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Dec. 4, 2015





FRI., FEB. 27, 1998     7:53 A.M.     YR. 11, DAY 195

FRI., FEB. 27, 1998



There has come forth a statement that this set of tornadoes sweeping Florida was "AIMED AT GLOBAL SCIENCES MEETINGS" intentionally by HAARP to silence the IMPOR­TANT WORLD LEADERS OF PATRIOT AMERICA

NO, no and no. There are no lingering patriots of America sunk into that organization. As long as such as George Green appears and mingles and the lies continue--the gathering has LOST ALL IMPORTANCE. This is sad because there are some such as Horowitz on microbes, etc., who are invaluable to establish some modicum of recourse for you-the-people through information and, possibly, product. Otherwise, it is a total waste of time and funds for it has been rendered useless long be­fore tornados hit this week in Florid


How do YOU know Green is lying--AGAIN? Well, if you tell one bunch that you were asked to be the Campaign Financial Person for Carter (this one that literally steals gold from his own company and from YOU)--NOW TELLS THEM IN FLORIDA THAT HE WAS ASKED TO BE FINANCIAL CAMPAIGN DIRECTOR FOR BUSH--you have a problem! Neither? Both? Will the truth please stand up. He also said he was close with Paul Volcker of the Federal Reserve before Greenspan--but Mr. Volcker NEVER HEARD OF HIM. George Green has been hooked up with Dean Stonier (Global Sciences) for a very long time and did, in fact, bring Stonier to Tehachapi to meet ME. I KNOW OF THAT WHICH I SPEAK.


By the way, when Georgie took the gold and OTHER ASSETS to Nevada and was discovered, he also said that "Hatonn had dumped Dharma and Ekkers, and had moved with him and Desiree (Druthea) to Carson City." So, since I didn't move anywhere nor even let up on writing, I would suggest that surely, since I know who I am--I have nothing but a very good idea--who MOVED WITH GOOD OLD GEORGE.


"But, now just how can you back that up, Sir?" Because Bo Gritz called ME on the phone yet and asked, "How the hell many of you are there up there? George is claiming he is your spokesman and, and, and..." And Gritz? Oh he joined the cute little devil, along with Binder of US&P, et al.


Bo said something else quite interesting: "The one I'm con­cerned about is Desiree because she's like an Okie who don't know s--- from Shinola." Therefore, do NOT undersell Bo Gritz and stop overselling anything you get from George Green. And this is only the opinion of myself in a land of free speech in your own Bill of Rights.


These are examples of underlying things which may well save your lives. At one of the early conferences (Global Sciences) George Green came back reporting that someone there was selling "Tesla watches". They would take the back off and place a sticker reading "Tesla" on the face of a Casio CHEAP $10.00 watch and close it up and sell it for $50.00. George says he said to the man: "That is really bad." The man answered, "It's all in the mind anyway."






I realize that you weary of hearing the same old things in this revolving world. What you want is to have everything you can dream of and also live on the ragged edge of criminal expecta­tion. It is much like the old joke of the man getting married; he wanted a Saint, an angel, and yet he wanted that angel to turn into his private prostitute at 7:30 in the evening.


You are titillated by the zipper rasping but you refuse to look at what is truly behind the acts going on on the stage before your eyes. I am going to remind you ONE MORE TIME: THE WORLD PLAN 2000 ACCORDING TO THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION IS ALMOST FINISHED. DOES EVERYONE HEAR ME? ALMOST FINALIZED.


You listen constantly to the news and even call in and place your opinions which flow in, say, an afternoon. Now, readers, are "most" citizens working in those hours of "opinion taking", or sleeping, or watching reruns wherein the calls were made earlier that day? How can polls be accurate when you only search and find the selected groups to get what you want? And then, the numbers are altered to suit the projections. The whole programs fall apart when random call-ins are counted and, according to the audience that day, poll numbers are in opposition. STOP IT! YOU CANNOT TRUST ANYTHING YOU ARE BEING SHOWN ON THESE PROGRAMS WHICH HAVE THE SAME PANEL GUESTS DAY AFTER DAY SPOUTING OFF ON ANYTHING FROM SEX ETHICS TO LEGAL MANIPU­LATIONS. AND TAKE NOTE: THEY ARE 100% JEWISH IF THEY ARE ON THE "CALL BACK" CIRCUIT.


Things do get caught by accidental stumbling, like the Mossad agents in Switzerland. But, how many do NOT get caught? That's right, LOTS. And, just let us consider the former head of the UN investigation team that precipitated this panic--the man was called a SPY and was AND IS, a SPY for guess who? That's right!


The Zionist Protocolists KNOW that they must have things un­der better control by the end of summer or there will be a delay in "take-over" timing. You have to have a WAR and it has to be in the Middle East, so, you have Iraq. The LIES pouring forth astound even myself in the very middle of your UN LEADER going and reporting back TRUTH.


And what of that zipper problem? Again, the same players are orchestrating the entire miserable and embarrassing (at least it should be) mess--again, through deceit, lies, half-truths, no truths, some truths, kinky grabbers, dirty "pool", zipper mad­ness, and legal escapades that so point out the TYPICAL way the judicial system works that you wouldn't believe it if some of you had not EXPERIENCED IT. THOSE OPERATIONS IN WASHINGTON ARE ONLY DIFFERENT IN CONTENT THAN WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO MANY OF YOU FOR THE PAST DECADE. THERE IS NO "JUSTICE" IN THE "JUSTICE SYSTEM"--IT IS PURELY MANIPULATED AC­CORDING TO THE WISHES OF OUTCOME.


I, further, am going to break some hearts here, but you are go­ing to get NOWHERE SAVE JAIL AND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS INPUT INTO THE DAVID MILLER ATTEMPTS TO TAME THE COURTS. THE COURTS ARE READY FOR YOU--READY, WILLING AND ABLE TO BRING YOU IN AND TAKE YOU OUT. ASK DR. RON CARLSON, WHOM WE ALL KNOW, IN HAWAII. Worse, when he was released from jail on "no charges" he found (was told) about the back­ground check all the way back to the execution of Richard Snell in Arkansas and a letter he wrote asking compassion to Gov. Guy Tucker--newly acquired on exchange of [Tucker's] free­dom for lies on Clinton.


The courts are fully set now to handle, as a FELONY OF­FENSE, anyone who comes in proclaiming COMMON LAW DEMANDS OF THE COURT. The system will NOW pick you off like fleas.


Is this "right"? Of course not, and some may slip through the system as too unworthy to quarrel about--but it is not going to work in THIS SYSTEM. Even if you "win" according to the outlines of Miller--YOU HAVE LOST. IF YOU GET ALL THE WAY TO THE SUPREME COURT--THE CASE IS SIMPLY SHELVED.


If you are willing to go to jail for this "cause", fine, for it must mean you are focused on change in THAT arena. But, for in­stance, to have my typist in jail is not acceptable. Ekkers, for instance, with [if] funds available for attorneys, have EXCEP­TIONALLY GOOD (OUTSTANDING) CAUSES FOR CON­FRONTATION OF EACH PRIOR ACTION--IN COURT AS IT NOW SITS.


I KNOW that you do not know what to do when it "goes wrong" and the law nails you, because we continually live through the, "Oh God, what do I do now?" Remember, readers, you must stand ready for any and all consequences of whatever you do, for you are up against Satan in his living form. He is the PRINCE OF CONFUSION, DECEIT, AND LIES. You of God are totally unprepared, even at your BEST, to handle that opponent on HIS OWN TURF.


In all the Lewinsky affair have you noticed that after an intro­duction or two, Ms. Goldberg has been absent the fray? I guess so, for she is the fox in the henhouse.


Why doesn't Clinton or Reno fire Starr? Because Starr is the ONLY ONE STANDING BETWEEN THEIR OWN DEMISE AND THE HOUNDS OF HELL.


I don't want to spend time on it and I want you people to get ac­customed to getting backup information to test everything I say to you. THAT IS GOOD INTELLIGENT WISDOM.


I will take time, however, to share an article which was re­quested to be copied and circulated from SPOTLIGHT from Feb. 16, 1998.







[H: Oh indeed, you are going to find factions from the same intent playing their little "hands" on both sides of the table. Remember the goal is to gain control of the world--not check out and WD-40 Billy's zipper.]


The names of the perpetrators of Clinton's

scandal-driven downfall are included as fingers

are pointed in the direction of the Israel lobby.


by George Nicholas, Spotlight


A veteran political spy and undercover agent has been identi­fied as the prime mover behind the latest White House scandals, a Spotlight investigation has found.


Lucianne Goldberg, 62, a self-styled literary agent with what one acquaintance called "bone-deep" ethnic and emotional ties to Israel reportedly provided the technical equipment, the en­couragement and the expectation of "six-figure" payoffs that set in motion a series of secret tape recordings of former White House intern Monica Lewinsky's phone chats with a trusted friend.


Those tapes, in which Lewinsky describes a sleazy sexual li­aison with President Bill Clinton, and then complains of being pressured to lie about the affair under oath, form the core evi­dence in the sensational criminal case being pursued against Clinton and some of his closest cronies by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.


Mrs. Goldberg once worked for Murray Chotiner, the shad­owy Nixon-era White House intelligence operative known for his links to the MOSSAD, Israel's secret service.


The finding that Mrs. Goldberg, who reportedly told friends she "masterminded" the latest Clinton scandals, has an unsavory background as an undercover agent in the service of a Zionist network linking the Nixon White House to the Mossad is a "startling discovery", intelligence sources say.


In the consensus of most expert observers, it raises new is­sues about the role played in the affair by the Israel lobby, the most powerful and ruthless alien interest pressure group in Washington.


Among them there are urgent questions about the actions of the hardline Israeli loyalists in the White House who have be­come disaffected over the president's feud with the government of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.


During his first administration, Clinton handed more key na­tional security posts to known dual loyalists than any of his predecessors. John Deutch became director of Central In­telligence [right out of Mossad]; Samuel Berger took over the White House National Security Council [right out of Mossad]; Martin Indyk--whose U.S. citizenship was then only a few days old--was made director of Middle Eastern af­fairs [right out of Mossad]; Dan Kurtzer took over a similar post at Madeleine Albright's State Department.


The policies sponsored by these officials--often rigged to serve the ministate's interests above our own--demoralized the Washington intelligence establishment and exposed it to public disgrace. They also led to setbacks and conflicts all over the map, turning the administration's handling of foreign affairs into a "sorry mess", says Jimmie Thayer, a retired foreign service analyst who is writing a book about Clinton era diplomacy.


"If only as a successful politician, Clinton wants to break loose from this alien-directed, accident-prone praetorian guard in Washington," explained Thayer. "He wants to be his own master, especially since the main advantage he hoped to gain from his submissive courtship of the Israel lobby--favorable treatment by the mainstream media--proved to be an illusion."


In the consensus of Washington intelligence sources and diplomatic observers, the real question now is not whether Clinton can overcome his follies; the real issue may turn out to be whether or not this president with his buoyant political will--or, for that matter, any American president--can survive a knock-down drag-out fight with Zionism, its undercover opera­tives and its attack-ready Washington lobby.




So, people ask, why doesn't Clinton clean his own house? Can you possibly imagine what would happen in Washington if he fired Albright, Cohen, etc., etc., etc.? (?????) Well, you who have received the brunt of a backwash like that would make, on a scale of 1 to 10 (and yours being a case for perhaps 2) CAN, and it is insane.


This is a silly thing with stupid cause but it was the opportunity to blow out the Presidency and "they" took it. The resignation of a President IN THE U.S. at THIS TIME would be without precedent for total disaster, no matter what his "screw-around" status might be. Clinton's very survival rests in the hands of YOU-THE-PEOPLE and one tiny screw-up on either part will dump the U.S. into total downfall and disaster. Moral ethics may well enter into your calculations for the NEXT PRESI­DENT, but you better hang on for dear life to what you HAVE TODAY for this is THE PRESIDENT WHO CAN TAKE YOU, AT THE LEAST, TO YEAR 2000, AND BOTCH THE TAKE-OVER AND WAR PLANS--IF YOU-THE-PEOPLE KEEP YOUR HEADS AND SENSES ABOUT YOU, IGNORE BUT WATCH, THE MEDIA, AND CHECK OUT THE GUESTS ON THESE SHOW-AND-TELL NEWS PROGRAMS!


When you check out the news networks what do you find: Ted Turner, who is now controlled by Hanoi Jane, and MSNBC which is controlled by Time-Warner! WAKE UP, AMERICA,  FOR YOU ARE WITNESSING YOUR OWN DOOM.


We are going to next write on the next portion of GLOBAL PARASITES. You will note that in 1920 Mr. Ford's investiga­tors found that the "Jewish Protocols claimed partial fulfill­ment". That was 78 years ago and they now CLAIM 100% FULFILLMENT WITH ONLY THE FINAL CLOSE-DOWN OF THE POWER STRUCTURE OF THE WORLD TO BE ACCOMPLISHED. READ IT AND WEEP, READ IT AND ARGUE, OR READ IT AND LET'S USE SOME WISDOM, FOR THAT, READERS, IS ABOUT ALL YOU HAVE LEFT WITH WHICH TO DO ANYTHING.


I would like to say that what you need to counter the UN takeover for Antichrist is a Global Community union of GEN­TILES. Yes, keeping in mind that there are ONLY JEWS AND GENTILES (BY THEIR OWN DEFINITION). YOU ARE WATCHING THE PERFECTION OF PURE EVIL AT WORK--ON YOU.







"With the present instability of all authority, our power will be more unassailable than any other, be­cause it will be invisible until it has gained such strength that no cunning can undermine it. "--Proto­col 1.


"It is indispensable for our purposes that, as far as possible, wars should bring no territorial advan­tages. This will shift war to an economic footing... Such a condition of affairs will place both sides un­der the control of international agents with their million eyes, whose vision is unhampered by any frontiers. Then, our international rights will elimi­nate national rights in the narrow sense, and will govern the governments as they govern their sub­jects. "--Protocol 2.


As a mere literary curiosity, these documents which are called The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, would exer­cise a fascination by reason of the terrible completeness of the World Plan which they disclose. But they discourage at every turn the view that they are literature; they purport to be states­manship, and they provide within their own lines the clue by which their status may be determined. Besides the things they look forward to doing, they announce the things they have done and are doing. If, in looking about the world, it is possible to see both the established conditions and the strong tendencies to which these Protocols allude, it will not be strange if interest in a mere literary curiosity gives way to something like alertness, and it may be alarm.


A few general quotations will serve to illustrate the element of present achievement in the assertions of these documents, and in order that the point may be made clear to the reader the key words will be emphasized.


Take this from Protocol Nine:


"In reality there are no obstacles before us. Our super-government has such an extra-legal status that it may be called by the energetic and strong word--dictatorship. I can conscientiously say that, at the present time, we are the lawmakers. We create courts and jurisprudence. We rule with a strong will because we hold in our hands the remains of a once strong party, now subjugated by us."


And from the Eighth Protocol:


"We will surround our government with a whole world of economists. It is for this reason that the science of eco­nomics is the chief subject of instruction taught by the Jews. [H: "Science of economics" is an oxy-moron. Manipulated economics is most certainly NOT A SCI­ENCE. THIS IS JUST ONE MORE WAY TO FOOL YOU NICE HYPNOTIZED PEOPLE. THE SAME IS TRUE OF "RELIGIOUS SCIENCE", "MILITARY SCIENCE", "SOCIAL SCIENCE", ETC.] We shall be surrounded by a whole galaxy of bankers, industrialists, capitalists, and especially by millionaires because, ac­tually, everything will be decided by an appeal to fig­ures."


These are strong claims, but not too strong for the facts that can be marshaled to illustrate them. They are, however, but an introduction to further claims that are made and equally paral­leled by the facts. All through the Protocols, as in this quotation from the Eighth, the pre-eminence of the Jews in the teaching of political economy is insisted upon, and the facts bear that out. They are the chief authors of those vagaries which lead the mob after economic impossibilities, and they are also the chief teach­ers of political economy in our universities, the chief authors of those popular textbooks in the subject, which hold the conserva­tive classes to the fiction that economic theories are economic laws. The idea, the theory, as instruments of social disintegra­tion are common to both the university Jew and the Bolshevik Jew. When all this is shown in detail, public opinion upon the importance of academic and radical economics may undergo a change.


And, as claimed in the quotation just given from the ninth Protocol, the Jewish world power does today constitute a super-government. It is the Protocol's own word, and none is more fitting. No nation can get all that it wants, but the Jewish World Power can get all that it wants, even though its demands exceed Gentile equality. "We are the lawmakers," say the Protocols, and Jewish influences have been lawmakers in a greater degree than any but the specialists realize. In the past ten years [H: Not to even be able to refer to the next 78 years.] Jewish in­ternational rule, or the power of the group of International Jews, has quite dominated the world. More than that, it has been powerful enough to prevent the passage of salutary laws, and where one law may have slipped through to a place on the statute books, it has been powerful enough to get it interpreted in a sense that rendered it useless for its purpose. This, too, can be illustrated by a large collection of facts.


Moreover, the method by which this is done was outlined long ago in the program of which the Protocols purport to be an outline. "We create courts," continues the quotation, and it is followed in other Protocols by numerous references to "our judges". There is a Jewish court sitting in a public building in the City of New York every week, and other courts, for the sole advantage and use of this people whose spokesmen deny that they are a "separate people", are in formation everywhere. [H: From these very sources stems the now well-known and ac­cepted "Talmudic Law" replacing any CONSTITUTIONAL LAW.] The Zionist plan has already been used in some of the smaller European countries to confer an extra-citizenship upon Jews who already enjoy citizenship in the lands of their resi­dence and, in addition to that, a degree of self-rule under the very governments which they demand to protect them. Wher­ever Jewish tendencies are permitted to work unhindered, the result is not "Americanization", nor "anglicization" nor any other distinctive nationalism, but a strong and ruling reversion back to essential "Judaization".


The "agents" referred to in the first quotation will receive attention in another article. To resume the claims of the Proto­cols: This from the Seventeenth Protocol:


"We have taken good care long ago to discredit the Gentile clergy and thereby to destroy their mission, which at present might hamper us considerably. Their influence over the people diminishes daily. [H: Praise God!]


"Freedom of conscience has been proclaimed every­where. Consequently it is only a question of time when the complete crash of the Christian religion will occur. It will be easier still to handle the other religions, but it is too early to discuss this phase of the subject." [H: That was sometime about the turn of the century for this written Protocol but you can see that NOW THE PURPOSE AND GOAL HAS BEEN TOTALLY BROUGHT INTO CONTROL WITH "JUDEO-CHRISTIAN" AND PROCLAIMED PENTECOSTAL AND OTHER CHRISTIAN ATTITUDES OF RAP­TURES AND OUTRIGHT "ZIONISM" AS PRO­CLAIMED BY SUCH AS JERRY FALWELL WHILE LEADER OF THE CHRISTIAN MAJORITY.]


This will be of considerable interest, perhaps, to those cler­gymen who are laboring with Jewish rabbis to bring about some kind of religious union. Such a union would of necessity dis­pose of Christ as a well-meaning but wholly mistaken Jewish prophet, and thus distinctive Christianity would cease to exist in­sofar as the "union" was effective. The principal religious aver­sion of the Protocols, however, so far as it is expressed, is against the Catholic Church in general and the pontifical office in particular.


A curious paragraph in this Protocol claims for the Jewish race a particular skill in the art of insult:


"Our contemporary press will expose governmental and religious affairs and the incapacity of the Gentiles, always using expressions so derogatory as to approach insult, the faculty of employing which is so well known to our race."


This from the Fifth Protocol:


"Under our influence the execution of the laws of the Gentiles IS reduced to a minimum. Respect for the law IS undermined by the liberal interpretation we have intro­duced in this sphere. The courts decide as we dictate, even in the most important cases in which are involved fundamental principles or political issues, viewing them in the light in which we present them to the Gentile ad­ministration through agents with whom we have appar­ently nothing in common, through newspaper opinion and other avenues.


"In Gentile society where we have planted discord and Protestantism... "


The word "Protestantism" is evidently not used in the reli­gious or sectarian sense, but to denote a temper of querulous fault-finding destructive of harmonious collective opinion.


This is from the Fourteenth Protocol:


"In countries called advanced, we have created a senseless, filthy and disgusting literature. For a short time after our entrance into power we shall encourage its exis­tence so that it may show in greater relief the contrast between it and the written and spoken announcements which will emanate from us."


Discussing in the Twelfth Protocol the control of the Press--a subject which must be treated more extensively in another arti­cle--the claim is made: [H: Remember: no television!]


"We have attained this at the present timeto the extent that all news is received through several agencies in which it is centralized from all parts of the world. [H: UPI, AP, World Network, Reuters, etc.] These agencies will then be to all intents and purposes OUR OWN INSTITU­TIONS and WILL PUBLISH ONLY that which we per­mit."


This from the Seventh Protocol bears on the same subject:


"We must force the Gentile governments to adopt measures which will promote our broadly conceived plan, already approaching its triumphant goal, by bringing to bear the pressure of stimulated public opinion, which has been organized by us with the help of the so-called 'great power' of the press. With a few exceptions not worth considering, it is already in our hands."


To resume the Twelfth Protocol:


"If we have already managed to dominate the mind of the Gentile society to such a point that almost all see world affairs through the colored lenses of the spectacles which we place before their eyes, and if now there is not one government with barriers erected against our access to that which by Gentile stupidity is called state secrets, what then will it be when we are the recognized masters of the world in the person of our universal ruler?"


The Jewish nation is the only nation that possesses the secrets of all the rest. No nation long protects a secret which directly concerns another nation, but even so, no nation has all the se­crets of all the other nations. Yet it is not too much to say that the International Jews have this knowledge. Much of it, of course, amounts to nothing and their possession of it does not materially add to their power, but the fact that they have the ac­cess, that they can get whatever they want when they want it is the important point--as many a secret paper could testify if it could talk, and many a custodian of secret papers could tell if he would. The real secret diplomacy of the world is that which hands over the world's so-called secrets to a few men who are members of one race. The surface of diplomacy, those activi­ties which get written down in the memoirs of comfortably aging statesmen, those coups and treaties which are given high-sounding fame as if they really were important--that is incompa­rable with the diplomacy of Judah, and its matchless enginery for worming out the hidden knowledge of every ruling group. The United States is included in all these statements. Perhaps there is no government in the world so completely at their ser­vice as is our own at present, their control having been gained during the past five or six years.


The Protocols do not regard the dispersal of the Jews abroad upon the face of the Earth as a calamity, but as a providential arrangement by which the world Plan can be the more certainly executed, as seen these words of the Eleventh Protocol"


"God gave to us, His Chosen People, as a blessing, the dispersal, and this which has appeared to all to be our weakness has been our whole strength. It has now brought us to the threshold of universal rule."


The claims to accomplishment which are put forth in the Ninth Protocol would be too massive for words were they too massive for concrete realization, but there is a point where the word and the actuality meet and tally.


"In order not to destroy prematurely the Gentile institu­tions, we have laid our efficient hands on them, and rasped the springs of their mechanism. They were for­merly in strict and just order, but we have replaced them with a liberal disorganized and arbitrary administration. We have tampered with jurisprudence, the franchise, the press, freedom of the person, and, most important of all, education and culture, the corner stone of free existence.


"We have misled, stupefied and demoralized the youth of the Gentiles by means of education in principles and theories patently false to us, but which we have inspired.


"Above existing laws, without actual change but by distorting them through contradictory interpretations, we have created something stupendous in the way of results."


Everyone knows that, in spite of the fact that the air was never so full of theories of liberty and wild declarations of "rights", there has been a steady curtailment of "personal free­dom". Instead of being socialized, the people, under a cover of socialistic phrases, are being brought under an unaccustomed bondage to the state. The Public Health is one plea. Various forms of Public Safety are other pleas. Children are hardly free to play nowadays except under play-masters appointed by the State, among whom, curiously enough, an astonishing propor­tion of Jews manage to find a place. The streets are no longer as free as they were; laws of every kind are hedging upon the harmless liberties of the people. A steady tendency toward sys­tematization, every phase of the tendency based upon some very learnedly stated "principle", has set in, and curiously enough, when the investigator pursues his way to the authoritative center of these movements for the regulation of the people's life, he finds Jews in power. Children are being lured away from the "social center" of the home for other "centers"; they are being led away (and we are speaking of Gentile children--no Gentiles are ever allowed to regulate the lives of Jewish children) from their natural leaders in home, church and school, to institution­alized "centers" and scientific "play spots", under "trained lead­ers" whose whole effect, consciously or unconsciously, is to lead the modern child to look to the State, instead of its natural environment, for leadership. All this focuses up to the World Plan for the subjugation of the Gentiles, and if it is not the Jew­ish World Plan it would be interesting to know why the material for it is so largely Gentile children and the leaders of it so often of the Jewish race.


Jewish liberties are the best safeguarded in the United States. Gentiles take their chance with public matters, but every Jewish community is surrounded by some special protectors who gain special recognition by various devices--political and business threats not the least of them. No public spirited Gentiles are welcomed to the task of regulating the lives of Jewish children. The Jewish community in every city is all-sufficient in itself as far as such activities go. The most secret of all parochial schools are the Jewish schools, whose very locations are not all known to the officials of large cities. The Jew is almost anxious in his efforts to mold the Gentile mind; he insists on being per­mitted to tell the Gentile what to think, especially about the Jew; he is not averse to influencing general Gentile thought in a man­ner which, though it comes about by wide circles, works ulti­mately into the Jewish scheme of things. The anxiety and the insistence, so well known to all who have observed them, are only reflections of the Jew's conviction that his is the superior race and is capable of directing the inferior race--of which there is but one, including the whole non-Jewish world.


Every influence that leads to lightness and looseness in Gen­tile youth today heads up in a Jewish source. Did the young people of the world devise the "sport clothes" which have had so deleterious an effect on the youth of the times that every publi­cist has thought it worthy of mention? Those styles come out of Jewish clothing concerns, where certainly art is not the rule nor moral influence the main consideration. The moving picture is an interesting development along such lines as make it a menace to the minds of millions--so serious a menace that it has not es­caped observation and condemnation everywhere? Who are the masters of musical jazz in the world? Who direct all the cheap jewelry houses, the bridge-head show parks, the "coney is­lands", the centers of nervous thrills and looseness? It is possi­ble to take the showy young man and woman of trivial outlook and loose sense of responsibility, and tag them outwardly and inwardly, from their clothing and ornaments to their hectic ideas and hopes, with the same tag, "Made, introduced and exploited by a Jew."


"We have misled, stupefied, and demoralized the youth of the Gentiles by means of education in principles and theories, patently false to us, but which we have inspired."


"Principles and theories" do not necessarily imply lofty or even modest intellectual qualities. The youngster who spends his noon hours and evenings at the movies is getting his "principles and theories" just as the more intellectual youngster from a higher grade of society who listens to a Jewish "liberal" expound "sex liberty" and the "control of population" is getting his. The looseness which inheres in these "principles and theo­ries" does not emanate from the Gentile home, or the Gentile church, or from any line of money-making which is filled prin­cipally with Gentiles, but from theories, movements and lines of money-making mostly fancied by Jews. This line of accusation could be run much deeper, but it is preferred to restrict it to what is observable by decent eyes everywhere. [H: Well, these days it is obvious for decent and indecent eyes.]


And that "the youth of the Gentiles" are the principal victims, and not the youth of the Jews, is also observable. [H: But please note something, readers: as time passes the same pit­falls happen to the Jewish children as well--and hence the reason near-anarchy HAPPENS. The GENERAL trend moves toward, and then is taken over by, the very things set to TRAP the Gentile. Where do you find the first and most deviant behaviors and the most deaths from the very dis­eases laid forth to trap the opposition? The unsuspecting first to fall are the poor suckers who have no idea what hit them, the drugs, alcohol, and activities of the seamy side of experience and the very breaking of laws established for rea­sons not JUST for religious reasons--but to restrict disease and infections of all kinds. Can you not see that among the MOST EXPLOITED for use of the Elite Takers are the ho­mosexuals, the AIDS carriers and infected, the deviant ex­pressions from what was once "the norm". I do not talk of right or wrong--just LOOK AROUND YOU AT WHO PAYS THAT HIGH, HIGH PRICE OF THESE DOC­TRINES.] While a certain percentage of Jewish youth itself is overcome by this social poison, the percentage is almost nothing compared with the results among the youth of the Gentiles. It is a significant fact that Jews who link this process of enervation of Gentiles with large profits are not themselves, nor are their sons and daughters the victims of this enervation. Jewish youth comes through more proudly and more cleanly than the mass of Gentile youth.


Many a father and mother, many a sound-minded, uncor­rupted young person, and thousands of teachers and publicists have cried out against luxury. Many a financier, observing the manner in which the people earned and flung away their money, has warned against luxury. Many an economist, knowing that the nonessential industries were consuming men and materials that were necessary to the stabilizing of essential industries; knowing that men are making knick-knacks who should be making steel; knowing that men are engaged in making gew­gaws who should be working on the farm; that materials are going into articles that are made only to sell and never to use, and that materials are thus diverted from the industries that sup­port the people's life--every observer knowing this crazy insis­tence on luxurious nonessential has lifted up a strong voice against it.


But, according to these Protocols, we have been starting at the wrong end. The people, it is true, buy these senseless nonessentials which are called luxuries. But the people do not devise them. And the people grow tired of them one by one. But the stream of varieties continues--always something else being thrust at the people, dangled before their eyes, set bobbing down the avenue on enough manikins to give the impression that it is "style"; newspaper print and newspaper pictures; movie pictures; stage costumes enough to force the new thing into "fashion" with a kind of force and compulsion which no really worthy essential thing can command.


Where does it come from? What power exists whose long experience and deliberate intent enable it to frivolize the peo­ple's minds and tastes and compel them to pay most of their money for it too? Why this spasm of luxury and extravagance through which we have just passed? How did it occur that be­fore luxury and extravagance were apparent, all the material to provoke and inflame them had been prepared beforehand and shipped beforehand, ready for the stampede which also had been prepared?


If the people of the United States would stop to consider, when the useless and expensive thing is offered them--if they would trace its origin, trace the course of the enormous profits made out of it, trace the whole movement to flood the market with uselessness and extravagance and thus demoralize the Gen­tile public financially, intellectually and socially--if, in short, it could be made clear to them that Jewish financial interests are not only pandering to the loosest elements in human nature, but actually engaged in a calculated effort to render them loose in the first place and keep them loose--it would do more than any­thing else to stop this six fold waste--the waste of material, the waste of labor, the waste of Gentile money, the waste of Gentile mind, the waste of Jewish talents, and the worse than waste of Israel's real usefulness to the world. [H: And this was BE­FORE there was an "Israel".]


We say the Gentile public is the victim of this stimulated trade in useless luxuries. Did you ever see Jewish people so victimized? They might wear very noticeable clothing, but its price and its quality agree. They might wear rather large dia­monds, but they are diamonds. The Jew is not the victim of the Jew, the craze for luxuries is just like the "coney island" crowd to him; he knows what attracts them and the worthlessness of it.


And it is not so much the financial loss that is to be mourned, nor yet the atrocities committed upon good taste, but the fact that the silly Gentile crowds walk into the net willingly, even gaily, supposing the change of the fashion to be inevitable as the coming of spring, supposing the new demand on their earnings to be as necessary and as natural as taxes. The crowds think that somehow they have a part in it, when their only part is to pay, and then pay again for the new extravagance when the present one palls. There are men in this country who know two years ahead what the frivolities and extravagances of the people will be, because they decree what shall be. These things are all strictly business, demoralizing to the Gentile majority, enriching to the Jewish minority.


Look at the Sixth Protocol for a sidelight on this:


This is an excerpt from a longer passage dealing with the plans by which the people's interest could be swung from politi­cal to industrial questions, how industry could be made insecure and unfair by the introduction of speculation into its manage­ment, and finally how against this condition the people could be rendered restless and helpless. Luxury was to be the instru­ment:


"To destroy Gentile industry, we shall, as an incentive to this speculation, encourage among the Gentiles a strong demand for luxuries--all enticing luxuries."


And in the First Protocol:


"Surely we cannot allow our own people to come to this. The people of the Gentiles are stupefied with spiritu­ous liquors..."


Incidentally, the profits of spirituous liquors flow in large amounts to Jewish pockets. The history of the whisky ring in this country will show this. Historically, the whole prohibition movement may be described as a contest between Gentile and Jewish capital, and in this instance, thanks to the Gentile major­ity, the Gentiles won.


The amusement, gambling, jazz song, scarlet fiction, side show, cheap-dear fashions, flashy jewelry, and every other ac­tivity that lived by reason of an invisible pressure upon the peo­ple, and that exchanged the most useless of commodities for the prices that would just exhaust the people's money surplus and no more--every such activity has been under the mastery of Jews.


They may not be conscious of their participation in any wholesale demoralization of the people. They may only be con­scious of "easy money". They may sometimes yield to surprise as they contrast the silly Gentiles with their own money-wise and fabric-wise and metal-wise Jews. But however this may be, there is the conception of a program by which a people may be deliberately devastated materially and spiritually, and yet kept pleasant all the time--and there also is the same program trans­lated into terms of daily transactions and for the most part, per­haps altogether under control of the members of one race.


Issue of August 7, 1920




I really don't think the contents of these writings need further comment for it is all laid before you NOW, in this present time of total chaos. The plan is to let you continue to think your economy is strong, your nation strong and then wham, barn, wipe you out, citizens. It is the oldest story in the world. Satan never has to change his plan--EVER. People fall for the same old trash over and over again, and when it is all over and the masses remaining after the holocaust is finished, find they have moved right back to the darkest of ages and values are noted far too late for easy recovery. This has been so since the very be­ginning of third-dimensional life forms.


Why don't you KNOW THIS? Because YOU kill the messen­gers and hide the messages. You listen to the sham pipers and follow their tune right off the cliff edge and into the pit. Then, only then, from the pit, do you call out to GOD, who you no longer even recognize in your confusion--to save you while you forgot/forget that GOD SAVES NOBODY. IF YOU WOULD BE SAVED, IT IS FOR SELF--FOR YOU ARE THE MIRA­CLE AND IT IS YOU WHO MUST LEARN THE LESSONS.




The trails of tears have flowed properly for the takeover by these Antichrist characters. Next must come the total control of the Americas and so-called CHRISTIANS because the players KNOW THEY CANNOT TAKE THE ARAB AND OTHER NATIONS THROUGH THIS OUTRAGEOUS PLOY FOR THEY ARE TOO WISE AND TOO DIFFICULT TO BRING INTO SUBMISSION.


Therefore, the point is to gain control of the most "powerful" arms suppliers and technologically brilliant to GO FIGHT THE WARS (these Antichrists NEVER FIGHT OR PLACE THEM­SELVES INTO HARM'S WAY AND THAT IS PART OF THE WHOLE SCHEME)--SO THAT THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES LEFT TO RULE.


At this very time it is supposed to be that there is such unrest through the lies and manipulations that the WAR of wars is sup­posed to HAPPEN. Then YOU go forth and blow your own souls right off the planet and spill your blood--but utilize those WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION YOU HOLD ON THE WORLD, ONE PLACE AT A TIME, UNTIL EVEN YOUR CLOSEST ALLIES DON'T NOTICE YOU KILLED THEM.


"Diplomacy backed by force" silly children, IS NOT DIPLO­MACY.




Think on these things, especially if you think yourself to be Jewish--for I repeat, the "little" Jewish persons are going to again be the first to be genocided--as usual. Adonai.