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Nov. 7, 2015

2/20/92 #1  HATONN

Dharma, George needs a personal meeting with me and then you need to be elsewhere.  Therefore, allow us to write on the CIA for a while and I ask that we slide out of format and pick up a segment of the story of George Bush around the time of the Bay of Pigs.  Thank you.

We are having a miserable problem with security for the researchers and compilers of this information--some of which is invalid hearsay so I ask to allow for anonymity in the present until we decide how best to go about the publishing of the information with security for the people involved as well as the publisher.  Our work has been discounted by the ones in point--most because they have been exposed to none of it.  It is leaking out because no one will publish and I will await "value change" before I ask even one more thing of George Green at America West.  WE SHALL WAIT AND SEE.



Bush publicly claims to have not been involved with the CIA at the time of the happenings we shall discuss.  We shall see just what he was doing and if this be so.

From Donald Freed, Death in Washington (Westport, Conn., 1980):

"JM/WAVE...proliferated across Florida in preparation for the Bay of Pigs invasion.  A subculture of fronts, proprietaries, suppliers, transfer agents, conduits, dummy agencies, law firms, airlines, radio stations, the mob and the church and the banks: a false and secret nervous system twitching to stimuli supplied by the cortex in Clandestine Services in Langley.  After defeat on the beach in Cuba, JM/WAVE became a continuing and extended Miami Station, CIA's largest in the continental United States.  A large sign in front of the .... building complex reads: 'U.S. GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS PROHIBIT DISCUSSION OF THIS ORGANIZATION OR FACILITY'."  [H: Gosh, sounds like the forbidden subject of whether or not records meet the lies projected by the Zionists regarding the Holocaust--it becomes illegal to speculate!!!]

Chelas, there is positive proof that George Bush's activities during the late 1950's and early 1960's were incomplete in very important reports of his actions--if not missing entirely from documentation made available except to above "top secret" archives and "national security" cover-ups.

Starting at about the time of the Bay of Pigs invasion in the spring of 1961 came the first slips that Bush, in addition to working for Zapata Off-shore (basically in drug running), was also a participant in other cover operations of the U.S. intelligence community.

These participations would fit right in with the pledges made right in the old Skull and Bones Society of Dad, Prescott Bush, as well as within the Brown Brothers Harriman networks.  During the twentieth century, the Skull and Bones/Harriman circles have always maintained a sizeable and often decisive presence inside the intelligence organizations of the State Department, the Treasury Department, the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Office of Strategic Services, and the Central Intelligence Agency.

George Bush was most certainly associated with the CIA prior to 1963.  Bush started working for the agency in 1960-61, using his oil business as a cover for clandestine activities.  By the time of the Kennedy assassination, there is official FBI documentation regarding "Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency".  Despite official disclaimers, chelas, this IS THE SAME MAN THAT IS NOW PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. AND DWELLS IN YOUR WHITE HOUSE.

This great mystery of George Bush as a covert operator is proven on four points right on physical evidence--so forget, please, space cadets.  Each one represents great political and espionage scandals of postwar American history:

1.   The abortive Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, launched on April 16, 1961, prepared with the assistance of the CIA's "Miami Station" (also known under the code name JM/WAVE.  After the failure of the amphibious landings of Brigade 2506, Miami Station, under the leadership of Theodore Shackley, became the focus for Operation Mongoose, a series of covert operations directed against Castro, Cuba, and other targets.

2.   The assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas November 22, 1963, and the cover-up of those responsible for the crime.

3.   The Watergate scandal, beginning with an April 1971 visit to Miami, Florida by E. Howard Hunt on the tenth anniversary of the Bay of Pigs invasion to recruit operatives for the White House Special Investigations Unit (the Plumbers, and later Watergate burglars) from among Cuban-American Bay of Pigs veterans.  I told you long ago--Hunt shot the President that day from behind the fence.  Same old E. Howard Hunt!

4.   The Iran-Contra Affair, which became a public scandal during October-November 1986, several of whose central figures, such as Felix Rodriguez, were also veterans of the Bay of Pigs--AND INVOLVED IN THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION!

George's role in both Watergate and the October Surprise/Iran-Contra complex has already been handled in detail--but, we shall cover it again in proper sequence as we move along so perspective can be more accurately given to continuity of involvement.  It is more important herein to realize that some thirty years of covert operations, in many respects, form a single continuous whole. The entire new Cuban cadre now simply emerged from the Bay of Pigs.  The names, Howard Hunt, Bernard Barker, Rolondo Martinez, Felix Rodriguez and Eugenio Martinez would in the next quarter century, pop up, often decisively, over and over again in the most dangerous American foreign policy crises.  They didn't bother to cover it too carefully--simply expecting the American Public to be totally oblivious to the whole scenario and no one would notice.  Over and over again the same names popped up in conjunction with dangerous American foreign policy crises.  There were Cubans flying missions for the CIA in the Congo and even for the Portuguese in Africa; Cubans were the burglars of Watergate; Cubans played key roles in Nicaragua, in Irangate, in the American move into the Persian Gulf.  Felix Rodriguez says that he was infiltrated into Cuba with the other members of the "Grey Team" in conjunction with the Bay of Pigs landings; this is the same man you will note directing the Contra supply effort in Central America during the 1980's, working under the direct supervision of Don Gregg and George Bush.  Theodore Shackley, the JM/WAVE station chief, later shows up in Bush's 1979-80 presidential campaign.

Such covert operations have drawn upon the same pool of personnel.  They are to a significant extent the handiwork of the same crowd.  It is therefore revealing to project forward and backward in time the individuals and groups of individuals who appear as the cast of characters in one scandal, and compare them with the cast of characters for the other scandals, including the secondary ones that have not been enumerated right here.

E. Howard Hunt, for example, shows up as a confirmed part of the overthrow of the Guatemalan government of Jacopo Arbenz in 1954, as an important part of the chain of command in the Bay of Pigs, as a person repeatedly accused of having been in Dallas on the day Kennedy was shot--and was and did--and as one of the central figures of Watergate.

George Bush is demonstratably one of the most important protagonists of the Watergate scandal, and was the overall director of Iran-Contra.  Since he appears, especially in Iran-Contra, in close proximity to Bay of Pigs holdovers, it is surely legitimate to wonder when his association with those Bay of Pigs Cubans might have started.

1959 was the year that Bush started operating out of the Zapata Offshore headquarters in Houston; it was also the year that Fidel Castro seized power in Cuba.  Officially, as we have noted, George was now a businessman whose work took him at times to Louisiana, where Zapata had offshore drilling operations.  George was a frequent visitor to New Orleans.  Because of his family's estate on Jupiter Island, he visited, frequently, the Hobe Sound area.  And then, never overlook those most valued Zapata Offshore drilling operations in the Florida strait.  This allowed for all sorts of contraband to come ashore directly without inspection--through and via Zapata operations.

The Jupiter Island connection and father Prescott's Brown Brothers Harriman/Skull and Bones networks are the KEY.  Jupiter Island meant Averell Harriman, Robert Lovett, C. Douglas Dillon and other Anglophile financiers who had directed the U.S. Intelligence community long before there had been a CIA at all.  And, in the backyard of the Jupiter Island OLYMPIANS (see definition in other writings of Committee 300) and under their direction, a powerful covert operations base was now being assembled in which George Bush would have been present at the creation simply as a matter of "birthright".


Let us talk about Zapata for a bit.  During 1959-60, Allen Dulles and the Eisenhower Administration began to assemble in south Florida the infrastructure of covert action against Cuba.  This was the JM/WAVE capability, later formally constituted as the CIA Miami station.  JM/WAVE was an operational center for the Eisenhower regime's project of staging an invasion of Cuba using a secret army of anti-Castro Cuban exiles (yes, even "good-old Ike" --why do you think the Elite made him king?) organized, armed, trained, transported, and directed by the CIA.  The Cubans, called Brigade 2506, were trained in secret camps in Guatemala, and they had air support from B-26 bombers based in Nicaragua.  This invasion was crushed by Castro's defending forces in less than three days.  Funny thing about those Castro forces--they could only have been endowed with masterful Soviet leadership, don't you think?


Before going along with the plan so eagerly touted by Allen Dulles, Kennedy had established the precondition that under no circumstances whatsoever would there be direct intervention by U.S. military forces against Cuba.  On the one hand, Dulles had assured Kennedy that the news of the invasion would trigger an insurrection which would sweep Castro and his regime away.  On the other, Kennedy had to be concerned about provoking a global thermonuclear confrontation with the U.S.S.R. in the eventuality that Nikita Khrushchev decided to respond to a U.S. Cuban gambit by, for example, cutting off U.S. access to Berlin.  Ah yes, what "tangled webs".

Hints of the covert presence of George Bush were scattered here and there, and all around, the Bay of Pigs invasion.  The code name for the Bay of Pigs was actually "Operation Pluto" but old E. Howard Hunt couldn't bear losing ego seniority and denies that this was the code name used by JM/WAVE personnel; Hunt writes: "So perhaps the Pentagon referred to the Brigade invasion as Pluto.  CIA did not."  But Hunt doesn't tell you what the CIA code name actually was--it was "Operation Pluto" among some other equally "cute" phraseology.  I never can get over your need for trite, cutesy and totally debasing idiot code-names and "initials" labels.

You will also note that in the "exposing" done by Hunt, he also does not tell you what was in the Watergate era White House SAFE.  Well--he might actually have "sold out" due to the incredibly disloyal person in point--had everything not been totally buried by FBI Director Patrick Gray.  Hunt is an interesting study in one who would seem to be totally evil and yet never more than a henchman--so beware of this type of entity for you can't tell who or what with which you might be dealing.

The CIA code name was most often utilized as "Operation Zapata" not "Jupiter".  The plan was so referred to by ones such as Richard Bissell of the CIA, one of the plan's prime promoters, in briefings to President Kennedy in the Cabinet Room on March 29, 1961.  I ask that as these names pop up, you relate them to the material being written in our outlay of the CIA material, please.  It all must be integrated and you may never get the deleted material from other resource.  I make reference to other resources simply so that you can rest assured that the information IS AVAILABLE and not simply mysterious thought forms of one, Dharma.  Actually, it's more for HER input than for yours for she sits on the "hot seat" ALL the time.  I wonder how many of YOU perceive yourselves to be so brave?  So be it.

Does Operation Zapata have anything to do with Zapata Offshore?  Well, in that Zapata Oil was set up as a "fit-in", it is hard to tell which came first, the chicken or the egg.  After all, Zapata had been a very public figure in his own right, and the subject of a motion picture acted by Marlon Brando.  The landing beach, the Playa Giron, utilized in this operation is located south of the city of Cienfuegos on the Zapata Peninsula, on the south coast of Cuba.


Then there is the question of the Brigade 2506 landing fleet, which was composed of five older freighters bought or chartered from the Garcia Steamship Lines, bearing the names of Houston, Rio Escondido, Cariber, Atlantic and Lake Charles.  Oops--in addition to these vessels just named, which were outfitted as transport ships, there were two somewhat better armed fire support ships, the Blagar AND THE BARBARA.  George also named his infamous death-trap (for his comrades trapped inside when he abandoned them) plane--the Barbara!

The Barbara was originally an LCI (Landing Craft Infantry) of earlier vintage.  Attention is attracted at once to the Barbara and the Houston, in the first case because you must have noted the above habit of George's naming his combat vessels "Barbara" after, of course, his wife Barbara.  In the second case, Bush was at this time a resident and Republican activist of Houston, Texas.  Further, these vessels were seen and documented at offshore drilling rigs for undisclosed reasons.

After the defeat of the Bay of Pigs invasion, there was great animosity against Kennedy among the survivors of Brigade 2506, some of whom eventually made their way back to Miami after being released from Castro's prisoner-of-war camps.  There was also great animosity against Kennedy on the part of the JM/WAVE (CIA) personnel.

During the early 1950's, E. Howard Hunt had been the CIA station chief in Mexico City--(No-o-o!?!)--YES INDEEDY!  A quite embittered David Atlee Phillips (JM/WAVE veteran) tattles--and that can be found in his account called THE NIGHT WATCH.  E. Howard Hunt had been the immediate supervisor of a young CIA recruit named William F. Buckley, the Yale graduate and Skull and Bones member who later founded the National Review.  I'm sorry chelas, I didn't write the story--I just report it!  Hunt spoke his opinion very clearly about the Bay of Pigs: "No event since the communization of China in 1949 has had such a profound effect on the United States and its allies as the defeat of the U.S.-trained Cuban invasion brigade at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961.

"Out of the humiliation grew the Berlin Wall, the missile crisis, guerrilla warfare throughout Latin America and Africa, and our Dominican Republic intervention.  Castro's beach-head triumph opened a bottomless Pandora's box of difficulties that affected not only the United States, but most of its allies in the Free World.

"These bloody and subversive events would not have taken place had Castro been toppled.  Instead of standing firm, our government pyramided crucially wrong decisions and allowed Brigade 2506 to be destroyed.  The Kennedy Administration yielded Castro all the excuse he needed to gain a tighter grip on the island of Jose Marti, then moved shamefacedly into the shadows and hoped the Cuban issue would simply melt away."

I think it becomes quite clear WHY there would be great media push and political pressure to hide documentation and denounce investigations by ones such as Oliver Stone and discredit the motion picture in any way possible--because truth is so thick and deep as to hang bunches of participants--mostly all in high government places.


Source:  THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, February 25, 1992, Volume 18, Number 6, Pages 17-19.




11/30/90   HATONN



President Bush says to you the people that he knows all about war and fighting for he was there and participated.  I ask to herein reprint from NORTHPOINT, THE AVENGER who originally wrote the following in memory of the abandoned and lost crewmen whose names are not even known.


...I will be discussing the treachery of George Bush and his Administration pursuant to his sending America's finest men to fight and die in the Arabian Desert.  Americans need to know about our "Commander in Chief."  I had thought to draw a parallel between Lawrence of Arabia, the Arabian Knight and George Bush.  The men were so little alike that the contrast is striking. Lawrence was an Arabian patriot who personally fought to free his people from the Turks.  Whatever you may think of him, he was never remembered as a coward by either friend or enemy.  Having beaten the Turks, he had to stand by as the British stopped all attempts of the Arabs to establish truly independent States.  His mission lost and his hopes dashed, he retired into anonymity, only to die in an unfortunate motorcycle accident in 1935.

George Bush was also a warrior, but a different type.  He enlisted in the Naval Reserve on his 18th birthday, only to get called up unexpectedly to fight the Japanese.  While his father was financing Hitler, and ESSO Standard Oil was providing the ESSO 100 octane fuel for the German fighter planes, George was flying a Grumman Avenger, a Navy Torpedo Bomber which he had named "Barbara".  This plane had a crew of 3: pilot, radioman-turret gunner, and a tailgunner.  The crewmen were sealed in a compartment that could not be opened in flight because of the tremendous pressure of the airstream against the door.  Bush was assigned to the light aircraft carrier USS SAN JACINTO.  Hit by Japanese anti-aircraft fire, George Bush panicked and bailed out leaving his two crewmen to go down with the plane, knowing that no matter how frantically they pushed against the door, they were trapped in the doomed torpedo bomber.  He said there was smoke in the cockpit.  He said that no one answered the intercom.  He said that he assumed that they were dead.  He was rescued by the submarine, USS FINBACK, after only 4 hours. Bush lost four planes in-all during WWII which does not indicate a very capable pilot.  In spite of it all, he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.  Recently, the NAVY TIMES was highly critical of his judgment call with the Avenger and his abandoning crewmen.  Navy pilots who flew with him insist that he had the aircraft ability to put the plane down in the water so his men could get out safely.

Lawrence of Arabia was a scholar and a great military leader.  His troops loved him.  He was a first-class writer as his Seven Pillars of Wisdom clearly establish.  Bush, in contrast, has no literary talent and every one of his speeches is prepared for him by pro-Zionist ghost writers, including his famous "I Have A New World Order For You!" speech of recent disgusting memory.  The aim of King Arthur and the Crusades was to free the Holy Land for Christian rule.  Quite properly, Lawrence wanted to return the Holy Places to Arab rule as I interpret God's promise to Abraham through his son Ishmael in Genesis 17:20.  The Palestine Prince is one of those twelve Princes of Ishmael.  Bush and his Zionist friends do not want the Holy Lands in either the Christian or the Ishmael-Arab hands, but want it turned over to the Babylonian Zionists, those who call themselves Jews but are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan.  Isn't that why you Judeo-Christians voted for Mr. Bush?


Source:  PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, December 1990, Volume 5, Number 11 & 12,Page

Documents transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.