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Nov. 20, 2015




SAT., APR. 27, 1991   9:11 A.M.  YEAR 4, DAY 254

SAT.,  APR.  27, 1991

I am Hatonn; I come in the service of Holy God of Truth—in service also with the Hosts, unto Man who would partake of God’s insight into this time of chaos and confusion.

Always come the truthbringers just as always are the truthbringers persecuted—but so too, are the truthbringers given protection according to the highest cause. So too, are the ones of evil at work and their service is unto that which is of physical with that which is denial of higher experience. Blessed is the Man, who, in confusion can say “I don’t know” and allow insight to come. Evil thrusts efforts to keep Truth from Man at all costs and God only needs a few who come into total insight in order to cause massive change in a world filled with chaos.

Again, as we have stated before, you must have historical information in order to understand that which is happening around you at this time—stop of the MYSTICAL nonsense and understand the very REAL intent and subversion of a species.

For you who reside in the area of my scribe I ask that you not be frightened of that which is going on in your air spaces with the beam impacts and air quakes—it is just a little exchange of “understanding” on a bit higher level.



The thrust is changing for it gets more difficult to fool all you people all the time and therefore the actions must be changed in order to keep even a partial shroud about the undercover activities. From now on there will always be efforts to launch the REAL weapons from rockets at simultaneous launch times with the shuttle for it is harder and harder to explain total failure of the missions. You are told that the missions are successful except for “flawed equipment” but the insiders within the astronomer communities know something is terribly wrong. This is a “for instance” and yet, more and more the missions are totally geared to deceit and the missions are not even geared for “outer” space orbit, etc. They are never set for more than sub-orbit with full intent to bring the crew home from Australia if there is need for destruction or abortion of the mission.

What is hoped for is a launching of higher orbit mechanisms from the sub-orbiting craft wherein rockets are not large enough to carry necessary payloads. The point is to continue to deceive the public so that you continue to finance the projects for the “Big Boy Cartel”. Therefore, they tell the world (during your war) that you would put up a satellite to monitor Saddam’s weapons, etc. No, that was never the intent but neither did the public balk but rather got more money put into the program.

Around places such as Edwards Air Force Base, Lancaster, Palmdale and Pasadena (JPL), people think absolutely nothing of strange phenomenon. If the “things” are sighted they are explained away as “aborted rockets”, new type aircraft, etc. In other words, you are sensitized and no longer pay any attention to anything in the skies past momentary interest with self-explanation of, “I guess it was just another rocket test.”

But, the sonic “booms” of the past few days are not either of the above events. The smaller blasts that rattle your nerves are us shoring up the energy shielding around you and the navigation facility (crystal) and the one yesterday proved that the shielding was not only in place, but shored-up and truly effective. We did not cause the airquake—the point is to render the communications/navigation facility around the area of the center to be incapacitated in order to shut down ability to track properly. You see, what they plan to launch borders on capability of total destruction of your planet and we are allowed to neutralize it—the point, of course, is to keep us from knowing. In addition, there are some instances wherein the blast from a cosmosphere can detonate the device which starts the very chain reaction which ends the game. Therefore, know that it is extremely serious when efforts are made to take out our systems because the toys are incredibly destructive in scope.

That, however, is not our subject for the day but, like all things, you must be aware of that which IS and then come into knowledge of that which is behind all that IS. Then with Truth as your shield and buckler, you can change that which IS and move onward. You have been deceived from the beginning and the deceiving continues both through total intent and also ignorance. In any event the disinformation/misinformation “tools” and spokespeople, whether of guided intent or simply human input, will come back within the Laws of God or they will be as earthbound as the fully fledged disinformation-bringers. The only way off your declining planet is through the Truth of God for it is only going to be through the ability to function in higher dimensional physical frequencies that will allow transition. Just as a human cannot breathe his oxygen from water with lungs accustomed to only air, neither can human exist in a higher attuned atmosphere of frequency, atmospheric content changes, etc. It is not mystical, it is physicsly within total reason.

How do you do this? YOU don’t actually do it, friends. It is through the asking for change that the response and instructions are given. Frankly, the lighted brotherhood will not allow you to bring your evil outside the physical realm and therefore your “rapture” is totally without reason for the information given you is WRONG. Will there be migration or evacuation? Probably—if you don’t get on with changing the cycles. That only, however, means that the ones in knowledge of the workings will be eligible for lift-off. Not necessarily because of intent but through the purely “physical” aspect involved. You must know—at that time—to come within the light and most will run from the light as fast as their paddles will pedal them. Then comes the need to raise, instantly, the being’s vibration to mesh more nearly that frequency of the light-beam itself. That beam frequency will be lowered as much as possible to still facilitate lift-off but it will be too fine in frequency to allow all to survive in physical dimension if the receiving craft is too distant from the “ground”. For random pick-ups it is easy to have ground level or near ground level facilitation—in a time of clearance in a time frame of “your” fifteen minutes—we will not be able to get enough craft into your immediate location to get everyone for moving into your areas to facilitate lift-off of human forms—we too, must be in manifested physical dimension. This is not mystical nor magic—it is pure PHYSICS.

Let us use a few facts to explain and then we will move on to more difficult and frightening aspects of the UFO phenomenon wherein we will explain the unexplained. Let us say that it comes to pickup time and you are going to come aboard—here is where an understanding of the secrets of “light” would be most useful but hardly anyone on your place has been able to utilize the information given. A few have done so but they are mostly given to not “believing” the rest of the story in Truth. Please, friends, KNOW that the major thrust is to keep you from finding Truth and if things come forth untimely, they are taken from you so that you CANNOT come into Truth and use of the things of eternal life—i.e., “free” energy, whole life health, etc. The Cartel of evil controls the wealth gleaned from your lack of free energy, ill-health, etc. Don’t be so foolish in your discernments. Man knows right from wrong—he is NOT INNATELY GOOD IN THE SENSE YOU MOST OFTEN UTILIZE FOR DEFINITION. MAN CREATED IS INNATELY GOOD—MAN READJUSTED IS INNATELY EVIL. AND BROTHERS, IN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF BEINGS NOW ON YOUR PLACE—GOD IS NOT A PART OF THEIR DEVELOPMENT—NOTE: I DID NOT SAY “CREATION”.

Back to the point of lift-off: if “visibility” of craft, or anything else, occurs at 169443 harmonic frequency, then it only stands to reason that to safely integrate within the craft you must reach somewhere near the same frequency or the body will be blown apart. So, first, let us look at the ship characteristics which must be present—for arc, temperature, atmospheric content and other things must be considered as are “doorways” created from passage between the physical and non-physical. Again, it is mathematical and physical—not mystical. Let me example. Further, it will explain why there are functional craft in your own atmosphere for the principle is not mystical. Thought projection is different and, therefore, I can reassure you that you are dealing ON YOUR PLACE with earthbound “aliens” in conjunction with the would-be Slave-masters of your planet.



If the geometric construction of the spacecraft is compared with that of the earth (The Harmonic Geometrics of the Earth which I won’t go into now), then a general idea of the geometric, electromagnetic field reactions can be visualized. According to theory, the numerical harmonic value of the unified field remains constant at 26974635 in free space, where the speed of light has a maximum of 144,000 minutes of arc a grid second (relative). During the creation of, and in order to sustain, the physical existence of a planetary body, this light value diminishes as the wave-forms spiral in towards the center of the energy system. The harmonic numerical value of the unified field is therefore diminished in direct proportion, so that the surface of the spherical mass of the harmonic has a constant value of 2693645 to the maximum of 26974635. It will be seen from this that any altitude above a planetary surface which falls between these two mathematical boundaries will have a unified field harmonic coincident with that level. Any change in altitude, to a theoretical height of 882.25 nautical miles, be it fractional or otherwise, would instantly alter the harmonic of the unified field.

It follows from this that any fractional change in the unified fields surrounding the vehicle would automatically position it, in a vertical sense, at a level above the earth where the equilibrium of the fields would be restored. The horizontal movement would be accomplished tangentially to the earth’s surface by the manipulation of the three interlocking harmonic fields tuned to 1694443. Calculation has shown that the reciprocal of the 2693645 harmonic (371244169) has a link with that of 1694443 when associated with the tangent of a spherical surface.

As shown by the calculations (and if they don’t make sense to you—KNOW that this explanation is given for your confirmation of Truth and for specific receivers awaiting the information for their own confirmation—in other words—ALL is not for ALL), the reciprocal harmonic values of the unified field are built into the vehicle to create a reaction with the physical environment. By manipulation of the fields surrounding the ship harmonic imbalances can be caused which will automatically shift the vehicle in space-time to a position of equilibrium.

An interesting fact shown in the analysis is the overall dimensions of the cabin ensure that the electromagnetic fields surrounding this portion of the vehicle maintain a constant physical environment for the occupants. The harmonic 2693645 is a positive resonant factor that would keep the central spherical field of the ship stable during transition from one space-time reference frame to another. Harken up, George, for I am going to give you response to the inquiry of the “bubble” craft. On the basis of that which I just gave you, you will have to understand WHY that craft is one of earth’s manufacture. It is simply a rather crude rendition of a prototype (not from Pleiades, no matter what was told to Billy Meier or anyone else) which was built and needed the extra spherical surface to come up with proper frequencies to even get off the ground. All of that nonsense came at a time after Meier was all but rendered useless to Pleiades command by your own compression and take-over by the “enemy”. Billy was taken out by the adversary, replaced by the adversary, and other contacts conjured—for the Pleiadian Command ceased all contact in that sector. Commander Quetzal made contact later and the validity of the contact was assured lost and it was proven that confusion had been programmed within the system—intentionally. Therefore, the contacts with Pleiadians were stopped instantly and the adversary took over with mock-ups, arrangements to discredit all valid contacts, replicated models introduced and you know the rest. Each and ALL of you will have to understand that this is the method by which I can get specific information to awaiting receivers and you will simply have to bear with that which makes no sense to others except the intended receiver. We welcome you into and within the circle of information exchange but all must understand that information may only be intended for ONE FRAGMENT. I will not even jeopardize my scribe by giving, usually, the intended receiver for she is unknowing of both the information and the receiver intended.

Each of you have purpose—and hers is to pen information—not to either decipher, understand nor interpret. This is major information of integration with the field theory itself and I give it in honor of her son, unto her—she does not need understanding. I do ask that this information be sent “blindly” to one Dr. Andrew J. Galambos. If there is follow-up on his part—fine, if not, allow it to pass. At any rate whatsoever, it would and/or will be, a very painful interchange as it now stands.

After completing the analysis of the spacecraft one must concentrate on the position of the placements wherein arc is established—as on your own placement it would be “proven” in areas where craft have been sighted. Herein I will take an example from California. An easy place in which to prove my statements could be the position at Mount Palomar and the desert area where sightings have occurred. Then a check of the area as to whether or not there are points on the earth’s surface in the vicinity which are mathematically significant and useful. In this case we will consider Desert Center along the rough track into the foothills to some 10.2 miles. You will find a measurement on the survey map will verify that the end of the mountain range is opposite a specific point on the road to the northwest. As a large ship has appeared from behind the first outcrop in the range adjacent to the highway you can concentrate on the latitude and longitude coordinates in the small area. It won’t take long for a proficient mathematician and researcher to discover that directly behind the range in a small cove, at the base of the outcrop, the mathematical coordinates are of startling significance. To others in the given area—Gabriel—this should have great significance to you personally, for I know who Captains that very craft and so, too, do you, brother.

The latitude is 33 degrees 53' 19.869" north.

Which equals: 33.88886 degrees.

If you divide the latitude by 2, you will have: 16.94443 (1694443 harmonic).

SO, the latitude occurs at twice the harmonic of 1694443.

The significance of the longitude value might seem a bit obscure, but you must apply the evidence that indicates that which you refer to as the Greenwich meridian for it is not an arbitrary longitudinal base-line, but a positive zero marker on the earth’s surface—there is a major connection with the 2693645 harmonic. Therefore the calculated longitude passing through the cove is: 115 degrees 20' 56.2" or 115.348944 degrees west.

It is necessary to calculate the displacement of the position in question, east or west, of the longitudes which are at 90 degree intervals from Greenwich. The computer will prove that in that particular case the 180 degree meridian was the prime base-line. The displacement along a great circle track, at latitude 33.88886 degrees, between longitude 115.348944 degrees west and 180 degrees is: 3162.2775 minutes of arc.

You must understand that this value has a property which is quite unique in itself. It has a reciprocal which is a mirror image of itself. If you divide one by this number you get:

0.0003162277 (a doorway between the physical and non-physical)

But to allow you adventurous brains to have a little fun with your confirmation we will give you something to probe a bit further:

3162.277 minutes of arc is equal to: 52.7046166 degrees. The square root: 7.25979

The square root: 2.6944

The harmonic 26944, which would occur at altitude, and 1694443 are undoubtedly present at the position where the ship can materialize and did, in fact, materialize as one example which can be verified.

The reason we use this as example is that it can be easily proven against that which I give you. The position of significance on the southern slopes of Mount Palomar is 33.308333 degrees north latitude/116.929444 degrees west longitude. The calculated great circle track distance from this point to the 180 degree position is: 3099.317166 minutes of arc (plus or minus 100 geo/feet). And to the contact site in the desert: 86.31453 minutes of arc (plus or minus 100 geo/feet).

If you give careful consideration to these two coordinates as radii, then the spheres of influence encompassed by them would have a certain volume, as follows: 3099.317166 minutes of arc equals: 185959.03 seconds if arc, The volume of a sphere with this radius equals: 2.693645 to the 16th cubic seconds, 2693645 harmonic. The volume of a sphere with a radius of 86.31453 minutes of arc equals: 2693645 cubic minutes, 2693645 harmonic.

Dear ones, we have deliberately left behind a set of precise mathematical clues for you to follow. We cover the area with clear sets of mathematical fingerprints, knowing full well that, in time, you will come to decipher them as the time sequence is appropriate.

You ones who have figured it out have promised me lunches, drinks to wisdom and conquest and all manners of wondrous things but that which you do, instead, is simply discount the Truth as BS and deride my scribe and publisher as dupes. What a wondrously strange world of people you are. In addition, you fall into “selling” and rendering worthless your own truthful investigations by your squandering of the blessed information into the hands of the deceivers and greedy money-changers. So be it, for the time is at hand to sort of the deceivers from the truthbringers.

As we move along in proving some of the instances of what you call your Biblical references—which COULD NOT BE SIMPLY ERASED FOR THEY WERE TOO OBVIOUSLY EVIDENT—such as took place in the legendary journey of the Judaites from Egypt to Sinai via the Red (also “Reed”) Sea where the clues were evident at all points along the way. The mathematical facts are there and they are there in such basic fact that it would appear to me to be impossible to miss. There is enough proof of God’s presence, in that place alone, that it astounds our brotherhood that all “religious” groups have not bound together. It may surprise you to know that the Vatican is placed deliberately on a geometric position which has direct mathematical relationships with the harmonic unified equations already presented unto you ones.

Many “religious” manifestations have occurred in places around your world, during very recent historical times and there is also reason why—by the harmonics present in the locations. The fact, as Einstein told you, “The Creator does not play dice with the Universe...nothing would be left to chance.” The things of God, dear ones, became corrupted upon your placement and throughout the journey the keys to Truth were presented—only lost—deliberately or divinely—until such time as Man would come into understanding of his Journey.

The Bible, as it is left untampered gives you the clues you need to decipher Truth from it—for the ones tampering were not given to understand the true meaning in such instances and they knew not enough to tamper. They simply turned it into MYSTICAL NONSENSE and you did the rest of the self-deceiving.

For instance, your Bible gives narration of a story about that Pharaoh who finally let those people go— God led the people around by way of the wilderness towards the Red Sea, Exodus 13:17;18. The Lord, it was told, went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way; and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night; the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night did not depart from before the people. Exodus 13:21;22.

These people were deliberately led to the Red Sea which would, by all sane adventures of man, be a most foolish thing to do because, with the Egyptian army coming up from behind, the Hebrews were literally caught between the Pharaoh and the deep blue sea. Your Bible tells you that Pharaoh thought the people were entangled in the land; the wilderness had shut them in. Pharaoh and his army moved in for the kill with the pillar seemingly having proved a poor guide; that is, unless the future events were known to the intelligence controlling the object in the sky. Now, do you think all the people following along knew what was “up there”? Don’t continue to be foolish in your demand for “proof” unless you wish to be left twiddling your thumbs while the boat leaves. The safety net will not be presented until the need arises—you will be in the decision-making before the gift of the safety-net lest you try at “fudging” your intent!

The Bible text would suggest that some sort of celestial object totally under its own control in some manner, led those people out of Egypt to the Red Sea and then, as Pharaoh’s army closed in, the object moved from the front to the rear of the army of Judeans and kept the two camps separated during the night. Phase one of the operation involved leading the people to the sea; phase two required the object to keep the camps separated until darkness would fall. Now comes phase three; “Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.”

Check out the route of these Judeans on one of your maps and see how totally absurd from a physical standpoint. First they headed south, south east from Ramases to Succoth, then for some unaccountable reason they turned back and headed north to the crossing point at the Red, or “Reed” Sea. With Pharaoh’s army in hot pursuit, doesn’t it seem, at the least, that the Lord should lead the people into a possible trap of such nature when a free route could have been taken to the southeast over the land which would eventually have led down to the eastern side of the Gulf of Suez? This route would also have been much shorter, unless of course it was known ahead of time what would happen at the Reed Sea. DEAR ONES, A GEOGRAPHIC POSITION CONFORMING WITH NATURAL LAW HAD TO BE SELECTED SO THAT ALL THE NECESSARY HARMONIC COORDINATES WERE AVAILABLE.

Ok, let us look at the harmonic coordinates available at that specific “crossing point”.

Latitude 30 degrees 52' 46.7099" north/Longitude 32 degrees 11' 22.68" east. The Vatican focal point is:

Latitude 41 degrees 54' 22.68" north/Longitude 12 degrees 27' 08" east.

The direct great circle distance between the two points is equal to: 1156.147 minutes of arc, or nautical miles. Which is equal to: 19.26769315 degrees. The square of this number: 371.244. The reciprocal: 2693645 Harmonic. The great circle distance between the two longitudes at the latitude of the Reed Sea crossing is equal to: 1015.4968 minutes of arc, or nautical miles—which is equal to: 6092.98072 seconds of arc. The square of this number: 37124415.9. The reciprocal; 2693645 Harmonic. (Getting warm?)

The displacement in latitude between the two points: 661.599 minutes of arc, or nautical miles. The area of a circle with this harmonic diameter would be 343774677 square minutes. This number is harmonically equal to the radius of the earth in nautical miles, or minutes of arc relative to the earth’s surface.

SO—The latitude of the Vatican creates the following harmonic: Latitude displacement from the North Pole =2885.622 minutes of arc.

Latitude displacement from the Equator =2514.378 minutes of arc.

Difference                                                  371.244 minutes of arc.

The reciprocal of this number                2693.645 HARMONIC.


The latitude of the Reed Sea crossing creates the following harmonic:

Latitude displacement from the North Pole  =3547.221 minutes of arc.

Latitude displacement from the Equator  =1852.778 minutes of arc.

Difference (Ah Ha!)                                  1694.443 HARMONIC!.

Dharma, this is a very good place to end this portion and we will talk of some of the other “miracles” along that Journey at our next session. I intend to get a little more mind-blowing as we go along so I desire that you ones begin to get some self-proof. We are losing a few readers for the information I have been giving regarding robotics and synthetics—”finally did it—it can’t be true”! Well, go if you like, but the story gets a lot more interesting and I suggest you simply stick with us a bit longer for we fully intend to give you some “mind-expanding” input within total “REASON” as to that which has been brought onto your lands. We are going to talk about gene splicing, providing a whole group of Elite synthetics and altered beings—how they managed it, how they pulled it off, how many generations and what kind of brain-tampering has, and must be done to enslave a whole species of Man. I am also going to tell you why they don’t HAVE TO WIN and YOU WILL DO THE REST OR THEY WILL WIN! SIMPLE ENOUGH? SO BE IT.

Dharma, I do not know at this point if there will be additional writing this day for I am extremely preoccupied with my own duties but behold the time is at hand for some pretty “wild” revelations and confirmations. This will mean you MUST stay shielded so don’t play games with me—go about with that which you need to do, also, but no big surprises, please. Thank you.

Hatonn to sign off on this segment. Blessing upon you ones who can see and receive the Truth in this time of chaos for God walks with thee. Salu.