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THE TALMUD OF JMMANUEL Chapter 1 - The Genealogy of Jmmanuel

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Jan. 16, 2016

1.This is the book and arcanum of Jmmanuel, who is called "the one with godly knowledge" who is the son of Joseph, grandson of Jacob, a distant descendant of David. David was a descendant of Abram [Abraham], whose genealogy traces back to Adam, the father of a lineage of terrestrial humans.

Adam was begotten by Semjasa, the leader of the celestial sons who were the guardian angels of god, the great ruler of the travelers from afar (7).

2.Semjasa, the celestial son and guardian angel of god, the great ruler of the voyagers who travelled here through vast expanses of the universe, took a terrestrial woman and begot Adam, the father of the white human population.

3.Adam took for himself an Earth wife and begot Seth.

4.Seth begot Enos.

5. Enos begot Akjbeel.

6.Akjbeel begot Aruseak.

7.Aruseak begot Kenan.

8.Kenan begot Mahalaleel.

9.Mahalaleel begot Urakjbarameel.

10.Urakjbarameel begot Jared.

11.Iared begot Henoch.

12.Henoch begot Methusalah.

13.Methusalah begot Lamech.

14.Lamech begot Tamjel.

15.Tamjel begot Danel.

16.Danel begot Asael.

17.Asael begot Samsafeel.

18.Samsafeel begot Jomjael.

19.lomjael begot Turel.

20.Turel begot Hamech.

21.Hamech begot Noah.

22.Neah begot Sem.

23.Sem begot Arpachsad.

24.Arpachsad begot Batraal.

25.Batraal begot Ramuel.

26.Ramuel begot Askeel.

(7) The title "god" is not capitalized unless it refers to the Judeo-Christian God [The Talmud Of Jmmanuel).

27.Askeel begot Armers.

28.Armers begot Salah.

29.Salah begot Eber.

30.Eber begot Peleg.

31.Peleg begot Regu.

32.Regu begot Serug.

33.Serug begot Araseal.

34.Araseal begot Nahor.

35.Nahor begot Thara.

36.Thara begot Abraham.

37.Abraham begotjsaak.

38. jsaak begot Jacob.

39.jacob begot ]uda.

40.]uda begot Ananj.

41.Ananj begot Ertael.

42.Ertael begot Perez.

43.Perez begot Hezron.

44.Hezron begot Ram.

45.Ram begot Amjnadab.

46.Amjnadab begot Savebe.

47.Savebe begot Nahesson.

48.N ahesson begot Sahna.

49.Sahna begot Boas.

50.Boas begot Obed.

51.Obed begot Jesse.

52.jesse begot David.

53.David begot Solomon.

54.Solomen begot Asa.

55.Asa begot Gadaeel.

56.Gadaeel begot josaphat.

57.Josaphat begot lora.

58.jora begot Armenee1.

59.Armenee1 begot Usja.

60.Usja begot Jothan.

61.Jothan begot Gadreel.

62.Gadreel begot Ahas.

63.Ahas begot Jtjskja.

64.Jtjskja begot Manasse.

65.Manasse begot Amen.

66.Amen begot Josja.

67.Josja begot Jojachjn.

68.Jojachjn begot Sealthjel.

69.Sealthjel begot Jequn.

70.Jequn begot Serubabel.

71.Serubabel begot Abjud.

72.Abjud begot Eljakjm.

73.Eljakjm begot Asor.

74.Asor begot Zadok.

75.Zadok begot Achjm.

76.Achjm begot Eljud.

77.Eljud begot Eleasar.

78.Eleasar begot Matthan.

79.Matthan begot Jacob.

80.Jacob begot Joseph.

81.Joseph was the husband of Mary, the mother of Jmmanuel, who was impregnated by a distant descendant of the celestial son, Rasiel, who was the guardian angel of the secret.

82.When Joseph heard of Mary's secret impregnation by a descendant of the celestial sons from the lineage of Rasiel, behold, he was filled with wrath and thought of leaving Mary before he would be married to her before the people.

83.While Joseph was thinking in this manner, behold, a guardian angel, sent by Gabriel, the celestial son who had impregnated Mary, appeared and said:

84."Joseph, Mary is betrothed to you, and you are to become her spouse; do not leave her, because the fruit of her womb is chosen for a great purpose. Marry her in all openness, so that you may be husband and wife before the people.

85."Behold, the impregnation of Mary occurred eleven thousand years after the procreation of Adam through the celestial son Semjasa, to fulfil the word of god, the ruler of those who travelled from afar, who conveyed these words through the prophet Isaiah:

86."'Behold, a virgin will be impregnated by a celestial son before she is married to a man before the people.

87."'They will name the fruit of her womb Jmmanuel, which translated means 'the one with godly knowledge,' as a symbol and honour to god. Through god's power and providential care the Earth was made to bear intelligent human life when the celestial sons, the travellers from the far reaches of the universe, mated with the women of Earth.

88."Behold, god and his followers came far from the depths of space, where they delivered themselves from a strong bondage, and created here a new human race and home with the early women of this Earth.

89."God deserves the honour of people of Earth, for behold; he is the true originator of the white and of coloured Earth humans, and to him honour should be given.

90."Except for him there is nothing equal in form for these human lineages created by him. Besides him, therefore, people should have no other gods who created other human lineages in other parts of the Earth.

91."Except for god there is nothing of comparable form worthy of veneration. Over him and his celestial sons reigns only the omnipotence of all creation: Creation itself, which should be revered.

92."Behold, therefore; over the Earth reigns god, the master of the celestial sons and the people of the white and coloured terrestrial lineages.

93."God is the lawgiver for these human populations and, therefore, his wishes should be fulfilled by man and woman.

94."God, the lord, is generous in his love, but also terrible in his wrath when his laws are disobeyed.

95."Mary's impregnation is god's law, and you, Joseph, are to be her husband in matrimony"

The Birth Of Jmmanuel

96.When Joseph heard this, however, he was mindful of his devoutness to god's laws, so he brought Mary home and married her before the people.

97.At this time a decree went out from Emperor Augustus, that all the world should be counted.

98.This census was the first of its kind and occurred at the time that Cyrenius was governor in Syria.

99.All went to be assessed, each to his own town.

100.Joseph of Galilee, of the town of Nazareth, also went with his wife Mary into the Judaic land to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David,

101.In order to be assessed with his wife, Mary, who was pregnant by the celestial son Gabriel from the lineage of Rasiel.

102.When they were there, the time came for her to give birth.

103.Since they could find no shelter, they spent the night in a stable.

104.And Mary bore her first son on the straw, wrapped him in cloth, and laid him in a manger near the animals, because there was no other room for her in the inn.