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FRI., FEB. 20, 1998     7:49 A.M.     YR. 11, DAY 188

FRI., FEB. 20, 1998


(Madeleine Albright, Secretary of State, U.S.A.)

Yesterday, at a better-planned little PUBLIC meeting the Al­bright fiasco went better with a screened GROUP present but I find this one question to be more interesting than the others, or at the least, the answer given by Ms. Albright.

The question had to do with having a war. Ms. Albright, not being all bright, responded: "Oh this is just a military action, not a war. " A "military action" but no war? This obviously MEANS that it is KNOWN the dumpees are not able to fight back against the dumpors! So you just go blow up a bunch of innocent people, wipe out citizen ability to survive--but it "ISN'T WAR"?






The first thing I want to discuss is the topic of Col. James "BO" Gritz. Just because I mention his name DOES NOT mean that somehow I involve him in anything. Those nice warm PA­TRIOT groups involve him because they assume if they get into trouble he will come to bail them out of whatever mess they have gotten into on their short-time thinking.

I don't have anything to discuss "about" Gritz other than one emphatic FACT. Bo Gritz is in no way at all a traitor to this country, a fanatic anything, or whatever ones choose to call him who wish to damage him. He took an oath to protect HIS COUNTRY under the most disciplined circumstances, and if he fails to have "thank you" graces, perhaps you could be a bit more kind and generous while you don't know anything about much of anything.

Gritz is a TRAINED Delta Force Special Forces Officer (LEADER) and he has been involved in some things beyond any of your wildest dreams and nightmares. And for anyone out of any "movement" calling themselves "patriots" who would come, say, all the way from Ohio to get "close" enough to mention a possibility of being involved with Gritz--and then play with deadly biologicals, is unthinkable and unacceptable

What the man thinks of me or my scribe is NONE OF MY BUSINESS.

Col. Gritz lives in a remote little site in Nevada and there will be every effort to connect him to this Harris, Levitt THING.

When I speak of offering "cover" for the Colonel it is not what you seem to think that to mean. He has a reason for doing what he is doing and whether he be just an individual trying to make a positive difference or an infiltrator for the whatever--he is doing what he knows to be right.

It may well be that, like you, Bo doesn't have his Spiritual TRUTH quite straight, but he knows about the nation even if he can't quite identify the "enemy". Actually, he has even identi­fied the enemy. The best any of us can do is try to stay clear of the idiots claiming to want to save something while destroying and then breaking laws to leave themselves open for the "blame" for outrageous actions while the powers-that-be perpetrate the actual actions.

But whose side is the man on? He is on HIS SIDE. He has a family, children, and he knows what lies ahead for you all in this clamp-down, take-over-governments machine. He presses for you to be prepared for what is ahead, from defense of self to storage of some supplies. He would like to see working com­munities with some hope of survival--wouldn't we all?

I wonder why nobody mentioned George Green or others who also live in Las Vegas for connections to these false patriots and why you just nail onto Gritz? STOP IT, SILLY CHILDREN. You destroy the very things that eventually COULD SAVE YOUR BACON.

I have offered his stories as he had given them forth AND HE KNOWS THAT THEY ARE NOT TRUE--SO HE CAN CALL ME "FALSE". I SHALL CONTINUE TO SHELTER WHERE I CAN DO SO. Did he really do all those things in Asia, Cambodia, Shan, etc? He said he did and I remind you all: if a man intro­duces HIMSELF to me and calls himself Jesus Christ or any other name--I will address him from that moment on (until in­formation changes) as Mr. Christ. Of course things were and are not as presented, but what in your government or intelli­gence circles IS?

Whatever you do or don't perceive Gritz to be--he has one of the most focused and brilliant minds of your generations. If he lacks a few social and political graces as we would like to re­ceive, then let us look at our own flaws and then if we are each PERFECT, cast a stone.

Yes he was a Mason and yes he was a Mormon--there is nothing hidden about either. The Anti-Christ is very devious and hard to catch, especially as you try one religious CALL after another. Where do you find God? Well, most look in all the wrong faces and places, so let's not be judging.

I don't care whether Harris was working on live anthrax or vac­cines for same, he should not have been causing such trouble when your nation is planning to go to war and is destroying things to make it look like YOU ARE DOING IT TO YOUR­SELVES. This is NOT an act of patriotism--it is the act of warped minds and selfish "saviour" attitudes.

What will SAVE your world? TRUTH! When ALL the lies stop and when it is not acceptable to have politicians lie and then rig meetings for political gain--then you may have a place to start.

Everybody hooked in with either government or intelligence services is REQUIRED TO LIE AND BE ABLE TO DO SO WHILE PASSING LIE DETECTOR TESTS. BELIEVE IT!

And, yes, I suggest to those in the "Preparedness" group to be very, very careful for you have ENEMIES and disinformation people AMONG YOU, but you already know that, don't you?

When people MOVE OUTSIDE THE LAW to save something else--they are WRONG! Two wrongs will never make even half a "right". When you learn to live in honest integrity within the laws of land and God, you will have learned what strength and power IS.

It is a bit like the President debacle. Why go over all the possi­bilities--if he had not lied and broken laws and moral guidelines for his own purposes, he would NOT BE IN THE MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Has anyone heard of NOT BREAKING THE LAW AND HAVING MORAL FOUNDATIONS ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY BE AN EXAMPLE FOR YOUR GROWING CHILDREN WITHIN A FREE NATION? When your top leaders are criminals, liars, cheats and immoral people‑-you have a criminal, lying, cheating and immoral NATION. And, of all the things Bo Gritz learned, it was that you can't even run for President and beat the machinery set to FIX ELECTIONS. But you can't HAVE A SAVIOR for the United States or any other "taken" nation--the nation of citizens have to SAVE THEMSELVES.

You are going to come to find that Antichrist and World Elite are not Jews, Gentiles, Catholics, Protestants, Mormons or Na­tive Americans, Europeans, or any of these THINGS. If you break the laws of GOD (CHRIST LAWS) YOU are among the Antichrist. Antichrist has no one structure--but the dangerous ones to your world ARE THE ONES AT THE TOP LEVELS OF CONTROL--EVERY TIME.

Wouldn't it be nice to point a finger and say, "Ah there goes a Mason so he is the Antichrist." Or, "That man is in the Illumi­nati and he is the Antichrist." It is not that simple, is it? For CHRIST IS A STATE OF BEING TOWARD, EVER TOWARD, perfection in TRUTH. The Masons began as BUILDERS. Ev­ery good thing that you have or begat will be corrupted if YOU ALLOW IT--but mostly in your ignorance YOU CORRUPT IT AND THEN GET MAD AT SOMEONE ELSE AND BLAME THEM FOR YOUR PLIGHT.

I can only remind each and all of you that if you live by the bomb (tinker with them or use them), by the sword, or by the gun, you will be taken DOWN with and over them. Even the CONCEPT utilized for simple "defense" will bring you down because that is the WAY you will be caught and prosecuted, in­nocent or guilty.

Anyone can take exception with me, that is not difficult no mat­ter who I might be. The proof of my teachings are exampled all about you now.

The war between good and evil WILL BE WON THROUGH SPIRIT AND WISDOM. Where have you placed YOURS? So be it.                                                                                         

Issue of June 26, 1920





"We must force the Gentile governments to adopt measures which will promote our broadly conceived plan already approaching its triumphal goal by bringing to bear the pressure of stimulated public opinion which has in reality been organized by us with the help of the so-called 'great power' of the Press. With few exceptions, not worth considering, it has already fallen into our hands."The Seventh Protocol

Once upon a time an American faculty member of an Ameri­can university went to Russia on business. He was expert in a very important department of applied science and a keen ob­server. He entered Russia with the average American's feeling about the treatment which the government of that people ac­corded the Jew. He lived there three years, came home for a year, and went back again for a similar period, and upon his second return to America he thought it was time to give the American public accurate information about the Jewish Question in Russia. He prepared a most careful article and sent it to the editor of a magazine of the first class in the Eastern United States. The editor sent for him, spent most of two days with him, and was deeply impressed with all he learned--but he said he could not print the article. The same interest and examina­tion occurred with several other magazine editors of the first rank.

It was not because the professor could not write--these editors gladly bought anything he would write on other subjects. But it was impossible for him to get his article on the Jews accepted or printed in New York.

[H: Can you see that it is not "Jew" or Jewish? It was de­cided by the Antichrist would-be-CONTROLLERS and One­World-Kings that it WOULD BE THROUGH USE OF THIS CLANNISH ELEMENT OF "DIFFERENT" PEOPLE WHO SET THEMSELVES ASIDE OF THEIR OWN ACCORD--THAT THEY COULD MAKE THEIR SUCCESSFUL PLAY OF TAKING THE WORLD. Face it, the so-called Jewish people are the first to pay in misery, and actual genocide is their plight in every game so far played among the nations.

Didn't you notice that Netanyahu FIRST went to the Jewish people in America on his last visit to get financing beyond what you already pay Israel--and got a NASTY RECEP­TION and a sound "No"? So, what did he do next? He marched over to Jerry Falwell's "christian fundamentalists" and got everything he wanted and MORE. UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT IS WRONG--YOU CAN'T FIX IT.]

The Jewish Question, however, has at last broken into a New York magazine. Rather it is a fragment of a shell hurled from the Jewish camp at the Jewish Question to demolish, if possible, the Question and thus make good the assertion that there is no such thing.

Incidentally, it is the only kind of article on the Jewish Ques­tion that the big magazines, whose mazes of financial controllers make most interesting rummaging, would care to print.

Yet, the general public may learn much about the Question even from the type of article whose purpose is to prove that the Questions doesn't exist.

Mr. William Hard, in the Metropolitan for June, has done as well as could be expected, considering the use he was supposed to make of such material as he had at hand. And doubtless the telegraph and letter brigades, which keep watch over all printed references to the Jews, have duly congratulated the good editors of the Metropolitan for their assistance in soothing the public to further sleep.

It is to be hoped, for the sake of the Question, that Mr. Hard's effort will have a wide reading, for there is very much to be learned from it--much more than it was anybody's intention should be learned from it.

It may be learned, first, that the Jewish Question exists. Mr. Hard says it is discussed in the drawing-rooms of London and Paris. Whether the mention of drawing-rooms was a writer's device to intimate that the matter was unimportant and frivolous, or merely represented the extent of Mr. Hard's contact with the Question is not clear. He adds, however, that a document re­lating to the Question was "traveled a good bit in certain official circles in Washington". He also mentions a cable dispatch to the New York World, concerning the same Question, which that paper published. His article was probably published too early to note the review which the London Times made of the first doc­ument referred to. But he has told the reader there is a Jewish Question, and that it does not exist among the riff-raff, either, but principally in those circles where the evidence of Jewish power and control is most abundant. Moreover, the Question is being discussed. Mr. Hard tells us that much. If he does not go further and tell us that it is being discussed with great serious­ness in high places and among men of national and international importance, it is probably because of one of two things, either he does not know, or he does not consider it consonant with the purpose of the article to tell.

However, Mr. Hard has already made it clear that there is a Jewish Question, that it is being discussed, that it is being dis­cussed by people who are best situated to observe the matter they are talking about.

The reading of Mr. Hard's article makes it clear also that the Question always comes to the fore on the note of conspiracy. Of course, Mr. Hard says he does not believe in conspiracies which involve a large number of people, and it is with the ut­most ease that his avowal of unbelief is accepted, for there is nothing more ridiculous to the Gentile mind than a mass con­spiracy, because there is nothing more impossible to the Gentile himself. Mr. Hard, we take it, is of non-Jewish extraction, and he knows how impossible it would be to band Gentiles together in any considerable number for any length of time in even the noblest conspiracy. Gentiles are not built for it. Their conspir­acy, whatever it might be, would fall like a rope of sand. Gen­tiles have not the basis either in blood or interest that the Jews have to stand together. The Gentile does not naturally suspect conspiracy; he will indeed hardly bring himself to the verge of believing it without the fullest proof.

It is therefore quite easy to understand Mr. Hard's difficulty with conspiracy; the point is that to write his article at all, he is forced to recognize at almost every step that whenever the Jew­ish Question is discussed, the idea of conspiracy occupies a large part in it. As a matter of fact, it is the central idea in Mr. Hard's article, and it completely monopolizes the heading--"Great Jewish Conspiracy".

The search for basic facts in Mr. Hard's article will disclose the additional information that there are certain documents in existence which purport to contain the details of the conspiracy, or--to drop a word that is unpleasant and may be misleading and which has not been used in this series--the tendency of Jewish power to achieve complete control. That is about all that the reader learns from Mr. Hard about the documents, except that he describes one as "strange and horrible". Here is indeed a re­grettable gap in the story, for it is to discredit a certain docu­ment that Mr. Hard writes, and yet he tells next to nothing about it. Discreditable documents usually discredit themselves. But this document is not permitted to do that. The reader of the ar­ticle is left to take Mr. Hard's word for it. The serious student or critic will feel, of course, that the documents themselves would have formed a better basis for an intelligent judgment. But laying that matter aside, Mr. Hard has made public the fact that there are documents.

And then Mr. Hard does another thing, as well as he can with the materials at hand, the purpose of the article being what it was, and that is to show how little the Jews have to do with the control of affairs by showing who are the Jews that do con­trol certain selected groups of affairs. The names are all brought forward by Mr. Hard and he alone is responsible for them, our purpose in referring to them being merely to show what can be

Mr. Hard leans heavily on Russian affairs. Sometimes it would almost seem as if the Jewish Question were conceived as the Soviet Question, which it is not, as Mr. Hard very well knows, and although the two have their plain connections, it is nothing less than well-defined propaganda to set up Bolshevist fiction and knock it down by Jewish fact for the purpose of the latter. However, what Mr. Hard offers as fact is very instruc­tive, quite apart from the conclusion which he draws from it.

Now, take his Russian line-up first. He says that in the cabi­net of Soviet Russia there is only one Jew. But he is Trotsky. There are others in the government, of course, but Mr. Hard is speaking about the cabinet now. He is not speaking about the commissars, who are the real rulers of Russia, nor about the ex­ecutive troops, who are the real strength of the Trotsky-Lenin regime. No, just the cabinet. Of course, there was only one Jew prominent in Hungary, too, but he was Bela Kun. Mr. Hard does not ask us to believe, however, that it is simply be­cause of Trotsky and Kun that all Europe believes that Bolshe­vism has a strong Jewish element. Else the stupid credibility of the Gentile would be more impossible of conception than the idea of a Jewish conspiracy is to Mr. Hard's mind. Why should it be easier to believe that Gentiles are dunces than that Jews are clever?

However, it is not too much to say that Trotsky is way up at the top, sharing the utmost summit of Bolshevism with Lenin, and Trotsky is a Jew--nobody ever denied that, not even Mr. Braunstein himself (the latter being Trotsky's St. Louis, U.S.A., name).

But then, says Mr. Hard, the Mensheviks are led by Jews, too! That is a fact worth putting down beside the others. Trot­sky at the head of the Bolsheviks; at the head of the Mensheviks during their opposition of the Bolsheviks were Lieber, Martov and Dan--"all Jews", says Mr. Hard.

There is, however, a middle party between these extremes, the Cadets, which Mr. Hard says, are or were the strongest bourgeois political party in Russia. "They now have their head­quarters in Paris. Their chairman is Vinaver--a Jew."

There are the facts as stated by Mr. Hard. He says that Jews, whose names he gives, head the three great divisions of political opinion in Russia.

And then he cries, look how the Jews are divided! How can there be conspiracy among people who thus fight themselves?

But another, looking at the same situation may say, look how the Jews control every phase of political opinion in Russia! Doesn't there seem to be some ground for the feeling that they are desirous of ruling everywhere?

The facts are there. What significance does it bring to the average mind that the three great parties of Russia are led by Jews?

But that does not exhaust the information which the matter-of-fact reader may find in Mr. Hard's article. He turns to the United States and makes several interesting statements.

"There is Otto Kahn," he says. Well, sometimes Otto Kahn is there, and sometimes he is in Paris on important international matters, and sometimes he is in London advocating certain al­liances between British and American capital which have to do in a large way with European political conditions. The most conservative men in America are really the most radical; their motives and methods go to the very roots of certain matters; and they are radicals in their own field. The men who controlled the last Republican Convention--if not the last, the most recent--are styled conservatives by those whose vision is circumscribed by certain limited economic interests; but they are the most radical of radicals, they have passed the red stage and are white with it. If it were known what is in the back of Mr. Kahn's mind, if he should display a chart of what he is doing and aiming to do, the term which would then most aptly describe him might be quite different. Anyway, we have it from Mr. Hard, "There is Mr. Kahn."

"On the other hand," says Mr. Hard, "there is Rose Pastor Stokes." He adds the name of Morris Hillquit. They are, in Mr. Hard's classification, radicals. And to offset these names he adds the names of two Gentiles, Eugene V. Debs and Bill Haywood and intimates that they are much more powerful lead­ers than the first two. Students of modern influences, of which Mr. Hard has long appeared as one, do not think so. Neither Debs nor Haywood ever generated in all their lives a fraction of the intellectual power which Mrs. Stokes and Mr. Hillquit have generated. Both Debs and Haywood live by the others. To ev­ery informed person, as to Mr. Hard in this article, come the Jewish names to mind when the social tendencies of the United States are passed under reflection.

This is most instructive indeed, that in naming the leaders of so-called conservatism and radicalism, Mr. Hard is driven to use Jewish names. On his showing the reader is entitled to say that Jews lead both divisions here in the United States.

But Mr. Hard is not through. "The man who does more than any other man--the man who does more than any regiment of other men--to keep American labor anti-radical is a Jew--Samuel Gompers." That is a fact which the reader will place in his list--American labor is led by a Jew.

Well, then, "The strongest anti-Gompers trade union in the country--The Amalgamated Clothing Workers--and very strong indeed, and very large--is led by a Jew--Sidney Hillman."

It is the Russian situation over again. Both ends of the movements, and the movement which operates within the movement, are under the leadership of Jews. This, whatever the construction put upon it, is a fact which Mr. Hard is com­pelled by the very nature of his task to acknowledge.

And the middle movement, "the Liberal Middle" as Mr. Hard calls it, which catches all between, produces in this article the names of Mr. Justice Brandeis, Judge Mack and Felix Frankfurter, gentlemen whose activities since Armistice Day would make a very interesting story.

For good measure, Mr. Hard produces two other names, "Baron Gunzberg--a Jew" who is "a faithful official" of the Rus­sian Embassy of Ambassador Bakhmetev, a representative of the modified old regime, while the Russian Information Bureau, whose literary output appears in many of our newspapers, is conducted by another Jew, so Mr. Hard calls him, whose name is familiar to newspaper readers, Mr. A.J. Sack.

It is not a complete list by any means, but it is quite impres­sive. It seems to reflect importance on the documents which Mr. Hard endeavors to minimize to a position of ridiculous unimportance. And it leads to the thought that perhaps the doc­uments are scrutinized as carefully as they are because the read­ers of them have observed not only the facts which Mr. Hard admits but other and more astonishing ones, and have discov­ered that the documents confirm and explain the observations. Other readers who have not had the privilege of learning all that the documents contain are entitled to have satisfaction given to the interest thus aroused.

The documents did not create the Jewish Question. If there were nothing but the documents, Mr. Hard would not have written nor would the Metropolitan magazine have printed the article here discussed.

What Mr. Hard has done is to bring confirmation in a most unexpected place that the Question exists and is pressing for dis­cussion. Someone felt the pressure when "The Great Jewish Conspiracy" was ordered and written.

Issue of June 26, 1920



Dharma, go back up to the top of the copy and place the date of publication, when we have it. It may take a bit of time for us but I think it important that these articles are recognized as being done long ago and are not of our work but very important as historical foundation for our discussions. When you realize that these are, at this time of writing, some 78 years ago and done by one of the world's leading industrial producers, perhaps you can see how usurped the very Jewish people were and ARE.

There is something else to be noted here and that is that the Protocols WERE VERY MUCH AROUND AND VERY MUCH RECOGNIZED all the way back, at the least, to the turn of the century. Therefore, when people tell you they are fabrications, forgeries, or false information--you KNOW BET­TER.

These go hand in hand with TALMUDIC "religion" and have very little to do with any TORAH mandates or Spiritual aspect.

As you listen to the NEW LEADERS of your nation right here in the U.S.A., as the lawyers and Judges prattle and speculate--there is more and more frequent use and reference to "Talmudic law" and its acceptance in the Judicial system THAT IS. You heard it casually referred to between Marsha Clarke and Judge Ito (Japanese yet) in the Simpson case, and you hear it used al­most daily now in the "panels" of expert observers on the talk circuits regarding the President's indiscretions. This goes be­yond the mundane Admiralty or Maritime law bases of judicial take-over--this is the final hookers to have no judicial justice AT ALL. Remember that Kol Nidre--NOBODY BUT THE IGNO­RANT HAVE TO TELL THE TRUTH--BY LAW. Plausible denial AND LYING ARE TOTALLY ACCEPTABLE. Well, not to me.

The prattle goes like this: "If you are President, it's alright to dink around with a little kid, but it is not ok to lie under oath." What OATH? After all, it goes on to be prattled: "...politicians HAVE TO lie". Say what?

I don't know about YOU in particular, but I know that lying is the most acceptable thing you people do and you claim it is to keep from hurting or offending. "Little white lies" you call them. If someone asks for help you say, "I gave at the of­fice..." or "Well, I have this tax problem..." or "I wanted to go but I had..." and the big one, "Well, I had this little fling affair but I didn't want to hurt my wife/husband so...". THIS IS WHERE IT BEGINS, GOOD CITIZENS--RIGHT THERE AND WITH YOU and your own acceptance of bad behaviors, irresponsible attitudes and "me-ness" (if it feels good and I can hide it--fine, go for it). But you know something? These atti­tudes DO DAMAGE--starting with SELF.

Do you ever fudge? Do you ever find self guilty of these little things--ARE YOU JEWISH? Then why do you blame someone else? The QUESTION is truly not Jewish or Gentile--it is WRONG VS. RIGHT. And a full-blown military excursion where you go kill people half a world away--unilaterally without recourse, IS WAR.


So, have I fudged about, say, Col. Bo Gritz and the tales which were not true? No, but I knew the difference--but I only re­peated what was personally told to me by Mr. Gritz himself and in his public literature. Man has no other source upon which to base his understanding except that which he LEARNS, and if you refuse to learn truth, you are trapped within the LIE. I re­peat what was said last night by a TV Host: "Did it ever occur to anyone to not break the law in the first place?" It is sort of like "safe sex"--did anyone think of solving the problems by RESPONSIBILITY and not playing in the clandestine and dan­gerous games? Catching a disease is one of the lesser lasting damages from "unsafe sex".


I am being hard on everyone? OH? How so? I would not have assumed that any of YOU would practice irresponsible behav­iors--if you follow the RIGHT TEACHERS. So, scribe, per­haps we won't have to work so hard later if we do our work now--we don't have to change the world, save anyone or the world, JUST TELL THE TRUTH. God promised the WORD OF TRUTH and never did HE suggest we stuff it down any­one's gullet!

Moreover, don't be offended by callers who claim their way is righteous and yours is incorrect and go on to explain how they do their good works sponsoring Boy's choirs and good candi­dates for power places. We can't afford to do the paper much the less sponsor Boy's choirs from Europe to America. Culture comes when a world is good enough to endorse and support good culture--until then it is simply a bunch of little boys singing, in this instance, Catholic songs.

And what of such as Yanni? Yanni is a Ramtha student now almost totally orchestrated by the CIA. Shocking? Can't be the truth? Oh yes indeed it is so. How do you think such inroads were made into China and India to do a "New Age" concert? His lady is a long-time intimate supporter of J.Z. and the "movement". Don't be blind just because you are titillated by some show or tell.

So, who is this 64,000-year-old E.T., Ramtha? He is now a 64,032-year-old E.T., I suppose. Do I know him? Of course, we all come to know these "barbarians" as he describes himself, "Master".

"But Yanni is Greek..." you exclaim. Yes, and so is Latsis of the Greek Mafia. Greece fell, Rome fell, Egypt fell, all the GREAT civilization FELL. IS IT NOW YOUR TURN? AND, OH YES INDEED, THIS THING YOU CALL THE "CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION" WILL FALL BECAUSE YOU HAVE LEFT OUT ONE THING: CHRIST. Adonai