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Oct. 24, 2015

PJ 228



TUE., FEB. 10, 1998    7:30 A.M.    YR. 11, DAY 178

TUE.,  FEB. 10,  1998






Bill Richardson of the United Nations (US rep.) said to Larry King (Live), "...and to stop Iraq from threatening neighbors and Israel". He then goes on to say something to the affect of "...well, Israel". Of course Mr. King hopped on that one like a duck on a June bug, it was decided that if Saddam shot at Israel, this time he would be met with nuclear bombing. So, who has all these weapons of mass destruction?

Have you any idea WHY the U.S. would unilaterally attack and ravage Iraq? Wake up, my dears, because the U.S. is NOW THE ACCEPTED HOMELAND OF ISRAEL. Israel is THE parasite of parasites which has sucked the very life blood from America--including the U.S. Furthermore, it is already under­stood that the Royals and government of Great Britain are the "British-Israel" coalition and have been since long before the U.S. Revolution. The politicians who might balk are given di­rect warnings that they will be destroyed in one way or another (useful to Israel's cause), if they do not "play ball" as directed.

Mr. Richardson is now going to go forth to Japan and China (Mr. Rubin and Mr. Cohen have already hit the Pacific area) to get support for this one-sided genocide. What will they do? Well, their whole economic existence rests in the hands of the mighty U.N.-Jewish coalition of so-called Bankers. The better question is, "What

CAN they do"?

Rothschild was right when he said that if you gave him the gold--he could control the world. And now, his parasites have got the gold.

There is a lot of talk about the U.S. economy being so good. My, isn't that interesting when every day hundreds of thousands of people are being laid off from jobs. The stock market itself only deals with some 25 companies which are simply shored up to fool all of you until a war and other confinements can be set in cement.

What of your welfare plans? What are you going to do with those multitudes of jobless, off-welfare people? Well, riots are what is planned for, but will the people even know how to riot sufficiently to cause the damage necessary? Of course, because they will be instructed to once again hit the minority citizens like the Vietnamese, Koreans and thus and so.

As Mr. William Henry Chamberlin said: "A very good case can be made, on moral as well as economic grounds, for a system in which the individual is required to stand on his own feet, not to lean on the state for handouts. Character, resourcefulness, ca­pacity are formed and developed in struggle with obstacles, not in waiting passively for benefits from outside". He goes on to say: "There is no warrant in logic or morals for trying to place the authority of religion behind measures of social and economic collectivism. Indeed, there is a much stronger case for arguing that the sense of individual responsibility--which is a key indis­pensable factor in making it possible for the individual to distin­guish between right and wrong--is best assured under a system in which the human being is mainly committed to his own care and required to make his own decisions".



The world is being held from these atrocious acts of genocide by, basically, one party

--BILL CLINTON. The citizens see the charade and recognize that there is no need of Congressional anything to dump war on the globe. Bill Clinton as President can, in a split-second with one signature on an Executive Order, start the bloodshed. The whole entourage of warmongers, in­cluding Blair from Britain, have done their best and of course the threat is, "We will getcha so you better play hardball; get the shooting started or we won't back off you and Hilly". Clinton was just a good old common criminal and hoodlum back in Arkansas and he never knew what had hit him when the Bilderbergs tapped him to be the interim "kid" on the block.

Do any of you notice that the man actually behind the power of a little Lewinski is one of the formidable Jewish pushers? Monica didn't ask for favors--this man DID. That also shows how powerful the man is--he is a major campaign contributor and expects favors when he asks. He may have gotten more fa­vors than expected. [From EJ: "He" is her grandfather--we are trying to get a name].

Bill Clinton has a sharp, incisive mind, it is said. Well, he is certainly as dumb as is a hood ornament. In fact, he IS just a hood ornament after all. This will all come to light, probably in a day or so, so let us allow you to decipher it. Bless the "fixed" and pounding media--for in their frenzy of information sent forth--other things are turning up and like the robots they are, it is managing to come out in spite of the efforts to now silence the trashing. Billy wouldn't have even known he was a set-up for frame-up. He just had a cute little thing willing to do anything he wanted--so "why not?" A good game off the oval office wouldn't take as long as a golf game--so...!

Efforts of much greater subterfuge have been thrust against us just to get us to make some wrong moves to escape the incredi­ble pressures of attacks--BUT, the very acts themselves are flowing back on the original troublemakers. Some of the "used" parties are so elderly now that they can be of little USE to the thieves and greed-mongers and yet still they are abused and used. A hundredfold trouble back to the senders somehow seems too little.

Has anyone noticed that we don't even have meetings any more? The Institute has been ordered to cease and desist from doing business by Betty Tuten and her attorney Abbott, so it works out fine. It SITS. Even Misery Tuten can't get anything moved out of it. Further, if Overton's estate is ever settled properly, that will flow in but CAN'T flow OUT! I consider that some kind of PROGRESS. It appears to me that at this time the Institute sits securely IN THE HANDS OF GOD. You who could have stopped Tuten, DID NOT. We can't help anything that has come to pass for only you who had an interest could stop it. So be it.

We will now, it appears, file some kind of "friendly" or "hateful" suit with Extra and get the Heaven's Gate Cult separa­tion finally publicly settled. This will pull in, and probably hang, Tuten, Fort, Beam, Ence(s), Brent and others we haven't yet identified. Extra is ready, willing and able to totally smash these liars and cheats that set them up. Is life not interesting as it rolls around again and again? And whoever produced that old picture of Ekkers--did it, they just upped the ante by millions because they went AROUND THE WORLD in living color accompanied by the lies supplied. The Channel 29 (local Bakers­field) people responsible for their rendition are also able to tes­tify. But they did the right thing and ran retractions in equal time segments. There is talk about convening a Grand Jury for looking into this but I wonder if the prisons are not already quite crowded enough. The crew from Channel 29 met with Jason Brent at some length that day and boy, are they sorry. It is im­portant to remember that Channel 29 is a branch off one of the Big Three Networks.

I would like to move back to our topic underway:



Author: Meschumad Iehachist ("Pfefferkorn"), a Jew.



     More and more gentiles are becoming convinced that we Jews were responsible for the revolution in Russia and that not only were we responsible for the murder of the Czar and his family, but also of the intelligentsia of that country--together with more than twenty million Orthodox peasants--under Lenin, Trotsky and Bela-Kun--which accords with the statement in our Talmud: "The best of the gentiles--kill".

     My authority for our responsibility of producing the revolu­tion in Russia is based on the New York Times of March 24, 1917: The movement was financed by a New York banker you all know and love," (Ed.: Jacob Schiff) "and soon we received a ton and a half of Russian Revolutionary propaganda. At the end of the war 50,000 Russian officers and men went back to their country ardent revolutionists. The Friends of Russian Freedom had sown 50,000 seeds of 'liberty' in 100 Russian regiments. I do not know how many of these men and officers were in the Petrograd fortress last week, but we do know what part the army took in the revolution." (From speech of Rabbi S.S. Wise, Carnegie Hall, N.Y., March 23, 1917).

     The following telegram, from President Wilson, was read at that same mass meeting in Carnegie Hall the night before: "...This government formally recognized the new Government of Russia. (Kerensky's: Ed.). By this act the United States has expressed its confidence in the success of and its natural sympathy with the popular government".

     Of Woodrow Wilson the famous Dr. H. J. Boldt wrote as follows: "Woodrow Wilson was a Sephardic Jew... the name of his parents was Wohlson--a German-Jewish name; they probably came from Germany, went to England where they were known as Mr. and Mrs. Wolfson and when landed here called them­selves Wilson". His second wife, the former Mrs. Galt, is also Jewish.

On the death of Dr. Boldt the Herald Tribune, Jan. 14, 1943, said: " internationally known gynecologist and professor emeritus of gynecology at the Post-Graduate Medical School of Columbia University". He may be found in Who is Who in America, in Who's Who Among Physicians and Surgeons; in Who is Who in the Western Hemisphere; in the Blue Book of England, etc. (Ed.)

     Thus were we responsible for what has happened in Russia where the gentiles today are in serfdom under our Jewish con­trol. We note how our co-racists today are mourning the death of six million Jews. Gentiles, however, are hardly impressed by this figure because they realize that the Jewish leaders in Russia are responsible for the death of 20 million innocent gentiles during the Russian Revolution. Harry Watson, a Jew of Long Island, in the Preface to his book A Program for the Jews, pub­lished in 1939, writes: "When we Jews declared war against Nazi Germany and fascism I saw that that was a suicidal policy, which would bring to the Jews infinite suffering".

[H: And oh yes they did! The Jews in Germany DECLARED WAR--lit­erally. This changes a few wrong concepts, doesn't it?] An earnest appeal of the same nature from the pen of John Haynes Holmes was published in the magazine OPINION, September 1940, but no one could stop us (our Sanhedrin: Ed.) from rush­ing headlong into the ditch dug by our Untermeyers, Baruchs, and Frankfurters".

     Russia is dominated by Jews and it is common knowledge that Stalin and Molotov married jewesses and thus merely repre­sent the gentile front for the exclusive leadership of the Jewish Kaganowitsch brothers who keep in the background.

     Simon Liberman, former leader of the Russian Social Demo­cratic Party, who remained to serve as the business adviser to the Soviet Government until 1926, actually our Jewish leader behind the scene in the revolution from 1917-1926, told me that the Russian workers now realize that they are the slaves of Jews and he predicted the coming of violent anti-Jewish outbreaks in that country, just as soon as the people dare to chance a counter revolution against the Jewish dictatorship. Only the death penalty for anti-Semitism in any form has been able thus far to frighten or discourage such action.

     In France, from where I lately returned, anti-Semitism is daily growing and we now note that it is the French people who object to the selection of the Greenwich section for the U.N.O., because of the proximity of Jewish New York City. The French hate Jews more than they hate Germans. France does not pretend to have a Gentile government. It is commonly admitted who is conducting that program; De Gaulle did not confer with Stalin for naught, for bear in mind it was not long after his con­ference with Stalin when French funds in the United States, to the sum of four billions of dollars, frozen since the start of the Global War, were released to his credit.

     In France German prisoners of war are being allowed but 650 calories of food per day. The great "Humanitarian" outfit, UNRRA, under our Director Lehman, only recently being granted another billion and more does not even operate in France, a gentile country. It is reported that the French Gov­ernment is completely dominated by Jews and Grand Orient Ma­sons and it is common knowledge the latter are acting as the er­rand boys of Jews. Thus do we see the accomplishment of what was prophesied by an awakened gentile Francois Coty, in his Paris paper, L'AMI DU PEUPLE, February 29, 1932: "...All of these facts united, of which the reality cannot be denied, seem to have the same significance: that the heads of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., are engaged in an international enterprise of the same im­portance as that undertaken by Jacob Schiff against Russia, ONLY TODAY IT IS FRANCE WHICH THEY PLAN TO DESTROY, TO ERASE FROM THE MAP OF EUROPE ALL INDEPENDENT NATIONS, and to deliver the people over to a revolution on the Russian model which would allow them to reimburse themselves for the expense of triumphing over us".



     On page 186 of Rev. Fahey's book: The Mystical Body of Christ is given an account of the secret origin of Bolshevism and described the conversion of Heinrich Marx, (father of Karl Marx) and his family. "Marx's father had become exteriorly a convert to Protestantism, while continuing to practice the Jewish religion at home. Young Marx's infancy was thus steeped in the tradition of his race: God has given the world to the Jews. They will reign over it forever when the Messiah shall come. Jews alone have the right to own. When the Messiah shall have come, 200 mules will be required to carry the keys of the trunks or boxes in which the riches taken from the Christians will be heaped up, etc... Of this doctrine this young Israelite was to re­tain above all the idea of an expropriation on a vast scale, coin­ciding with the triumph of his race"


     Thus Communism can properly be defined as a Jewish scheme to expropriate the Gentiles and make them slaves of the Jews. Such Anti-Gentilism was taught to the Jews already by the racial fanatic Moses who asked the Jews openly to cheat and exploit the Gentiles in Deuteronomy 23, v. 20. "Unto a for­eigner (Gentile) thou mayest lend upon usury, but unto thy brother (Jew) thou shall not lend upon usury". (The Holy Bible, Authorized King James version.) [H: Wow, and could this be the reason the U.S. GIVES $3 BILLION free and clear--IN CASH--to Israel each year? Israel then invests it in high-earnings businesses and such:--and has NO INTEREST COSTS AT ALL.]

     In many other versions the words "Lend upon Usury" have been changed into "Lend upon Interest". Who is it that tampers with these original so enlightening passages in the Bible? How many more have been tampered with or wholly deleted? [H: LOTS AND LOTS--BUNCHES AND BUNCHES! THE VERY ONES WHO ORIGINALLY WROTE THE BOOKS NOW TAMPER AND CHANGE TO SUIT WHATEVER IS GOING ON WHICH WILL SERVE THEM BETTER.]

     Maurice Gomberg's POST WAR NEW WORLD MAP for the establishment of a "New World Moral Order" in the Library of Congress and copyrighted March 31, 1942, shows with what accuracy Coty made his prophecy. There is also something un­canny about Gomberg's advance information in that it shows Madagascar in the color of Great Britain although she did not take that island until six weeks later, and the Russian-German line is precisely shown, in March 1942, while the Island of Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands are shown to be the property of Russia. [H: My goodness, could it be that the map of Scal­lion doesn't relate to earthquakes at all but rather to the portions of the land mass that would be somehow lost to freedom and placed under total Antichrist rule? I can promise you that earthquakes are preferable.]

     Coty, worth twenty million dollars when he had the courage to write these exposures, died a pauper three years later and his widow married one of our race. That is what it cost him when he tried to save his beloved France.

     By constantly growing revelations, disclosed since World War I, many more people than we think are gaining knowledge that the aim of our Freemasonry has for its objective the chang­ing of the essentially Christian civilization and the replacing of it by a Masonic world ruled by Jews.


     The great mass of Freemasons, however, know little or nothing of this plan or of the part which they are made to play in the plot. Their task is to spread ideas apparently noble and beautiful, but which in reality are destructive, just as the slogan of the French Revolution of 1789: "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity", was used in that far-off day to teach to the gentiles tolerance. I cannot refrain from taking the following from Nesta Webster's World Revolution, p. 36. "Thus it was from the 10th of August, 1792, onwards that we find the tri-color, banner of the usurper, replaced by the Red Flag of the social revolution, whilst the cry of "Vive notre roi d'Orleans"! (Philippe Egalite, Freemason and cousin of the real king) gives way to the Ma­sonic watchword of "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity". It was none other than Franklin D. Roosevelt, receiving the almost unanimous support of our race, who during the week which ended January 11, 1941, used these same words when congrat­ulating General Petarin, although this slogan had been discarded when France was occupied by the German army. It had originally been coined by the Jew Marat, one of the most cruel and bestial leaders of the French Revolution.

     Leaders of Freemasonry sow their propaganda seed among the inner lodges which, in turn, transmit it to the lower lodges from whence it penetrates to the affiliated institutions and into the press which then moulds general public opinion. Many Masons would be horrified if they had any intimation of what lies ahead of them and if they knew for what they are being used. Our power with Freemasonry is invisible due to the watertight compartment system, incomprehensible to the outsider, in which each degree knows of the existence and actions of its own group, and of those below it, but is ignorant of all that is de­cided in the degree immediately above it. Over all of this structure are the higher degrees which form the real contact with the high international Freemasonry consisting of a small number in the last inner circle. An extraordinary system is featured to maintain secrecy. It begins with a vigorous discipline which is imposed on the candidate when he passes over the threshold of Masonry and it is renewed in restrictions with every advancing degree thereby creating a state of mind which is the explanation (apart from the fear of being liquidated by his own brethren) why Masons, who after long years have reached the high de­grees, never betray each other or the order.

     When the Sarajevo crime, which was the means we used to start World War I, was brought to trial one of the assassins, the Freemason Cabrinovic unconcernedly said to the judges of the military court: "In Freemasonry it is allowed to kill". And the Grand Master of the Masonic Province No. 7, stated "There is only one Masonry", i.e., all over the world.

     What is the directing power? Almost without exception, the high Masonic posts in all countries are held by us Jews. In 1886, Pope Leo XIII granted honors to Edouard Drumont for writing LA FRANCE JUIVE ; two volumes of some 1100 pages which proved that France was completely controlled by Jews. If gentiles, seeking the truth, would read the ISRAELITE OF AMERICA, they would find this significant statement by Rabbi Isaac M. Wise: "Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end". The Jewish Tribune of New York, October 28, 1927, stated: "Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic Ritual and what is left"?



     The Masonic oath is an immoral thing. The manner in which the oath is taken is irreverent and extravagant in the penalties invoked, bordering on the blasphemous. The candidate has to pledge himself blindly in advance to anything and everything, he knows not what: "all that has been entrusted to him thus far and what he will become acquainted with in the future". He signs a blank check which is left for others to fill out. When he is ad­mitted to the 33rd degree, i.e., into the circle of those who are in the know, he is compelled to swear: "Under my feet I trample the papal tiara, not as a symbol or a creed, a religion, or of a particular church, but as the symbol of ambition, of fraud, which reduces man to servitude by fear and superstition".

     One can gather some conception of what is implied in the foregoing vow from reading the following taken from the flyleaf of Wm. Arthur's The Pope, The King and the People, published by Hodder and Stoughton, 1903, and describing one incident which occurs at the Coronation Service of the Pontiff: "Take thou the tiara adorned with the triple crown, and know that thou are the Father of princes and kings, and art the Governor of the World".



I wonder how many of our local friends remember sitting in the Community Church here in town while the young minister, with great pride and zeal, said that he was the only church in town who WELCOMED the Masons. He said that no other Christian church would allow them in.

In a totally dumbed-down world you simply have no information with which to work, do you? You certainly can't get it from this new oppressed and controlled media or press--owned, oper­ated and orchestrated by the very people about which you need ALL THE INFORMATION IN THE WORLD.

Do they hate us for our own revelations? No, not really, they are so sure they have won totally that there is only a bit of relief that we would reassure the public that it is so. We annoy them but no more than that. Who is, after all, going to go against Al­bright, Cohen, Rubin, Reno, etc.? Certainly not some little Clintonista who loves wearing appropriate headdress for every occasion, is a Mason (33rd), and a relative of Rockefeller. He is, however, just a dumb thug from Arkansas.

Aren't they even afraid that "someone" important will listen to us? NO, that is not even in their "cards", readers. They have used their little local crooks and liars to make sure we have a very small audience. Then, what access do these "little people" here who never hardly leave their dwelling, have of getting anyone else in the world interested? This is GOOD! We have no wish to make waves for these nasty villains--God doesn't need more than we have and what we have will be sufficient unto our needs.

The big boys of Antichrist's factions will destroy themselves in time. We only need a remnant. And, we will have more than you think.

Enough for this writing, thank you. Adonai.