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Oct. 29, 2015

PJ 228





SAT., FEB. 14, 1998    8:20 A.M.    YR. 11, DAY 182


SAT.,   FEB. 14.   1998


(Or, shut up, Dharma)

DORIS: Friends, I am so burned out on our current topics that, much like the head-burying birds (the people of the world), I just think from time to time: I can't do this any more. Then all sorts of things come to show me that we MUST do this some more--a lot more! And yet, the more Cmdr. writes and we pre­sent, the more pressure comes to every and each person around me. And remember something, others are putting their 10-cents in the paper and, now, the journals as well.

When I read on the back of Phoenix Source Publishing catalog I was shocked, if not downright stunned, that we have written some 222 journals. "We" being Master and Doris' fingers until, recently and then I understand that other "authors" have separate books. I know that some of the journals are inclusive of many other's fingers as well as the labor of compiling, sorting, in­dexing and, finally, just getting them printed. (This task comes as a financial impossibility as well as a seeming feat of super­human output). This observation always brings a chuckle from even myself--"ghost" writers all over the place--literally. In fact I also see that we have been able to "publish" only 108 of these volumes. I guess we'll get there some day--or we won't.

I say every now and then, "Isn't it yet enough"? I always get recentered abruptly and am told to look around. Is there free­dom? Is there knowing about anything? Where are you headed? Why do you complain? JUST PRESS ON.

And surely enough, just as I finish typing some material the next batch is waiting--material long out of print--collector's items I am told and unselfishly sent into our care. Box loads of infor­mation that is never allowed longer to be in public domain, in libraries, and are often destroyed even from library archives. The journals, for instance, are not allowed in any public place at all other than perhaps little personal gestures by a librarian or book merchant who deals in "used" books. And yet, they turn up everywhere around the globe, as does CONTACT (Ekkers get "blamed" for that paper too, so I smile to myself that the Masters are so involved that no one can really tell who writes for some of them so that there is no confusion or focus on the fingers doing the typing).

There is no payment enough to thank adequately the TEAM here that keeps pushing right through the incredible attacks and bombshells from people like Green, Jason Brent, etc. But we continue to work toward funding and in that first project already approved is enough to try and pay them enough to make us feel better--even if still inadequate.

WISDOM OF THE RAYSwas a surprise which shall never find equal appreciation.

I KNOW the labor of love and caring that went into that volume from the Masters--AND that receiver, ed­itor, and producer. So, if we have touched even one life, God says: BE GRATEFUL AND COUNT BLESSINGS. [See or­dering information in the back of this Journal.]

My heart continually goes out to Mr. Carto of SPOTLIGHT who has been under such attack as to make our tribulations appear to be nothing. And yet, they keep on keeping on. They are, for Liberty Lobby, filing a Federal Racketeering case against the assaulters and I pray for their prevailing. No, we don't know these people although Rick and Ed have gotten well acquainted with some of the writers. But, we KNOW what price they have paid for bringing truth to we-the-people. Those entities are also on our "firster" list for assistance with the incredible costs of litigation. All we have been able to do thus far is just push their work a bit further "out there", just as ours is taken a bit further to a few more eyes and ears. We feel as if we are living in the dark ages and, in the beginning, Spotlight refused to even run our ads for journals and perhaps still does; we don't bother to pursue it at all. Did they not like George Green or God? They thought we were New Age Religious. Now, THAT is a funny one.

I worked all my "working years" for Jewish high-level parties or Mormon lawyers.

I was a Secretary to two Attorneys General in Utah and, earlier, worked as Clinic Administrator in Detroit for a Jewish Outpatient Clinic (for union employees--automotive union). I then worked for many years in Children's Hospital of Los Angeles which we lovingly referred to as "Little Israel" be­cause of the predominance of Jewish physicians, professors and administrators. It was also a pulling card for MANY foreign physicians for graduate studies, fellowships, and the like. How­ever, many of the doctors working with me were directly from Tel Aviv, Israel. I adored them--but I can tell you now that a pattern of behaviors would hit you right between the eyes con­stantly. There was always a joke going around about "running the world"--but like Clinton's zipper problem, it always ap­peared as a joke.

Speaking of Clinton, I should note that, FINALLY, E.J. and I watched Air Force One and a president with wife and daughter was the only thing similar to Billy Clinton that we could isolate, even if Billy accepted the accolades for bravery. If anything, the plot of the movie made you be embarrassed that anyone would relate the two "actors". I found it terrifying as I am sure that I will find Wag the Dog.

Why this personal input? Because I really am having a hard time this morning as we are up so much in the night having to talk to Europe and then to the far Pacific time zones that we don't know night from day except that the day starts very early and weekends are busier than the weekdays.

But, that is "habit" and you get used to living backwards to oth­ers--of course Dr. Ed has made a total research of living and sleeping backwards to everyone, and others have had to stumble along without sleep to get the paper out.

My morning came today with such retained visions of my night tasks that I can't shake the sorrow as I again viewed the chaos, even among people claiming insight and "knowing" and watch­ing the destruction and insanity. I am not caused to view such things unless we are very, very near to some disaster or another.

Also, we have a "wild", trusting Band-tailed pigeon upstairs in a box. Pablo and Blas had caught her yesterday, literally from the clutches of the local big hawk. These pigeons were so over-hunted that they were all but extinct but we seem to have attracted hundreds of them. They are large as chickens and totally beautiful. Anyway, for the past days this little hen has been ailing and a perfect catch for the hawk. So, her mate has been trying to distract the hawk and somehow he has escaped, we think, the talons of the big bad wolf. We saw the hawk pick up one or the other but it escaped and is now hurt. I'm telling this because both are so innocent and vulnerable and, now, hurt. We don't know how to protect the male from the hawk, nor do we know what to do for the hen. She is a "wild bird" but cud­dles right down as if she expects us to make things right--and we try. Some days it takes a lot more tears than others.

Then I come down to my "post" and here is an article on my keyboard. They always "mysteriously" appear somewhere when I am supposed to find them, and its title? ARABS SEE MIDEAST ENGULFED IN BLOOD. I have seen that vision for so much of the time lately that I, at first, refused to look at it and then I knew I would have to type it so you will have to share it too. Then a little ad headline leapt out saying, "Don't Get Caught Unprepared". How can one get PREPARED for geno­cide of whole countries and nationalities? And the killers are US? I tell you truly, I have to turn it over to God and take one step at a time, one battle at a time, one illness at a time (and ig­nore it), and one writing at a time, for I find this so distasteful and so difficult to face that MY NATION, this wondrous and beautiful America, is run by the hound-dogs of Hell and, by de­fault, I am a piece of that.

So, I look within and say, "Pour it on, Sir". If not me--who? And now that I am completely undone, I will do my usual escape tactic and turn it over to HIM. "We didn't make the An­tichrist, dear", he says--"but our mission is to inform all the people so that vision is clear". Perfection, even of INTENT, is so lacking in every "group" or "religion" as to God's laws that I, just like you, have to accept, ask forgiveness for being so blind--and go on going on. Sometimes, to you dear, dear per­sonal contacts and writers--we feel your support and prayers and I just have to touch someone to get my own balance in this crazy world, human to human, mother, to mother and person to per­son.

How can speaking about a sustained attack on Iraq be as nothing more important than deciding English Muffin breakfast vs. a bagle? And worse, how can the people "polled" predominantly shout "kill them all" as if this is a tennis game?

In looking for answers I have to read my own scripts--but I don't have time to write, and read, and I don't want to face this any more than do any of you. The pain of HAVING BECOME THE Evil Empire personified is a total wipe-out for my heart and soul. Thank you and may we always serve in humble grat­itude for inclusion in this wondrous journey. Dorrie

* * * *



Now that we are settled back to the keyboard and ready to write I could respond to all the above but realization comes with hav­ing written, looked at, and knowing the answers within. GOD DID NOT SAY IT WOULD BE "EASY"--ONLY "POSSIBLE".

This is just a little article we ponder but it tells so much about our current topics. Remember please, that there is no "RACE" involved here and no "religion". These One Worlders who "call themselves" "Jews" are from every walk of life, every national­ity and every usurped position. These are a faction of Antichrist and are the most blatantly working to gain WORLD control. The U.S. ADMINISTRATION is now totally FILLED with their brethren and your nation is RUN BY FOREIGNERS, purely and simply put. You never noticed?! We here were amused at how little the ones in power actually even know about the others. Yesterday Satcher was inaugurated, I believe, for Surgeon General. In the introduction Mr. Gore called him "Hatcher". Mr. Clinton got up then to make his personal re­marks about this fine friend and colleague and called him "Thatcher". It seems to me there should be fewer pant zippers and more lip-zips.

QUOTING, from: Spotlight, Feb. 16, 1998:


by Warren Hough, exclusive

Can a war save Bill Clinton? Arab diplomats and Al Gore won­der.

     As the two most viscerally pro-Israeli Washington decision­makers--Defense Secretary William Cohen and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright--roam far and wide attempting to drum up support for another attack on Iraq. Middle Eastern and European diplomats at UN headquarters anxiously debate the prospects for an imminent end to the Clinton administration and Vice President Al Gore's early elevation to the presidency.

     "It will mean an explosion of bloody fighting in the Holy Land, an all-out armed showdown between Palestine's historic Arab population and its Israeli occupiers", a senior Palestinian representative at the world forum told The SPOTLIGHT.

     Aware that a violent outbreak will inevitably follow the cur­rent collapse of the so-called "peace process" in the Middle East, war hawk Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is­sued an ultimatum late last month demanding that Yassir Arafat, chairman of the feeble Palestinian Authority, disarm and dismiss a third of his police force of some 32,000 men.

     "Arafat will not--he cannot--do this", warned Arab spokes­men at the UN. "But Gore is known for his unquestioning fealty to Zionism--Israeli leaders are saying openly that if he takes over in Washington, they will be able to use force again to turn their ministate into the 'Greater Israel' they have long coveted".

     Such a burst of bloodshed is likely to rock the oil-rich Gulf and the vast Islamic world, destabilizing a strategic and oil-rich region.

     "It's not just Palestine", said one knowledgeable Gulf offi­cial, who traveled from New York to Washington recently for a series of crisis meetings in the company of a SPOTLIGHT cor­respondent.

     "Iran--along with of course, Iraq--as well as Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and even the oil monarchies of the Gulf, have all made it clear they feel threatened by a Gore administration", said this well-placed source.

     "Russia and the Europeans are already deeply worried by Is­rael's grossly excessive power to manipulate the Washington national-security bureaucracy and to deform U.S. strategy", a diplomat said. "They fear that these abuses will get even worse if the vice president and his inner circle of dual loyalists take over".


There are some pictures with this article of Cohen, Arafat and Mr. Yahoo, but the shocking pic might well be Madeleine Al­bright in her last little trippy to Israel and showing her colors in the U.S. (you must recall that she said when she became Secretary of State that "I didn't know I had Jewish family ties". The press had to tell her!??!) lately is head-bowed, weeping over a wreath she just "had placed" (SHE DIDN'T EVEN PLACE IT) on a memorial site. Caption: United States Secretary of State Madeleine Albright bows her head while flanked by two United States marines, after laying a wreath in the "Hall of Remem­brances" at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem.

Albright wept as prayers were sung by a rabbi. Albright is try­ing to drum up support for an attack on Israel's enemies.



I would also point out that last evening on your regular news another physician has come forward who is working at "cloning" of humans and already has capability and ability to put it into everyday use. Still think that there aren't some clones, down-loaded and functioning, among you? Programming and touch-ups of high-level duplicates takes place right in the Na­tional hospital and Camp David, didn't you know? How do you think they can lie so effectively? The entity lying to you is programmed to think he be speaking truth. The accusers are al­ready mind-controlled MK-Ultra playthings. So, the ONE THAT IS SUPPOSED TO WIN the game--WILL WIN THE GAME. It will depend on what the New World Order's leaders want to accomplish. These most noted replicas are such as Geo. Bush, Kissinger, Blair, Lizzie, Maggie and the Rockefellers (all of them you THINK to be still living originals).

Pay close attention to TRANCE FORMATION OF AMERICA and to the old Dr. Peter Beter writings and broadcasts for the facts, Sirs and Madams.

With this in mind, you still need more background for there have been "duplicates" of important persons for nigh a century and clones for 3/4-century. The art is now perfected for your consumption.

We will, here, except for interruptions as urgent things come forth, begin to offer the ENTIRE Henry Ford The Dearborn In­dependent publications. We will start at the beginning and work our way through as we can do so.





The World's Foremost Problem

Vol. I: Being a Reprint of a Series of Articles appearing in the Dearborn Independentfrom May 2 to October 2, 1920.

Published by: THE DEARBORN PUBLISHING CO. Dear­born, Michigan,

Nov. 1920.

Republished May, 1976 by:

     Liberty Bell Publications, Reedy, West Virginia 25270.

[H: We will not take time to run all the above information each time we write a "PART" so please hold onto this refer­ence if you hope to track down copies of the books. There are four volumes and we have no idea as to whether or not Liberty Bell Publications is still in business. Every effort has been made over and over again to stop any public availabil­ity of these articles and it has worked; they are scarce in­deed.]

From: The New International Encyclopedia:

"Among the distinguishing mental and moral traits of the Jews may be mentioned: distaste for hard or vi­olent physical LABOR; a strong family sense and philoprogenitiveness; a marked religious instinct; the courage of the prophet and martyr rather than of the pioneer and soldier; remarkable power to survive in adverse environments, combined with great ability to retain racial solidarity; capacity for exploitation, both individual and social; shrewdness and astute­ness in speculation and money matters generally; an Oriental love of display and a full appreciation of the power and pleasure of social position; a very high average of intellectual ability".


     Why discuss the Jewish Question? Because it is here, and because its emergence into American thought should contribute to its solution, and not to a continuance of those bad conditions which surround the Question in other countries.

The Jewish Question has existed in the United States for a long time. Jews themselves have known this, even if Gentiles have not. There have been periods in our own country when it has broken forth with a sullen sort of strength which presaged darker things to come. Many signs portend that it is approach­ing an acute stage. [H: 1920!]

     Not only does the Jewish Question touch those matters that are of common knowledge, such as financial and commercial control, usurpation of political power, monopoly of necessities, and autocratic direction of the very news that the American peo­ple read; but it reaches into cultural regions and so touches the very heart of American life.

     This question reaches down into South America and threatens to become an important factor in Pan-American relations. It is interwoven with much of the menace of organized and calcu­lated disorder which troubles the nations today. It is not of recent growth, but its roots go deep, and the long Past of this Problem is counterbalanced by prophetic hopes and programs which involve a very deliberate and creative view of the Future.

     This little book is the partial record of an investigation of the Jewish Question. It is printed to enable interested readers to in­form themselves on the data published in the Dearborn Indepen­dent prior to Oct. 1, 1920. The demand for back copies of the paper was so great that the supply was exhausted early, as was also a large edition of a booklet containing the first nine articles of the series. The investigation still proceeds, and the articles will continue to appear as heretofore until the work is done.

     The motive for this work is simply a desire to make facts known to the people. Other motives have, of course, been as­cribed to it. But the motive of prejudice or any form of antago­nism is hardly strong enough to support such an investigation as this. Moreover, had an unworthy motive existed, some sign of it would inevitably appear in the work itself. We confidently call the reader to witness that the tone of these articles is all that it should be. The International Jew and his satellites, as the conscious enemies of all that Anglo-Saxons mean by civiliza­tion, are not spared, nor is that unthinking mass which defends anything that a Jew does, simply because it has been taught to believe that what Jewish leaders do is Jewish. We give the facts as we find them; that of itself is sufficient protection against prejudice or passion.

This volume does not complete the case by any means. But it brings the reader along one step. In future compilations of these and subsequent articles the entire scope of the inquiry will more clearly appear.

October, 1920

[H: I ask the editors to please lay out these volumes in such a way as to approximate the originals as to Vol. I, Vol. II, etc. However this will run over the allotted number of pages pre­ferred for journals so I leave it in your hands as to whether or not to make the journals a bit longer/larger or present more volumes. I will comment from time to time and I apologize for the inconvenience but I feel it extremely impor­tant that you realize WHAT IS AND HAS BEEN GOING ON AROUND YOU.]



to the Bi-Centennial Edition

     In the year 1920 Henry Ford, Sr. published The International Jew, a comprehensive survey of Jewish power in the United States and throughout the world. This four-volume work was originally serialized in the Dearborn Independent, the house or­gan of the Ford Motor Company.

     These books have been best-sellers in many parts of the world, and have been translated into the languages of most civi­lized countries. Sadly, there are many countries today where possession of these books has been made punishable by confiscation or worse. In Germany, for example, a person who wants to borrow The International Jew from a library must first prove that he needs it for historical research. In other words, an ordi­nary tax-paying member of the public who supports the public library with his hard-earned money is unable to further his knowledge or satisfy his curiosity in this regard.

     It is therefore in the interest of spreading truth that we repub­lish these books in full so that new generations shall see for themselves how our problems of today are the same problems which have "mysteriously" occurred since the turn of the cen­tury. The fact that even the wealthy Henry Ford, Sr. could be forced to withdraw these books starkly illuminates the power of the Jews, even in the 1920s. To reprint The International Jew now (1976), when the Jews are so much more powerful, is some indication of the tremendous courage of the publisher. [H: And how much the more, today in 1998.]

     Every American who loves his country should make it his duty to buy sufficient copies for donation to libraries, universi­ties, business associations, etc. Most important, every Ameri­can parent should have at least one set at home to pass on to his children.

     In further support of the findings and conclusions of The In­ternational Jew, an excellent companion book, The Dispossessed Majority, by Wilmot Robertson, exposes the rapid increase of Jewish power since the first publication of Henry Ford's great work. No conscientious, thinking American should be without these amazing, fact-filled books. (End of Foreword)

[H: In not wishing to bring attacks and further assaults on my typists and printers, we will stick to direct copy. This work is NOT under copyright, either in its original or in this reprinting. We have changed OUR title to reflect the "Global" aspect so that readers can know it is not the original "International" title affixed to the originals. You are welcome to read, copy, reprint, spindle or mutilate as you choose. We are in the information business--not the choos­ing up sides "just because" business. Will we hit other play­ers as hard? No, the "others" don't even know that they serve Antichrist.]


We have reached our preferred number of pages limit for this writing so let us begin with Article I in the next writing, PART 2. No one, except those among the Antichrist servants, need be offended for this is an open presentation of long-ago writings by informed men and research staffs. If you practice the ways of these New World Antichrists, then all I can suggest is that you put on the shoes and wear them. You have insisted on remain­ing blind, deaf and dumb--and some call that "stupid". That, however, is YOUR BUSINESS, NOT MINE. We offer histori­cal documents and you do with them that which you will. The paper, of course, is a nice size for the smaller bird cages. I do suggest you keep a close eye on Nora's Corner and Dr. Al's NEWSDESK and other paper presentations.

Dharma has a LOT of important work for me in addition to these writings so please carefully read the entire paper and not just look for my input. Thank you. Adonai.