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SAT., FEB. 28, 1998    7:32 A.M.    YR. 11, DAY 196

SAT.,  FEB. 28,  1998


For our Arab oil friends I ask that the information on the early dealings with the Arab nations, offered several years ago, first by Lindsey Williams on such as Chase Manhattan Bank, be RUN FOR THEIR DIRECT INFORMATION.

Next, I want to offer this bit of material for all of you who in­vest, expect to win something financially, do business with these big banks (actually NO CHOICE ABOUT THAT) and never seem to see handwriting scratched like nasty graffiti  every­where.




     Chase Manhattan leads the DERIVATIVE SPECULATION BUBBLE with $62 in derivatives for every dollar in equity capital. Chase alone has a derivative exposure equal to the U.S. annual gross domestic product. A Bank for International Settlements survey shows 79 financial institutions with a collective $82.6 TRILLION in derivatives, banking's high­est RISK VENTURE.




In Spotlight, March 2, 1998, pg.3, is an Editorial that I feel is so excellent that I would like to share it with you in this time of total insanity. Then I would like to share a Front Page story on the Arabs. And thirdly, I would like you to note a "commentary" on page 3 of that issue of Spotlight but I don't have time to reprint it here. My focus is on the Author of that article, Michael Collins Piper, author of FINAL JUDGMENT, available through Liberty Library, 300 Independence Ave., SE, Washington, D. C . 20003.

I believe that Michael has done some of the best work in re­searching some of the most chaotic topics of your day and in this commentary has proven himself again at the top of my list. We will see if we can squeeze it in somewhere this week for you who can't get SPOTLIGHT.

QUOTING, EDITORIAL, SPOTLIGHT, March 2, 1998, pg. 3:



     As the SPOTLIGHT--alone among every other newspaper in the United States of America--has said from its first issue in 1975, and as its publisher, Liberty Lobby, has said for almost 43 years, this country's foreign policy is fundamentally disas­trous.

     The one and only correct foreign policy for the U.S. is non­intervention in the affairs of other nations. This policy was first laid down by George Washington. It was sane, sensible and correct then and is even more so now.

     America's interventions into other nations' wars have brought us nothing of value and, contrarily, almost all of the troubles--foreign and domestic--that we now have.

     Interventionism--internationalism--is totally flawed and un­workable. In the end it has to result in America's absorption into a world government: a turbulent morass of calamity, chaos, violence and tyranny with American sovereignty a fondly re­membered dream in the minds of a few still able to think ratio­nally.

     It means the end of the Constitution, American law, Ameri­can standards and values and the end of the American language. The full results of internationalism are so horrid to contemplate that most Americans prefer to look the other way.

     At this writing, we stand on the verge of being commanded into another aggressive war, a war against Iraq which has ab­solutely nothing to recommend it insofar as our national inter­ests are concerned.

     This war is totally the product of the demands of the leaders of a foreign nation and American traitors--Zionists and Zionist­-kissers--who put the imagined interests of a foreign nation above ours.

     In many editorials we have warned about the irresponsible stupidity of fighting other nations' wars--wars in which we have no legitimate interest whatsoever.

     Strangely and sadly, NO OTHER PUBLICATION in the entire expanse of America has joined with us. Amazing, eh? True: Everyone is out of step but us.

[H: No, this is NOT TRUE, there are many papers just like THIS one, CONTACT, that has taken all the same blows as has Spotlight while every effort conjured has been thrown against us to get us deaded. We honor and support Spotlight but we can't just let the accusation of "no other..." stand without objection for we can name 10 to 12 other publica­tions doing the very best they can, although I think they might well be considered newsletters or magazines. We also have regular journals but we are not, in this paper, a maga­zine or pamphlet. We have sometimes as many as 90 pages in our weekly publication and in our home state we are con­sidered a fully-fledged (tax-wise and that must mean something) newspaper. We are not tax-free or non-profit--al­though we have NEVER made it to the ranks of even so much as "paying our way". We had to decide whether to have a paper with TRUTH or a rag with nothing of value. We CHOSE TRUTH.

The facts are that SPOTLIGHT refused to run any adver­tisement for CONTACT as being too radical and "far out". This was when George Green was still here and we had such INSIDE INFORMATION as to boggle minds. YOU can't have it both ways. Our people have been shot at, blasted by helicopter lasers, the property seized, brought into court in a dozen different matters--and from some who claimed to be the highest level of "Christians". One nice Christian leader said the Churches would drive us out of town for consider­ing that we were also "Christ-ians". They left nice messages on machines calling my writer a "slimy puke" and another few who said "be concerned every time you turn on your car ignition--and say goodbye".

Our Editor has been around the block a few times and has had top-level research jobs in MAJOR places along with holding several doctorate degrees in physics, engineering and science.


We, like Spotlight which we have supported from upstart with both advertising and funds (we don't make a big deal of it), will hang in there until all we hounds are hanged OR we develop incentive of people to wake up and DO SOMETHING. And yes, we do know the way and have the way--IF SUCH AS SPOTLIGHT would bother to listen. All of us out here in the hinterlands beyond the beltway are strug­gling every hour of every day to do something to thwart the takeover plans of the New World Israeli Zionist Order. We would welcome a bit of help. However, we have learned very well to NOT EXPECT IT so, if not us--WHO?]

     No politician, no leader of any sort has had the guts to say what is right for America. Believe it or not, the Establishment is locked securely within iron chains of Zionist command. No one dares to say the obvious--the truth.

     Of course, the limp, corrupt and lying "news media"--including every great daily paper in America--has gone along totally with the SCREAMS for American aggression, American genocide--for the sole purpose of backing up the aggressive designs of the gangster leaders of ISRAEL.

     The "religious" spokesmen, such as Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Billy Graham ad nauseam are perhaps the worst of the bunch. Their tongues are so sore from licking the boots of their Israeli masters they can hardly even explain that they hope that American intervention against Iraq will result in the BAT­TLE OF ARMAGEDDON AND THE MASSACRE OF MIL­LIONS.

     These lunatics seriously believe that such a horror is fore­doomed by their interpretation of an obscure passage in the Bible. People like this deserve a straitjacket in a padded cell, not an audience of impressionable American Christians.

     In this morass of deceit, corruption and evil we are glad to welcome the opposition of the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Egypt to Israel-Clinton war plans. In spite of the bribes and lavish wooing by Missy Halfbright and her distinguished supe­rior, "Zipper" Clinton, they are united in saying, "Get out of the Mideast and leave it to we who live here".

     Our intervention and aggression against Iraq is not merely a repudiation of everything America stands for and a continued violation of sanity in foreign relations, it can only wreak evil for this country.

     We covered this aspect in our editorial on page 17 on Febru­ary 9, and urge you to read it over again. It further explains INSANITY AS FOREIGN POLICY.



by Martin Mann

NATIONAL INTEGRITY WILTING. Once upon a time, America was the only country the Arabs trusted. Then our government lost its integrity

     The Arabs did not trust the Germans who were unknown newcomers. Neither did they trust the British who were too well known. The only outsiders they trusted were, believe it or not, Americans. [H: This may well be questioned, but this is

Mr. Mann's article, not mine.]

     "I had never fully realized the extent of the prestige and pop­ularity we Yanks enjoyed among the Moslems. They freely gave us information and help--we were the only people who never had to resort to bribery to get the Arabs to do something special for us".

     Those are excerpts from the memoirs of Kenneth Pendar, a Massachusetts-born intelligence officer who served as a U.S. secret agent during World War II in various Arab countries from early 1941 through the late summer of 1943.

     "The Arabs also admired our apparently boundless power but did not fear it, because even the most unlettered among them somehow knew that Americans were kindly people, who would never join the long list of their oppressors and exploiters... This sense of power and admiration clung like an invisible halo even to the lowly control officers such as myself", Pendar wrote.

     More than half a century after the young intelligence officer recorded these gratifying observations, the vast Islamic world's proven reserves of goodwill, trust and admiration for America have been squandered by a succession of abjectly pro-Israel ad­ministrations.

     The extent to which the U.S. has forfeited the respect and support of both leaders and ordinary people from Lebanon all the way to the oil-rich, geostrategically vital Gulf, has been strikingly brought home in recent days, when just about every Arab opinion-maker and publication denounced the Clinton ad­ministration's military preparations. [H: Bet your controlled media didn't tell you all THIS, did they? And no, I am not an "American", I am a Universal citizen in authority over quite a few more cosmic attitudes and endeavors. I am, however, an equal opportunity employer but the pay is not much--just FREEDOM, HONOR, INTEGRITY AND CITI­ZENSHIP IN A RATHER UNIQUE GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION.]

     In legal terms "The use of force against Iraq amounts to bru­tal, unequivocal aggression... Clinton has no international au­thority, let alone a UN mandate, for such an attack," proclaimed Dr. Hassan Naafa, a respected Egyptian legal analyst and com­mentator.

     "A strike against Iraq will be a rehearsal for one against Iran", warned Rose el-Youssef, the important Gulf daily, in a conclusion that was widely shared by Islamic policy analysts.



     In an unprecedented call for Islamic unity, a number of edito­rials urged that Arab nations abandon ancient regional rivalries and join forces with Iran against U.S. military intervention.

     "Iran must warn the U.S. that Iraq will not be alone if it is forced to fight... If the Arabs and Iran act together, some sense may enter the head of the U.S. president", urged Al-Shaab, an­other major Gulf publication.

     A peaceful settlement of the Iraqi crisis is the "only way to prevent the Middle East from sinking into chaos", asserted Al­-Ahram, Egypt's moderate old-line daily, regarded as the largest and most influential publication in the Arab world.

     There is no truth in the U.S. claim that Iraq must be bombed in order to "diminish its capability to threaten its neighbors", Al-­Ahram noted. In reality, "every Arab state with the dubious exception of Kuwait" opposes such an attack. [H: Note that Kuwait is totally controlled by Israel/Bush/Britain. By the way, these nasties have to bomb one of you nice Arab States to get Armageddon going for the Zionist-Israel. It is known that neither Arabs nor ALLAH will allow such abuse and lop-sided victory again and again for these ANTICHRIST gods of the oil business.]

     Arabs will oppose any such military intervention even if the UN Security Council comes around to endorsing it, cautioned Al-Ahram, because the loss of U.S. leadership and moral au­thority has also undermined the world forum's influence in the Islamic world.

     The U.S. has "hijacked" the UN Security Council and strong-armed it into an Israeli-inspired strategy of all-out war against ISLAM, the influential newspaper told its millions of readers. (Al-Ahram is published in English and French editions as well as Arabic).

     "As for Iraq, the UN is now attempting to induce the interna­tional community to legitimize Iraq's destruction by the U.S. As for Israel, the UN aims to ensure that all is still and quiet as Palestine is destroyed. Both rivers flow to one sea: Israeli hegemony in the region", concluded Al-Ahram on the 17th of February. [H: Right on, and as always there is a distancing of what APPEARS between the U.S. Administration and Is­rael's Mr. Yahoo, et al. This is so typical that when it hap­pens you KNOW a biggie is about to drop on you. And worse, this time when the Yahoos came calling, even the Jewish community denied him their sheckles--but he went to Evangelist leader Jerry Falwell and got not only a commit­ment for long-term alliance but immediate and BIG financial backing.]



     Dismissing another attempted U.S. justification for bombing Iraq--the claim that Saddam Hussein is in violation of some UN resolutions--the newspaper Al-Mussawar pointed out that "Israel has not only ignored UN resolutions, but it has also refused to implement agreements signed on the White House lawn in the presence of the U.S. president.

     "But Israel is America's darling", Al-Mussawar asserted, "and the Arabs are expected to prostrate themselves and thank the U.S. for the presence of 'POOR LITTLE ISRAEL' WHICH POSSESSES ONLY 300 NUCLEAR WARHEADS, ARSENALS OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS, THE LATEST WARPLANES, THE HEAVIEST BATTLE TANKS AND THE LONGEST-RANGE GUNS".




Dharma, I believe Mr. Piper's "commentary" is so important as to take the time to repeat it here for our readers, and hopefully for those friends we have out there in Arab-land and in the GLOBAL COMMUNITY. And yes, what you must do, all of you, is join within a GLOBAL COMMUNITY and never mind the United Nations of the Israel-U.S.-Britain (with colonies) coalition. For goodness sakes, PLEASE, put it OUTSIDE the United States and off of Rockefeller's land and never mind col­lecting "dues", which bind you more deeply, from the United States and allies. You DO NOT have to have a WAR to gain peace and prosperity--you need a Godly community based on RIGHT VALUES AND MORALITY.




Some interesting questions are bring raised about the "how" and "why" of the behind-the-scenes forces that are pressuring Presi­dent Bill Clinton to take action against Saddam Hussein. COMMENTARY, By Michael Collins Piper for SPOTLIGHT,

Mar. 2, 1998, pg. 3:

     Once upon a time there was a popular young American presi­dent who was bound and determined to prevent a scrappy Mid­dle East state from developing weapons of mass destruction.

     The American president reportedly had an eye for the ladies (despite his marriage to a high-profile First Lady who publicly remained loyal to her husband). The young president became engaged in a high-stakes, behind-the-scenes game of diplomacy and power politics to achieve his goal of preventing a nuclear buildup in the Middle East.

     However, the American president's Middle East counterpart remained intransigent and refused to buckle under. The leader of the Middle East state was determined to make his nation a nuclear power--the American president be damned.

     So far the story sounds awfully familiar and quite timely. Is it Bill Clinton and Saddam Hussein we're talking about? No, we're talking about John F. Kennedy and Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion.

     We know how the saga of John F. Kennedy came to a close. He was shot and killed in Dallas and, upon his death, his suc­cessor, Lyndon B. Johnson, turned a blind eye and allowed Is­rael's controversial nuclear weapons development program to move forward not only unimpeded but covertly assisted by pro-Israel elements in the American CIA.

     Although it is an "open secret" that Israel has developed a massive nuclear arsenal

--in contravention of John F. Kennedy's wishes--Israel has never signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and continually refuses to do so. Israel officially denies that it has nuclear weapons and therefore, so Israel's partisans say, Israel has no reason to sign such a declaration.

     In the meantime, however, Iraq--under Saddam Hussein--has signed the treaty and yet, as a consequence of Israeli pressure, there is an ongoing campaign by pro-Israel partisans who domi­nate policy-making in the Bill Clinton administration to force Saddam to open up his own weapons arsenal to United Nations inspection. If Saddam refuses to abide by the demands, it is threatened, Saddam and the people of Iraq will be subjected to a massive military assault.

[H: It must be inserted here that NOW there is supposedly an ONGOING CIA mission (READ MOSSAD) to get Sad­dam himself. This is not the first time and the other time this was so botched as to catch U.S. shooting down U.S. planes. These pigs from these "intelligence" quarters even blow up our own things to make it appear as if they have been damaged. It has happened over and over and over again--from ships to gassings, even to a so-called HOLO­CAUST which did NOT happen as it has been projected through the next half a century.]



     What makes the situation all the more incredibly ironic is that the so-called "ABC Gang" in the Clinton administration--Al­bright, Berger and Cohen--all have ethnic and emotional at­tachments to Israel and, as a consequence, have no regard for the desires and interests of the Christian and Moslem people of both Iraq and the U.S.

     (Incidentally, what few Americans know--with the exception of SPOTLIGHT readers--[H: CONFOUND IT, WRONG AGAIN!] is that Iraq has one of the highest percentages of Christians among its diverse peoples. [H: And these might well be considered "CHRIST-ians" and not the diverted, false "Christians" as that has come to be for almost all of the "Christian" religions since before the Crusades and manmade Inquisitions of Satan. The most of the alien-false Christians reside in the United States of America now under control of the Antichrist calling themselves "Christians" and "Judeans". How do I know? I KNOW CHRIST.] Some of the oldest Christian churches in the world exist in Iraq today, although at least one of the most prominent ones was bombed to rubble by American planes during the last Persian Gulf War. This fact was reported exclusively by the Spotlight's editor, Andrew Arnold, following his fact-finding mission to Iraq in the wake of the Gulf War).


[H: Oh my goodness, here comes another reminder. The flag of Israel bears a blue star of David and two blue stripes. I again remind you that the stripes represent the Euphrates River and the Tigris River--with full public notice that all lands between the two will be the property of ISRAEL. This represents the BLUE TURBAN of the Antichrist of Nos­tradamus, good friends!


In addition, the aliens from "out there" "somewhere" came in Christ-ness to your place in that area of Iraq once known as (SUMAR) Sumaria--among other places not relevant at this writing, but, we'll get there if you stay tuned-in. And NO, I don't care who has told you something else.]




     One can only imagine the reaction among the adherents of Is­rael in America if President Clinton's three top foreign policy advisors [H: read: RULERS, HANDLERS, CON­TROLLERS.] were Americans of Arab descent. There would be cries of "conflict of interest" from the major media and de­mands for a "balance" in foreign policy making. But President Clinton's top advisors are NOT Arab-Americans.


     If Saddam Hussein must be forced to open up his arsenal for inspection, should not the same thing be required of Israel, so as to ensure that Israel will never use its nuclear weapons against some enemy--real or perceived? Is that question illogical or does it simply run contrary to what is "politically correct" to say and think in America today? Should we not also be concerned about Israel's potential use of weapons of mass destruction?

     Is the ongoing "sex and perjury" scandal that the media has been hanging over the head of President Clinton actually a high-level operation designed to force the president's hand on behalf of Israel--and against Saddam? [H: YES INDEED.]

     Frank Gaffney, director of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, has suggested that "it would seem, at a minimum, that the president has been in a compromised position, one that was susceptible to exploitation by a foreign intelligence ser­vice".

     It is known, for example, that President Clinton has been ac­cused by many of Israel's hard-line "right-wing" forces of hav­ing "turned his back on Israel" and that these accusations were erupting just prior to the media frenzy that accompanied the rev­elations of the president's relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. [H: It is now said that Billy Zipper has said he had ONLY a kissing relationship with Ms. Lewinscat. Kissing what? And is Hilarious so "trusting" of her Zipper Billy that she just "stands by her man"? No, if Billy goes, so goes Hillary--out of power and onto the scrap heap right alongside the dude with the zipper problem of long standing, no pun intended.]

     With this in mind, is it just a coincidence that the New York Times--the staunchest and most strident media voice promoting Israel's interests in America--is the one newspaper that most of­ten has been linked to anti-Clinton "leaks" in the so-called "monica-gate" scandal that threatens to bring down Bill Clinton?

     Is it likewise a coincidence that Newsweek (joined by its sister publication, the Washington Post)--both published by the pro-Is­rael Meyer-Graham empire, which has long been close to the CIA and its allies in the Mossad--has also been marshaling the media assault upon Clinton?

     If President Clinton fails to abide by Israel's demands that Saddam be destroyed, will a "smoking gun" emerge in the scan­dal that will, once and for all, bring down Bill Clinton? [H: Well, it appears to me that about the only claim of LIFE Billy has is his refusal to sign that order to war in this matter. Suiciding of this President might be even worse for these bastard pillagers than killing off Saddam--at this time--but they will very well probably try it for it has worked for the Clintons--why not the enemies of Clinton? Old Vince Foster probably didn't really want his brains blown out ei­ther!]

     These are just a few questions, among many others, that might be pondered as an American president once again finds himself trying to thwart a Middle East state from developing--and perhaps using--weapons of mass destruction. [H: The brainwash term set for your constant mental engraving.]


Please don't go away, readers, for when we next write we will take up the PROTOCOLS--yet again.

Many write and ask, "Why didn't you tell us all this information sooner"? WE DID and Nilus offered the Protocols in 1905 after they had already been around for a VERY LONG TIME. These topics from the INTERNATIONAL JEW were PUBLISHED in a public Newspaper by HENRY FORD in the early 1920s. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?

The next Protocols topic we shall speak about is on the Jewish Plan to split society by "Ideas". If you don't think these are dangerously timely--then go back to sleep but please don't call on GOD to save your assets when the final shackle is put onto you.

And people: any BLOOD that runs in the desert of Iraq IS ON YOUR HEAD--know it! And what does this mean? It means that if you shed blood on that place--it shall be shed BY YOU IN YOUR PLACE! IT IS CALLED UNIVERSAL LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. Adonai.