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Oct. 19, 2015



To all who seek Truth and unto My Remnant for the Days of God are present even in the midst of the Darkness of Evil. So shall the passage be made into the Lighted places of the Lion that all shall come within the shelter of HIS WINGS and SOAR AS EAGLES. Amen.


PJ 50


I have little to say as we enter into this unfoldment--needing to begin in the middle of circumstances and fleshing out in both di­rections as we write.

In the beginning is only an actual "Once Upon a Time" .... ! But you MUST come to realize, and very quickly now, that you didn't just go "big bang" and neither did you "swim ashore". You were created as Man and brought unto this placement by your elder species. Also and "further more" you did not assem­ble from the asteroid belt of the "big bang". But you did have a very large happening occur and now you are making it back around to the place in the cycles wherein you can expect another and even more powerful "Bang-Bang", time warp, time shift and energy shift-into a time of experience of LIGHT.

We have efforted to bring comfort to you with our presence and purpose but you as a species and civilization are "right up against it". This is going to get more and more tumultuous as "time" passes and events unfold. May you be given to under­stand and recognize that which IS TRUTH from the LIES of the adversary for therein lies your direction and passage.

There will be the distractions as the "daily JOURNAL" unfolds and, if it is inconvenient in the reading, I apologize-but you have so much to learn and we have so little "time" in which to give it unto you. My scribe is "human" as are you so we shall do the very best we can and YOU shall have to do the rest. Salu

May we walk this wondrous passage together for I am but your elder brother come as Host to bring you home.

Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton        

The Beginning and the Never-ending!





      REC #1  HATONN    

MON., MAY 25, 1992   9:25 A.M.     YEAR 5, DAY 283

MONDAY, MAY 25, 1992


Will you begin to center yourself this day? As you do so you will discover something worthwhile extending toward the periphery of the circle. You will find again some of the joy in the "now", some of the peace in the "here", some of the love in me and in self which go to make up the king­dom of heaven as can be perceived even upon your Earth. My lifetime listens to yours, oh brethren, and I have come to share today with you.

My own growth is enhanced every time I, Hatonn, give my attention fully to another being--and this process is multi­plied over and over and over again. This can only be Truth for your own journey, precious ones, for I am but YOU grown in wisdom and presence. Will you be there for someone today? Always God sends his hosts and mes­sengers to be with YOU--will YOU return in like manner? It is your ticket home!

And can ye share? Can you REALLY listen to another and allow his relating an important event that has happened to him?--without trying to "top" him with a story of your own? Can you not allow another "to have the stage"?

And while you ponder priorities and what shall ye do in order of importance TODAY--does God and thine own spiritual journey and family go begging? Brothers, get your priorities straight for no one is ever known to have said on his death bed, "Gee, if I'd only spent more time at the office or at the bar gathering relationships!"

Ye shall have arrived in the human format when you live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation.




As we sit to write this day I am going to turn our attention to another portal--as I so often do. I always must apologize for the interruptions in thought flow but, oh my children, there is so much more that is worthy of thine goals and directions and un­derstanding--than can be held in the evil practices upon your beings. You cannot turn unto these things, however, until you understand that which has pulled you down and is in the process of destroying your very freedom--but there is more to your past than the last 2000 centuries of downfall into the ashes. There is the wondrous rising of the Phoenix and its return to be reveled within in power and glory. To the Native Aboriginal Humans (people) of the Tribes of the Flight People, it is a time of re­joicing for the oral tradition promises that this is the time of the return of that Pale Prophet, that wondrous teacher, the White Buffalo Cow Woman--or that Lost White Brother. In every lan­guage the story is pouring forth if the resource be in truth and recognition of the relationships with the "Bird Tribes' is under­stood. Can we pull away from the tirade against you briefly and share some of the unfolding of the REALLY great mysteries?



To understand why Earth is in its present turmoil, you must look back in time and remember the great civilization of Atlantis and that of Lemuria. I need not go further back at this time for these remnants hold enough to give verification of your 'present'.  Atlantis, for instance, is not a figment of science fiction, but was a tangible civilization in Earth’s past history. It, however, only represents the more recent experience, the up­lifting of civilization and then, again, the downfall--beyond the continents and civilizations upon which it was built.

Because it plays such a linking portion of your historical travels as human man upon planet Earth I shall briefly focus upon it for a minute before moving on to the portions and locations which have more in-depth and pointed information intended for one or two to receive in the silence within.


How can you master the third dimensional environment of Earth? Firstly, by getting to truly "know yourselves"--who you ARE, what you ARE, why you ARE here. Next, by learning to control all aspects of this wondrous environment of learning--in a positive manner bringing you back within God's intended path and into balance and harmony--not chaos. Thirdly, you must come into understanding this "Earth" Shan and its relationship to what lies beyond the third dimensional environment.

In Atlantis, man had advanced to a remarkable degree of control and understanding of the third dimensional environment, and was at a point where he could have led Earth Shan and its in­habitants into the fourth dimensional experience of physical/­spiritual growth. Instead, some who possessed advanced knowledge began to abuse and pervert this knowledge by en­slaving other men, and by misusing their spiritual POWERS in various other ways. When this abuse of spiritual power became too widespread, it set into motion certain forces which resulted in the eventual disintegration and destruction of the civilization. This destruction did not occur in one giant cataclysm, as may be commonly supposed. Rather, it occurred as a process of decline that lasted over thousands of years. During this period of de­generation, the continent gradually broke apart and yielded its majority portions to the ocean. Gradually, the inhabitants of this once great civilization migrated to various parts of Earth, taking with them the remembered skills and technologies that resulted in the archaeological wonders that fascinate you today. Modern archeology is for the most part at a loss to explain such evi­dences as still exist in Central and South America, in England and Egypt and elsewhere around Earth. There is most certainly a total lack of any kind of understanding of the "beings" who dwell on two planets (two dimensions) as are found in places about the globe. But always there would be forms sent forth in guardian capacity in both the underground facilities and within the etheric realms to attend the sacred history and treasures of each segment of unfoldment. You must realize that the "creation" is as old as “Creator”--therefore ye cannot be in the dating or timing of existence--on your place or anywhere else within the whole of Universe. This is why I can only speak of "historical" remembering as handed down and as overseen by we who have already passed that way and already "remember".



How many of you would believe that the Philippines, as cur­rently located, hold the keys of transition and reformation as well as rebuilding of the remnant upon the beautiful Creation Shan? There are other portions in other places but central to the reclamation of this cycle of life-stream of you as a civilization and experience of God self upon that land-mass manifest--shall come to balance and focus within the wondrous places rising in the Sea of Peace, called Philippines.

Ah yes, ye can take the ministers and touters, missionaries and gurus into the places of the Lions--BUT YOU CANNOT TAKE THE PLACES OF THE LIONS AND BIRD TRIBES FROM THE HEARTS OF THE PEOPLE!

As with all tarnished writings and histories under tampering, eventually the memory of the glorious civilization that once ex­isted, faded entirely except in the awareness of the adepts who possessed the arcanum, and in the subconscious minds of former Atlanteans to be remembered through the ORAL traditions and legends of the passage of great sequences and cycles. The sto­ries bore meaning even if the subject as present was seemingly pagan and ritualistic in behavior--nay, nay, the Truth would al­ways be present for the ones come forth in the remembering in the time of service unto Creation/Creator.



So, you would ask, what has this to do with the unfoldment of the Divine Plan? Just this--Atlantis was not the only great civi­lization that has evolved upon Earth. There have been many others lost to antiquity such as Lemuria. But you are so attached to some ones such as Lemuria that the memory cannot be erased for you who experienced therein are destined to serve again NOW. Each time that mankind has advanced to the level of a Lemuria or an Atlantis, it has had within its reach the opportu­nity to raise Earth's level of consciousness to fourth dimensional awareness and it has failed. Each failure was due to the misuse of spiritual powers which allowed total takeover by evil intent locked within the "physical" expression, in turn entrapping the soul and delaying its passage into glorious radiance.

In the past, this could be condoned because there was still yet another chance. Now, however, you have reached a point in Earth's history and in galactic evolution where the transition into fourth dimensional consciousness must be made so that you can perceive the dimensional expression of understanding and KNOWING the principles of LIFE-STREAM experience.

Let me explain a bit more clearly. The Divine Plan is based upon the Will of God (Spirit, Universal Mind, or whatever name you might choose to call the indefinable Infinite Intelligence). Divine Mind always proceeds in an orderly, evolutionary pattern predicated upon its principles of Universal Law. Wherever this Divine Plan affects man, he is always made aware so that he will have the opportunity to cooperate and grow upward in this evolutionary spiral.

Man is now being made aware, through many means, such as this very discourse, of certain galactic facts of universal, im­mortal life. As you know, your solar system is a part of the Milky Way galaxy as you have identified it. Your solar system revolves around the Milky Way in an orbit that takes some 206 million years as you would calculate in your numbers. We can refer to this revolution of your solar system around the galaxy as the Great Cycle Orbit. Your solar system (our solar system--for you are a segment within the solar system (actually) of Pleiades with our Central Sun), was created some time in your type of counting at least 4-1/2 billion years ago. This rough estimate will serve us well enough for our purposes herein. I am not going to teach you "truth in astronomy' nor "astrological divin­ing". This corresponds to 22 Great Cycle Orbits of your solar system around the Greatest Central Sun, not to be confused with the Central Sun, Alcione, of Pleiades. You see and must under­stand that the Divine Plan as regards YOU is not finished--only progressing into other expression of the continuing "play" in ac­tion.

In the Will of Divine Mind, as communicated to the Spiritual Echelon of our solar system, this completes the time cycle in which our entire solar system is to remain in its present state of evolution. As the age of understanding and higher knowing moves into a new frequency vibration where no expression be­low the fourth dimension will long continue to exist, comes the need to reconstruct and have guidance into this higher state of experience. Man has a basic set of "phases" in experience as a whole, and the "whole" concept will be moving into that which is higher in experience, while some fragments will continue in ignorance within an experience of limitations and bondage and others will experience in the total void of Lightlessness--and others who serve as simple "lesson creations" will be removed and cease to experience.

Man began to experience life in your system centuries in the millions past, at the beginning of the present Greatest Cycle Or­bit. The Divine Plan is for all human life within your solar system to achieve at least the awareness of cosmic consciousness by the end of this orbit which is reaching its conclusion now with the time of Kali (Chaos). This means that man of Earth must immediately become aware of what cosmic consciousness is and take the necessary steps to raise his individual level of consciousness to that state of knowing awareness. Failure to do so will result in self destruction! Man of Earth, in your present state, simply cannot tolerate the new incoming change in physi­cal frequencies even if he could survive the physical bombard­ment thrust against him by the evil intent and projection of man.

Within this Great Cycle Orbit, there have been a number of lesser cycles. When the Atlantean civilization failed to reach its development potential, this left only the so-called 26,000 year "minor" cycle of the zodiac (as you call it) to complete the Plan. As this present age draws to a close, this cycle, concurrently with the Great Cycle Orbit, comes to an ending

Right now, planet Earth is the only planet in your solar system where man has not yet reached the cosmic level of awareness. This level of consciousness must now be rapidly attained in or­der to fulfill the Divine Plan and insure your continuity of pas­sage as a species of this civilization.


Because you cannot find life on other planets in your solar sys­tem does not mean there were no life-forms prior to now, now or will be in the future perception. YOU are too limited in your understanding of factual progression to begin to understand the evolution of life-forms. YOU are stuck with the limitations of your UNREALITY for you must rely solely upon your five physical senses, and upon the findings of conventional Earth sci­ence, to tell you whether or not intelligent human life might ex­ist on other planets of even your own solar system. Worse yet, you rely on ANOTHER'S perception and speculation and pro­nouncement regarding "other places out there".

At the close of every civilization as you now face--through man's progression along the binding physical plane while deny­ing the spiritual aspects of divinity and infinite journey there is wondrous contact and inter-relations formed and experienced between Cosmic intelligence.

When Atlantis was at its height, there was open communication between Earth and the other planets of your system. After the fall, however, this open communication was removed for you no longer had desire for "balance" and had sank into the mire of total humanistic experience. Now that man of Earth has again evolved to a point where he can make the transition into higher consciousness, communication and contacts with extraterrestrial beings has again increased and will become most "common". This being the "Greatest" Cycle, there will be present many changes undreamt of except through the minds of the ones sent forth to enlighten you of the truth of it.

Indeed, there is a Divine Plan. Do not believe for one moment that the ONLY plan afoot is the Plan 2000 of the Evil segment of Elite Human Puppet Masters. The Plan involves many, many beings, human and otherwise, from within and without the Earth's planetary structure. It will behoove all men to open their minds and their hearts to at least consider these possibili­ties. It will be far better to cooperate and work with the Divine Plan and to reap the Divine Love, Light, Life, Peace, Truth and Joy that it offers, than to oppose it and reap eons of misery and regrets. The "coming back" is indeed a long, hard journey.


You ones of Truth will find it very difficult, especially as you witness the Truth unfolding in your very presence, to believe that anyone hearing what I have just told you could ignore it or cast it aside without further investigation. It would seem to take an extremely prejudiced and unthinking mind to simply disre­gard this information but there ARE those minds abounding upon your physical placement.

There are many, however, wise and beautiful souls upon your Earth Shan. When they are made aware of an intelligent Divine Plan which offers tangible and visible proof beyond the limited teachings of "religions" (which-actually build to a point of total entrapment and then fizzle into agonizing deceit) they will awaken and be made aware of an intelligent Divine Plan. They will want more and more to participate in bringing the Plan into fruition. The most difficult obstacle for most of them is to scale those orthodox walls of entrapment. The second most difficult obstacle will be to rise above the self-imposed limitation of re­lying only upon the five physical senses. You all, readers herein, have that very bondage nagging at your very senses con­stantly.

We will continue to allow insight into the Divine Plan unfolding­--but it must be in proper sequence and it must flow unto the "leaders" who come forth again as representatives of the higher Commands and “Sky People”. Will ALL come "home"? No, for the play is not finished--when the play is finished ALL will come again, in Truth, unto and within the ONE.



Before the "few' can come into the knowing (remembering) of purpose and journey, there must be a period of reminding, recognition of status and unlearning false precepts. God never leaves his fledglings flapping mindlessly for very long. As with all great cycle changes, preparations are laid forth for tangible use during your time of change that the changes brought forth can build a bridge into infinite MIND in a dimensional manner appropriate to the experience. Great treasures of wisdom and wealth are placed for use and guarded by the "guardians" sent (and remaining in higher states of presentation) until such time as an unveiling of purpose can be recognized, proven and inte­grated within.

Each time that man's evolution upon Earth has reached a point where he could advance to a much higher level, this "treasure", if you will, has been brought forth and made available to a worthy custodian to use for the benefit of all mankind--simply, quietly and in logical, reasonable manner to draw no attention from the masses or adversary. This has not taken place since the fall of Atlantis, yea, these 26,000 years ago. Since that time the very items in point have been placed in the appropriate loca­tions for use against the day of final and incredible change and transition. Until the proper ones are in place and into enough understanding to move "with purpose" and "under direction" of highest intent, nothing shall be presented for corruption at man's hands. Always will come the accompanying opening-up of op­portunity at Earth level of experience to continue to "cover" carefully the building and needs of the remnant in security.

In recent history, there have been numerous individuals who have sought unsuccessfully to uncover this vast wealth as you might guess. There have been the deceivers and this is WHY the adversary clings to and bombards the workers of Lighted Cause--to get on the "inside" and garner wealth without honor in Truth or production.

However, this is so well guarded that accidental discovery IS IMPOSSIBLE. The reason for this is obvious. Were this "wealth" and "knowledge" to fall into the wrong hands it could literally destroy the whole of mankind--and in addition, at least destroy the Divine Plan in interruption and flow.  Contacts would be made in "strange" ways into the hearts and minds of "guardians" and participants and what would be needed would be presented in most logical manner of presentation. All of these things are yet to be unfolded unto you. You who are coming into recognition of purpose will KNOW when it is time to KNOW. Until such timing is proper, ye will continue to do thine works as guided in integration with us of the Hosts sent forth for the sorting, testing and ultimate instructions, guidance and actual building of that which is necessary. Many fail the testing and sorting--MANY! In fact, until this day--almost ALL. Aren't we lucky that I can say "almost" and not ALL?

Before this vast abundance can be presented for use, much must be taught and directed so that no errors in placement are al­lowed. Hearts and directions change when wealth is presented into any equation--this be for God's evolvement--not for the "hell of it" for "man's further foolishness". So be it.

Dharma, you are needed elsewhere. I, Hatonn, shall stand by.