as some type of evil within themselves.


So what does this all have to do with evil in general? Well, if you confront a child in trouble--look for the evil within the parental beings. You will know and recognize it when it comes into your presence. You, if you are within the light protection, will be revulsed by the presence when it enters into your space. You simply will find the humans of evil-ness most unpleasant within your proximity. This is a most saving response to the impacted one--however, if a child is involved and being in the living hell of a victim--you have responsibility to that little being.


There will be many symptoms to show you--for evil is obligated to wear a sign upon its countenance. First you will be uneasy in its presence, there will be a mixed note of fear and pity, and those possessed of evil live in sheer terror for they most often are attempting to keep that portion of their being quite secret and thus hidden away. BEWARE IF YOU KNOW ONE IS PRACTICING EVIL IN ANY FORM AND YOU ARE COMFORTABLE IN THAT PRESENCE--YOU ARE IN TROUBLE!








Unpleasant though it may be, the sense of personal sin is precisely that which keeps your sin from getting out of control. It is painful at times, but is a very great blessing because it is your one effective safeguard against your own proclivity for evil.




Evil ones do not serenely bear the trial of being displeasing to themselves. In fact, they don’t bear it at all. There is almost an unbelievable lack of self-re­crimination in evil ones. They are prone to openly state flagrantly their selfish actions without any seemingly hesitation whatsoever.


The varieties of people’s wickedness are manifold. Resulting from refusal to tolerate the sense of their own sinfulness, the evil ones become uncorrectable grab-bags of sin. They are, for instance, remarkably greedy people. Thus they are cheap--so cheap, in fact, that their “gifts” may indeed even be murderous in nature.


Sin is usually due to physical or character laziness and that is followed closely by pride. Sins are quite repairable except the sin of believing one is without sin.


Here I wish to give great credit to Gerald Vann, THE PAIN OF CHRIST AND THE SORROW OF GOD (Temple Gate Publishers, Springfield, Illinois, Copyright by Aquin Press, 1974, pp. 54-55.) I shall herein quote for un­derstanding most often comes as understanding from human viewpoint:


“There can be a state of soul against which Love itself is powerless because it has hardened itself against Love. Hell is essentially a state of being which we fashion for ourselves; a state of final separateness from God which is the result not of God’s repudiation of man, but of man’s repudiation of God, and a repudiation which is eternal precisely because it has become, in itself, immov­able. There are analogies in human experience: the hate which is so blind, so dark, that Love only makes it the more violent; the pride which is so stony that humility only makes it more scornful; the inertia--last but not least the inertia--which has so taken possession of the personality that no crisis, no appeal, no inducement whatsoever, can stir it into activity, but on the contrary makes it bury itself the more deeply in its immobility. So with the soul and God; pride can become hardened into hell, hatred can become hardened into hell, any of the seven root forms of wrongdoing can harden into hell, and not least that sloth which is boredom with divine things, the inertia that cannot be troubled to repent, even though it sees the abyss into which the soul is falling, because for so long, in little ways perhaps, it has accustomed itself to refuse whatever might cost it an effort. May God in his mercy save us from that.”




A most predominant characteristic of the behavior of the evil person is the constant scapegoating. Because these ones feel themselves above reproach, they must lash out at anyone who reproaches them. They will sacrifice any other to preserve their own self-image to the point of total absurdity to the witnessing entity. They will go to preposterous limits to preserve that self-image of perfection. Since the evil, deep down, feel themselves to be faultless, it is inevitable that when they come into conflict with the world they will invariably perceive the conflict as the world’s (or other’s) fault. Since they must deny their own badness, they must perceive others as bad. They project their own evil onto the world. They never think of themselves as evil; on the other hand, they consequently see much evil in others and proclaim it most loudly.


One author on your place defined evil “as the exercise of political power that is, the imposition of one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion--in order to avoid . . spiritual growth”. In other words, the evil attack others instead of fac­ing their own failures. Spiritual growth requires the acknowledgment of one’s need to grow. If you cannot make that acknowledgment, you have no option except to attempt to eradicate the evidence of your imperfection.


Incredible as it may appear, evil people are often destructive to unlimited ex­tents because they are actually attempting to “destroy” evil. The problem, of course, is that they misplace the focus and locus of the evil. Instead of de­stroying others they should be destroying the sickness within self. As life often threatens their false self-image of perfection, they are most often busily engaged in hating and destroying that life--usually in the name of righteousness. The fault, however, may not be so much that they hate life as that they do NOT HATE THE SINFUL PART OF THEMSELVES.


You must associate some words with evil people and those are “image”, “appearance”, and “outwardly”. While evil persons seem to lack motivation to actually be good, they intensely desire to appear good. Their “goodness” is all on a level of pretense. It is, in effect, a lie and the lie is not so much to deceive others as it is to deceive self. These evil ones will not endure the pain of self-reproach.




Self-deceit would be unnecessary if the evil had no sense of right or wrong. You lie only when you are attempting to cover up something you know to be illicit. There is no need to hide unless you first feel that something needs to be hidden.


Yes, a paradox! Evil people feel themselves to be perfect, however at some unacknowledged level of sense they know themselves to be most imperfect--which, of course, is intolerable and begins the cycle all over again. At one and the same time, the evil are aware of their evil and desperately are trying to avoid the awareness. Rather than blissfully lacking a sense of morality, like the psy­chopath, they are continually engaged in sweeping the evidence of their evil un­der the floor covering of their own consciousness. Therefore, the essential component of evil is not the absence of a sense of sin or imperfection but the to­tal unwillingness to tolerate that sense. Just as with other problems, a good example of which is alcoholism--until the problem is accepted and acknowl­edged, there will be no cure.


You can usually recognize evil by its very disguise. The lie can be perceived before the misdeed it is designed to hide--the cover-up before the fact. You can witness the smile that hides the hatred, the smooth and oily manner that masks the fury, the velvet glove that covers the fist. Because the evil are such experts at disguise, it is seldom possible to pinpoint the maliciousness of the evil. The disguise is often impenetrable but what you can catch are glimpses of the uncanny game of hide-and-seek in the obscurity of the soul, in which it, the single human soul, evades itself, avoids itself, and hides from itself.


Since the primary motive of the evil is disguise, one of the places evil people most often are found is within your churches. Does this make you feel com­fortable? How better to conceal evil than to be a deacon or some other highly visible form of Christian within your culture? In other parts of the world you might have to turn to the good Hindu or good Moslem, etc. This is not to cast the spotlight on the whole but rather to point out that evil people tend to gravitate toward piety for the disguise and concealment it can offer unto them.


What might help distinguish the evil from the rest of you “sinners” is the spe­cific “type” of pain they are running away from--for all are running away from pain toward that which they classify as happiness and joy. The evil are not pain avoiders or lazy people in general; to the contrary, they are most exerting in their continuing effort to obtain and maintain an image of high respectability. They may very willingly, even eagerly, undergo great hardships in the search for status. It is only one particular kind of pain they cannot tolerate and that is the pain of their own conscience, the pain of the realization of their own sinfulness and imperfection.


The evil hate the light--the light of goodness that shows them up, the light of scrutiny that exposes them, the light of truth that penetrates their deception. The evil will, further, attempt to annihilate any and all who cast light on them and their activities and therefore the light bearer becomes in fact, the target of the evil aggressor. To maintain the dark secret, the light must be extinguished at any cost--participants of a group of evil congregates must cause ALL to prac­tice some extent of total evil action to maintain the lie. Through participation is always the threat of discovery, so threats so heinous in nature that one would be terrified to reveal truth must be employed. And so be it that we will leave this portion at this point. It has been a lengthy session and it is time for a respite.


I will move to stand-by, that this chapter might be brought to a close.